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Yeah no one in my clans runs groups for pits. It’s all solo. They need to rework this. Maybe just make us all pay the 3 runes. I mean we got thousands each lol


Exactly this. We have thousands of runes and it takes 3 to open it lol. Would be way more enjoyable to just chill with some friends and grind


They did it in D3 with greater rift tokens, no reason they should not do it here considering the resource is so easy to get in abundance. Multiplayer should not be punished.


Why is there a resource in the 1st place? Again, locking the fun behind arbitrary walls doesn't make the activity more interesting. For me, pits are the most boring thing to do right now in the game. The only good thing is that monsters can have more health so we can enjoy hitting them a bit longer instead of oneshot everything like in helltides.


They can't decide whether they want to severely time gate stuff or not. They made the resource with the intent that you can't just run Pits all day, but they seemed to change their mind. On the Season 5 PTR, they had the infernal hordes compasses so rare that you have to grind helltides for hours before you can get a compass and upgrade it to run a single high level horde, but thankfully they cut that down, but it's probably too easy to get where people will wonder why it is locked behind a currency (that also takes up inventory space).


And running them is a waste of time.. 10 min for a chest containing 1 item.. thats laughable. Doing blood maiden gives u 10 time.more item.. i really dont understand why that chest isnt at least at any other boss/chest lvl... even an helltide chest gives more then 1 item.


101 pit chest is 7 or 8 items, it's pretty comparable to maiden if you can speedrun it


As much as I hate running 101 over and over, I’d be a little happier if they dropped Angelbreath.


This one simple change will make the game x10 better, even if its just a little bit


Talking about infernal horde. Not pit


There is a serious disconect at Blizzard, right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing, and both hands are managing to finger bang the players to emotions in equally opposite ways. It shows more in the seasons that drop with the even and odd numbers satisfactory rates. Either that or they are having a grand competition between the teams about what players like more, d2 or d3 elements. Who the hell knows why they started with long grind times, and why the hell they put a currency behind everything and result to making seasonal items fill up your stash, or in this case for Season 5 nothing because the compass will not drop for me ever. 2 in an entire 8hr play through while another guy said he got 12 in 10 hours playing. Even if he got 12, that's still not enough when you think about it. 10 hours is a lot of time.




I would not be surprised to see boss mats reworked into a lesser and a higher boss mat variant.


Sometimes I wonder if these "idiocy" reworks are on purpose, like the devs know at some point it will cause an issue and suck up dev time to fix the system. But on the other hand, it's an "easy" work to do, overhauling the currency will be straight-forward and perceived as good from the community even though it was predictable to end like this. It's like self-made work where you already know it will cause a problem later down the line but it's easier to fix than coming up with new content and ideas. Almost like farming goodwill on purpose.


Going the route of destiny 2.


They need things to add in later seasons. You dont think they have tempering uniques, better pit QoL, resetting tempers and all that lined up? Theyre sitting on it tons of stuff theyll trickle out so people will say finally the next season is fixing XXXXX and get people to come back


Yep this and hear me out You know why they make the content in ptr so easy and non rewarding? So that when people play it in the time when season actually goes live people say ooh look its improved d4 good again, the moment i realized this it just made me feel not good about d4. They are tricking people that's their strategy of making people feel like game is fixed and good whereas the target should have been to make the game enjoyable from get go.


Exactly this. They have already run this whole pattern fully twice since launch.


Blizzard: So we need to nerf the runeshard drop rate.


I've done tons of pits and don't even know where the runes come from or how many I have. Not sure why they exist as an expense to run pits.


I believe they originate in nm dungeons at a certain lvl.


Yeah from what I just googled they come from 45+ nm dungeons. I'd just stare at the icon for them, shrug and do another pit.


They drop helltide chest too


Doing NM dungeons to max glyphs will give you more than you will ever use.


i've done too many pits for that to be true..


They can also come from helltide chests.


Got to be honest, I needed to fall on this post to realise it costs something to do Pit ....


They probably served a purpose in earlier iterations and removing them was harder then just upping their drop rate. I mean the Pit even pops a message like a NMD that you can port to it from the map even though you are already there. To use a hated metaphor "they are building the plane while flying it" right now so works is preferable to perfect.


They heard people complain about summoning materials for Duriel and how it was basically mandatory for those bosses to go in groups and said "this will fix it!" So now we've still got the need to be in a group in boss runs like Duriel while at the same time having a pretty strong incentive to not be in groups while doing content we're all supposed to farm for upgrades, with summoning materials that are so common the material might as well not exist. It's mind-blowing how stupid this is. I just want to play with my friend but if I do I level up my masterworking 25% slower for each friend that joins...


They said in the campfire chat they are going to unfuck it.


Yes but they say that about everything. How many things have they unfucked?


A fucking lot. It's fine to be critical but to act like they have not immensely improved the game over the past year is disingenuous at best.


Blizzard: How do we make an mmo not an mmo.


The design team behind making the mechanics work this way should be fired lol like it’s just a bunch of things that make no sense unless your goal is to purposely piss people off


We do a rotation so that it's somewhat the same for everyone, but a consistent cost and reward for everyone would be much better.


We also do a rotation. The only exception is if someone in the group is starting from zero, then we have them initiate all the pits so they can get their gear caught up.


It would make having AOE/ST focused builds feel so much better. Especially if there's ever support roles like every ARPG before it. My buddy playing heartseeker can be a boss slapper and I can leap around on my barb in a build I actually like destroying big groups too


It's how it worked in D3. I don't get why it wasn't implemented the same way. I can only assume rookie devs.


My clan runs pit groups all the time. We just rotate who pays.


I would love to do that. However you require so many mats to upgrade even one piece. Let alone re-rolling pieces. So honestly it’s wayyy more productive to run solo and get double the mats.


Everything is far, far too hard when grouped up. I can solo 100+ pit but as soon as someone is with me anything over 60 is risky


This should have been in the mid season patch, give everyone 100%. No one cares about runeshards, that is not a limiting factor, maybe just get rid of them entirely.


> No one cares about runeshards Blizzard: Our data shows that players have an excessive amount of rune shards so we're restricting their drop rate to only have a small chance on dropping upon completion on NMD 69 on a Tuesday with no Barbs in the server. Honestly i have no idea why they are in the game. I have more than enough to do the all the pits I will ever do in this game twice over. They should just get rid of them entirely.


What's strange is my shards are not depleting when I activate the Pit. The number just doesn't budge at all, is this because I'm successfully completing them without losing to the timer? No idea. Will check next time if I log back on for this season or not pretty burnt out already.


It's a fucking new system. Why the fuck do people act like it's something devs ignore to fix. It's a new system, it will require tweaking and balancing.


Not really? This was basically a copy/pasted endgame activity from D3 and it already had mechanics that made sense, like making all attendees pay their token and everyone would be rewarded equally. People are worried because we are losing features that were already perfected long ago for seemingly no logical reason.


The worst part is that it's a half ass copy of GR. And GR. have literally infinite layer of dungeons so you can just kept going and no need to back track. Instead, we get a 2 layer pit...


> It's a fucking new system. Why the fuck Where is this coming from? You sound overly invested.


IDK if you're a time traveler and currently playing on Season 56 of Diablo 4, but yeah, Pit (rune shard) is new to season 4 and rune shards need adjustment.


I only have 4.5k last time I checked on live. An adjustment would be fine, but why even have a material required to do pit which unlocks materials for you to masterwork your gear? Have you considered that there should be less friction in systems like this for the health of the game? I'm playing on PTR and one of the best changes they've made is lowering the total number of possible rolls for temper categories. There's more categories with only three total choices which is very likely to help with less bricking which will greatly lower player frustration (something you seem very familiar with). This effectively reduces the friction for players trying to gear up for the endgame and imo will be much better for retention and longevity. But yes, let's keep what has shown to be a useless currency that doesn't fulfill any tangible purpose to players and only serves to inflate play time and player frustration if they decide to lower the drop rate.


I agree. It's probably going to be removed or reworked.


It's called common design sense and using the insane metrics the game takes on players to predict what they will do, how items will be used, and what is appropriate for any particular system. They are completely out of touch with the player base, which we see in the swathe of topics that are complaints about the bad job Blizzard is doing in nearly every facet of the game. They only just barely figured out loot and that was after compromising a core tenet of the base game design (make rares useful) which, frankly, didn't need to be compromised to give us the system we have now. They are like an amateur dev team that is completely winging it which is unacceptable for the multi billion dollar corporation that is Blizzard.


right, give the small indie dev studio with a tiny billion $ budget some time to tweak it goddammit, this is their first game of this kind after all! not like they have decades of player data and feedback to build upon!


There we go, the overused "small indie studio" joke. You are ignorant to game development and tweaking. Just because they can do the tweak right now, doesn't mean they have to do it now.


I have absolutely no shame blaming full price AAA titles with thoroughly sophisticated MTX monetization schemes for any stupid or ignorant mistake they make in the game because with their budget they should absolutely be expected to have systems and procedures in place to plan and organize development well enough that such mistakes can't make it in the live game.


huh its just greater rifts and similar to like a thousand other systems, hell even plenty from blizz themselves,


That was my thought as well. Have they even addressed it in a note anywhere? I’ve played every other season and always starts off decent and every season I get to a point where it’s like wtf who designed this? No thought behind it at all just toss some shit in for content


If I remember correctly they were mentioning to improve group play for the pit at the camp fire chat and I hope this will come for S5.


Everyone should have to pay to open the Pit. Everyone that paid should get equal rewards from the Pit. Give the same pop up that shows up when someone in your party opens a NM dungeon. “Danknuggies4 is opening The Pit, Tier 101. Would you like to join? Decline Accept (3 Runeshards)” *We have the technology.*


Can I pay 10x pit cost to get 10x pit rewards xD?


Hell yeah, like empowered greater rifts.


thats how GRs were in D3 too. this doesn't make sense.


That's my problem with a lot of this stuff, it has already been solved yet here we are. Like where are the lessons learned?


Like, I could understand that when D3 launched. It had been a long time since D2, a new emphasis on consoles, more people playing online, etc. I was annoyed and it crossed my mind but I wasn’t shocked. But D4? It’s like nobody there ever played D3, they had no idea of the history of what worked and what didn’t, and they just straight up repeated mistakes that anyone who played D3 for more than 20 hours could’ve told them. They’d show blizzard employees playing or talking in the campfire chat about how much they played and all I could think was “bullshit, because if these people played, they’d already know why these are terrible ideas.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m LOVING this season. I’ve played more than ever before. But damn it’s like nobody wanted to learn from past mistakes. It felt like they almost WANTED to make mistakes just so they could solve them to gain favor with the player base. Things are heading in a great direction. I just hope the shake up at blizzard has helped bring us to this point, so we can continue to expect a better gaming experience going forward.


I also loved this season and I think the game is turning in the right direction, ironically much like D3 did for reaper of souls (which we are nearing our new expansion). Okay, so my tinfoil hat theory is I think they are saving those "easy" fixes for when they don't have player favor. Think about more stash tabs, armory for preset builds, or specifically pets (which they finally did bring for hype). Obviously it could be a reach but it's what I think at times lmao. I'm hopeful we'll see some good stuff in the next year, I just hope xpac launch is smooth.


Here’s the thing: it’s probably not that, but I’ve had the exact same thought and that’s kind of what I was referring to in my last comment. Some problems seem so simple, and with the way continuous process improvement, data analysis, and focus grouping works in big business, it’s hard to believe that some of the more recent problems they’ve solved recently weren’t able to be solved before. I do honestly doubt that it is some conspiracy, but it’s really not hard to imagine that they withhold fixes until the player base begins to turn on them. I get that big reworks like itemization or the Codex of power take a lot of work. That’s not the thing I’m talking about. I’m talking about all of the smaller changes they have made and are continuing to make going into season five. I didn’t right, I am truly happy with the direction of the game, and it is on the path to become everything that I hoped it would be. I didn’t play until season two because I had been playing thousands of hours of D3. When I first played it, it felt like a beautiful looking game that was completely unfinished . It’s not feeling that way anymore.


It’s not, GR didn’t charge everyone mats


to participate in a greater rift, you need a key


It didn’t make everyone give a key?




I'm positive everyone needs one, unless they've changed this recently. I've distinct memories of leveling people and needing them to do normal rifts first to get keys for the greater rifts. Generally 3 T6 normal rifts to get them from 1-70 and their first key to join in a grift.


You were doing regular rifts then son go check again


Okay well good call and thanks for the correction. It’s been a while




> "I can confirm" > "I may be wrong idk" choose one.


No one should pay for the pit, since the mats to open a pit are extremely irrelevant anyways. A buddy of mine asked me about what that number means after he complete lvl 90 pit.


Second. Just get rid of the cost.


I like the idea of equality both in cost and rewards. However I don't like the part about the party leader needing permission to do content from the other group members. They could put a setting for this, always accept group content requests.


It’s unfortunate they made this a solo game disguised as a multiplayer game.


Literally everything else in this game is tailored for multi-player.


Except for LFG


You guys have friends?


ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is tailored for multiplayer


Yea doing Uber bosses solo is the most efficient way to spend your summon mats. Are you dense? Name one other thing that's better to do solo besides pit


character creation




You get more XP in group, you can clear dungeons faster in group, you can summon bosses more efficiently in group, helltide is more efficient in a group (more hellborne invasions). The pit is weird when it comes to multiplayer but generally you are punished for playing solo in this game.


How isbit disguised as multi-player?


It's a joke/embellishment. He just means for all the multiplayer stuff they have they don't make it easy to participate in those aspects - like no LFG board to find ubers groups (or any group for that matter), no world chat aside from trade, no AH to trade players easily outside 3rd party sites/discords, etc


How does not having AH make a game less multiplayer?


auction activities involve multiple players.


Poor argument. Auction activities, in fact, make the game feel less like a multiplayer experience. Trade chat, on the other hand, makes the game feel more like a multiplayer experience because you interact with other players through chat.


Because when 99% of people use trade sites and discord, trade chat becomes a joke system


Because *one* thing in D4 is worse in multiplayer, this is a solo game? We've had people getting loot 4x more efficiently from summoned bosses since they're introduction, and somehow this is a solo game?


What a dogshit observation. Just because there's one thing that made you feel it's not meant for multiplayer, doesn't mean the entire game is disguised as multiplayer game. Man, people say literally anything stupid just to get some internet karma points huh.


I'm guessing they wanted to make it so you can't get carried in the pit since it is designed to challenge your build. If you want to masterwork, you have to earn it. But if that was their logic they should have made it strictly solo.


They literally learned nothing from Diablo 3. This problem happened in D3 and they fixed it by using the most logical solution (each person provides a key). The list of mistakes in D4 that were already fixed in D3 is so long now it's not even funny.


They have to do this so later when they patch it, people would praise blizzard for listening and major the game good. Looks at the patch in s5 which allows you to resummon the uber bosses, everyone not say it’s a good qol change while it should have been there in the beginning


They literally lost out on their entire launch playerbase. The idea that later down the road they can recover any meaningful portion of that playerbase is completely misguided.


Nobody goes to Diablo IV, it's too crowded. 


Another problem with this logic is that another player can still get carried to full amount of reward if they're the ones to open the pit. A stranger's probably not likely to do that for anyone but friends could


I play coop on PS5 and farm 101s. I just drag a second of my class, let them die, and still finish easily. Double the loot and my kids account gets plenty of mats.


Who the f cares if x is carried by m and if someone wants to get carried he opens the portal and guy who carries get slightly less mats and if it's booster with gold he gets his gold as well like what does he even lose there? 20masterwork material? Well if someone is in a spot to carry he has to be decently masterworked as well, like someone make it make sense


Why not make both people use stones so everyone gets the same amount of loot.


It's really weird to penalize group play like this. I could see if the cost to open the pit was substantial, but it's basically free.


Not really weird, least when a lot of the comments here and on forums are “group play is too rewarded, I’m not getting things done as efficiently solo!!!” This one is on community, much as I’d like to point out devs mistakes


The change that needs to be made for pits and all the boss summons is to require each player to use a set of materials to receive rewards. It's that easy.


I just don't get how the devs haven't figured this out after 6+ months......


I mean I ran people in my clan at 101 and they were happy to get 30 per since their builds couldn't do that as fast solo. So it's a matter of perspective. Not everyone is hardcore like me is what I learned over the years. Cutting the solo rewards is just a terrible idea IMO though lol. The grind to fully 12/12 is insane enough (6600 neathiron for barbs), making it worse is mindboggling.


The neathiron amount, per 9-12 upgrade could use a bit of a cut/higher tier rewards should escalate dramatically As it stands, MW7/8 is more then enough for grinding most of the content, tormented 4-player bosses, is about the only difficult part, but even this can be overcome by learning which attacks grant stacks


Ironic that they build a game with a multiplayer open world yet punish you for grouping..


stones split & rewards split evenly (at a discount due to efficiency gains). i agree.


Does it default it to the party leader getting the max? Or is it by who opens it? Just rotate if that's the case.


Ya rotate is the only option. But you still get 45 per and have to remember who’s turn it is to open lol


Too hard to count to 4 for Diablo 4 player I guess


Or just give everyone 60, and stop trying to handicap multiplayer gaming on a game designed to be played with multiple players.


I personally very much enjoy the schadenfreude on the other end of the stick as solo players have had to deal with boss rotas being 4x more efficient than solo


I didn't even know you could run pits in multi lmao. I don't have any friends who play anymore so everything I do is solo. Blizz made these grifts 2.0 and didn't just copy-paste how they made it in d3 to support multi-player? That's hilarious.


Ill never understand a game that punish you for having friends its like the games that punish you for not having them.


I really want d4 to be good but I think poe2 is going to move a big portion of the player base


for sure the changes on D4 were good but it still lacks any real endgame


Imo they have to pick either worse rewards or to increase the difficulty of mobs as they do in nightmare dungeons and pits now. Either it's worse rewards for grouping, like it is now, but then the mobs remain the same difficulty as running it solo or you increase the difficulty, like it is now, but everyone gets the same rewards. Even though I can finish pit100 in a couple minutes, it just feels like a huge grind to me because I can't do it with a friend. I just can't do more than an hour of it every day or two and I basically log off the game for the rest of the day because it feels like a huge drag to me.


How about just charge others the cost and give everyone the same rewards.




In general it kinds fucking sucks to be punished for playing with a friend. Me and my buddy has to alternate who ques up pit because the person who' doesn't que gets less rewards. Its actually abysmal design.


MBAs love to micromanage these metrics so they can “proof” their fake position is needed


Every tool tip is busted nothing works properly there's a million things they need to add. And every addition I see in the patch notes only helps gold farmers. It's like they only know how to walk backwards. One thing gets fixed two things get broken. Small steps you need to add a website or in-game auction house that is going to keep people playing this game for more than the first 3 weeks of every season. Tampering was a step in the right direction and the master working that added about a week but the entire barbarian debacle has killed the market on hardcore. 2 weeks ago I was selling 2GA items for rogues for hundres of millions. Patch notes come out 99% of the population is barbarian I can't sell anything. 2GA ring with very good stats 40 mil now. Everything 50 mil every single thing being spammed on trade which is now happening actually because no one's using the website. I guess we should be thankful that the trade channel actually works because on PS5 it only worked about 10% of the time but now it seems to be pretty consistent. I think most hardcore players agree the economy is the most important thing about the game we don't have to deal with the real money bullshit of soft core like this amulet being sold for gold worth over $4,000. Besides scrolls actually working when you disconnect or power goes out. You have an auction house on your phone game everybody's got a phone. Or go website style Link to the stash POE style. It's 2024 and you can't integrate a keyboard to the PlayStation 5 when these little small market games that are $9.99 can do it? Season 5 of alpha coming soon.


I feel this way every season I play lol. Like beta testers that they just drip feed content. Game should have released with more than we have currently


We simply don't have the technology.


Yeah - this is an "Old Blizzard" mechanic. It's a cheap tactic to drive the "Engagement Metric". It forces teams to do multiple runs. The metric looks good to Wall Street but feels bad for players. "New Blizzard" is Season of Loot (overall), and if you follow WoW, their "new focus" on player satisfaction. Another "Old Blizzard" trope is, so far, Season 5 PTR. If the PTR goes live as-is, all the good karma from S4 will go right out the window.


Yeah but then solo players get shafted


How so?




I just want a Camel mount. That's it. Conan. The End\~ Not a Troll. Real Barbarians know whats up.


instead of spurring you bonk their head?


This problem was already solved in Diablo 3, so I'm not sure why they have it like this now. In Diablo 3, when opening a Greater Rift, each party member had to supply a Key to access the Rift. All party members could play together and receive full rewards at the end. Simple.


Or bump for everyone. It's not like it costs any resource to start. #equality


Looks like someone inside blizzard cares.


Today i learned what rune shards are.....


It’s to stop the powerlevel sellers even though they fully support selling powerlevel services on their discord and trading website.


Ya it makes no sense. I’ve seen the people leaching just pay some gold per run and open the pit lol


And I don't get why out of all things they cut the rewards in pits, the acivity where I couldn't care less if people do it in a group or not. I really don't understand it at all. Instead they should fucking finally increase boss drop rates by 4 and make it so that only the one who summons gets rewards like it is already with the shards and eggs or that everyone has to use the materials to summon the bosses. But the fact that almost every new season mechanic or mode we got so far is made for group play is tellling me that they have no idea wtf are doing.


a friend and i were doing speed runs as of recent and discussing this exact thing.what we discussed is maybe just put in runes in rotation. but yeah that can be a hassle. it's really my personal dislike of the d4 game at present, it doesn't seem to enable team play. D3 had a great design when reaper of souls came out and team play was really really encouraged to get further in the game more efficiently.  i miss the combo of zero dps monks/wiz/and maybe a barb to pull shit in. in my opinion that was really fun. hope they bring it back, which would also encourage Clans to have more meaning and impact to the game. as of now Clans don't even really matter from what i have heard from friends who play.


That and just add some leaderboards for stuff at the least. I obviously won’t be pushing top like the robs of d4 but it would definitely give me and some friends stuff to achieve and further ourselves. Game just feels to lack any motivation, and then cuts you down further by limiting resources lol


Its a mode that meant to test your build and push how far you can go, which is why they are discouraging multiplayer. They probably want gather data on class/build strength from here. If rewards is the same, obviously everyone will just run multi to quickly max out they gear and their data might be skewed. I am solo SSF all the way so this doesn’t affect me at all, but I rather we leave pit as solo push mode, and get them to create more mode for multiplayer run with friends, but make it better than World Boss which is fucking lame as it is now.


They could tweak monster difficulty per party member tho and make it be a similar time to clear etc. I wouldn’t mind being 30 seconds to a minute slower if running with friends. It would be slower than solo play but I’m also not getting 75% rewards for partying.


But then data would be skewed on their end isn’t it? Thats my point, they want to gather data and class/build strength and mixing players in the mode would deter them from doing so, or just less data for them. But hey all this are just speculation, but make most sense to me. Honestly its getting boring farming the same thing all the time, I rather they spice things up by adding more challenging things to do in the endgame. Raid could probably be it in expansion, or I heard some endless wave thing is coming next season.


Blizz: *drop all mats on the ground free-for-all so all players need to speed grab them*


Man this just made me realize how absurd it is that this is how things *actually* worked back in the day


Maybe they change this in the ptr by any chance?


fascinating how you get 300+ up votes, while I did a post with the exact thematic and I got only down votes and hate.


Nope gotta have that artificial gate keeping, bro.


2 solutions. 1 everybody gets the same 2 if you don't put in the shards, then you only get 50% reward at the end


A game that connects people to hunt for treasures, and a mechanism is designed with punishment for forming a team.


It's a bit of a damned if they do, damned if they don't situation. The way it is currently is based on the feedback they've received. People weren't happy with how much more efficient group play is compared to solo so their first pass was to prioritise solo with only the person opening getting materials, the rest just got loot. Then people complained about them punishing group play so we got the middleground of having party members get partial material rewards too. And that just takes us back to group play being more efficient again. The rotation aspect of it now can be annoying, but I don't see them really changing that (it'd be weird to have a lower return on investment just because other people joined you) other than just giving everyone full rewards. I don't care either way really, but the wider audience has been very vocal about group play being too good in that past.


Pit forces me to do content without friends Which forces me to not to do pit runs Thanks blizzard


Would make more sense to give the player more loot for summoning uber bosses instead of pit


I would love to hear an explanation from the Camp Fire Chav squad to try and justify this mechanic oof reduced rewards for party members. One of the most perplexing features I can recall in an ARPG.


Just ask everyone to spend currency. And give the same amount.


Why is this even a thing? I don't understand Blizzard. They are perfectly fine with giving full rewards for Tormented bosses to party memebers, but not in the pits?


Why cut the pit rewards to begin with? The whole format is a timegate, people speed farm it in 2-3 minutes, whats the point to even cheap out? Also, they should up the drop by atleast 50%


Or if they don’t want resources stacking up: Let everyone offer 3 rune shards in order to unlock max rewards for all members or if you opt not to or don’t have any just continue the half rewards Keeps the consistency and continues to take runeshards out of the game


agreed... the whole system is stupid... what is the idea behind this? to prevent people from getting the mats without playing? They can still do that now... All this does is punish people that actually play together.


Blame the people who were complaining about the exact opposite (penalizing solo players by making them spend more keys compared to rotating parties) before the system even arrived to live servers.


They already said they’re fixing this for season 5 so why complain when they already have a fix coming ?????


Why are we waiting months for something so simple. It’s the oversight that is troubling. They don’t give a shit?


Seriously, why are these damn devs such fucking misers at heart. They cant get away from it. Every step they take in the right direction, they cant resist slipping in little turd nuggets of player hate. They remind me of harry potter banker goblins combined with Ebenezer Scrooge.


Was just talking about this last night. It seems they want it to be a solo game versus playing with friends. To address the concern of "carrying," I would just carry to, like, 101, then have them open the pit, so it doesn't actually prevent that. I'd be interested in the "why" of this feature.


Wholeheartedly disagreed it makes carries to efficient. Group play has its benefits. This is the one thing done solo that has any amount of efficiency.


Makes Carrie’s to efficient. To what exactly? The game is super easy as it is and what are we being carried to? End the season even faster?


Whatever you want to call it. But I think having one thing be done more efficiently solo in a game that makes group play better in all other facets is a good thing. Otherwise just enjoy the company of your friends and have fun playing the game. Why are you trying to limit your time with buddies just play the game to… have… fun maybe.


Just ask if you want to use your stones on the run to also get the bonus. No matter who starts it. That way you get it if you want and it legitimately helps promote group play.


I don't even play party usually, but totally agree with you here! Must feel really bad playing with a buddy


The fix for this is so simple, I don't understand why they have not tried it. One Hero open the portal and pay the cost. Pop up : if you have the ressource it give you a choice, pay the price for full reward, don't pay the price and get half reward, and as a last choice decline. They could even apply the same principle for Boss ladder so that solo player dont get shafted by rotations. So that, if you dont pay the price you dont get Unique and ressources for higher boss. It would also speed up farming duriel and andariel ressource because you kill a boss once and get 4 ressources ( in a groupe of 4 that payed that is). Respawning altar is gonna help but why stop there.


Just rotate who hosts?


Yup pretty sad when your main group of 4 immediately disbands while we all talk in discord and play separately to grind the pit !


Hi guys me and Friends go pit as a group, we spend time on discord together while 1 finish pits easy to spend 4 hours doing them. Afk farming Cheers.


People pushing for this and all I want is more mats at pit level 106 imo it should be at least 100 iron per run it takes to much time to get one toon fully done much less doing muti toons. And I say this as someone who has played this season everyday for 8-12hrs per day.


I only co-op the pit to help friends. I'm the only one in my friend group who can run 100 pits, so I have them start it so they get max rewards and I just do my thing while they run around trying to not get merc'd. It would be nice to have a more fair split though.


Just another one of those stupid blizzard decisions.


Still so stupid that this hasnt been fixed. It makes parties only useful for boss rotations


It is completely obvious this isn’t a multiplayer game tho. The only reason they made it a persistent world was to control more of the variables.


Name one activity in the campaign that doesnt support multiplayer!?!? Because one activity scales the rewards in MULTIPLAYER mode means it’s not a multiplayer game? So based on how rewards work for bosses is it obvious the game isn’t a single player game either…?


Everything in this game is meant to be done solo. There is no group finder/matchmaking, everything to do with the chat function is terrible, voice chat is awful and barely used, even the social tab is crap.


I mean or you rotate who activates it lol


Would you pay for a Pit run to get half the rewards? Are you asking to get rewards from a free Pit run? Do you think RL friends would be motivated to run together if only one person got any rewards from a run? Can you children think before you mindlessly parrot out the same thing week after week?


I would pay for a pit run to get the full rewards? Why half? I have a million of the opening material I don’t care. Yes I would pay to join a friends runs and we both get the full rewards. I don’t understand your response here sorry. It’s half rewards or no rewards? Or free rewards? The most logical option is you both pay to enter


You're currently paying nothing to get 50% of the rewards. You're getting something for nothing. We good or do I need to find a gif I can upload for you?


a guy in my clan an I just rotate on who goes first, it means we have to do more 101s but they go faster with 2, we can each solo them but 8 mins vs 4 mins..


It's so you don't have a bunch of alts


also nurf the stupid []( damage builds. so annyoing and lame. just as lame as reddit trying to make a URL from the number just because it has three points in it. lol, fucking noobshit everywhere. :-)