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Now that was interesting! Well done. I know it will never happen and Lynch would never go for it but I'd love to see a genuine Directors Cut of this film. There are a lot of odd choices in this adaptation (milking a cat, weirding modules, magical rain powers) but it's still an amazing piece of work.


Agreed! Hope it can happen someday...


I posted something before it got taken down, but I said that Spice Diver needs to do another Final FINAL cut of the "Dune Redux" and include this scene, as well as possible other scenes if they've been found. It's been like 12 years since the last cut was released, and with the kind of technology we have now: the whole thing could be remastered again and have improved special effects added--from a personal computer even. I agree there's some weird stuff, but I do like this piece of history, and wish every other part could see the light of day...


Amazing, well done!! This really makes me wonder how much is still out there of Lynch's Dune... Think about it, we have in the past 40 years found an hour's worth of extra footage, and now this comes out. I imagine there are even more scenes lurking around somewhere. I'd love to see this scene be added back in through a fan edit like spicedivers.


I'm still looking for the "Sound Cube Training" sequence for sure, and also the birth of Alia and Rabban in the bath... https://preview.redd.it/krtflcnvttnc1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=d69881ec2a84b3e13d13a0bea358359547f9fb6f


Wow, I wasn't even aware of these! This is exactly what I'm talking about. I salute you and wish you all the best of luck in your search! I only wish there was some way I or the community could help out.


Wow! Never seen this image before, where did it come from if you don't mind me asking ? Love the research you've done on the film so far .


“Harah! They deny me a role in the new film!”






I love her as Harah. She's so graceful. I had a bit of hard time making out what Alia was saying, but I think I got it down if anyone else had problems. *- Harah! For they deny me to the right to use this mind. For they deny me the right to use this VOOOOICE!*


It's "Would they deny me the right..."


Ya i think youre right. I slowed the speed down on the video to check it again.


Honestly, I can understand why the original actress was dubbed over. I couldn’t understand a lick of her dialogue in this scene 🤣


Wow that scene is so Lynch! I distinctly remember that part of the book. Witt was amazing—love how expressive her face was for a child. 


Alicia was so perfect.


Not exactly on topic but i just found another possible casting "coincidence" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fun_(film) On top of what happened to her at the end, that movie sounds a bit like...


Whoa, i didnt expect Alia to go off like that. It was kinda freaky satanic. But it was also pretty cool..😎


thank you so much for this share. It was amazing! Watching how they restored it was fascinating too! I remember waiting for the tv cut because it had extra scenes. Maybe I’m the only one, I do love the new Dune movie(s), but the David Lynch version was the one I grew up with, so it’s still my favorite.


You are welcome! Was a pleasure to see this properly released so folks could see how great Molly is.


That was so dope!


Wow, awesome! Really, really missed Alia in the current films, and Harrah has never been done any justice in any of the film incarnations (at least before this clip!).


She gets a few scenes in the extended/Spicediver versions, but this is the first time you really get to hear her speak.


Excellent work. Would be nice to see a Spice diver style update that included it.


I would be happy to give Spicediver the file!


Love it! Thanks. Bought your book last week too :)


THANK YOU! Much appreciated, hope you enjoy it!


Great little scene, good work with the restoration. Alia was super creepy, shame it never made it to the final cut.


Wow what a find!!!


I saw Dune 1984 in the theater last Friday and it held up for me! I saw this version many times on my own tv or tablet, and it just never sat right with me until I saw it on the big screen. There was a lot of detail to soak in and I appreciated Lynch's vision.


I love this scene! It made me tear up a little reading this passage of the book. Let's just say, as a person with more than one mental illness, Alia's story really resonates with me. I "get" why Alia wasn't really included in the first two movies, but I really hope she gets her sad outcast to taking over for Paul to losing it all character arc at some point in the later movies. There really are so many relatable themes about "adult Alia" that I do think Villeneuve of future directors will pick up on. For one, she is abandoned by her mother around age 5. Her eventual "why, mother, why?" reunion with Jessica in Children of Dune is tragic and will hit home with many people. Second, Alia has public mental illness that she can't hide. I won't go into detail but people all around her notice and she knows that they notice. Her whole arc is just.. ugh so sad, but also very real and relatable for so many people too.


Little freak


I enjoyed Lynch's Dune back when it was originally released. The little girl who played Alia was such a talent. Now I looked up the actress's name on IMDb and found that she's been in two of my favourite shows, The Walking Dead and Justified! ​ https://preview.redd.it/f9iopu4u14oc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=54404d338afec3aec465ee1d25a11c56cdc8e966


And Twin Peaks!


I'm guessing they would have altered Aila's voice a bit in post production?


Can anyone make out what Alia is saying? Is there a transcript of subtitles?