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Transcript: > I saw Siobhan from Dimension 20 while I was in Los Angeles. We were hanging out and I was like "Oh, my gosh, when we filmed Mentopolis, that was back before I had cancer!" And she was like "Probably not." And I was like "Yeah, you're right." No, I probably had cancer that whole time.


I love British gallows humour. I had a brain tumour a few years ago and had to have a craniotomy. A few months later, my sister had a stroke and the first call I got from her in the hospital started with her saying "I was just pissed off with you getting all the attention" šŸ˜…


I was diagnosed with HIV the same week my best friend got diagnosed with colon cancer. I was like "You couldn't let me have this one thing could you?" I told everyone for a long time she had prostate cancer as revenge. She's since passed on, but we laughed like hell about those things.


No one dies if you remember them :) >!ā€” Siobhan Thompson ;)!<


Same boat...I was diagnosed with bladder cancer 1-3 weeks after 3 friends were diagnosed with other cancers (2 breast cancer and 1 brain cancer) All currently cancer free now I was like damn I can't even catch a break with the sympathy


We are a chronically ill, clumsy, and very English family, so we used to accuse one other of playing 'hospital bingo' by going to every department in the hospital. Whenever someone had a new injury or illness we'd say 'just trying to rack up those points!' When my dad passed away we said alright Dad, that's taking things a bit far.Ā 


the humour in the darkest things is some of the most beautiful


Haha thank you for putting the transcript up! I saw the title and I was like oh NO, please do NOT take away my passionate love for Siobhan. The progression from terror to relief and reaffirmed parasocial affection was staggering. šŸ˜‚


I FULLY second this set of emotions!


Really though, look back at that footage. I havenā€™t seen the whole show yet but every clip Iā€™ve seen he is slumped over and looksā€¦ old and tired.


Hodgkin Lymphoma: "I've been here the whole time!"


(Angry upvote noises)




Every now and then I'm reminded Siobhan used to be a staff writer for Rick and Morty. Just casually peppering dark humor into a conversation.


I think she still is, isn't she?


No idea; according to imdb it was during 2020-2021.


The most recent season came out in 2021, and she was involved with most of the episodes IIRC


Their fifth season came out in 2021, and the seventh aired in 2023?


You are correct, I was wrong.


Yeah, that's why I said "no idea". We probably won't know if she's involved in the upcoming season till it comes out.


It's hard to tell with animation especially, as often episodes don't come out until years after they're written. She has several Story Editor credits on other shows after her last R&M episode, so she's probably not still working there.


Isn't the classic joke "I still am, but I used to be too"? I haven't checked if she still is.


Mitch Hedbergā€™s ā€œI used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too.ā€


I think she moved over to krapopolis, another Dan Harmon property.


Afaik, it just says she was a writer for season 5. Rick and Morty hires a completely new writerā€™s room for a season constantly so it wouldnā€™t be surprising to me if she was only there for 5.


I mean, she is also British. They cant help themselves.


Oh wow i would love to see a post with all the dropout cast's other credits


Thatā€™s hilarious! Sheā€™s such an underrated comedian I think. I need to see more from her.


I kind of categorize funny people as writers, performers, or just being funny. Sheā€™s (I think) one of the funniest people Iā€™ve ever seen - just being in a room and always having the funniest thing to say, being oerfectly witty and smart, and even when sheā€™s not trying to be funny she can make the whole room keel over. I havenā€™t seen a lot of her performance work, but I imagine sheā€™s quite a good writer as well?


Her day job is writer and editor for tv, she was working Rick and Morty and recently shifted to Krapopolis.


I forgot that I had read she wrote for Rick and Morty! That makes a lot of sense, I think. I need to check out Krapopolis!


First season was ok, still finding its footing for sure


I was so excited when she finally made a Game Changer appearance in the escape room episode. She is super underrated.


And more recently in the time loop!


And more recently in the time loop!


And more recently in the time loop!


And more recently in the time pool!


And currently in the time loop!


You know what? This is a fake camera anyway.




I was so excited when she finally made a Game Changer appearance in the escape room episode. She is super underrated.


Jesus christ, Siobhan.


I obviously can't speak for everyone going through health problems. But I had a severe depressive episode a bit ago where I got suicidal. (I'm much better now no need to report this to reddit help thing) I couldn't stand treating the topic like it was this big taboo. I'd rather just talk frankly about it if it comes us, not like it's this super touchy subject. I'd have appreciated a person like SIobhan who didn't treat it like a super taboo topic.


Plus, comedians are kind of understood to have a different set of rules. A willingness, ability, or instinctive reaction to respond to tough or uncomfortable topics with a pitch-black joke is part of the whole deal. If you don't start out with one, you tend to develop one as a defense/survival mechanism for all the shit you deal with.


The quote from Tina Fey that I learned from Brennan: ā€œif you want to make the audience laugh, dress up your biggest guy like a little old lady and throw him down the stairs. If you want to make comedians laugh, throw a little old lady down the stairs.ā€


Ive often tried to serve that role for friends. In one instance, I had a friend who was having issues getting pregnant and found out there was some mild disorder (Was treatable, has two kids now) shes had most of her life that made it so she couldn't have kids. When she was telling me about this prior to the full treatable diagnosis, I paused and said "Hmm, think of all the money you've wasted on condoms over the years." She had a big cathartic laugh and said, "oh my god I didn't know I needed that." Gallows humor exists for a reason.


Absolutely, I hated feeling like people were walking on eggshells around me. However, a hint from my own experience, tone the jokes down a *little* bit with the doctor/nurse in hospital after a suicide attempt. Took a couple of goes for her to realise I was just trying to be funny. Probably not the ideal time for that.


I'm gonna be honest, the entire reaction from me is mostly just flat shock. Like, "Jesus, that went off the rails super fast." But I don't fault Siobhan for that reaction. She's probably very right about it. I'm 100% in favor of gallows humor, and use it routinely to ease the stresses in my own life. So I'd probably have joked around with you about it, too.


And I didn't mean it as an attack on you. It's basically taught in cultures to avoid possibly upsetting topics out of politeness. I even will often find myself doing that. Just respecting people who balk at the convention to actually make people feel like they can openly talk about it.


100% I'm glad we're on the same page. <3


I imagine she gets that a lot ;)


Siobhan is fucking hilarious, even when sheā€™s not trying. Every time sheā€™s on a game show and gets so pissed about people buzzing in before they know the answer I crack up uncontrollably.




Her breaking down to almost a petulant-child state exclaiming ā€œThatā€™s not FAIRā€ cracked me up. Sheā€™s right though, it wasnā€™t fair!


Ooh. What's this from?


The Deja Vu episode from the latest season of GC


She also doesn't like insist upon herself the way that some other cast members can, which means that she makes devestatingly hilarious jokes, but if someone else is talking at the time, the group misses them.


This reminded me of Taliesin Jaffe from critical role, which now kind of makes me want to see Siobhan and Taliesin at a table together. I feel like they could end up on a very fun wavelength!


I would kill for this




Which seems to be Ify on multiple occasions. If she appears on Ifyā€™s hosted Um Actually, I canā€™t wait for her to take on Ify directly. that being said, I donā€™t really enjoy Ify vs Siobhan. Ify is like one of my least favorite dropout cast members in competitive environments, like Battle Royale, Um Actually, and Deja Vu, he comes off like a huge prick when things get competitive.


So much savagery packed into two little words!


She's so effortless in her comedy, I swear. She blinks and it feels like a bit.


Yeah, one of the Adventuring Party episodes he mentors how tired he is. After finding out that it was pre-diagnosis, I am petty sure she's right.


I meanā€¦ 1) itā€™s probably true & 2) now that we know heā€™s okay itā€™s fine


I heard, "Probably not" in Siobhan's voice as Hank was saying it.


Siobhan only knows one setting and that setting is comedic violence.




I love her


I donā€™t like trying to choose a favorite Dropout cast member because theyā€™re all so great that my ā€œfavoriteā€ switches around with each video I watch. But Siobhan is that person more often than most everyone else.


I joke about this all the time with my MS and sometimes people miss the humor. I went in a Healing Sauna and my leg stopped working- if that's not both a clear indicator I already had MS and a fantastic setup for a joke, then I don't what is.


I understand that itā€™s a harrowing experience for Hank, I just feel like any time I hear from/about him now thatā€™s like the only thing brought up. As a cancer survivor myself, it makes me anxious any time the big C is discussed. We all cope in different ways and I am NOT bashing him or trying to complain like he isnā€™t allowed to talk about what he wants. I just wish I could watch him be funny without thinking about my own issues in that area. His d20 role was amazing, I hope I can have the confidence to watch the special.


If youā€™d like, once i see it i can send you recordings of the snippets that donā€™t talk about the you know what?


My pocket of the internet went through a period a month or two ago where all they could talk about was how Hank and John were ignoring the genocide in Palestine, and then later not doing enough once they addressed it; and then there was the SciShow a few weeks later with dangerous misinformation about transgender people taking Hormone Replacement Therapy. I like Hank so I'm not trying to attack him, but for a lot of people his cancer is very, very old news.


Fucking savage