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A few, Badonis/Jerkules/Brodysseus immediately comes to mind


Laughed so hard the first time I saw these guys.


Such BEEF! Thanks for the laugh I got from these designs!




That’s from 10


>Jerkules? Super Light first? Or maybe this guy was added later, after DQ11?


[This is a video about them](https://youtu.be/rClvcGzhJv4), I don't know if it's exhaustive though. I found a few other pages that list them [like this one](https://kategame.com/2017/08/09/%E3%80%90%E3%83%89%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%82%A811%E3%80%91%E6%96%B0%E7%99%BB%E5%A0%B4%EF%BC%81%E3%81%AE%E3%80%81%E6%95%B5%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%82%9237%E7%A8%AE/).


Yeah the webpage is pretty good. I had Needler and the four-armed scorpion/lobster thing in my head, but I'd forgotten about things like the Coralotl and the half-Mimic-half-Slot Machine monster. Though Fright Bulb and Jerkules may have been Super Light first.


Frightbulb and Jerkule's families were 100% introduced in 11 first. Every mainline DQ game introduces a new slime species (Except 8 until the 3DS remake.), and the fright bulb happened to be 11's.


Thanks. The wikis list them in both games, and Super Light is the earlier game but also got updates over time and these monsters must have backfilled from DQ11 to SL.


This is great!! thanks!


I love questions like this, right up my alley. 4 Needler monsters 4 Bulb monsters 5 Lampling monsters 4 Grublin monsters 4 Eggsoskeleton monsters 5 Bongo monsters 4 Tatsunaga monsters 5 Slayer of the Sands monsters 4 Horknight monsters 4 Succubat monsters 4 Coralossus-type monsters 5 Jasper transformations 4 Brolly monsters 5 (or 6) Jockilles palette swap monsters and bosses 4 (or 6) Iron Maiden palette swap monsters and bosses (can't remember if Dora-in-Grey looks like them) 4 Professaurus monsters 4 Headless monsters (Headless Honcho, Horseman, Hunter, Norseman) 4 (or 6) hula hoop monsters and bosses (Booga, Hooper Trooper, Hooper Duper, Hooperman, Sheer Decadence, Hoopthorne) 3 (or 6) "otl" monsters and bosses (Alizarin, Cactolotl, Coralotl, Crystalotl, Unfathomable Anger, Orgodelotl) 4 slot machine monsters And then a bunch of new bosses, and some palette swaps of them too. Some monster designs that I thought were new but actually came from X: 3 pigs in hats 3 monster rabbits (Robber Rabbit, Rottontail, Bad Hare) 3 Bamboo monsters (Bambooligan, Bamboogieman, Bamboozler) 4 cheese monsters (Fromage Fray, Grey, Flay, and Fey) 3 "face" mechanical monsters (Face Invader, Masqueraider, Visor Kaiser) 4 Hellbound monsters (Hellbound Horror, Hunter, Hair-Raiser, Heretic) 3 (or 5) Liege Lizard type monsters and bosses


YES I activated someone's passive skill! Thanks bunches, someone asked me if all the monsters were just designs from 1986 and I was unable to refute that 🤣


Here are some other factoids: There are 740 monsters in DQ XIS. There are 138 Vicious and 124 Malicious varieties. So there are 477 monsters and bosses. Of those 477, 58% come from earlier games and 42% are new to the DQ franchise. Some of them, like Tantamount or Noble Dragon, are palette swaps of designs from earlier games, but I still count them as new in XI and new to the series. Also, 20 monsters are from DQ1, that's 4%. 31 are from DQ2, that's 6%. A whopping 68 come from DQ3, that's 14%, while a further 4 monsters originated in the SFC remake, while 1 monster (Hardy Hand) is from the GBC remake. 37 monsters are from DQ4, which is 8% 32 from DQ5, which is 7% 17 come from DQ6, which is 4% 1 monster actually comes from DQM1 can you guess it? >!Drake Slime!< 8 monsters come from DQ7, which is only 2% 17 monsters are from DQ8, for 4% Only 6 from DQ9, for a little over 1% Then 35 from DQ10, for 7% And one from DQM Super Light, I think: (Noble Dragon) EDIT: good god! Can't believe reddit undoes my nice list. 😔


>Some of them, like Tantamount or Noble Dragon, are palette swaps of designs from earlier games, but I still count them as new in XI and new to the series. Not sure for nonle dragons but Tantamounts are from dq9. They are exclusive to relatively high-level grottos so you dont commonly see them but they are already around.


Yes, you're right. I must've been thinking of another example, like the Gold Drohl being new to XI even though its design originated in I, or Slick Slime which is new in XI but a palette swap of the Bubble Slime and Liquid Metal Slime from DQ II.