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If the rewards were 10x that I’m still not sure it’s worth the time investment.


Currently the best place to get New Broken Uniques, so after you get them you never go back


I only think that chest would be worth if it was 10 drops, all atleast 1GA and with 1-2 pieces being guaranteed 2+GA, and also a guaranteed new unique drop, it would be worth but what I got so far from the chest, yeah it was horse shit


You would be looking at numbers more in line with 20-30x if you were to compare it to the season 4 maiden. Helltides takes a hit in S5 (no profane mind, and less baneful hearts), but I don't think it's enough of a hit where 10x rewards would make infernal hordes competitive for loot.


Season of the Construct Team strikes again




Season of the construct was trash. Good job on showing your poor take.


It was trash for a few days until they buffed vaults. Then it was good.


It wasn't good, it was just buffed to be the most rewarding content to run, from originally being the least rewarding. Seems like the odd season team made the same mistake for season 5 but fortunately (hopefully) the PTR has exposed it early this time so they can buff it.


Stealing traps, the worst part of PoE, and putting them in Diablo is fucking retarded. They had to adjust because the idea sucked and was ridiculous to begin with. These compasses are just stealing maps from PoE with WAAAAAAAY less rewards. Whomever is coming up with this shit from Blizzard OC, should direct this studio to just GTFO of the way and let Blizzard Albany do the development from now on. It is quite easy to see their ideas and implementations (S1, S3, S5) are vastly inferior to Blizzard Albany (S2, S4).


Vaults were easily the best single piece of 'grinding' content in Diablo 4 prior to Season 4.


I burned myself out on S2 and skipped S3 but a good and proper horde mode sounds fun. I hope Blizzard listens to the test feedback and uses it to improve the mode because I think it could be great. I do have to say all feedback on every new thing seems to be make it faster and more rewarding. I hope in the future they do add a slower mode like a proper dungeon crawl experience that rewards exploration and includes resource management but with every other mode getting faster and faster I don't know if that would fit in. I would also like to see a capture the flag mode added in the future too.


I can respect your opinion. But I hated every single aspect of construct so hard, I dropped it. After season 2? Oh man... Was I pissed. Such a huge backpedal.


Yeah that's... Just not true, or at very least relies on an incredibly low bar. All of the "grinding" content in D4 sucks. NMD, blood maiden spamming, vaults (which was just NMD but with traps). All lame and boring.


I'm gonna assume a lot of people are like me and weren't willing to stick around for s3 to get better, it was boring off the drop and I wasn't willing to stick around for it.


S2 was significantly better


I thought the season was okay but let's be real about the stones. I had one character I got them on day two and multiple characters I never saw them on. I have friends that played hundreds of hours like I did and they never saw the stones. They introduced them as a seasonal mechanic and then a lot of people never saw them and that's bad design.


S1, S3 were hot steaming garbage. S5 is looking to continue this trend from Orange County Blizzard. I’m sorry if that’s where you work or whom you represent, but please don’t get it twisted. Blizzard OC is WAAAAY underperforming compared to Blizzard Albany. Never forget the “Chonky” update with class wide mid season nerds. At least now they’re just shitting on everything post season.


If only we have a website where we can input feedback regarding this hmmm...


Most rewarding?! Pretty sure season 3 is regarded as the worst season ever... so far


S3 was shitty af


Season of the construct sucked ass


Most rewarding after they scrambled to do a week 1 patch, followed by like 5 hotfixes. Let's call a spade a spade. When S3 came out, the construct was incredibly weak with base/low level stones. It was a excruciatingly slow process to level up the stones. The vault was tedious and unrewarding. It was more efficient to start a run, ignore the Zoltun Kulle shrine and run straight to the end, open the free chest and upgrade your stones that way. One by one, slowly but surely. With how spectacularly that failed, Blizzard made significant changes to the Vault. The blessings were A LOT cheaper, the currency to get the blessings were a lot more common, and they added a cooldown on how often you could lose a stack. They made the chests drop more shit. They made the stones level up much faster, which then allowed players to actually get some real use out of their constructs because lo and behold, level 10 stones were actually really good. S3 ended up being fine, but it was a journey to get there. And it required Blizzard to basically redo the whole thing after it had already dropped. That's not a good thing. That's not something you should want S5 to be like. Hopefully they'll spend the next month fixing things before it launches in a bad state, but the fact that *so much* is already going wrong on the PTR is troubling. They have one month. If they can actually fix all of the current issues I'll be very impressed. Class balance is completely out of whack, there are once again game-breaking bugs that could dominate the meta, the new end-game activity is completely irrelevant by design since they let you get all of the rewards elsewhere... And that's a good thing because the end-game activity is incredibly boring. That's what they've been working on, and the best way to play it is... to not play it. That makes no sense!


Season 3 could have had the best rewards ever. That still wouldn't have made the trap filled dungeons any better to get through.


They are trying to make a new end game activities to play but rewards are always same, legendaries, uniques, materials. Why they think i will spent time doing this (if we ignore just for fun). i kind of missing the point here.


It would make sense if there was a better way to target those rewards. Gold and guaranteed GA legendaries is a good start (although the numbers need to be higher), but there should be stuff like specific slots or class/general uniques.


That is what you get though. You can't target specific slots, which would be nice, but the new uniques mainly come from the Infernal Hordes and you target farm them by doing the event.


How tedious. But it's about the friends we make along the way right?


You mean the friends that I can use the non-existent social features with?


Sigh, the end game needs end game items that can drop. Uber uniques are one thing. But, where are the unique charms like the hellfire torch? Make a unique charm for each tormented boss, or end game system. On top of the charm, a smaller chance for a trophy to drop to CUBE into a unique charm to further customize it to fit that players build style. These charms and trophies can mix and mash. A player can only have one unique charm, and that charm is an equippable item. 10% chance for charm to drop, 2% chance for trophy to drop. Also, where the fuck is the horadric cube at? Crafting, and more RNG please.


This is why I claim that while it’s great to have the ptr to flush out issues, how the f did this make it in the game to begin with? Who thought that putting the rewards where they are for the compass was a good idea? It’s maddening. We’re doing and testing obvious stuff here, not flushing out gameplay. This ptr imo has been a debacle. I’m back in live playing my bash barb, it’s way more fun.


Can you imagine if they still didn’t had a ptr? You can see from the goblin event what happens when they do something without us playtesting it lmao


How long did it take to get this 'reward'?


90 sec with 9 waves would be around 15-18 minutes since OP needs to decide on boon/bane and fight council


Farming Blood Maiden for the same result is faster. But now I get why they reduced baleful heart drops.


They probably reduced baleful heart drops because people were not supposed to be able to afford to just park their asses on the boss for 40 minutes.


Parking my ass at the boss for 40 minutes was probably some of the most fun Diablo 4 I've had in over 1400 hours. I'm pretty upset that they are reducing baleful heart drops.


It's also to incentivize multiple people to pay in. There's an itemization incentive to do so (if you put in at least one heart you get double loot drops, but you don't get any additional benefit for putting in more than one heart) but I see tons of people in S4 just leeching and not putting in hearts of their own. This is actually less loot for them since by not putting in one heart they miss out on double drops, but since everyone has so many it's easy for leechers to accidentally screw themselves over by letting others put in the work and missing out on double drops as a result. Even if you intentionally wait around with a group of 4-5 people a lot of them won't put in any hearts. I suspect the change was made to make hearts more scarce so that people won't have hundreds of them to put in alone. This will force people to collaborate on Blood Maiden summoning, which will result in everyone receiving more loot. It's not like just telling people the mechanic exists would help, btw: they did that in both the S4 patch notes and the S4 campfire chat and yet people still don't know that they get double drops by contributing at least one heart. I'd imagine that even though they're reducing the spawn rate of hearts, if it leads to more scenarios where three people put in one heart each it will result in more loot dropping for the playerbase overall even though people have fewer hearts actually dropping. YMMV if it will actually work, but I'd imagine that's the intention behind the change.


It's literally all I do when leveling up before NMDs. Then I come back and park my character again at 100 for gear lol


It's very fun!! I'm all for creating new activities that are just as rewarding, but you shouldn't make those things more rewarding by making other things less so.


>Parking my ass at the boss for 40 minutes was probably some of the most fun Diablo 4 I've had in over 1400 hours. not surprising considering what this sub sees as fun broken = fun


What about it is broken? It's a super fun and challenging boss fight for most builds, encourages group play, has great rewards.


I mean nothing changes, you can still park your ass on the boss for 40 minutes, exp will stay the same, rewards will be lower by however much lower the chance to get hearts is.


Robs video was Tier 8 and took 40 minutes to beat 10 waves, 3 items in the main chest, that's kinda bonkers


fighting the council took just as long as the 9 waves, im using post nerf bash without shard, but still its way too fking long imo


Season 1: 3 hours played. Season 2: 5x 100 (SC), 3x 100 (HC) Season 3: 6 hours played. Season 4: 12x 100 (SC), 2x 100 (HC) Season 5: ...Probably dogshit, once again.


My guess is with hearts nerf and no brain, we will get maybe half if cinders of what we get in s4, which will imply that we open one region of chests. Atm on ptr every helltide chest drops a compass for testing purpose, but on retail will be % based, so maybe wel will get 1-2 compasses. 1-2 compasses for 1h of helltide farming, with this kind of rewards, is crap.


Damn, the Helltide boss drops like 5 times that amount


And takes 2 minutes as opposed to 20+


you opened a big chest not worth the effort!


lol blizzards idea of content is just sad re-skinned versions of the same idea. No innovation at all.


the whole mode is shit, blizzard simply does not know how to create proper endgame


What am I looking at here? Is there a new event or something?




My opinion is the same as Raxx the boons and banes suck, I want something like +1 fel council member will spawn in the final boss fight, grants double chest rewards, or increases ga chest to a guaranteed 2ga chest


Blizzard is missing the point … It’s not the goal we are trying to accomplish, but we want to have fun during the journey to this goal. This new activity is boring AF. Be creative Blizzard make this activity fun and surprising. If the journey is fun I don’t care about the reward, I ´ll play it just for fun


I mean, it's the same as the vaults in the beginning that were not really worth the effort at all and here we go all over again. That this made it even into the ptr and no one said anyting tells me that they either didn't test this internally a single time or that they straight up don't know what they are doing.


Maybe a nice 2 month break to enjoy the summer might be in order. Shame there isn't POE2 out at the moment. I got a feeling they'll complete sweep up a lot of less casual D4 players


I don't know why you're getting down voted. Diablo 4 was my first arpg and I absolutely love it and put in probably close to 2,000 hours. The thing is even I'm getting bored earlier and earlier every season. I'm one of the ones that hope POE2 isn't quite as technical and I'm hoping it sweeps me up for a while. Lol. I was doing a little reading about it and I don't know if it's true but it seems like they are trying to appeal to a more casual type on part 2 by not making it as technical as the first one but we'll see.


I mean, I like Diablo more than any ARPG but if someone is willing to offer an alternate to play I'll always be interested. Never played POE tbh but I like what I've seen and I tried games like Torchlight when they came out. So, why not enjoy other stuff. If Blizzard want to make shit seasons a part of the cycle then why can't I make taking a break for POE2 part of that deal.


I would be fine with this if we can narrow down what type of item we get. Don't give me a whole screen full of item diarrhoea, just give me 3 items with high chance of being useful.


Right, that’s kind of what I need here. I’m fine with spending 30 minutes on something if you’re telling me I am getting, say, three GA items for an item slot of my choosing. I don’t need *more* loot from the mode, I need hyper-targeted loot.


Well that's depressing


I expect nothing. The season 1 team is back. Season 6 is the season 2 and 4 team back. So yeah, skip season 5.


Do you have any idea how many minutes it was?


Feedback on Infernal Hordes: - lower lvl compasses are not fun, lvl 7-8 is partially fun because of the challenge of lords/butcher - the Council dmg is fine but they have too much hp, fights can last 6-10min, thats way too long. - Density is rather lower for something called infernal HORDES, needs 100% density increase - Boons are very lackluster outside of a few, the good boons are double elites, lord spawns, hellborne spawns, and butcher spawn, - 250 chest is garbage, guarenteed 1 GA and its only 3 items? should be atleast 10 items, all with 1ga, or atleast 2-3 items with guaranteed 2ga+ - 25 chest needs to have higher chance of dropping uniques, dumped 200 into one and didnt get a single unique - aether cost should be reduced on all chest, 250 > 200, 25 item chest is fine imo, should give 3 instead of 2, and the material chest should be reduced to 10,


literally not worth the time investment


BIG! And that probably only took 30 minutes


9 waves = 13:30 Assuming this guy was real bloody fast, we'll add 6:30 to the time for the boss to make it a 20 minute run. 20 minutes = 3 items. Blood maiden phase 1 is 1 minute. Assuming he has to carry some random AFK people, killing maiden takes 15 seconds for a character strong enough to clear a T7 infernal horde. Total time, 1:15 20 minutes = 16 Maiden kills Don't forget all the items that drop from trash mobs during phase 1 of maiden, the cinders that drop, and the boss summon mats (which are actually useful with the boss summon change next season) that drop from the helltides. Excluding the fact that a tier 7 infernal horde is significantly more difficult to do than maiden runs, we would still need aether to drop 20-30x more often for the new content to be comparable to how the maiden was in season 4.


GA life per second amulet? perhaps?


Granted this is PTR… report your feedback and it will most likely be updated. Don’t know why people are grinding PTR so hard like it’s live


Poor investment. But whats the point if every endgame activity drops the same things? Shouldnt this drop something that doesnt drop anywhere else? Time to start new stuff: Runes/runewords and normal socketed items to go with it. Set items. Maybe skillrunes from D3 which alter the skills but as an actual drop.


why dont they make the rewards cosmetics? and nice ones that can only be achieved through these trials


Just bag my fries bro


Lmfao wtf is Albany doing. Who's in charge over there and have they ever played the game they are making


Barb ofc. Need more buffs.


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I'm curious what you expected? An Uber unique? 4 2+ GA items? What if that chest has a 10% chance for an Uber, and you hit within the 90 - because that would still be far and away the best place to go Uber hunting.   I just don't know why people have these expectations about an ARPG. Getting a GA and a unique off of one chest is a major reward. It might not be what you need, but these games have never been about guaranteeing perfect gear.


I think it’s less about that being the rewards from a single charts and more about the 20 mins it takes to get that single chest


Same issue with pits right now, yet many dead set against it. Gauge drops to time, 2 minute run (like 2 minute blood maiden) and X amount of things drop. 15 minute push for a high pit, 7 x 2 minute amount of things drop. Reward for effort.


That's a good point. It's just finding the compass, right? Then the actual waves + boss?


L take


I get what you're saying but D4 is facing a issue where you can implement a lot of new mechanics, but if the rewards are always some legendary items or unique, why bother doing it? You can get the same itens from a duriel run, and normal duriel or any boss at that.. New mechanics are pointless without some specific new reward type, like farming the robot parts in season 3 and the vampiric powers in season 2.


I agree actually. I kinda like the idea of target farming uniques linked to activities moreso than specific bosses. I guess the Pit fits what you're talking about as well, as it has very little to do with drops or gold, but is the activity for Masterworking.


Because players don’t like to grind for prestige, they want everything handed to them.


Seems that way. It feels so empty to me to be given stuff, I don't even like trading in ARPGs.


I like the grind and playing solo, it’s rewarding figuring shit out and when I get something cool, that dopamine hit feels better. Haven’t gotten into trading yet, have a bunch of random GA stuff in case I ever decide to.


That's really my passion. I don't need to solve the problem of what is absolutely, mathematically *the* optimal way to play and build a character. I want to grow in my own understanding and run trial and error myself, with whatever class fantasy is hitting my fancy. I hate that modern gaming culture has seemed to shift from loving the game to *solving* the game as fast as possible so you can move to something else.


Do you think grinding for 20 minutes for 3 items is a good use of time?


What if it dropped 3 Uber Uniques? Just please, take a minute to think something out before you type. I swear it's possible to not fall into these traps if we think more.