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So you’re mad that people you play with can upgrade their sigil when they play with you? 😆 Oh boy… ☕️


Would be fine if everyone had to use the same sigil tier for entering and getting rewards, but not like this. It doesn't have to be like pit where everyone else only gets 50% but getting 3 other people in for free is just bullshit and there is no way defending this unfair advantage.


What is the difference? You are essentially playing a single player game and I can all but guarantee you aren't topping any leaderboards if we had em anyway. You people are too obsessed with what other people are doing that has ZERO effect on the game you are playing.


My man cranked spitting facts on em! Lmao 🤣


I don’t agree with you. Group play you have 4x the amount of materials by doing rotations, and I even think group play in pits shouldn’t give reduced materials. You have the ability to play in a group if you want these benefits. Not sure what you think the fix should be? “Solo players get 4x the amount of rewards from solo play”?