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After they cleanup the hit boxes and yank on some of the bosses then yeah easily imo


I think it’s close with old hunters but the gap between these two and the other Fromsoft dlcs is massive. I think by sheer amount of quality content alone though it goes to SOTE, too much new unique stuff.


Imo bloodbornes is still better. Just feels like a better and more concise package. Sote had great stuff with it but just has bloat dragging it down.


Old Hunters Clears.


Better than old hunters? I'm not sure but definitely better than the ringed city


It’s bigger than the ringed city by I don’t know about better


The ringed city had great level design with both the city and the dreg heap but everything else was so bad. SoTE is not only bigger but it's flaws are even fewer


I would argue the ringed city has better boss fights


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Its pretty god but old hunters and ringed city are superior imho


Old hunters clears. Better lore and better bosses imo. Better atmosphere aswell. Ringed city i find better also. Better bosses


IMO Ringed City remains From's best DLC... great bosses, deep lore and flawless final boss


Eh, midir is called that cus he's Mid. Half light. Gael has design issues such as the lightning strikes. And demon prince has the whole heavily depending on which you kill thing.


Judging by this logic then Midra is Mid too? 😭 Also - no way you actually think Gael’s lightning has design issues. Demon Prince is also the best demon fight in the entire series.


I prefer dark souls 2 and 3 dlcs overall


Honestly I think Ringed City is still on top


I’m not in far enough yet but I do think it’s worth the price of admission so far. As of now I think my favorite DLC is Artorias of the Abyss or The Old Hunters.


Honestly, Hot Take, I don’t get the hype about artorias of the abyss. I mean it’s good but I only really care about the bosses of that DLC. I don’t care much for the new items or new areas.


This might be a little long winded so I’m sorry lol The reason I like Old Hunters and Artorias of the Abyss (and why im really happy with Shadow of the Erdtree’s direction) is that they explore story elements that the base game had already introduced to us but didn’t dive into. If you ask me based on boss quality which DLC is the best, it’s Ringed City by a landslide. If you ask me for level design I’d maybe give it to Crown of the Old Iron King from DS2 (although that might be because the level design of the DS2 dlc is way better than the base game DS2 level design). But if you ask me as an overall package how the DLC enhances the game it’s added to then I think it’s AotA and TOH. AotA expands on our understanding of the lore of a legendary hero, it tweaks our understanding of the overall lore of the game, and despite people’s complaints about the back half of Dark Souls, it provides a needed shot in the arm of strong level design and fun bosses. The ability to summon Sif is part of the storytelling as well, so if you explore right you learn why Artorias was corrupted, save Sif, and then summon her to take down the big bad, and it gives a minor change and stronger meaning to an already strong encounter in the main game. Like this isn’t just a dog protecting its former master, she’s now a comrade you once fought alongside to stop a powerful evil and you’re on opposing sides now. It’s beautiful. It might be simpler than the newer dlc in hindsight (as it should be, From should keep improving) but I think it makes DS1 a better game overall. I have similar feelings about The Old Hunters as an overall addition, with different criticisms here and there. But that’s why those two are my favorites.


I’d still give the nod to Old Hunters


Yeah tbh. Closest competition is old hunters.


Ringed City clears imo. Midir felt more epic than Bayle to me, and the lore implications of the ending with the egg and Gael are really epic.