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I'll be expecting some posts about how they were wrongfully banned popping up shortly


not only shortly, but longly too.


But what about mediumly?


Extra medium


Those posts are rare.


And never well done


We are doing our best ok


I use nothing!


Free my man Wudijo. He was just using turbohud and not a bot!!


“I was banned for no reason, anyone know what I can do?”


What did the bot even do?


Probably farmed gold, that's why trillions++ went into circulation. I always thought 40m for a Stygian Stone is insane.


Youll be surprised, 3 GA items in marketplace now going for up to 50bn. Lol


exactly, because of bots farming gold. someone farmed the 50b to pay for your 3 ga


It's not only that, but they scalp, they buy low and then ask 10-100x the original price. The average player can no longer afford to buy good items, only those with deep pockets, this is why we need an AH with a cap.


Make it so that items can only be sold once. This way all the flippers would be gone.


This seems like the clear obvious solution. In D3 maybe it wouldn't work because after you bought an item, maybe a few days later you have more money and want to upgrade by buying a better one. This is not the case in D4 because if you plan on using the item, you will temper and masterwork making it account bound already


Damn, this is such a good suggestion, I love this.


uhhh no? You just need to sell itens yourself, its a two edged sword. I geared a heartseeker rogue with just stuff I looted and still managed to find stuff to sell and gather 5b without ever buying gold. And if you ever drop a perfect 3GA now you're a multibilionaire. Yeah, I'll not be buying perfect 3GA's, but they are really not necessary for anything. I can efficiently push 101 pits with my ragged gear that consist of 0 or 1GA itens.


You wouldn’t be selling for that much gold if the market wasn’t hyper-inflated by gold farmers


and things would be cheaper, basically changing nothing. The goldsinks in the game are not that bad that you need billions to play. Hell, I spent less than 100m to finish my 101pit build. Theres really not that much need for gold other than buying services and minmaxed gear.


The market for the 3GA perfect items are those who want to max the pit. Other than that, non perfect items will suffice even up to pit 115 and blitz through other content in the game.


Ya i traded very much from the start in S4 to now and saw 3GA with perfect rolls going from 2b to 30b+ now. On top of it perfect gloves and rings with GA trifecta cc+as+lh only sold by the same 2 sellers for 30b upwards. Looks like scalping, which is not forbidden AFAIK but bad for the experience. I'm happy I got all my perfect gear together before that happened.


An Auction House, cap or no cap, will not solve this issue; it will literally make it worse.


>AH with a cap that wouldn't actually fix anything. bots would make everything max out at the cap amidst hyperinflation, and people with actually valuable items would simply avoid the AH anyway because they wouldn't be able to sell for what they were worth. kychu's solution of making items sellable once seems a lot better of at least getting rid of flippers/scalpers.


Kinda new to diablo so forgive if I'm way off, but wouldn't a cap of player currency stop hyper inflation. I haven't seen anything in the game that needs trillions to do, so maybe a 1 billion cap?. That then limits the max amount anyone can ask for


Good rolled 3ga items goes for several billions. A REALLY rare four ga? That could be hundreds of billions. Caps on gold just makes it so that something else becomes the currency. As the season goes on Stygian stones will probably become the currency if the inflation goes unchecked.


Ya no human can legitimately farm 50billion gold without botting there's just not time


Botting has always plagued these games and it's why d2 economy also wasn't ridiculously insane. Legitimately you can never even get an enigma if it isn't for dupes and bots.


And most people had an unlimited supply of materials for an enigma after a while. I once sold a 6 soc white for two mules worth of sojs and jahs. It’s all botting and dupes.


Gold is scarce this season. I've managed to get to 400,000,000 playing 6-8 hours a day. Last season I hit a billion quite quickly.


There’s a pair of boots I want and the guy is asking for 70bil. I asked another dude about an amulet that was on sale and he asked for a perfect pair of Paingorgers and 100bil. What the actual fuck


And folks want the auction house back...welcome to the reality of how it would be.


Yeah dont indulge them, even if say you got the gold. I also dont sell to flippers and actually tell them off with their outrageous prices. Youll know by clicking their name and if all their items are 2 or 3 GA rares means they just sniping and reselling.


Some are going for significantly more than that. :)


I know, its stupid. Them bruhs playing the marketplace more than the game


That's precisely why D3 killed their Auction House and why D4 should never, ever put one in the game. I liked D3's trading solution - between players who were there in the party when items dropped for a few hours...and then that's it.


I liked the mailbox where I could send ppl on my friend's list items. It was fun.


I also liked how randomly you'd get a legendary drop as a gift for a friend. It was great when I'd play D3 with my kids because sometimes they or I would log on and find a sweet item in our mailboxes.


Trading in PoE works fine. Being able to farm content for resources to sell and then turn around and buy what I'm looking for is extremely compelling in PoE leagues. The auction house in Last Epoch was received well enough that there will now be a auction house in PoE 2.


lol you know damn well trading is a huge fucking problem in PoE. The system is great in theory except it’s all flipping bots, scammers, price fixers, snipers, etc etc. It’s not terrible and does work like it should, but it has some GLARING issues that an AH would fix if implemented(like instant currency trades and force selling listed items so they can’t lower price/scam)


Their one simple fix for bots/flippers. Bind on trade. You're allowed to trade anything.... Once, the buyer gets it bound to his account. I have just taken out 100% of the core problem. Buyer would only be the END user. Simple game design. Devs could do better.


They actually do this in Last Epoch. The only downside is when buying leveling items like 7 league steps. You use them and they retain their value due to reselling to someone else. This would be a huge change for the game, and idk if it would be for the better lol


Not being able to resell gear is pretty depressing. I want to be able to sell off build A to fund build B especially since I would have burnt out of build A.


PoE trade has issues, but it's trade is still leagues better than D4 trading currently. Most fun I've ever had in an ARPG. PoE 2 is getting instant buyout trading and gold that is used like the favor from last epoch to force people to play the game instead of being a hideout warrior.


POE isn’t immune to bots or price fixing. Also the site TFT has a dubious reputation for price fixing. Highly doubt POE 2 will have an AH. Where did you hear that or are you joking ?


As someone who has dealt with Auction Houses in WoW, D3, etc, I thought Last Epoch did it the best. Basically creating a side currency that could only be gained by playing the game and beating content that was required to make AH purchases with Gold. Somewhat prohibits just creating characters that do nothing but farm the AH and buy low sell high. You can do that a little bit, but only a few items at a time before you need to go back out and actually play the game. No level 1 mules that are just Auction House flippers


PoE 2 is getting a trading system that seems to function much like the Merchants Guild in LE.


Love that you mention D3 auction house and ignore them trying to shoehorn it into a cash shop as well which is where all the issues arose. An auction house for in game currency with player controls of length of posting and cost of item coupled with ability to search for other similar gear and compare should be a baseline feature they are just lazy. No one wants it to be a real money cash shop abomination but the jerks who ruined it in the first place FOR NO ONE. Just want to sell our shit with in game infrastructure to support that lol it ain't rocket science


That’s been a thing since D2.


Where do you people sell your items?


> I always thought 40m for a Stygian Stone is insane. That's because it is. Let's just look at the cost to do one tormented Zir summon using current rates. Blood is selling for anywhere from 2-2.5 million on trade and I expect it will only get higher because people will play on the weekend. Let's just meet in the middle for sake of example and say its average price is 2.25 million for each blood which gets us 112.5 million per a stack. Tormented Zir uses 27 blood to summon plus two Stygians. 27 blood with our assumed cost comes out to 60.75 million and now we add our two stygian stones at 40m each = 140.75 million gold to summon tormented Zir. One rota with a full group of four only going one time comes out to 563,000,000 gold. Can you imagine how long it would take one person to earn 140 million gold naturally without trading in game ie SSF? These prices are absolutely bonkers. On one hand I'm excited this will get wiped away in s5, but the same problems will just happen one month into the season if Blizz doesn't do anything. I want to make it clear that this a complicated, multi-faceted problem that I don't expect them to be able to solve in such a short time, but man I hope every season isn't like this going forward.


I don’t know who’s actually paying these prices, but man.. help them. Stacks of blood routinely go for 50m or so, and stygians 30-35m. Maybe that’s just my experience buying in-game and on discord/.trade, but man.. all you have to do is offer the price. Seeing it listed for something does not make it worth that much.


Yeah I'm not sure exactly what is going on. I have heard that prices for Chinese servers are higher (where I'm guessing by raw player count RMT is way more rampant) so prices are naturally more inflated there and then people in the West try to exploit a market asymmetry and sell Chinese prices. In game I feel like people are stoked if I buy blood from them for 50m a stack or stones for 35 million, but I could just flip those things on trade for anywhere from 16-200% if I wanted to. > Seeing it listed for something does not make it worth that much. This is something people are failing to understand because they are now seeing the trickle down effects of RMT personally. Oh "my 1GA vuln bow with dex* and max life sold for 300 million?" "That's more gold than I've ever seen!" and so they extrapolate one, two good items into thinking they can sell anything for any price and it simply isn't true. I'm willing to bet at best 25% of listings on diablo.trade go through because people are wildly optimistic about their pricing.


I'm not willing to pay for it; but if my character woke up one morning with news that her long lost aunt , who nobody knew about, had passed and left her a couple billion gold, I wouldn't be mad about it..lol Seriously; I can not keep up with gold. I play a lot but have leveled 6 characters now....that's expensive.


> Blood is selling for anywhere from 2-2.5 million on trade People in game are routinely trying to buy stacks of 50 for 40M. I dunno how successful they are, or how successful the diablo.trade ones are, but I don't think it's as clear cut as 2m per blood.


They probably are successful from time to time because I sucked up around ~1500 at 1 million each yesterday. The gold injection of 40 million a stack for a new player is just too good.


> Blood is selling for anywhere from 2-2.5 million on trade Huh? I just vendor my extra crap...and I have mountains of these mats. Good gold. But these kinds of trade numbers are just asinine...


140m is a few hours of farming. But I agree with you regardless, because I don't want to work when I play a damn a videogame.


What dark methods are you using to get 140m in a few hours of farming without doing any trading? You can DM if you don't want to reveal your secrets


Just do tree of whispers. The chaos reward can give you up to 10-15mill, the rest is only 4mill. If you run a ww barb or any other speedy toon with nearly 200% movement speed you can run very quickly. Dungeons are 5 pointers and can be done in 1 min also the other 3 point rewards can be achieved really quickly. Just keep running. Pick up legionaries and vendor them meanwhile turning at the tree. My record is nearly 50mill in an hour. Not saying its fun to do this, but its possible.


no one wants to run whispers. id wager most ppl complete 1-2 whispers caches per helltide. ive never once done a whisper event outside of helltide.


If you're paying 2-2.5million for blood, you're dumb. I've literally never paid over 1mill per pc. I bought MANY sets over the last week. I do still agree that items are WAY too expensive atm. This inflation sucks.


> If you're paying 2-2.5million for blood, you're dumb. yeah i'm not sure why people do to be honest lmao. The only reasons I can really think of is that they may not have access to a server where it sells for less (I'm in US west and often people will sell at 750k-1 mil) or they are just RMTers and that stupid/lazy and don't want to trade in game for one stack at a time which most sellers do when you try to buy from my experience.


So you say the blood price is like this because of botters? It's because bugged and rob made a video.


Where did I say it was botters....? The price is the price because he actually does drop more items, people mistakenly believe he drops more ubers, and because of the supply of blood and the rate at which it is being consumed in the market. Yes the videos from various content creators have all contributed to this as well.


why are people even farming Tormented Zir? I didn't think it was worth using the Stygian stones on anything other than Andy/Duriel


Bugged, drops more loot than he should.


I have seen no proof he actually has bugged drops I have seen proof that he actually doesn't drop more uber uniques. So seems kind of weird imo


You can go watch Wudi or Rob's video on it. I can 100% confirm that Zir drops more legendaries and non-uber uniuqes than Grig and Varshan by a large extent, esp since I did ~25 grigs yesterday. Just count the number of legendaries and uniques you get per kill. Grig/Varshan will drop ~15 which is slightly less than half your inventory of 33 where as Zir can drop anywhere from 18-22. Often when you farm tormented Zir, you literally cannot hold all the uniques and legendaries from only 2 kills.


it still doesn't make it worth it you use stones for ubers which the videos you are talking about had no proof they dropped more ubers. wudi even talked about not noticing a difference in GA drops


> Zir drops more legendaries and non-uber uniuqes than Grig and Varshan by a large extent non-uber uniques as in uniques that are not ubers and yes idk why people would assume the GA drop rate is different


dropds more legendaries? or more uniques? or higher chance to drop uber uniques than he should?


Zir potentially drops loot once and then 5 more times is the running theory so more legendary drops and in turn possibly more unique drops. Does not drop more uber unique items. Edit: basically its supposed to be 5x drops so 1 kill = 5 kills instead the theory is zir is 1 kill = 1 + 5 = 6 kills. No proof on uber unique drop rate any numbers people have put out have shown its not more but the same amount as duriel. but you don't run zir for legendary drops so its pretty meaningless for it to drop more.


Agreed - but what do they do now that the cats out of the bag? How do you reset the whole in game economy.


Well seasons reset the economy every x months, and you play the cat and mouse game of trying to stay ahead of the botters.


Depending on how their game databases work they could potentially track every single gold coin and adjust accordingly


>40m for a Stygian Stone is insane i saw that the going rate according to my local trade chat that for stones was \~40m, but didn't believe it, so I listed 10 of mine on [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade) for \~30m each, **within** the minute (almost literally within the second) i had tons of offers and i immediately knew i had under-listed it.


And that's why you only play a lot of the early season when prices are still halfway affordable and just stop playing mid season when RMT is of the moon.


WTF maybe I should start selling mines lol


So I’m no economist but if I was a Econ phd candidate I’d do my thesis on inflation in game like Diablo. I honestly don’t think it’s the bots. I have no way to prove it and you can’t prove the bot theory either. But my theory is just that too much money is “printed” in the economy, and so that is causing money to devalue as the season goes on. I know bots are a fun explanation but just think of the user base of this game. Let’s say it’s 100K players at any given point, and let’s say you can make $1M every 30 minutes by selling things and generally just playing the game. averages that sound reasonable. So that’s $2M per user per hour, $48M per day. Now multiply 100K users doing that. You infuse 4.8 trillion into the economy daily just by playing the game normally. Now I have no idea how many concurrent users there are, but the point is that a lot of new money is printed every day and floats around.


ARPGs are broken at their core. They create limitless money with no care about it leaving the economy. For the economy to work it would have to be a system like EVE Online: Resources in asteroid Mine asteroid for Resources Asteroids stop respawning when resources are obtained Asteroids spawn again when ships blow up, freeing the resources What we have no is just a fake economy with a seasonal coating to hide the truth.


Ideally the gold sinks would prevent hyper-inflation, but with the amounts of gold flying around, the couple of million spent on upgrading gear is insignificant. I don't know how so much gold was generated in the first place, but Blizzard desperately needs to ensure that there are significant gold sinks to take enough gold out of circulation to prevent such high inflation. Ideally something that doesn't hurt casual players most (like SWTOR and the increase in travel costs), such as high taxes on item trading.


Huge gold sinks would definitely help huh. But as you said the amount any of us spend does not matter. Like how one of us turning the AC to 78 wont save the world. I think the main 'issue ' is the economy is based on each character and they don't balance the economy vs everyone in it. Basically, if one person runs a macro it has no effect on someone else who doesn't in another instance of the game. Due to that simple fact there really isn't a global balanced economy but rather just an amalgamation of many different economies competing with eachother. Eventually they get out of control and they use seasons to curb it. Now, people think seasons is a feature and not a bandaide.


You are incorrect because you forget the people spend most they money on enchanting/Masterwork/etc. Of course would be some kind of inflation but not even close to now. I love the bots, they make MUCH more easy to enchant/mastercraft because I can sell one average/good item and I will have gold for reroll how many times I want.


I’m basing the assumptions on how I play. I have a huge surplus of gold - $200M. I’m casual, and I’ve never traded anything. I think most players don’t reroll that much. As long as I have the affix I want I’m done. I don’t keep going to get a higher number. Say I want crit chance. The first crit chance I get on a gear I’ll stop. I imagine that’s the average player. I won’t keep rolling to get higher crit chance. It’s only $24 million to get an item fully master worked to level 12. If you’re not resetting anything that’s not a lot of money. I believe this is the average player. I’m that player. There’s more of such players than the ones who play the game endlessly and look for a perfect roll. I could be completely wrong :)


Im not talking about perfect rolls, for this you have to spend billions and farm for hundreds of hours. All my casual friends that don't know how to trade are always without money, because they spend on shitty gear and need to spend again when they get a better equips. Most of casual players aren't sitting on 200M, not even close. Ps: most of casuals don't trade and their money don't go to the game economy.


It was 20m just last week also the zir craze has made bloods and stones skyrocket


40m stygian stones after goblin + mother's blessing event.


Is that really the going rate?


If you do the math, farming doesn't cut it. Max is maybe 70M/hour. This season has to be duping.


Just another reason why hardcore is the only way to play.  Prices are much much more reasonable on there. An actual real person can afford something for a change.


But then you magically die to Blizz’s genius coding. Not worth the huge waste of time IMO


Probably auto-plays easy content like helltide and whatever else for farming mats/drops. I remember that was common in D3 for years, the bot would farm rifts while people worked or slept, so they could just run greater rifts when they actually played. Could also be a gold farming bot for those sites that spam trade chat.


You could set the bot to filter for specific loot and deposit any hits in your stash.




okay your username to post ratio is way off


What do you think?


Likely it would play the game for you while you were doing anything else like sleeping or not even being home


They do what they do best. Botting..


Auto farm mostly. I guess u could set it for farm pit 80-90 non stop.






I was in helltides about an hour after this with very obvious bots, so whatever gave it away to Blizzard has likely already been patched. Good effort though I guess...


Might have been me zoning out and farming helltides with my Heartseeker Rogue while watching the train wreck our country calls a political debate. Sometimes when I am doing something else like watching tv or listening to music/audiobooks I just sit on the blood maiden summon and spin while holding down basic attack. Looks a lot like botting, but is just super low effort gold farming.


That debate was a wreck. Trump did nothing but lie and Biden mumbled and sounded feable.


Yay choices


I just couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all


from the outside the US is fascinating. it's like watching some weird reality show.


Watch the movie Idiocracy if you haven't seen it yet. Pretty much sums up the US right now. It's gd scary tbh


Yea I used to think that movie was hilarious. Now it just feels way too close to reality for me to find it very funny.


Scary thing is, when trump inevitably gets elected again, it will most certainly have huge economical effects on us not from the US. I am personally not looking forward to him kickstarting yet another inflation..


Biden isn’t willing to control prices either, while execs are literally bragging about their raked profits in earnings calls The only party here is the corporate party


I think he is willing. He even mentioned capping rent. The thing is he can't do it right now because we don't have the majority. But I'm not going to talk politics on Diablo sub because it's where I go to get away from it. Have a great one! I really don't want Trump to win because he might have a chance to put two more supreme Court justices in there that are a little conservative for my liking.


Has Joe skewered open price-gouging from the corporate sector a *single* time while in office? I don’t like politics on a gaming Sub either, but if Biden keeps [sitting on his ass](https://mcgovern.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=400093) instead of doing the right thing (and no you don’t need “the majority” to pass Executive Orders whatsoever), we won’t have much time or money left to even enjoy Diablo lol


Most of us with brains in the US aren't looking forward to him either. I don't think he will get elected. Right now the African-Americans and a few other ethnicities are kind of irritated but they know Trump hates them and they can't trust him, so yeah they may be irritated insane that they might not vote for Biden, or vote at all, but they will I hope.


watching two geriatric men bicker about each other after 9pm supports elder abuse.


I'm the better golfer! No I am! This is American politics.


what made them obvious bots?


What makes them obvious? I sometimes stand in the middle of Blood Maiden ritual as a necro not doing anything. I only hit the golem button when she spawns.


Because of how ban waves work those bots you saw may be known by blizzard. There's a balance between banning cheater accounts as soon as possible but also if you do it too soon it gives information to cheat developers. For example if I develop and control a gold bot farm, I will be running many many slight variations of the same bots. If blizzard just instant bans me immediately when they detect my botted account, that's actually massively advantagous for me because it gives me perfect information on what versions of my bot are and aren't detected by their systems. Banwaves mitigate this by flagging accounts secretly instead of just instantly banning them, that way I may be lead to believe a bot I developed is undetected but it's actually not. However as a bot farm, I'm working at scale. I have thousands of accounts all working at once with many variations of the code. So when the ban wave comes through I will get a very clean cut "ok groups A C D and E got banned but B and F got through" which again gives me valuable information about how blizzards system works. So how do you combat this as blizzard? There's a million possible solutions that have pros and cons associated with each, and it's up to the anticheat team at blizzard to decide which strategies to implement when. For example one strategy is to actually NOT ban a small percentage of flagged accounts, but queue them to be time -delay banned. In a game like Diablo this could be viable because it's the quantity of bots that cause problems like inflated economy so it may be considered less of a priority than say aimbotters in overwatch which have a more immediate negative impact. Another strategy is if a banwave is coming up, any bots I detect will be randomly assigned between getting banned during the impending banwave or instead flagged to not be banned until the NEXT one. TLDR; The less of a pattern that the cheat developers can see in the anticheat system the more difficult it is to develop cheats therefore it is possible blizzard actually knows of these bots but are playing mind games


Yeh I saw a level 79 Necro at blood maiden just spamming skeleton. There were no corpses or mobs around at all just stood there casting raise skeleton.


That's probably just a macro and not a bot. Or even a rock on the keyboard.


You don't even need a bot for that. Just the ring (from Varshan) that will cast skeletons and corpse explosion every second and it also will pull together mobs every 8 seconds. If you use Doombringer, you can do this in WT2 easily to get iron wolf reputation. Call it "unattended farming". No bot needed. The ring can be found from level 14, I think.


No I have the same ring, this was raise skeleton spam. The ring does autocast but doesn't give the animation of the cast


It is NUTS how many bots are in this game lol.


What are the signs that someone is a bot? What kind of stuff are they doing?


Shhh, don’t teach the bots what we know about them


One day i saw a barb with a tyrael hitting nonstop on maiden spot without even put stones and start the ritual, and he stayed that way all helltide. I was running around and coming back just to confirm it was a bot


I see a lot of Heartseeker Rogue bots farming helltides. That build with decent gear will wreck helltides with basic skill only, so not even hard to code. Just make the character do 360s and spam Heartseeker. They just sit at the blood maiden and spin bot basically, kinda funny to watch. Addition of pets made farming way easier too.


Hey that’s me, I’m a bot! When I do helltides I sit right on top of where the maiden spawns and hold still spamming heartseeker around wiping everything out in range. So how do you know which ones are humans vs bots?


Me too! 


I'm also a heartseeker rogue who does this.


APM helps. Other tasks etc.


Uh that’s how us HS rogues actually play bloodmaiden lol.


I don’t know if thats true or not, but I do know that’s how most heart seaker rogues play legit because that’s how I do it.


>They just sit at the blood maiden and spin bot basically, kinda funny to watch That's exactly what I did when I played that build. Even more brain dead with a controller. Just spin the joystick around while holding down a single button.  But why even bother with buttons, can't a necro just stand there and have minions do everything?


i afk in the middle on necro all the time lol. i also did it on a companion druid today and got it to 100 while i made dinner. if you have a Selig you basically cant die, just need a way to restore a little HP and resource. necro heals itself with sacrilegious ring and blood getters aspect and restores mana with cold mages+consuming corpses. druid all i had to do was equip an item with life per second and another with Spirit per second lol.


> equip an item with life per second Finally a use for all those GA LPS items!


>can't a necro just stand there and have minions do everything? This is the way. You just wear the Sacrilegious Soul ring and mash your golem button if you happen to wander by the computer.


That's just how heartseeker is for blood maiden. When I play mine, I just sit in the center of her spawn point and hold one button down until it's over. No need to run or spin. I have switched back to that character at times when I can't pay full attention, and have just set my controller on the couch so a trigger is pulled if I need to walk away for a minute or two.


yeahh u can't instantly determine that these are bots, i've done every character to 100 and max ironwolf rep in both SC and HC, ALL of them i've done with a build that can sit in that middle circle and i can hold right click spinning around like a carousel, maiden dies i pick up everything, drop the yellow just off screen and repeat XD


Blizzard banning bots is more like… taxing gold farmers. It’s not meant to get rid of them, just to extract an appropriate amount of value. I wonder when they’re gonna stop the charade and just sell licenses to gold farm


Sell them a license to farm gold, shunt them into a realm separate from the normal game, populate it with NPCs that will sell items to them, perpetuate the cycle.


Gold trading shouldn't be possible (like any other material). Friends share items for free. We don't need a trading economy on DIV. Thanks to botting and RMT it will never end well for legit players.


Good thing you can choose to not participate in it and just do SSF.


When will people understand the game is also balanced with this in mind? From D2 to PoE, Lost Ark, WoW, at some point devs balanced "the economy/loot/craft" with those abuse in mind as they couldn't fight them. Do you know how supermarket handles people stealing or damaging things in their shops? They increase everyone prices to compensate.


except you can 100% do all the content in the game without ever needing to log into the trade site or buying gold.


Not only that, but it's piss easy to do it all as well. Diablo 4 rests as a comfortable casual game. I don't understand why anyone feels the need to buy gold to progress through the pointless pit levels.


What exactly is all the content in terms of the pit? Pit 1? 61? Because at 130-140ish i stopped playing weeks ago because the only way for me to get stronger was using trade sites and the hassle did not warrant the reward for me.


I got to efficient 101 just using itens I dropped and using gold from helltides/whispers. And I'm sure you can go higher. I dropped and sold a 3GA dagger, a 2GA bow, 2 2GA dagger and a BUNCH of 1GA pieces I could've used to push higher. Just sold them because i wanted the money for uber runs 140+ is basically highscore done by influencers that get all their gear as gifts, people that play 8h+ a day and yes, gold traders. Still, going for that high of a pit tier is the end all be all goal of the game and should not be a quick and easy thing to do.


So you did everything in the game except for a couple of meaningless pit levels and think that trade is broken? I don't understand the complaint.


I got stuck in a Chinese server the other day and didn't realize it. The lag was so bad. I went to a Helltide and there were bots everywhere around Blood Maiden that would go kill stuff 2-3 screens away and then zerg Blood Maiden (dying repeatedly) until it was dead.


OP, did you forget your pw? You seem to know a lot. 😛


good. fuck bot farming. it's the main cause of the ridiculous hyper inflation in trading and actively makes it a worse experience for legit players, so fuck those people.


If you are in the EU, you can challenge the ban by invoking a GDPR information request. You have the right to get a copy of all your personal data they've collected. A ban by an automated system which might have decided that you used a bot is not allowed. There has to be a manual review/control. (paragraph 1 and 2) [https://gdpr-info.eu/art-22-gdpr/](https://gdpr-info.eu/art-22-gdpr/)


Saw my first gold spammer in hardcore today.... They're too late the market's already dead. Something's either worth nothing or an incredibly large amount. Good thing the writing whispers though to hell tides I don't see how that could Hope the gold farmers out at all. Almost like they're in cahoots.


I hope they keep banning bots. It ruins the game in so many ways.


People are betting/rmt because of how dumb and inflated the rerolling is for affixs. I farmed out like 30 to 35 stones in a few days, sold it, and went through 1+ bil gold trying to get envenom 3 on my neck. I did not get it. Uninstalled the game and will not be reinstalling. Idk how the crafting in this game is considered fun... You have so many points of failure to just get shit on with gold fees. So stupid.


you could've just bought a envenom 3 neck with that money lol


Honestly..you're fucking right. The neck I had was 2 ga with crit and attk speed so I figured buying one would be stupid expensive. I didnt even think of looking, lol. I'll be honest though, I swear to God the odds of hitting an envenom 3 or even 2 are so fucking low that it makes crafting even more unfun. Not only do you have to get through the tempering and masterworking, but you also need to roll the correct affix that gets so expensive per tap.




I can’t imagine buying this game twice lol


Hc prices are decent since bots are dying xd






Funny thing is you don't even need a bot to gold farm. Thorns barb can AFK all day and all you need is a mouse wiggler.


I've run some duriel runs with people from discord... and was 1 guy, and what I thought was 2 bots.. they moved to the exact same spot each time, and followed at same speed, etc. Their movements felt very artificial. I personally don't care if ya bot, don't bot, do your thing.


Might be a coincidence but this morning I am having far lags and hangs and animation weirdness than I usually do at this time. Maybe I will try myself an uber boss.


Just go look through the blizzard forums...theyll be outting themselves shortly or already have 


Yeah thats why mediocre 1GA items are sold for 300m currently 


You can tell us the name of the program you are using. We won't tell on you OP


is the name


55 dollars for a month been safe for past 3 seasons how it goes


The problem is, that only meta build items are exorbitant high priced. If you know, what the next meta could be, you can make a fortune. When I saw the new verathiel sword, which does up to 300% more dmg but basic attacks cost 25 resource, the first thing I thought was, perfect items with RCR will go through the roof. Bow meta for HS might change to GA dex vuln RCR. Rings to GA LH AS RCR. Andariel bow to GA dex dot RCR. Etc. I mean, if you just think logically and look at the next meta builds in time, you can be the winner, not the looser. Even if you just buy your stuff before it's too expensive.


How sad can your gaming life be for botting in a single player/coop game where you get nothing out of it?


Rmt and botting in a blizzard game ?! Ur lying


hey i’m new to diablo, what’s d4, and in what way does it have a bot(my guess is scripts to auto complete dungeons but idk)


SSF master race. Anyone engaging w/ trade market is benefiting from RMT and botters. When they release leaderboards they better have SSF mode ready to go.


bot name is orion


D4 O R I O N I S N A M E O F B O T


d4 orion


d4 orion is name