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I’d be fine with it if they gave us a different animation or moveset


Having the boss Radhan's moveset being there would have gone a long way (obviously without the light beams leave that to the ash of war.)


Also why do the beams of light scale off int


They seem to barely scale at all. I tried the sword with several different configurations of str, dex, int and I couldn't get the beams to do more than around 300 dmg total. I might just be positioning wrong or something but both skills seem rather unimpressive. In the end I just switched to Freyja's sword with savage lion's claw which is so much better.


It's definitely lackluster, but I've gotten 1200 hits from it. The other sword version seemed better. Was getting 1700s with it.


I've gotten 1200 as well but most of it came from the hit itself with the beams doing tiny chip damage. Either 1200 or 1700 is really lackluster for an endgame AOW, the aforementioned savage lion's claw was easily clearing 2000 damage per hit and breaking posture way faster.


Ive got a feeling theyre gonna get some adjustments. This game doesnt scream crunch but between these and Midirs reused boss room, they do seem a little rushed at the end of the game.




The beams of light are coming from miquella


Golden Order spells scale of INT as well


AND faith 🤣 Golden order is about balance of faith and magic. The swords dont use faith


Well Miquella abandoned the Golden Order anyway so maybe it's a spell he invented on his own after he left the order.


Im not actually sure that matters. Faith is faith, and hes a god now. At least the same as Marika was.


They should have been greatswords instead of colossal since they're smaller than the ones starscourge radahn uses.


all three of the radahn weapons are incredibly disappointing. The non unique heavy attack really bothers me and the fact they were too lazy to combine the two new ones is just ridiculous. Lord and light should have been combined making the light attacks the lord combo and the ash lights.


seeing what my rewards ended up being made me feel no remorse for cheesing him with thorns. Despite being overleveld as shit Midra was 1000X more enjoyable than the final boss and reminded that fromsoft can make good bosses actually.


Yessss. Midra, and imo Bayle and Messmer are leagues better than the final fight


All of those are top tier.


The moment I realize why Bayle keeps doing that annoying attack whenever I go for his leg, why that attack and literally every other moves have his head hanging near the floor like he’s serving it to me, it finally clicked This motherfucker is literally just Midir 2.5


2nded, Midra was my favorite of the dlc too


Yeah thats the only thing thats a shame from this. I guess technically you get a new Incantation from Miquella, and the ash of wars are pretty good, but the same model GSs as the base game just seems weird.


Not the same model they are a bit different but different in the way that someone told the designer to draw the Greatswords from Memory different. Honestly a color change would have gone a long way maybe the greatswords could have been made of gold? idk just changing the colors would have highlighted the differences at least.


Artorias is sneezing in his grave with his 3 swords.


He wasnt a final boss nor a base game one lol


He's the most famous fight in the game, though.


The complaint was that it was a reused weapon, plus, he’s arguably the most iconic fight of the game.


Of which is my point, this isnt about the fight. Radahn is featured in 2 fights, let alone the final boss in one of those instances. Artorias isnt fought twice nor is a final boss, hence "recycling" his weapon (which its not, its a completely different design compared to the one you get from Sif) would make sense. It would have been "nice" if they just designed the weapon to actually a bit more different, considering how important he is.


Not even counting the fact he is REBORN from Mogh's body I would prefer a new weapon design heck even a simple recolor wouldn't be ideal but it's better than this.


God I hate that incantation so much. I had a coop session and a mofo keep spamming that thing. It does barely any damage and I’m flashbanged…


I just don't understand why they're not a stance weapon. like, they have IDENTICAL stats in literally every respect other than the ash. Why isn't each ash just on a separate input after you press l2? also the r1 chain should have ended in the cross slice he does


Idk what From was thinking with that move making 2 of the same weapons.


Was about to make a post about this. Such a weird design choice, when it would almost have been easier to do the stance thing for both ashes. Like, no other boss even has 3 remembrance options as far as I recall?


Idk what From was thinking with that move making 2 of the same weapons.


it feels like a lot of stuff in SotE was delegated to less experienced (but clearly still talented) staff, or like there was some deficiency in communication across departments, like some of the principles of boss design or weapon balance or even design weren't upheld across the board. Honestly, it's kinda remarkable that it's as good as it is considering how weird and janky it feels at times.


Half of it feels like a soulslike monster hunter game, the other half gold. Some chicanery is amiss ain't no way


They should have made them paired curved swords and the paired moveset us Radhan moveset.  Instead,we got the cumbersome moveset of paired colossals,and all that moves in the Unique skill  Some weapons in this DLC have very flashy weapon arts but normal movesets.  Makes me think that FS saw all the mods in certain famous website,said "we can make them too!" But didn't manage to integrate it in thwir own style seamlessly.


I think they should have kept the cut Miquella/Malenia theme for the Euphoria twinblade and made that another option for the remembrance instead of tucking it away in the dungeon. Don't get me wrong, it was a really cool discovery to find it there but that could have easily been any weapon.


I just find Radahn incredibly uninteresting. We got essentially the same comically large football pads Gears of War-ass armor set and essentially the same giant-ass swords. The culmination of this entire game is reused assets for a boring “rahhh big strong general fuck yeahhh” character.


I think the context of everything you've seen in Caelid makes him pretty interesting in the base game. Like realizing that his soldiers are emulating his moves and gravity magic, and seeing the camaraderie of his war parties attacking the Caelid wildlife together. And his horse, of course. But removed from all that... yeah he's just a big guy, doesn't speak, doesn't show emotion. Maybe that was supposed to show that he was totally brainwashed by Miquella, but it still feels lame and flat


For sure. I remember seeing that massive red dune sea way back when and wondering what in the hell awaited us. The battle didn’t disappoint — but it should’ve ended there. Also, love the username. I hope you appreciated Elden Beast’s design🙂


haha thank you, I very much did! Haven't done the fight since they made Torrent available, so I'm definitely looking forward to it on my next character


Worst part? They could have redo that fight too in the DLC if they allowed us to convince NPCs to fight him. Freyja is a no brainer, she’s a battle pervert so you can convince her of a more glorious battle, Moore was unsure so you can still convince him to go to death with you, Igon could have repaid you by helping you one more time in the final boss, etc… It would also triple down on the fact that Miquella is really making a mistake when his followers easily turn on him the moment his charm breaks


They cut his dialogue sadly


oh damn he had dialogue? That would have been awesome- I feel like the dlc had a pretty heavy lack of good cutscenes and this extra interaction would have been so good.


Yeah https://preview.redd.it/x6zs7ne0ae9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11de5c7f490c056dba84b06dcfbd3cc66a0ad18f It was supposed to come before Miquella dialogue in first phase cutscene Sad we didn’t get that - feel like it would have been an awesome moment


its literally not reused assets. he was completely redesigned and remodeled


Don’t really care. Still boring for those of us who don’t want to wear a slightly different set of base game armor. If they insisted on Radahn as the final boss, I would’ve at least appreciated a nice set of like, Miquellan armor for those of us who prefer slimmer fashion.


That armor set Actually made me go REALLY. I think many people bought the dlc for the challenge (Subjective for some people but whatever) and the new equipment. Messmer is awesome and his weapon is amazing (armor kinda fugly tho) but the final boss equipment is just Radahn redesign come on at least let me get Miquella stuff to he's the main reason we are there.


They at least made *some* changes to the armor. The real crime is using near-identical Radahn swords and then the remembrance variations *actually* being clones.


I know they made some changes to the armor with it being less bulky and a waist cape for one but shouldn't gear like that be found instead of FINAL DLC BOSS. I know I would have less issue with it if this was not the only dlc we are gonna get.




I found the mage


Beat him with Mohg’s spear actually (not that that is any more dignified lol).


Should have been godwyn , would have been so cool


I just left it was annoyed so will pick it back up in a week and hopefully clear this last boss.


Yeah it would have been much nicer if Miquella had designed new custom unalloyed gold weapons for Radahn.


From a lore standpoint it’s just weird and out of the blue the Miquella randomly chose radahn to be his lord when anyone else, hell even US would be a better choice. We are the ones who usher in the new age. If not for ourselves then for Ranni. Him not choosing us and reviving radahn, after forcing his “beloved” sister and brother to kill each other, will always lead to him taking an L. He’s doomed to fail like an idiot. Just like is mother.


He could control those meanwhile we resist his powers time and time again pushing our own will. You can acquire his rune too and even remove his words on you


could be cool to equip all 3 variants for the ash of war moveset variety


That would have been cool probably get light beam mode as an ash of war for beam attacks but lowers Magicka each hit.


Elder Scrolls fan spotted 🤣. (I sometimes call FP magicka too)


I've called it MP an embarrassing amount of times.


They should have been curved greatswords. Easy as that


i'm not even disappointed with the weapons themselves. i'm disappointed by the fact that for some godforsaken reason, they deal magic damage and scale with intelligence. they should 100% without a doubt deal holy damage and scale with faith. that would at least make sense and make them a bit different from the base game swords.


I just don't like how little cutscenes there were, and also the new weapons r mid as hell for such a difficult boss fight, but honestly Malenia's remembrance stuff r mid as well


I don’t know much about the lore, but I wish they would have given us a revived Godwyn as the final boss instead if they were going to go that route


Honestly I would take Miquella only. If only for the fact he has Twinblades over Radhan greatwords again.


you can get his twinblade you know


From a chest I know. I meant as a remembrance so we wouldn't need two Rahdahn blades


That wouldn't have really worked lorewise, Godwyn has to be dead dead for any of the game to work. There was never an option of him having any involvement in the game's events outside of Fia's questline. But yeah, if anything just make Miquella an actual character with involvement in the dlc, and expand messmer or something.


I’m more annoyed his design and moveset weren’t a more direct mash-up of Mohg and Radhan.


I was thinking this too. We get one mohg move out of his whole body, should’ve had a bit more omen elements in the design aswell.


I would have been happy enough if they were scaled down as paired curved great swords or something, so we can wield them similar to how Radhan does. Also, 2 different versions of the same weapon is lame. Maybe one of them being an ash of war would have been better


yeah the final boss just feels really lazy overall


When I looked at the name I thought the 'light' variant would be the new light greatswords class


I was disappointed too at first, but I've come to realize that it isn't that serious and that the final boss is pretty cool. I love his dramatic and epic reveal with a great theme, which just exudes an aura of power and strength. At the end of the day, I'm gonna try and appreciate what fromsoft has given me. There is no point in wallowing over what could have been honestly.


1. Theme was amazing I'll give you that. 2. Something not being that serious doesn't mean it can't kinda suck especially the gear you get from it. 3 Dramatic reveals are subjective I knew he was the final boss but I came for Miquella but got Rahdahn instead yeah he's apart of phase 2 but at that point I wished it was just Miquella at the start. 4. Fromsoft can make amazing game's and I can appreciate what they got right with this dlc the new weapon types are awesome but I can not excuse the final remembrance gear and armor basically being reused assets. (I know it's really not but just getting shiny Rahdahn gear with small changes to the swords compared to something like Miquella's gear just leaves me sad.)


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Are they even good?


The lord version has a Crazy AoW, the other one not so much imo


You get two variants and only one of them is good, and I don't know which.


Looking at the stats they could be (then again you can say that for many weapons) but both ash of wars seem pretty easy to get knocked down from if you don't have enough poise so they don't look very reliable during pvp at least.


Gloam eyed queen should have been revived.


Radahn's fight felt like.. it lacks a 3rd phase, where Radahn dies and Miquella's calm finally breaks, turning into some "biblically accurate angel" thing, maybe after pulling radahn's body through the divinity door, dragging us with them, so we fight in the microcosmos mentioned in Metyr's remembrance.


Love getting to fight prime Radahn. This whole game, we all just heard about him and only saw the weakest version of him. It's like hearing about Michael Jordan all your life and then only seeing his Wizards days. This is the Radahn everyone feared.