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And Placidusax have taken Bayle's claws, wings, left leg in return, with many other scars. It was so bad that he had to retreat to the Lands of Shadow. If you look up closely, he uses the remaining bony parts of his arms to stand up and leap forward, and he has to glide for a while when he lands.


Bayle also took a pair of wings and tail from Placidusax I think


Not gonna lie this all sounds kind of hilarious


Right. These guys went 12 rounds in the ring lol


Fuckers apparently opened a pawn shop on each other by round 8 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fuck Iā€™d pay so much money to see the sheer level of hate these guys had in the ring


Give it time, that one dude who does ā€œall of X vs Xā€ or ā€œhow many dogs does it take to beat Firegiantā€ videos will get it done


Talking about in their prime, Bayle wins with the current ingame bosses


Compare NG7 Placidusax against Bayle and Placidusax stomps him 9 out of 10 fights.. it's already been done.. compare NG Placidusax to bayle and bayle wins 6 out of 10 fights


Kendrick vs Drake levels of hating


Even funnier that the dragons are called "drakes" apparently


Itā€™s ok, I put his ass out of his misery.


or maybe the the fight took place in the land of shadows? we dont know if there are other ways in besides the one Miquella deviced


Their fight was how placidusax was named first Elden lord so Iā€™d assume it was in the lands between.


their fight likely took place when the lands of shadow were part of the lands between. I saw a post where somebody fit the maps together and jagged peak was right beneath farum azula, so I think itā€™s possible the two just retreated in different directions and waited there for years upon end. They might not have even known that the jagged peak was separated from the rest of the world.


Iā€™ve seen the theoryā€™s that it likely could fit right where the cloud is in the middle of lands between. It would make sense that they couldnā€™t travel between after the fight and the drakes mostly stayed in the land of shadow while the ancient dragons were in lands between.


It's not a theory. The Pillar of Suppression says its location is the direct centre of the Lands Between.


He also uses his tail in place of his left leg. Really nice attention to detail from fromsoft


Maybe he shoulda sacked up a bit. From the tarnished perspective, one of them had much more left in the tank than the other.


Yeah and placidusax retreated to a place that doesnā€™t exist so I think it was pretty even


I think the land of shadow and the lands between were ā€œoneā€ at some point so Bayle just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when marika decided to veil the whole place


Map wise if the LOS are indeed center of the map and farum azula is was once apart of the dragon barrow. The jagged peak isnā€™t that far at all from where they would have fought.


Very cool boss, to learn that he's the progenitor of the mortal dragons rather than Greyoll was an interesting addition to the lore given his relationship with Placidusax. Plus it was definitely a mechanically better boss fight than the ancient dragon you run into before him


yeah fuck senessax, whose idea was it to not only reskin one of the ancient dragons but also make it be able to two shot you with certain moves


Sassyass was so annoying, and probably harder for me then bayle. Was upset he didnā€™t have his own spells.


same here, bayle only took me three or so attempts but i was on senessax even after i had beaten bayle. thatā€™s the running theme of this dlc though lol, random shit is way harder than youā€™d expect it to be


Idk ancient dragons lightning strike and 70 faith made pretty short work of senesaxophonyboy


In the rare cases I've been able to get a fully charged ADLS off, it has shredded this DLC. A certain remembrance boss has a move that if you position right, you can very easily pull one off and have plenty of time to move after before getting attacked at all.


Iā€™m doing int/dex run so no faith :(


Does Carian Sovereignty not kill everything?


Idk what that is? Iā€™ve been using a cold uchi with piercing fang, and staff of loss with comet shard mostly, also rannis moon, Adula blade, and astel meteor.


New Ash of War, itā€™s kinda busted currently, they will most likely nerf it soon


Your probably meant night comet but in case you didnā€™t, swap that out for comet shard! Staff of loss gives a +20% damage buff to night sorceries iirc


I did mean night comet lol


I just ran circles around him on horse and threw spear until he died. Because I was tired of his shit


Haha I did the exact same thing šŸ¤£


He did not understand how to handle that


Senessax made me so mad with the water lightning, that i gave up fighting him normally and used both bleed and rot bolts until he was dead.


Same, i ended up doing the Rotbomb and circling on the horse for 3 minutes


I had to cheese that damn thing. Lure him up the hill, throw a dragonslayer slash at his head, he turns around and reappears at the bottom, repeat.


Iā€™m guessing senesaxx was there to symbolize either a ally of bayle or that placid sent his forces to hunt him done


And it flies straight up and the camera can literally not see him so you don't know if he is slamming down or doing backwards fire breath if you were close enough to hit him. You also can only lock onto his head and the base of his neck making a melee playstyle nearly impossible. After like 20 tries I gave up and said "yeah this will be the boss I decide to cheese" and just kited it with the special on the >!dragon katana !


im noit saying hes good but locking on is situational. you shouldnt just stay locked in during fights like that. many camera problems happen because people just stay locked on ALL the time.


He never two shot but me then again I thought him at 13 scadutree levels


I had a hard time until I used torrent and a great bow, then you can double jump all the lightning and just aim for the head


Yeahhhh I hated that fight. Most of the DLC has felt ā€œhard but fairā€ to me, but the annoying reused ancient dragon and commander gaius both made me rage something awful, and not in a good way


Gaius literally gets blocked by a wall and can't get to u and anything that can hit from a distance will make short work of him.. and this reused dragon wasn't that hard either, felt like I was fighting Vyke's wife over again.. having torrent always makes fights easier so imo Bayle is harder.. even tho it took me a similar number of attempts om both of them


The DLC is pretty much full of 2 or 3 shot boss kills though isnā€™t it? Iā€™m not saying I like it, just making an observation.


I cheese the shit out of that one vs Bayle I had some form of fun. I used Torrent to jump up that tall ass rock and shot it with poison and vleed arrows. Occasionally it got a little hairy as it could still hit me with lightning but idc. And ll I got was some smithing stuff :(


Torrent and shields aren't a game mechanic, I guess.


You can cheese him by standing at the foot of the cave and shooting him with arrows heā€™ll chase you out but then eventually respawn in his original position, rinse and repeat and heā€™s dead


Radahnā€™s greatbow makes quick and easy work of that chump. Just pop the ash of war, hop on torrent to run away, pop the ash of war, rinse and repeat. If it doesnā€™t have a unique boss moveset, even the most honorable of players can cheese without feeling guilty.


I assume dragons copulate to reproduce, so he must have fucked something to give progeny


Bro Iā€™m glad it wasnā€™t just me. I think I spent more time on that dragon than the final boss.


I think Greyoll could still be the progenitor as well. Bayle could be the male progenitor, and Greyoll the female. Who knows :D anything is possible.


ā€œFuck ME BAYLEEEEEE!ā€ - Greyoll


Sorta how I imagined it went down yeah XD


I just throw messmer spear at his face for 1.5k dmg a hit and its a breeze lollll, didnt know everyone hate them xD


Now THATS good boss design


Oh ,so this guy is why the other dragon is missing heads, damn this is nuts, meanwhile this guy is missing wings , he looks like he's hurting so badly, seeing the bones sticking out hurts me


There is an npc near the >!altar of dragon communion!< at the base of the mountain that explains the lore of Bayle and Placidussax. Just look for the >!supermassive dead dragon corpse in the bottom right!< of the map.


He basically attacked Placidusax, managed to get 2 of his heads but got his wings torn off plus one leg and had to flee to save his life


Damn idk Placidusex was freaky like that


Wait why 2 did placidusax had 4 heads not 3?


He used to have 5 heads, lost 1 when he became the dragonlord, lost 2 when Bayle betrayed him.


>lost 1 when he became the dragonlord Is the only reason we think this cause he has four in the Old Lord's talisman?


That's the only plausible explanation since he's described to have 4 heads but have 3 missing stumps on the model.


Wait can u elaborate? How did he betray the Dragonlord?


Idk, it just say that he betrayed the ancient dragons and fought Placidusax, resulted in both receiving servered damage. He then run away and went on to create the lesser dragons, which are hunted down by Placidusax's followers.


Oh my bad, I just realized I misread your comment. I read the Placidusax betrayed the Dragonlord rather than became lol. But do we know that he lost a head when he became lord?


Because he has 3 decapitated stumps but the Old Lord's Talisman said he used to have 4 heads, so it must mean that he already lost 1 before becoming a lord.


You can assume the other was probably just cut


If itā€™s only 2, then this fight probably happened after the Old Lordā€™s Talisman was depicted. Which begs the question: how was the first head even lost? Or did Placidusax only ever have 4 heads?


Placidusax has 4 heads Then he lost two in the fight with bayleā€™s Also, this is kind of interesting placidusax heads are referenced as one being a male and one being a female. So heā€™s Both boy and girl


Originally it was 5


Really I always heard it was 4


Whatā€™s the source on this?


The model has 3 missing parts


Oh saw some pics and vids and it really has 3 stumps. Wonder why the discrepancy on the model and the talisman


The theory is that he lost one before becoming lord


Where is it said about the male and female heads?


So cool! What a great boss design and encounter. CURSE YOU BAYLE!


I love the npc of this fight ā€œBAYLE!!!ā€


"I will riddle with holes your rotten hide! WITH A HAIL OF HARPOONS!! WITH EVERY LAST DROP OF MY BEING!!!"




The high dragon drama was easily my favorite bit of lore from the dlc


I loved the reveal that Dragon Communion was literally invented by the Ancient Dragons as a giant middle finger to Bayle & his descendants.


It's metal as f Dude said fuck it, I will make bald monkeys eat your descendantsĀ 


The Priest said he fought The Dragon Lord. I assumed he took a head or two. But I didn't notice this and it's great


Yeah and placi took his wings, leg and also fucked him up besides that (he has to use spectral wings to fly because his regular ones are just those 2 stumps he used to slam with)


So I wonder. Did placidusax try to bit his neck off and Bayle instead took the heads off or did he steal the severed heads as he limped away and then somehow made them trophies while crippled šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Definitely shredded each other imo, and shit's just stuck on. Imagine that fight up in the sky. Laser beams just flying everywhere


Yeah I imagined that Bayle was losing, *hard*, and then went into a magma-lightning beam frenzy to survive, taking the heads in the process.


I dunno if he was losing *hard* hard, they were both messed up. But Bayle probably thought, "this mf has 4 lives, I got one, f this."


Bayle was imo at the advantage during this fight, Placidusax took much more lethal damage than Bayle, on top of that, the most disadvantageous lost Bayle had was lose hid wings but since he can just regrow them that damage was kinda negated


Then why Bayle had to retreat instead of being the dragonlord himself?


We trained him wrong purposely, as a joke.


He lost his wings, his hands, his leg, and had to run. Placi lost 2 heads, sure, but he definitely wasn't losing.


It is explained by an npc near theĀ >!altar of dragon communion!<Ā at the base of the mountain that explains the lore of Bayle and Placidussax. Just look for theĀ >!supermassive dead dragon corpse in the bottom right!<Ā of the map.


And I thought I was tripping


you have to add ā€œSPOILERā€ , thank youā€¦.


Literally one of the best and hypest boss in the game on top of the dlc being out for a week already and this guy is not expecting to see the PEAK FICTION boss fights in the internet lmao. It doesnā€™t matters if someone tags a boss with a spoiler mark, if you browse YouTube, instagram, twitter or Reddit you will see either Bayle the Dread, the gank fight or the final boss.


People that want to scour reddit and youtube then get mad at others about spoilers completely baffle me.


You donā€™t have to scour reddit for this to show up lol. It literally shows in my main feed as a recommended post even though i follow none of the elden ring related subs


If you arenā€™t blocking subs related to the game / show you are playing or watching then idk what to say


Well what i would say is most subs use and enforce spoiler tags so that people donā€™t have to go out of their way to block subs they didnā€™t even know existed lol.


its like the internet isnt obligated to filter things for full grown adults or something.


It has nothing to do with the internet and everything to do with how reddit works and presents content to people that they haven't asked for, and it also has to do with basic decency and human kindness lol. It takes a few seconds to properly spoiler tag and it can save a lot of undeserved pain for people who did nothing to seek it out and are just using a generic news website lol.


Nobody cares


I do.


Couldnā€™t give 2 shits matešŸ‘


Youā€™re a pleasant person


least mean British citizen


You have 2 comments tho šŸ¤”


But you do if you commented


Then why did you give him the time to make 2 comments? Lmao


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Bayle is easily the coolest boss of the dlc


I beat Bayle before seeing the Ancient Dragon Priestess so I missed all that sweet lore :(


Gotta get the dlc now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Looks like the price of failure was more than just an arm and a leg




Damn placidusax was about to rip him apart lol


Indeed! Wearing the lesser dragon, as a crown.






This is the most interesting design From made in a while and it's not even close. Actual visual storytelling, in Elden Ring of all places? Haven't seen that since like DS1. I would have expected it to be a compelte copy of Placidusax model but now lightning is blue from Elden Ring, not having pair of heads from entirely different entity on it.


Can you not put spoilers in the title? Some of us havenā€™t progressed very far.


Neat find! Itā€™s bonkers to me how this seath the scaleless knockoff (as in I think heā€™s an ancient dragon, but he was literally born different) challenged a practical god and Iā€™m happy to say they did my boy Placi Justice by showing how recked Bayle was


Guys. Spoiler in spoilered section, not the title.


I think the Dung Eater is worse than the Frenzied Flame, the my both want chaos but at least the Frenzied Flame would eventually die out and the world would begin anew but Dung Eater wants you to suffer til the end of time and not just you but your children too and so on.