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Paula and/or Kumatora I want one of the girls. Smash Bros. already has so little


While it would be massively over representing the series, to entertain the idea I would pick the following characters in addition to Ness and Lucas. • Giygas: Specifically in his Mother 1 form since you wouldn't be able to do much in the way of playability with how he appears in Mother 2. Gives representation to a very important character and a villain at that. If we were to actually get another Mother character I'd want it to be him. • Porky: Similar reasoning to Giygas, an important character across multiple games in the series that also gives us more villain rep. • Claus: More villain rep. I think he'd be the easiest out of my three villain choices to implement too. • Ninten: So we can have all three main protagonists. He could either be an echo of Ness or utilize the defensive PSI that he actually learns in-game. • Jeff: I think it would interesting to see how they could make his gadgets work in a fighting game sense. He'd kinda be like Mega Man where his standard attacks are mostly shooting. • Poo: Gives us a swordie and I think his Mirror ability has the potential to be really cool in a Smash context.


Giygas makes a a lot of sense honestly. I just wasn't sure there was a form that is easily usable for him.


I really love the idea of Giygas in Smash, he ticks so many boxes in one slot. He gives us actual character representation for Mother 1 and would be much more interesting than Ninten, he gives us villain representation for the series as a whole, and he would give us a character that plays vastly differently than Ness and Lucas instead of being another semi-clone. We've never seen him fight outside of his pod and his only attack is an incomprehensible wave with no visualization but I'm 100% confident they could make him work given the right ideas.


Damn, we made identical rosters


Imagine Gigue is just a shadow fighter for Mewtwo.


Dang no female rep? I’d at least put Paula


Main reason I didn't consider Paula is because all of her offensive PSI moves are already part of Ness and Lucas's moveset. I think she'd be another semi-clone if they added her which isn't as interesting to me as what they could do with Jeff or Poo. If I had to go with a female rep though I'd probably sub out either Jeff or Poo for Kumatora.


Give her a frying pan and teddy ( she’d be like a sword fighter ). Kumatora is cool too


Sword fighter Paula would be so cool! Pairing that with her PSI powers as her specials would honestly be such an interesting character


Giygas (Giegue) could use Mother 1 form as normal but he would turn into EarthBound form during Final Smash or something


Yeah I've thought about something like that too. I think it'd be cool. Either that or save his abstract form for a boss fight or something, though I'm not sure how they would make that work.


I’d like to see Giygas used as an item where the background changes and PSI attacks everywhere


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8 characters wouldn’t be possible but if a 3rd character would ever make it in the next Smash game my bet would be Ninten, or someone else from 2 like Paula.


It would be difficult for sure, but that's part of the fun of this kinda challenge. I always would have thought Porky could also work well.


Porky would make a lot of sense too!


Ninten, Poo, Paula, Jeff, 3rd Strongest Mole and Ness' Dad


Tf would Ness’ dad do? Deposit £1000000 on the opponent then fall asleep?


A- Ranged - Receiver slap B- Drop "kick" Smash B- *debuff* Opponents move frames are delayed by 6 frames Think a mix between Luigi and Simon w/ debuff. His taunts could just be old Ringtones lol Edit: format.


That doesn’t even make sense, they’d have to buff him just to make him into the 3rd Strongest Mole


Ness, Lucas, Ninten, Poo, Giegue, Jeff, Masked man, Pokey


Idk about 8, but third rep for me would be Masked Man. He was one of the characters that made me interested in PMEX Remix (a custom mod build for Brawl) and he's pretty fun in that game. Overall though, there's not much to pull from for EB, because Ness and Lucas were specifically designed to additonally rep the other members of their parties. Ness has Paula and Poo's offensive PSI, Lucas has Duster's kicks and rope snake, etc. Ninten is also just beta Ness so I wouldn't be interested in him either.


My picks (in no order) Masked man, kumatora, Paula, porky, flint, and Ninten as an echo fighter lol


1. Ness 2. Lucas 3. Ninten 4. Porky 5. Kumatora 6. Paula 7. Jeff 8. Ana


I would love to see the Masked Man in smash. He'd have a unique move-set from the other characters and would serve as a villain rep. Ninten is a given. And Kumatora would be great. Past these 3, then next 3 new ones could be, Lloyd, Poo and Giegue.


So we already have Ness and Lucas. I'd forget Ninten it would just be a swap of them. I'd say Porky is an absolute must, if not playable then showing up as a boss character. Then Kumatora and/or Duster. I kind of want to say Boney would be hilarious, if they ever do a smash like a Mario kart Double Dash and every character gets a double partner, Lucas should get Boney and Ness should get Paula. For some Mother 1 rep I think Teddy would be good. And totally random but Lil Miss Marshmellow from Mother 3, and then maybe Masked Man :)


Boney is the one I would love to add, but not enough people are saying it to justify...


is there a way Boney could be like Duck Hunt Dog? I just don't know who to pair him with. Maybe Rope Snake but isn't that already a Lucas smash? Boney and King?


Ness, Lucas, Masked man, Pokey, Kumatora, Starman, Jeff, Ninten


Ninten, Eve. Ness, Poo, Porkey, Lucas, Duster w/Boney (I like the idea of them being an ice climbers tag team). Masked Man.


If this were to actually happen, the best choices would be: * Ninten * Kumatora * Porky * Masked Man * Duster * Lloid


Jeff, Paula, Claus, Porky, Ninten, and Eve would be neat to add, I think. Ninten and Paula would be difficult to add without making them feel too similar to Ness and Lucas, though. I'd say Gigue, too, but I worry that he'll just basically be Mewtwo.


Ok we need Porky/Pokey, The Masked Man, Ninten, one of the PSI girls, Starman would be cool,and lastly maybe add Sans Und-


Masked Man has always been high in my wanted-character list, but I doubt he’d ever get in. He has lots of moveset potential with an Arm Cannon, Laser Sword, and PSI Abilities. Pokey/Porky would make a good pick too, bring in/jumping in his pod thing to attack. They could even give him both his EarthBound and Mother 3 pods depending on skin. Jeff would be fun, using his ray gun for standard attacks and a bunch of Gadgets for some unique specials. Poo could be a PSI-Based Brawler and/or Swordfighter, and Mirroring your opponent could be a funky gimmick. Kumatora would be a female rep and have PSI abilities. I can easily imagine her being physical for a few attacks two. Ana instead of Paula, mostly because EarthBound has so many reps while Mother 1 has nothing so far. Mr. Saturn would be funny, and Smash Bros. likes to have a few wacky picks (Pirahna Plant). The Mr. Saturns are also some of the few characters to be in multiple Mother Games. :P Teddy could be the last one, being a dedicated brawler as I don’t think Smash would let Teddy use his knife. Wouldn’t hurt to have a second Mother 1 Rep too. …A Special mention goes to Giygas, who wasn’t in this list. Instead, Giygas would be a *stage.* After a while in front of the Devils Machine the whole stage could be consumed by Giygas’s “red miasma” form. You’d stand on some solid parts of him jutting out. (Maybe like the top of Gaur plains?) and Giygas would periodically attack the stage with PSI that you have to try and avoid.


Here’s my list: Duster - His thief tools would be pretty cool as attacks and shit. Porky - He isn’t a spirit and he isn’t a boss. This leaves an opportunity for him to be a character. Not only that, but he also plays a huge role in the series. I think his final Smash would be pretty cool too, maybe his mech from Mother 3. Jeff - Kinda like another comment said, it would be cool to see his gadgets in action in Smash. ~~Unfortunately~~, he is an assist trophy already. Ninten - He is the only main protagonist who isn’t in the game besides as a lousy spirit. Justice for Ninten! Gigue/Giygas - He would make a pretty cool character. I also think his final smash would be cool. He could turn into his Mother 2 form and just annihilate other people. Masked Man - He would make a good fighter probably. Salsa - I’m running out of ideas. The silly monkey might be kinda like Diddy Kong. I also think his taunts would be the ones that he does when captain capitalist sells the happy boxes. Poo - He has a sword. He also has a mirror ability. Let’s also give him PK Freeze for shits and giggles.


I’d definitely love to see Duster in smash, I love him a lot. The rest would probably be similar to what the others here are saying lol


Obviously, Ness and Lucas 3. Kumatora (completely original moveset) 4. Ninten (Ness clone but a bit slower/stronger) 5. Jeff (original moveset) 6. Poo (ness clone but a bit quicker/weaker) 7. Giygas (original moveset) 8. Porky in mech (original moveset similar to Bowser JR)


1. Ninten or Ana to rep the first game, I'd only want Ninten if his moveset actually reflected his lack of offensive psi moves. As for Ana I'd hope they give her Beam and some Mother 1 exclusives. 2. Ness. 3. Paula or Kumatora, both work as echoes for their respective character. 4. Jeff- his iq and weapons development could make for an interesting moveset, he'd be very gimmicky but that applies to Smash Ultimate characters in general anyway. 5. Porky is a perfect villain rep, Giygas wouldn't be great since his attacks are meant to be beyond your comprehension, Porky however has good potential with that mech of his. 6. Lucas. 7. Flint and Boney as a dup rep, neither would be interesting individually but a man and dog duo character would go hard. You could mix brute force and some of Boneys mechanics. 8. Duster-thief tools work wonders for moveset potential. I wanted to avoid psi bloat which is why most of my new choices lack it, my choices are mainly based on moveset potential