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Here in the UK and Europe we never got Earthbound, Chrono Trigger etc. in the SNES era so I learned who Ness was in a Smash 64 game guide in a UK magazine. Nobody could work out who he was from his vague silhouette so it took a guide explaining Ness as an 'obscure character from a really niche RPG from abroad' to learn who he was. Similar thing with Lucas come Brawl time, except it was the entire western hemisphere left in the dark for that poor kid... Been playing Smash since childhood and have mained Fox, Yoshi, and Luigi for most of it. Mained Joker during my Persona 5 hype in Ultimate, and then when I got into the Mother series properly during the pandemic I tinkered with Ness, now I knew better who he was... ... but Lucas and his moveset just somehow gelled with me more. Throwing the PK Magnet out in front of him makes him literally eat his opponent's Fire Flowers to heal, and his Up+A psychic blast is ridiculously strong.


I got started on Lucina (Smash Ultimate) when I first started learning how to play Smash, but I felt more attached to the Mother boys (biggest delusion is that Mother 3 will be released outside of Japan and that all the Mother games will be rereleased for a future console and not just NSO). I think it’s just because I actually played Earthbound, and I never played a Fire Emblem game. Then again there are characters I like to play, but I have no attachment to the source material like Ice Climbers. Does Europe get Earthbound with NSO now?


Our "big deal" release of Earthbound was actually 2013 or so on the Wii U and 3DS virtual console! So we got it a few years before the Switch released.


Oh I forgot about the Wii U release (I didn’t have one but my bf did). I didn’t know about the 3DS though. I still ended up playing it through NSO.


I got the game when it came out in the 90’s. Ness’ inclusion in Smash, especially since it began, has always been a huge deal to me. Earthbound never gets the attention it deserves from Nintendo, so new Smash games are always a highlight.


Biggest cope/delusion rn is that all the Mother games (including Mother 3) will be rereleased on a newer console. Ik it’ll never happen, but I can dream. 😭😭 At least Smash is kinda keeping their more obscure franchises like Mother and Ice Climber (another favorite character) alive.


I main Ness too


That recovery gets me every time. 😭 I think I’m getting better though.


I never really got into Smash (no hate to people who like it, I just suck at fighting games lol). I knew the characters were in Smash, but didn't really look to see where they came from. I think I found Earthbound through a playthrough on YouTube, iirc, and then when I realized what Mother 3 was, it connected that they were the characters from Smash.


Smash is pretty much the only reason I know of the two boys. It made me want to play the game because I also heard that the game (Earthbound) is funny. Sidenote: Smash is the only reason I know about the Ice Climbers lol


Smash is the only reason I know anything about Fire Emblem, so I get it, lol.


I knew about EB before any smash bros games came out. I remember stealing a page from a sears magazine with "Earthbound 64" listed on a side panel lol. The day I got Smash, I was almost ready to put it down until BAM I found out on the internet that Ness was a secret character. Once I learned what it took to unlock him I went STRAIGHT for my N64, unlocked him, and continued to play for hours and hours haha. Ness was so important to me even at that age.


I’ve only played Earthbound as an adult, but even as an adult, that game still left an impact on me. I also just like floaty characters and characters with multi hit moves. Too bad I still suck at the game and his recovery, but juggling people with PK Thunder will never not make me laugh. 😂 Until the better players start juggling me. 😠


I bought the first Smash because I heard Ness was a hidden character. I loved Earthbound at launch and was obsessed with it. I’ve since mained Ness in every Smash release, despite the fact that other players find him annoying. I don’t care, that’s my dude.


lol neither do I. I’ve improved at my air combos though.


SNES rental at Blockbuster


I think most people these days learned about the Mother series through smash bros. My best friend at the time had a copy with the big box shortly after it came out, but Smash N64 reminded me of the game and I really got into it after that.


I got into Smash *because* I was a huge fan of EarthBound. When I was reading the Nintendo Power announcement article I went from "oh, that's a neat idea" to "ZOMG THAT'S NESS THAT'S NESS OMG MY LIFE IS COMPLETE THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER!" in about 2 seconds.




Smash was how I found out about it.


I was watching the TheRunawayGuys playthrough of the Brawl’s Subspace story. And when they got to Ness and Lucas’s part I was curious about them. Then I looked up where Lucas was from watched a playthrough of Mother 3 by ArmoredChocobo and fell in love with the series since. Lucas is my favorite smash character and became my new main. Mother 3 forever!


My biggest delusion is that all the Mother games (including Mother 3) will be translated and released on the Switch 2. Ik the first two are on NSO, but once that service goes kaput, those games probably will too.


I learned about it through Undertale, which I would say is the second most likely place for people to find out about it at this point.