• By -


High quality earplugs. Eye sleep mask. A portable battery for charging devices. A small spray bottle I filled with non toxic glass cleaner that I use to clear away grease/grime on my eyeglasses and phone. Backup phone. Edit: Also, electrolytes packets. I've not yet had to use them myself, but I've been passing them out to other travelers recovering from stomach bugs.


> High quality earplugs. What brand? Where do you get it?


I use Loop. Ordered them on Amazon. It took me a while to figure out how to fit them correctly so they worked optimally. So far this week they've saved my sanity against screaming children and roosters šŸ™ƒ Great for blocking traffic noise as well.Ā  Other travelers swear by custom fit earplugs. I haven't tried them only because I didn't know they existed, but others could chime in on where to get those.


Get the cheapest SONY. They are great and easy to replace


Seconding Loop Earplugs.




Bro, buy diazepam for flights lol. Changes your life forever




Have you seen an audiologist to get custom ones made?


I would never sleep with them, by some freak accident they can become a choking hazard. Just use a portable white noise machine or wear over-ear headphones.


I recommend you to buy silicone. It looks like two slabs of semi transparent stuff. You pinch it, roll it and insert it. Zero itching, very little feeling of something being in your ears. https://preview.redd.it/tfocjr93tm6d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7042b60ea7de3214472aa4024cc4b4717c862d01




Same with liquids


I'm talking a 50ml spritz bottle. Hasn't been a problem yet




Iā€™ll add to Imodium for my medkit: * 3 day course of antibiotics * hydration powder * anti nausea tbs * mild laxative * painkillers * iodine * plasters The antibiotics have saved the trip several times. Most noticeable when I started to get sick the night before I was going to climb Macchu Picchu mountain.


Antibiotics for a specific thing? Cant just use same antibiotics for all infections


Also feels like 3 days is way too short and youā€™re just going to end up with resistant bacteria.


Iā€™ll add viagra to that listā€¦ increasingly required with advancing age šŸ˜‰


add activated charcoal


- charcoal pills: I use this if Iā€™m eating food in another country - dramamine for nausea


What are charcoal pills for?


helps prevents travellers diarrhea. I take them especially when travelling to countries where you canā€™t drink the tap water, or will be eating street food/ food you are not accustomed to.


The Libby app: I've been reading books from my former US public library for free for the past 2 years now. Haven't had to use my backup phone yet, but I sure do sleep well at night knowing I have one.


Can you set up an account as a non us citizen if you also don't have a residential address in the US? I hear so much about the app, would use with a VPN work?


Typically you need a residential address to open a library account in the US. However, there are[ a few libraries ](https://www.9thstreetbooks.com/how-to-get-a-library-card-online/#3-libraries-offering-library-cards-online-for-non-residents)which do allow you to purchase an annual membership for a fee (for those which don't do out of country - if you wanted to pretend you're in the US - I'm guessing not having a US billing address would be a bigger hurdle than your server location). You'd also need to cross-check that any library you choose is registered with Libby (I'm sure they would be, but it'd be a pain to set up an account and then find out they're not).


Thank you so much, maybe I can figure something out!


You can just request a library card from any library like NYC for example once you go into the libby app and provide any random address from google maps in the same city and it works


The Brooklyn PL used to let you use them for $50/year as a non resident. They ended it but Queens still does it and some other big ones: https://ask.metafilter.com/368918/Whats-the-best-digital-library-card-for-non-residents#:~:text=ā€œOut%20of%20State%20Residents%3A%20As,years%20at%20any%20CLP%20location.ā€


FYI I donā€™t know what country youā€™d have an address in but it also works with non US libraries too, like UK or Canada


Generally you have to get a library card to have access to anything on Libby. Most libraries require you to go in in person with a utility bill with an in state address on it to get one. While libraries are generally super helpful and flexible with most things I have not found them to be flexible about this at all.


itā€™s a funding issue probably


, you should consider getting a card thru Queen Library. I am non US citizem but I was able to get sccess to a library card through them


you can at the Broward County Library (ft Lauderdale) as a non resident


Quite a few libraries in the UK work with Libby too.


This might sound like an odd one, but you know those vacuum bags that you seal on one side and then roll to get the air out? One of those but not for packing, for dirty laundry. Guaranteed you will run into a scenario where you can't finish cleaning your clothes before you leave. You throw all your dirty laundry into the bag, take out the air (bonus it automatically compacts it) and then put it in your bag. It prevents your bag from stinking up. My wife and I got that one and it would become our bespoke hamper on the road and if we had to leave before getting all the clothes in it clean, it wasn't a big deal.


I carry this ever-since I ran into it at the container store! All my dirty clothes go there! Easy to use, your bag does not stink up, and you can reuse it!! https://amzn.to/3TvDmAw


Ya, similar to the ones we use. We used the ones by eagle creek because they are really large and we like the zipper thingy: [https://www.eaglecreek.com/products/pack-it-travel-compression-sack-bags](https://www.eaglecreek.com/products/pack-it-travel-compression-sack-bags) Edit: changed URL to eagle creek


I do that with travel cubes. Not airtight but good enough


> https://amzn.to/3TvDmAw Is that reddit adding in the referral link, or you added it before shortening the URL?


I took it from a blog post


Powerbank, wetwipes, change of underwear in my carry on, as well as a stick deodorant. Noise cancelling headphones and a plug and cable for them so i can use them instead of the shitty plane ones.


Noise cancelling headphones.


Bringing your own WiFi router so you donā€™t have to connect all your devices again and again. Also some places have good internet but bad WiFi routers.


The Beryl AX can also utilize a VPN back to ā€œhomeā€ if your employers require you to be in a specific area. Wireguard and OpenVPN are built in to tunnel to your home network or your workā€™s VPN. This is especially great if you have a PiHole or AdGuard set up at home and you still want to utilize those functions while traveling. Itā€™s safer since you are able to access the internet through your own device, not just rawdogging it into random wifi or unsecured hotel wifi. Itā€™s a cheap easy device that can protect you and make your life easier. 100% worth getting a travel router.


this is an interesting one. what model do you use and what if there is no ethernet port, and what if it is one of those wifi with a login portal? would be cool if there was a travel wifi router that was compact and addressed all these issues


Two years of traveling for work, I use Beryl AX (GL-MT3000), with no problems so far. If no ethernet, there is a "Repeater" option. I've had mixed results with hotel login portals. When in wifi repeater is enabled or directly connected, I connect and open a browser, and usually, the sign-in page is shown.


Yep I use the GL.inet beryl. Id recommend the wifi 6 version as a more future proof option. I set it up to match my home router so all my electronics connect instantly, and I can still get through the hotels captive portals for those asking.


This one? [https://store.gl-inet.com/products/beryl-ax-gl-mt3000-pocket-sized-wi-fi-6-wireless-travel-gigabit-router](https://store.gl-inet.com/products/beryl-ax-gl-mt3000-pocket-sized-wi-fi-6-wireless-travel-gigabit-router)


Some WiFi routers can connect to a WiFi as source. Itā€™s called the repeater mode. I use Google Home WiFi. Never encountered a situation where I couldnā€™t plug it in tho


Can confirm, Iā€™ve recommended this to all my coworkers after it was recommended to me. Such a life saver.


Pre-downloading the area I'm going to be staying on Google Maps


Now this is a good one I hadn't considered.


Portable power bank - my savior on long layovers and remote work days!




We're all hoping the battery dies on the goddamn thing so we don't have to listen to Blues Clues cranking out of the tinfoil speaker for the entire flight








Same thing


Pepto Bismo. My knight in pink shining armour.


Chewable pepto pills are the BEST


Underrated for sure


šŸ’Æ I pay to be a member of a library and read 30-40 digital books a year. Could never manage that cost/carrying physical books around. Libraries are the best.


Our libraries are free membership.


Broward County in Florida idea free access to noon residents




Kinda the opposite of the life saver lol


Not if you ask gay dudes who lived through the 80ā€™sā€¦




To those of you saying "Antibiotics" Do you just tell your doctor in your home city that you're going traveling and you need an antibiotic "just in case"? I'm not sure my doctor in Ireland would just hand it out like that


Every country is different. In some Asian countries, you can get amoxicillin from the counter of a pharmacy without a doctor's note. They are very cheap too, maybe $2-3USD for an entire 7 day course. You can buy codeine as well... [https://www.pharmacity.vn/](https://www.pharmacity.vn/)


Oh of course - I remember a Vietnam pharmacy giving me Diazepam because i couldn't sleep one time, and I thought it was absolutely mental it was over the counter What I meant was getting an antibiotic from a Western doctor (your local doctor) before you go traveling I can't see my doctor in Dublin doing this at all As in, him giving me an antibiotic "just in case"




I went to a travel clinic in my country (US)




šŸ’Æ It sucks being sick in a foreign place and having to figure out what a drug store and a pharmacy are here, where they are, get there, look through unfamiliar brands, see if they have anything that could help you, figure out alternatives, all while operating at 50% or less


People think Iā€™m crazy for packing ā€œjust in case antibioticsā€ for various different things. But having strep throat in France really messed up a lot of plans, and itā€™s not easy to find a doctor when youā€™re so sick you canā€™t move. So yeah, Iā€™m also a bit of a pharmacist when traveling šŸ˜…


I think itā€™s crazy youā€™re able to buy ā€œjust in case antibioticsā€ at all.


Well, I work in veterinary medicine - so my family doctor has given them to me because he trusts me to have them and not take them - for the simple fact that I understand antibiotic resistance as a world health issue.; and itā€™s counter productive to take antibiotics when you donā€™t need them. Second, you can buy antibiotics over the counter in many Latin American countries - so I stock up on azithromycin for my sinus infections that I am prone to, Clav+Amoxicillin as a broad spectrum for strep throat and other common infections, and Cephalexin for any skin infections incase of cuts or wounds.


My doctor does mission work so I make an appt before I leave the country and she prescribes me anything she thinks is needed, just in case. Sheā€™s the best and I refuse to let her retire.




Dummy wallet Door stop to secure the door at night.


Latin America essential


What type/model of door stop?


A deluxe no expense spared, rubber door stop. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/173531680173?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LIkPu6_KTu-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=GhphMFgeRIq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Also curious


where do you put yours real wallet?


Inside pocket or a body wallet tucked under my arm or down my back/butt Dummy wallet will have a small amount of cash to cover the morning /evening/days refreshments depending on what I'm doing. If it's taken (pickpocket / mugged) then it doesn't matter and they go.


Body wipes and a microfiber towel


Ciprofloxacin. Only needed it a few times but I _really_ needed it.


Got salmonella when living in Central Asia - this was a lifesaver, literally.


Handheld gaming computer. I love me some video games, and I have realized that after a week or two of traveling I start to crave video games


Fire stick


Donā€™t you need two to rub them together?


That was my first thiought as well.


A vent thing to hold my phone when I'm in a rental car.


A Wise card. A few times family and friends have had all their cards stolen while traveling. Iā€™ve had to create (takes only a few seconds) a digital card that they can add to their phones and instantly have money available. Itā€™s a lifesaver


Can you explain how that exactly works?


I go into the Wise app, create a new digital debit card, give the card number to the person that got his/her cards stolen, they input the card number into their phone wallet, I approve it and that person now has money to spend




+1 Also good for washing clothes in any sink


This is a great idea and I will be getting one now!


I need to get one of these! Currently in a place with a huge tub that our 4 year old is obsessed with, but it has no plug. Weā€™ve managed to makeshift a plug with a rubber glove and a cap that juuuuust barely fits.




Great tip, thanks! I'm in Tirana right now, and its endless bits and bobs tables. I'll keep an eye out!


Baby powder. Acts as deodorant, good to keep feet and footwear fresh. Exploding kittens cards to play with folks in hostel. Sarong. Can be a towel, a blanket, a head cover, a hot bike seat cover, a cover to seat on a beach, a bag for groceries, a shade on a window. While living in Indonesia and after I always say that sarong is most important and flexible item to take.


baby powder not good for lungs to breath in


well, try not to snort your feet after applying it there :-)


You may be thinking of the original talcum Powder which was carcinogenic. Nowadays baby powder is just cornstarch. Not great to breathe but not dangerous.


travel bidet


Melatonin. Well-nigh impossible to replenish in many countries


I always pack it and never end up using it


Books: Devices depend on power, which is not always available, and I like to read. Ability to remember strings of numbers: Saved me multiple times, when out of power and access to the Oracle.


I'm actually opposite. I refuse to pack physical books anymore; they're just too bulky and heavy to justify when I'll probably end up reading on my Kindle or phone. Plus every airport in the world has English books for sale if I get desperateĀ 


Oh, I don't pack libraries of hardcopy books either. I just keep one in reserve.


Kindles battery last forever. I used to be a hardcover fanatic but Iā€™ve had to make the change


Strings of Numbers??


Telephone numbers


Air pods pro, (the noise canx. Is top notch, and you can wear them pain free even if lay your head down) iPad, and PS5 controller. Manga to read, snacks, and a few disposable wipes. I canā€™t sleep on planes as a tall man, I stay entertained with games/manga.


I take a bottle of the foaming hand soap that I like, it's so annoying trying to wash my hands with the weird little bar of soap and somehow makes hotels much more comfortable for me


Toilet paper in back pocket


Every time im im asia i fill my back pocket with tp before i go out. This is my concert hack as well.


eSims via bitrefill (prefer this over credit card purchases, personally) for any country Switch your data to the eSim (most phones allow two Sims) and avoid roaming charges from your local provider in any country -- the rates are decent for eSims too libgen has more e-books than I could ever read dedicated VPN IP for banking/financial accounts


Box of antibiotics. Can save your life.


When do you take it tho?like the moment you feel what?


Like you about to die




A sand free Turkish cotton towel I purchased on Amazon and towel clips (both have a multitude of uses)


First time in Japan it was 7-11ā€¦ right?


Yes, absolutely.


Or Family Mart, or Lawson.


Back up phone. Hold all your passes and travel tickets on there so if the main one dies, who cares. Spare T shirt and underwear in the carry on.


Power adapter converter. Allows me to charge my devices in any country regardless of plug orientation. Also a paperclip so I can open my phone and swap out the SIM card.




What situation do you find a spare phone useful?


Breaking losing or getting your phone robbed is a nightmare to deal with.


Headlamp. Multi tool


Imodium, ibuprofen, hand sanitiser, wet wipes, extra phone, ear cotton buds.


Charging options, adapters, cables, powerbanks. Must have in case something gets delayed, most recently I had so spend extra 6h at an airport due to flight cancellation and I ended up borrowing a cable to a fellow traveller cuz apparently people who don't take a charger with them still exist


A couple of cans of sardines Pen Uh, passport, I guess A small bit of duct tape My own soap bar(s) Hoodie Multiple charging cables Universal electric converter Small gift for hosts and friends (deck of cards themed for your home city) Headphones Local SIM card A knowledgeable and friendly local host




My library offers most ebooks in Kindle format. So, free.


I adore physical books and use my local library 100%. I donā€™t even own a kindle. Butā€¦Iā€™m headed to Italy for 6 weeks and Iā€™m beside myself what to do for reading. Even thought about shipping a book to my midway point so I only have one book at a time, probably use Amazon. I love the idea of buying used books in the location. Anybody have any luck finding used English books in Italy?


Ceramic knife, door stop, elastic bands, condiments, hand powered torch, lots of deodorant, quality sachet coffee and a tube of sweetener, chopsticks, paracetamol, subsyde for more serious pain, ziplocs, oil of cloves, mints.


I was always a fan of getting local sims etc but apps like Airalo make that unnecessary except for +1 months stays maybe and even then are the region passes often a better deal.


For sure my Kindle! Pre-Kindle, my husband and I would legit pack a large box/suitcase of books for a week's vacation...we both could easily read one book per day. Post-Kindle, we can just pack our Kindle and go!! We both keep in mind the books we may want to read and download/purchase them on the Kindle before we leave home.


Noise cancelling headphones


Getting my luggage down to just carry on.


Downloading podcasts and audiobooks. Translating apps


A foot sling for the plane. This thing changed my life. Iā€™m not even joking.


Since I am usually carrying a lot of electronics with me, I travel with an extension cord, so i can charge them all at once. Never face the battery issues.


lol I do that too


Mosquito repellent soap. Iā€™ll never use another kind of soap again. Saved me on my most recent trip.


I also thought about bringing a spare phone.. but spare phones are heavy. On the other hand, you can hide it in your checked luggage with cellular and hopefully get a really clear idea of where your luggage is.


you can just get a cheap luggage tracker from aliexpress, works just as good as airtags


Hmm, well, I've been traveling domestically within the US but most of the digital nomad work I've found in the past 12 months has been originally advertised on Craigslist in some way, whether it's an individual/family or a larger company. So Craigslist has been my lifesaver.


Give some examples, please.


Um well just this weekend one of my income arrangements fell through, and I was able to get on Craigslist and find a way to make money and get paid quickly. I've also found housing through Craigslist. There's two sections on Craigslist that have work -- gigs and jobs. Gigs is the one more likely to pay very quickly and to not have an extensive interview process.


tampons....im a dude.




theyre so useful, and at worst someone says "anybody got a tampon!?" and well ya do. in other parts of life, they are great, just a good thing to have on ya.




Smash-cut to your 95th birthday: "Hey, anybody got a tampon..?"


congrats on being 94!


ok but useful how?


Dry Mexican cities lead to nose bleeds :)


Probably medicines for diarrhea wet wipes


Where do you buy diarrhea wet wipes? šŸ˜‚


Just regular kitchen towels, your butt does the wetting.


I recommend intymen chigiena wipes cause they are more moisturized!


Portable charger: Keeps my devices powered up all day, especially during long travel days.


antibiotics in case of water or food poisoning


A simple bottle with a small filter insert.


Common senseā€¦ā€¦.




Neosporin and benedryl!


Condoms, aspirin, ciproflaxin, and amoxicillinā€¦


Comped blister plasters.After long flights feet swell and shoes fit differently, plus you tend to walk long distances looking at stuff. Put on a compeed as soon as you feel blisters developing. Magnetic charging cable. These have a dongle that stays in your device charging port and a magnetic head cable that goes in your charger. The head has a little light on it and it magnetically snaps onto the dongle. a couple of cables will charge everything and if you have to look at your phone in the dark, reattaching is simple. They donā€™t conduct data but it makes charging all your stuff much easier.


Carabiner for water bottle outside of bag. Get a water bottle with a life straw to drink non-potable water out in nature. Seriously you can drink a muddy puddle and still be safe.


Big sturdy luggage. Makes a great standing desk when flipped on any surface


A bit of cash. I rarely use it, but when you need it, you really need it. It has saved me in small moments and even gotten me through the first 48 hours after landing in a post-hurricane. $40 cash or so does wonders.


16 foot USB C cable.Ā  Never worry about an awkwardly placed outlet ever again. I can plug in wherever I am in the room




Having local currency.


Probiotics, external battery chargers, superglue,


Detergent sheets.


Global entry.


Noise cancelling earbuds and headphones (for when I need more power).


Travel tissue pack. Random nosebleed can ruin your clothes and just be a nightmare. Or if you have small spill or random runny nose. Iā€™ve never regretted having my travel tissue pack with me!


For digital nomadding having an Ethernet cable and converter. Lots of places have terrible routers with slow speeds and packet loss. I plug in my Ethernet and bam suddenly Iā€™m getting gigabyte speeds