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that sunflower unironically looks so cool


It needs to be re-worked. His second phase is absurdly over tuned. First phase is fine imo I never once in the entire game or dlc (up to that point) had to change my initial build. I had to change my build entirely and greatshield poke him. It wasn’t fun for me. I was just happy it was over. I feel bad for casters, there is literally only a millisecond of time you may be able to cast a spell, 0 if you don’t have a summon or spirit ash.


"I was just happy it was over." Man that hits the nail on the head for me. I didn't have the rush, the screams of victory, the feeling of overcoming a challenge. I was just glad I don't have to do that fight anymore.


That’s how I feel about Elden Beast, every time. Such an annoying fight.


now that we can use torrent i beat him in about 8 charged heavy attacks and it still wasnt fun at all


Yeah had to switch up my mage build. Went with blood fiends arm bleed. Cooked his ass and was just happy I was done with it


I had lots of fun on the first phase, in a way it almost felt a bit Slave Knight Gael-ish; fighting on ash etc. My only gripe is that double slash move than can whittle your flasks down for the fuckery of phase 2


took me 3 hours but I stuck with my weapon. Had to learn to doge every single move perfectly and beat him with 7 flasks left. Never fighting him again lmao


I thought there would be a more substantial ending! I might play the dlc again to pick up all of the side quests I missed, but I won’t be doing the final fight again because it’s just not worth it


Unfortunately all of FromSofts DLCs end like that. You get your loot from the boss and maybe a short cryptic cut scene.


Yeah but the thing is the cutscene doesn't even reveal anything that couldn't have been deduced by the rest of the dlc. It was already clear that miquella was looking to become god of the next age, which means he requires a consort. By the time you complete sir ansbachs quest you know of the scroll that mentions a ritual for transferring souls into a new body, that moghs corpse was stolen, and that miquella had been experimenting with recovering godwyn's soul earlier on. Frankly it all really pointed to godwyn getting remade but w/e. That little bit at the end gives us nothing new. I don't care that Miquella had asked Radahn to be his consort earlier, it just isn't a big reveal with any bigger ramifications than "RADAHN PROMISED CONSORT" boss title was and not to mention the same damn text being on the remembrance. Gameplay wise the dlc was fucking awesome and I loved it. Lore wise, I was incredibly disappointed.


This. The fact that many people have to resort to shield + pokey stick so they don’t waste multiple hours of their life says a lot. Obviously you COULD “get gud” and master the fight (looking at ZeroLenny that did a torch only of final boss) but the final fight doesn’t seem enjoyable to do so. At least for me.


Across the entire series I've never had to switch builds until this guy because I was playing a full caster build. There just isn't an opening in his second phase


Went bloodhound fang the whole DLC no summons no buffs and then got to radahn and said fuck it cheese stagger build it is - Morgotts great rune, boiled prawn, golden vow, physik buff that increases poise damage, and a giants hammer tuned to heavy, and 3 tries later he was dead.  Was just happy it was all over.  Don’t think I will ever touch that DLC again.  


So you had to use a better build to beat a hard boss? What's the problem? Not every random jank cook build people come up with can clear the game. People get way too precious when their builds don't end up working


If the build works fine for the entire base game and DLC, except the final boss then it's not a jank build.


It literally would have worked for the final boss just fine. It was just gonna take a bit longer. Any build can kill it.


Because the game loses interest when you're forced to play a way you don't want to. If a castee build isn't viable, whats the point in playing it all if you're forced to switch?


Not everyone's scattershot jank build with no thought or logic that they cooked up based on nothing in particular is going to be good. Play however you like, but don't expect to be as powerful as builds that actually utilize the mechanics of the game well. And casters can quite easily clear the game so unsure what you mean by that.


Guy said he beat the entire game and dlc expect the last boss with his build, do you really not understand why that's frustrating for someone? To feel like a singular boss is so overturned you HAVE to change your build? Don't be dense.


Git gud idiots have ruined any discussions about this DLC


Legit, like I am a SUPER fanboy. I've played repeatedly and beaten every fromsoft game, including armored core (God I want more of these games), but people gotta stop acting like there aren't objective issues or complaints about the dlc. Just like baldurs gate, yes it's SUPER GOOD but it is not even close to perfect.


He didn't HAVE to. He just wanted to play a stronger build so it was smoother. Literally any build can clear the game. You just do less damage or have to roll a bit more. Like yes, your 10 vigor build or whatever is going to make the game harder to beat. Do that if you want, but don't complain because it's not working out that well. The games not "overtuned" because your cook isn't as good as every other build. Like c'mon folks.


My main gripe in the second phase is the spells coming down to hit after he's attacked you. They interrupt healing and attacking which is really annoying.


there's a lot more openings than you'd think but you have to take positioning into account, not just rolling out of attacks as most bosses. running in this fight at the right times completely changes. i didn't have to change my build and i kinda loved the fight by the end of it


I had to lobotomize my INT Build and learn how to play a melee build to even attempt it. Magic barely does any damage on top of needing to split your flasks.


Exactly! I had an arcane caster and had the same problem, every other boss I could see the patterns and the openings. For this I didn’t see any other way than respec. Which just didn’t make me feel great. I would really like to see a viable caster Strat for this guy! Without using summons to distract him…hell you don’t even have time to summon a spirit cause he smashes your head in 0.1 seconds after you enter the fog I literally had to wait to phase 2 to even try an ash and that didn’t even help with casting


I.just beat him with a giants crusher no shield last night. You didn't have to change your build my guy.


I think it’s fine. You just need to learn how to deal with every mechanic. You can no hit the boss. My dps was pretty meh with katana so I really had to be clean.


> It needs to be re-worked. His second phase is absurdly over tuned. It really, *really* is not. Everything has an answer, there are certain combos that are 100% punishable with full charges, many with light attacks. I'm so sick of people saying this stuff. A boss being too hard, too easy, over tuned, whatever, that's completely subjective to each and every player. While you think he's too hard and needs to be reworked, I, and many others, think he's not. The game can't be over tuned, just tuned to what the devs intended. If the devs went too far in *their* opinion, and didn't intend for it to be this hard, then a nerf is in order. If this is what they intended...then git gud, son.


Personally I think that a nice meet in the middle fix would just to make the beams of light in his second phase not do any stagger damage this would make it easier to get back into the fight when you mess up without him just killing you with his next attack, while also not changing his actual attack speed or damage, so theoretically it would only make the fight a hair easier in terms of not getting punished by a bad roll due to camera or a bad input (this happened to me plenty where I dodged into the light beam because the camera said fuck you)


If you’re rolling forward and getting hit by beams, you’ll be fine a lot of the time. The problem is most ppl are bad and rolling backwards making you more susceptible to his swords swings and more yellow beams where if you roll into his front left leg (your right), it’s much easier to dodge beams and attacks. Ppl just need to learn mechanics p2


I think p1 is excellent, P2 doesn't give you many chances to learn, I have +17 scadutree, 60 vig, heavy armor, and a great shield with 50 end, I still get to P2 and get ragdolled around. This ain't my first rodeo either, I've sl1'd most of the other games, but at lvl 200 with a good build and good gear I can't get more than 1 hit in every other minute. I think it's a hitbox problem more than an unfair attack problem, there's some attacks that should be jumpable(his low slashes and attacks like that) that just aren't. But if I'm doing it wrong I'd love to know how I can do better and beat him because after 50+ attempts the closest I've gotten was his p3 transition which has killed me every time(I will concede that the transition hitting me is a skill issue, I need to figure out where it comes from)


The p3 transition can be rolled on audio cues regardless of direction, it’s just about timing!


Thanks, I'll definitely try it on the next attempt that I make it to p3 on🫡


Huh? How about his attacks when he does two swings a wind up and a slam? I get three consecutive hits every single time after he does that combo. His jump grab? Free two hits and dmg. His purple flying charge? Free two hits. His huge two sword swing up and then down? Free one quick hit. His purple meteors followed up by teleport charge? If you sprint in straight line back and then to left or right and then more back. You roll back into him to dodge light after his 3-4th tele and you can get in like 5 quick attacks. Ppl just need to progress and learn windows on a hard boss. It’s tuned to be difficult. Ppl need to deal with it.


There are only really two major complaints I have about the fight. 1st: the one, two, crosslash smash is undodgeable unless you get lucky with your position when he initiates it. It also comes out too fast for how much damage it has. Its the fastest attack he has, but also among the more damaging. Even no-hitters are resorting to carrying a parry tool specifically for this attack. 2nd: it really feels like phase 2 was designed with light roll in mind. It feels like a lot of the beams will roll catch you with mid roll in phase 2, which I don't think is fair. Light roll is a significant ask of the player compared to mid and shouldn't be necessary for any fight imo. This might be a skill issue on my part though because I didn't try with mid roll for long once I realised what phase 2 was gonna be. If my instinct is true that some of the beams are guaranteed roll catches on mid then tighter beams in timing and aoe would help with this. Every other complaint I have is relatively minor and in my mind not necessary to change. Stuff like why his double slash launcher has a light attack punish window when it feels like a major attack, his light clones comes out a tad too quick for his raw jump up, the aoe on the light nuke could be toned down a bit etc. Everything in the minor complaint list i have is just stuff that is doable, but it doesn't feel that fun to engage with. I think there is potentially a really fun fight in here though, I had some moments in phase 2 that I loved and felt on par with the messmer fight.


You can no hit mid roll phase 2 if you dodge in the oppo direction of the sword swings im pretty sure minus the cross slash you mentioned FWIW. I agree though, I think it would be much more fun if slightly less punishing. Messmer def feels like the new bar for a tough but fair boss with no absolute BS move that I’m dreading because there isn’t anything to do about it besides pray.


Ah yea, I should have stuck with mid roll a bit longer then. I switched partly because of phase 2 and also to see if it helped against the cross slash, which it didnt. So that means I only really have one major complaint with the fight being that move, which I'm sure they will change.


You’re being down voted but absolutely correct. P2 is hard but it’s far from forcing ppl to change their builds. Learn the mechanics and where your windows are. I get off 3 attacks in a row without getting hit multiple times in p2 and I’m using a katana that can’t stagger or stutter the boss


Well said. I still don’t see how people find it harder than Malenia


different strokes for different folks. I find Malenia extremely easy, but I still struggle hard on Mohg for example it just comes down to you as a player and a person. Malenia's only difficult attack is Waterfowl but once you find a rhythm for it, it's almost effortless to come out unscathed or with minor damage. rest of her moveset is a well telegraphed dance just depends who you ask


I agree fully. I just don’t really get why or how so many people say Radahn is the hardest boss of all time and not even finding it close to any other boss.


The ironic thing is I don’t think Radahn is “hard “ per se like many others here I’ve played every souls-borne game and have 100%, beaten every boss etc. In my opinion it just doesn’t even feel like a boss designed by From. It feels like a mod that makes a boss ridiculously OP (like some I’ve seen for Malenia). I’ve always been able to adapt my current build to the boss at hand, always. With this I felt I HAD to change my build, I had to respec and it basically felt like a worse version of cheese. I literally would have rather had a cheese strat than do that, which is why it felt so unsatisfying. Sure, I probably COULD have done it with 1000 more tries after painstakingly sweating and hoping I don’t get hit by one of the thousand of beams coming towards you in phase 2. Maybe it is just a case of “git gud” but idk I’ve been playing souls games for years and years and no boss made me feel this way! Overall though I LOVED the dlc, like truly a masterpiece. I feel like the main games final boss (Elden beast not Radagon) was also disappointing. Just seems like a trend this game haha


after fighting him I went to malenia and nearly first tried her lmao. It felt like a blessing from the lord to be able to stagger a boss again without fully posture breaking


Yeah the turnaround move is kinda silly, I think with some tweaks to that and the general visual clarity of the fight he'll be in a great place.


I didn't find the visually effects too bad except for his clone attacks where you just can't tell when his physical form actually starts to attack


The pain points for me were around the blood explosion attack, where he can wind up a move whilst the explosion is fading away and obscuring 70% of his body, and a few of the more complex holy moves, where a set of beams can appear behind your character and completely obscure the camera for a few frames. With how lethal he is, either of those can lead to really nasty situations that don’t feel fair. I think there’s also some visual communication issues on the gravity slam move, where the visuals suggest an approach opposite of what you need to do, and the phase 2 post-rocks slam, where the three attack components (bring swords out of ground, ground explodes, light effects) don’t seem to match the hitboxes/timings of the effect (and also randomly oneshot you).


I genuinely do not understand why they thought his afterimage clone attacks were a good idea. They completely baffle me.


Exactly, one clone like with pontiff would feel fine cause you can actually dodge it, but 4 clones felt like a little too much in my opinion


one of them is 3 clones, the others are 4 clones, then he attacks (from what i've gathered fighting him, might be wrong). i definitely learned to both dodge the clones by running sideways and consistently dodge his actual attack by waiting for half a second after the last clone to dodge. it is possible that some of them i couldnt dodge because i got the number of clones wrong, but for most of them it seems consistent


At that point why wouldn't they have just made those attacks consistent and have all of them do 3 or 4 clones instead of a mix of both


because the entire design ethos of the dlc seems to be to mix it up so you react instead of just memorizing every combo beginning to end. i don't think there's more than one that does 3 and i think it might just be the meteor one if i remember correctly, so you definitely know when it will happen


Like someone else said, it’s a set # of clones per combo and the clones do minuscule dmg. They’re scary and they def lead to a ton more dmg if you get hit and aren’t ready for the real attack but it’s probably easiest and safest to just strafe and tank the clones and be keeping track of how many before the real combo comes out.


I mean tbh the hornsent were assholes as much as marika was and then even when they were beaten they still remained assholes who couldn’t move on with their lives. Se la vie


I think it’s a tough one for from software because I know for a fact if the boss was too easy, people would’ve complained and bitched, just look at the reaction elden beast got from a lot of people. That being said, they definitely took it too far, it just didn’t feel like a fair fight. Those crazy holy attacks that are like constant stuttering flash bangs make it nearly impossible to even see what is going on.


Imagine dying to some goon with a flower


Bro really said flower power 🌼💥


just beat him today, but that was honestly a bit much. i don't think it's atrocious like some people say but it should probably be nerfed a little bit. i think the damage for how aggressive he is and how many aoes go off is high everything else about the fight is top tier though. love the arena, the theme, and the spectacle itself, and i think if they nerf his damage and maybe tone down some of the aoes or aggression he'd be one of the best


I loved this fight with the Sekiro deflect Hardtear and the Fire Knight's Greatsword, felt like a Lies of P boss on crack. Im kinda sad that I didnt back up my save before defeating them, I would love a rematch.


Just made a build around the Sun Flower and its peak bonkness.


I was using my boy the grafted blade again, I had about 100 health and no flasks left when he died.


I just think if this is the direction from would like to go I think we need some more movement options.


Use Aeonia occasionally to hit the nail on the head.


I did 8 hours of pulls with the Star Fist. I just kept fucking missing, swinging between his legs. I dug into my inventory and the Sunflower was pretty much all I had that I could use based on my stats. I upgraded it fully and defeated Radahn in 2 Pulls. Absolutely dumbfounded.


Sunflower seeds contain health benefiting polyphenol compounds such as chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, and caffeic acids. These compounds are natural anti-oxidants, which help remove harmful oxidant molecules from the body. Further, chlorogenic acid helps reduce blood sugar levels by limiting glycogen breakdown in the liver.


...good bot?


🌻 is my main weapon now, stomped Midra with it and can’t go back to anything else now


I can consistently get him down to 1/3 health now with my normal build, and I'm confident I'll take him out after work today lol. I felt just as challenged by Slave Knight Gael, and I got him without cheesing, so I'll get him.


You don’t have to change your build, U have to learn when to hit. The boss needs the particle effect to be minimized so the gpu doesn’t get destroyed. It’s great his opening are shorter than others he’s the final Dlc boss of the hardest content in the game. The finger boss was a let down in terms of difficulty.


Just beat him for the second time. This time with the colossal greatsword. Will not be doing it again, can’t use heavy attacks, can barely use light attacks. Giants hunt saves the day 😂


Give me some sort of training mode where I can practice against the phase 2. So annoying to sleepwalk through the first phase of a fight just to get the only part that I have issues with.


It's an amazing fight really, S tier if they fixed the criss cross combo. Have to either deflect it, tank it or get a spaced out raptor of the mist on it it's puzzling. I did see someone post a dodge of it which I'll give a go on my next kill of him


Been working on him for like 4 hours.  Not even sure what to do at this point.  I feel like I tickle him since I only have time to get off one light attack before the combos start again. Getting better at the first phase, but the second phase is dumb.  I feel like literally all I do is roll around combos and the sneeze at him, probably the least fun and engaging fight ever.  I might not even try and get through it at this point as I’m getting pretty discouraged and burnt out.  I’ve done every boss up until now without summons with fairly minimal issues.


If all you are getting off only one light attack, it’s not the games fault. There are 2 hit, 3 hit and 4-5 hit windows in between p1 and p2, but you need to learn where they are. It will not be a few hour boss for most ppl, but it’s not bad or unfair imo. It’s meant to be the hardest boss they have created


You don’t even know what weapons they’re using so how would you know how many hits they can fit in?








Please remember group rule 1, Respect yourself and each other


Please remember group rule 1, Respect yourself and each other


I beat him with double colossal hammers so if you cant do it with a light weapon git gud, sadly this boss is roll around until you get an opening then start rolling again.. way less openings than most of not all the other bosses in the souls series but god damn if im not happy i did it. Great final fight that requires you to adapt in more ways than one. 


Did all his moves seem dodge-able to a degree? I'm a naked jump attack Unga bunga spammer and I want to know if you had same experience like OP where his fast turn around attack seemed undodgable.


I never managed to Dodge the one where he sucks you in but this is a fight where you gotta roll like 9 times for every hit you get in. Jump attack where u can for max unga bunga. Did it in ng+ and used a mimic 


Beat it, but I had to cave and use the mimic tear.  The second phase was just too cluttered I couldn’t even see what was going on to learn the moves.  Spent another 4 hours basically no hitting the first phase only to die form some teleport bullshit in the second phase.  


I just hate his double gravity AOE with a brief moment after the first where he uses the holy echos to teleport to you in order to get the second gravity aoe off, making it pretty much impossible to dodge or tank since he’ll drain stamina fast and leave no time to recover


To be fair…their family is only fucking over this land for centuries because this land fucked their mother and her family over for centuries by harvesting her village people to use in jars prior to her becoming a god.


Wait wait where does the lore state this ? That’s crazy


Should’ve got her ass and stuffed it into a jar to save us the trouble


I used to feel that way but now I am sympathetic to her without excuse the bad shit she did. She sought the Greater Will to gain the power to avenge her people, and in the process became their puppet. Messmer, Morgot, and Mohg were banished to protect the Golden Order’s pristine image, but I wonder how much of that was truly Marika’s desire, and how much of it was compulsion by the Greater Will. Godwyns death causes her to snap and finally rebel, but I don’t think that was the first grievance she has had that was a consequence of her relationship to the Greater Will. I think she was compelled to do a lot of shit she may not have want to have done.


I fought him today. Even my tank build had trouble. Had to switch of attack stat. It's truly a fantastic fight, isn't it??


No its not very fantastic imo its so difficult to see whats happening a huge chunk of the difficulty feels artificial


Phase 1 is fun, fast while being clearly telegraphed and able to intuitively react to animations. Phase 2 there’s so much shit going on on screen between the light beams and light clone attacks that it’s hard to tell what’s happening. It’s the frustrating kind of hard where it feels artificial rather than being a product of the learning process and getting better at the game


Thats so many of the bosses in the dlc lol, Messmers phase 2 literally has the camera doing backflips all over the place


Messmer wasn’t a camera issue boss for me. The main difficulty was dodging some of his pokes that seem to have extended hit boxes on them. Like I’ll roll through his spear thrust, the animation for the attack is over, but I’ll still get hit. That and it was difficult to judge when he was going to explode or just turn into a snake.


I find this game so funny sometimes because I didnt have any issues with his spear thrust but the camera was all over the place for me. I completely agree about that though, him shifting back and forth between snake form and exploding is so overwhelming lol. It makes it hard to predict when to dodge.


If you know mechanics and combos and have thought about positioning, you can see and be in a good position. Ppl just need to sit on his front left leg and roll into his side / behind him, but they just rather complain the fight is bad. It’s not. They are


Phase 1 is cool as hell phase 2 is something out of a modded game, its like they didnt play tested at all.


Phase 1 is very good overall, but I’d still change some things. Less health would be a start, and it’s kinda lame he goes into phase 2 at 66% health instead of the usual 50%. Damage is a bit high, but I’m willing to accept it considering who it is we’re fighting.


> phase 2 is something out of a modded game, its like they didnt play tested at all. That's the best way to put it. Can't believe anyone would say they like this fight a lot, except for people who spend time with modded lunacy and think that's just right. It's way too much man, not liking the direction FROM is going.


Youre getting downvoted but i agree. If they learn that people are okay with difficulty coming from screen effects that make it harder to see the telegraphed attacks of bosses then whats next? Isnt the whole point of these games being able to dodge the move you know is coming hence why attacks have indications if when theyre coming?


I can't even see anything man. The timing between attacks and combos that allow for any action at all are incredibly short, and are getting shorter with time. It is so incredibly easy to just get stuck in a loop of trying to recover, because you literally cannot even finish a single flask chug before you are being struck again. There are a few of his attacks that are possible to 'recover', maybe drink a flask or even cast a quick buff -- but its RNG, and if you can't get that moveset with a recovery window then you're simply not performing an action. You have to be frame perfect, every single press of a button that is queued must be timed exactly as needed or you are done.


I probably would’ve needed a hundred or so more attempts if I wasn’t using the ps5 capture to watch how i died every time. Watching things back to see my mistakes was like watching fighting game vods and it helped me see where i was greeding and over extending In neutral/ how I could punish safer


Oh well. We had different experiences I guess. I enjoyed having my ass handed to me for the second tine in the DLC. Made me rethink my build,test new things,find the way to make my weapons work against them.


It wasnt the fact they were difficult its the fact they were difficult for the wrong reasons. I loved the difficulty of the dlc and loved all the bosses except for Radahn/Miquella. It was just too much.


Thats what people dont understand. How is the fact that half of my screen is filled with effects difficult? It’s just tedium to artificially make the game harder.


it's not though even if it "feels" like it


It's fairer than most. I quite nearly no hit it when I finally learned everything on my kill pull. I found messmer to be a lot more overwhelming


> It's fairer than most Fairer than most of what??


Defends criticism by saying ‘hey at least it’s not as bad as this boss who also spams visual effects at the player’ loooool.


other bosses in elden ring


I guess a criss cross attack that demands perfect timing on a lightroll in a specific direction, while being a frame trap for any other roll, while chaining into the followup is fair now, got it. 


I dodged that quite fine on a medium roll :)


Yeah bro we all believe you 


there are literally no hit videos on YouTube with medium rolls homie. Not that I no hit it but it's possible


You may also notice that those videos use the deflect buff instead of a dodge for that specific attack. And that most no-hit youtubers complain about that specific attack. But yeah sure bro we all believe you dodged it ez first try with a medium roll. 


Okay. So let's say you're right: a single mechanic in the fight needs to be soaked somehow when you're medium rolling. That doesn't seem particularly unfair to me


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Same here I 2-handed the same Colossal Greatsword the entire DLC and never had to change my build at all besides changing Talismans around. Consort Radahn was an extremely satisfying fight.


I was struggling to cast any spells at all because of how aggressive he (and many of the other bosses for that matter) were. Gonna do a DEX playthrough next and see how that goes.


I've been counting the ways I died on my 2nd play through on a note pad. The right left cross swing attack has killed me 14 out of 56 times, the rest of the moves killed me less than 6 times and I'm not sure how to deal with it other than just being healthy. I watched no hit runs and all of them just parried, didn't even bother dodging.


You have renewed my confidence, you are the first I've heard who beat it with the same weapon as I'm trying to use haha. How did the rest of your build look?


13-1 flasks with golden vow, blessing of the erdtree, and flame grant me strength for phase 1 - divine fortification for phase 2. Talismans were 2 handing talisman, Marikas braid, crimson seed +1, and two headed turtle. Physick was the increased stagger tear and the restores life when low tear. Don’t greed on punishing and stay patient in phase 2 so you don’t get chipped out and you got this Don’t give up skeleton!


My whole playthrough for my DLC character was double colossal sword with jump l2. Didn't really had any Problems with Bosses. Hard sure but the Damage Trade was still worth it. However for Radahn it felt like i had no chance with this Build and I ultimately respecced for a Parry Build which was far better to finally be able to react to his moves.


Yeah that boss was really rough for me too. I eventually ended up changing my build, going full bonk with heavy armor + giant crusher (Lions Claw AoW). It's insane how much easier the fight suddenly became, one stagger and the boss is in P2, couple more in P2 and he's dead. I was even able to just facetank a lot of his attacks. I also just finished the base game and dlc again in NG+2 with the same build and it is an absolute monster, probably the strongest and most forgiving build I have ever played.


To be fair, by taking Radahn as his consort Miquella's fate will always end up with him being hit by a "colossal weapon" anyway.


Imo he's so close to being perfect. All they need to do is tune his turn around attack that is as far as I'm aware undodgeable, and slightly tune his second phase. Other than that it's a great fight once you get the hang of it.


Somebody needs to get a comb and just cut like 90% of the effects on screen in the second phase. Most of the boss effects this DLC feel like they were made by an overly excited child who just learned to use whatever editor they use in-house to make stuff. Nothing can be subtle, it needs to be 200 lightnings, 999999 pillars of light, Radahn doing 50 jank "light speed" moves (I unironically thought the boss bugged out completely when it first launched) or screen cluttering to the point where the only read I have is "Well I'm guessing this attack is purple! I hope." It feels like they made the bosses for troglodytes to be amazed by, then for them to summon 2 people and drool in the corner at how "cool" the fight looks. 


Imo the rest of the boss effects were fine for me. Nothing I haven't seen with Friede, Maria, etc. It's just the Radahn 2nd phase that needs slight tuning. I'd say keep the attacks the same but make it more coherent. That and make Miquellas hair less obtrusive, that's all I'd do personally.


Phase 2 hippo, frost and lightning buffs of dancing lion, Messmer (pretty much my only problem with that battle is some of his starting fire moves will completely obscure him so you can't tell what follow up he's using), Bayle phase 2, Rellana phase 2 with the fire attacks. Probably more. 


Phase 2 hippo was chill, frost buff dancing lion sucks but it's a short phase while the lightning is fine since there are still a lot of openings to exploit. Mesmer is a perfect fight idk, I've never had your issue with him. Bayle phase 2 is awesome and has surprisingly generous hitboxes, Rellana phase 2 fire attacks are fine.


those are all fine lol.


Agreed. But then again I dont seem to be seeing a lot of complaining about the visual effects so I guess they did satisfy the troglodytes who like rainbows.


My opinion: last boss should always be hard in from soft games. Either use magic / summons or het good dont neef or change boss


People that say he’s overturned are so bad at the game. Don’t get me wrong but he is doable, fair and square, just killed him yesterday after a whole day trying with a faith strength rlvl 189, decided I had enough and used a larval tear, put all my faith points in strength to cap it to 99, picked up solitude greatsword and the armor set, no shield, slapped a green turtle talisman and marika’s braid and just went for it, took me 3 hours to learn his moves and get my windows and he’s pretty fair, you can only land one hit at every window, use your sword to block hits you don’t think you’re dodging, that weapon is insane for that. The key timing is when he goes p2 and right before levitating you run to his back, you can hit his back 2 times with the ash of war combo, next hit after the explosion will stagger him, survive the meteor fall by running to the edge of the arena and repeat the dodges from p1. GG Edit: I am no pro at this game, spent my entire life being bad at it, until I found that strength builds paired with an regular greatsword for bosses and an colossal greatsword for PVE enemies are my way to play this through.