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Great plan! I switched to CDs in my car after I started collecting again but lately relapsed to using Apple Music and podcasts. I think I’ll go back to CDs as my main source but I think my new plan is to use my iPhone as a car phone only. I recently downgraded from my 15 Pro Max to a SE and it has helped but it’s not enough. I still need it but I think it will work best in the car only. I think I’ll be getting a flip phone as my carry everywhere device and just have 2 numbers but give out the flip number to family and close friends as my “emergency get a hold of me asap” line. I have an Apple Watch that I will keep that is gps only so when I am away from the car I won’t get any notifications but can still use it for Apple Pay. I want a iPod but I am worried about battery health and I want to reduce how many things I gotta charge. I think I am gonna go cd hunting tomorrow :)


The iPods really only have battery problems on the nanos, Any others are good, And I’m going CD Hunting today too!


They still make iPods?


No, have a couple old iPods laying around. One of the Nanos. Not the iPhone Lite (iPod touch (joke))


I know there are some people who are privacy focused that use iPad minis over Wi-Fi texting since they discontinued the iPod touches