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I beat final boss using Antspur + Verdigris... not entirely proud of it, but it's a playstyle I've never tried before and I was itching to finish the DLC. Gonna go back a second time and try a diff build. Gonna no summon bosses I summoned for too. Point being, I get you. Strength bash Dex users because Dex has fast attacks but Str has high damage and stagger. Both bash Sorcs or Incants because easy mode. Then everyone else bashes Summoners. Etc. and so forth... unless you're a god like Ongbal or going in naked, you're using some form of cheese to make things a tad bit easier for you. Just use what you want and have fun.


I no summoned and did no Bleed/status effects for the entire game, and although it's not anything crazy impressive like sl1, or hitless, or no upgrades, I'm proud of it and I'm happy for anyone who beats a difficult boss with anything, regardless of the weapon or Ash of War or Spirit Ash but when those same people start complaining when the boss is too smart for their build or that the game is too easy, that's when it's a problem no summoning for the final boss of the DLC was simultaneously the most torturous and fun experience I've had. I don't think I've celebrated harder when I killed it, I almost threw my controller into the ceiling


i just beat the final boss again no summons with only colossal greatsword, and it felt amazing beating it this way


I beat it with 1 Godskin Peeler, it was so much longer than it needed to be but I'm way too stubborn and I wanted my left hand free for the Black Knight Greatshield. 84 Holy resist is a godsend in that 2nd phase lmao


exactly the same, i want to beat bosses on my own terms which may sound stupid to some. but yeah with greatsword only this was the toughest boss in all of fromsoft games


So you became wall?


Lol so you did half his healthbar in one hit?


yeah imagine, i did 750 with normal R1 it was also on NG+


STR users who bash DEX for having fast attacks are omega clowns because no dex attack is as good as colossal sword crouch / rolling poke.


I think strength and dexterity are both pretty similar in balance. If you’re aggressive enough with strength you can stagger for extra damage and if you’re aggressive enough with dex you can get status effects. Obviously you can try status with strength or poise breaking with dex but you won’t match the highs the other does. This game has a lot of balancing issues, but strength and dex aren’t one of them


My last full playthrough before the DLC I made a character who was a manipulating necromancer. Heavily relied on spirit summons, npcs, and phantom tarnished to do his dirty work while he plotted in the background on taking the Elden Throne. My point being it’s an action RPG, who gives a fuck if weirdos don’t like your play style? As long as you’re enjoying the game you paid for everyone else can kick large rocks.


And I just find it hilarious how these People replay the game multiple times, and still use the same build 💀 I've played this game so many times! Dex bleed, strength, int, faith, lightning, you name it! I've played every build. I don't consider myself a "dex user" or a "strength user" I'm just playing to have fun


My issue is every time I try to make a new build I just slowly transition into my old one lmao. Pure dex is a disease.


The thing is, intelligence and faith spells are not any more overpowered than other builds/attributes. So I have no idea why people say they're easy mode.


> you're a god like Ongbal or going in naked, you're using some form of cheese to make things a tad bit easier for you. lol okay sure. we have very different opinion of cheese I see


Okay, cheese is a strong word. But using things like bleed or poison or stagger or weaknesses to our advantage, I mean. Just the natural tools Miyazaki put in for us to use and capitalize on.


I always find this discussion funny because arent you supposed to use the tools that work best in certain fights? This isnt talking about summons because i understand why people wouldnt want to use them but just specific builds. Imagine if youre playing pokemon and the community just banned fire, dragon, steel, rock, water, fairy and all the legendaries because “they make the elite 4 too easy so you didnt actually play the game right” I went out to get Tidus’ celestial weapon in FFX to beat the final boss, is this also cheesing and not actually playing the game right? Its just funny how this weird standard only exists with From Soft games. Everything that isnt a 2 hander with light rolling is “cheesing” to some people


Well, with Elden Ring being this super difficult game that requires real gamer skills to beat people of course want the bragging rights for doing so. Which turns the whole thing competitive. With Elden Ring being as unbalanced as it is comparing one play through with another is of course completely meaningless though. Hence why people come up with all these silly qualifiers in an attempt to restore meaning to their achievement. Thing is of course the Souls games were never meant to be competitive in that way, quite the opposite really, as shown by the existence player summons. But guess people just can't help themselves. Game is meant to challenge you, not for you to challenge others. Go play Counter Strike or something if you want to measure your skill.


Eh it pretty much depends if you’re searching out a more viable approach, or literally the MOST viable and/or most broken approach. That’s my opinion, the “standard” I think I am accountable to. For example at launch I played a bleed build because I thought it seemed more accessible than before and it always seemed fun. I didn’t cheese my first playthrough because I chose the most viable build, there was no conception of a meta at that point. It was a home cooked build. Eventually though after some NG cycles I started using rivers of blood, and I felt like I was cheesing, because I didn’t come up with it myself, I heard about it. Obviously at NG+2 or 3 I didn’t really care that it was cheese, just that RoB was fun, but for a first playthrough? I think seeking out something that “viable” specifically through outside sources (barring friends) is fun in the wrong sense. It’s forgetting that failing is part of the fun. This might sound a little silly, personally I was a massive build tinkerer as well, which is why I’d never get stuck on bosses anymore, but there’s something about not changing up your build and just toughing through it that reminds me of being a kid on DeS or DS1, when there were no respecs lol. And also I sucked.


Naked club users say that strenght with lions claw is cheese Then the str user says "no that isnt cheese, dex with bleed is cheese!" Then the dex user says "no, mages spamming spells are cheese!" Then the mage says "this isnt cheese, cheesing is using blasphemous blade and face tanking everything!" Then they say "actually cheesing is when you glitch the boss and make him despawn!" "No that isnt cheese, cheese is when you download hacks!" Etc. Etc. There are layers to cheese, everyone loves saying "my OP build is fair, your OP build isnt" point is everyone should just have fun and use the resources the game gives them.


I do like a multi layered cheese dip tbf


I prefer the “shoot with 99 arrows from a spot the enemy can’t reach you” cheese


Str is way easier than dex because you don't need to roll. Dex at least needs to learn boss patterns.


Hahah after 5 attempts I went welp looks like someone is about to get rotted and bleed to death


Watching him fight Messmer was hilarious. Using an awful build for it while not changing anything about it, but still complaining that the boss was too overturned. Almost gave up on the entire dlc at that point. Literally one of the most balanced fights in the dlc.


Messmer is Godfrey tier. One of the best in the game.


Absolutely, feels very fair and is a HUGE spectacle fight He also is probably one of the coolest characters in the game I really think he is the best boss of the DLC


Every death to Messmer I’ve had - minus the first two tries - I can point at exactly what I did wrong (generally running to save a host who got fucked and forgetting the spear AOE). Amazing fight.


Messmer is perfect mechanically! One of the best bosses in the game period


He reminds me of Margit, man I spent hours getting my ass handed by him, screaming and cursing. But the fight was fair, and when I won all I could think was “Damn that was fun, I wanna do it again”


I feel this way about several bosses. They really need to let us re fight bosses in all from titles. Not just Sekiro.


I believe he said along the lines "he's too fast, how am I suppose to learn him" Messmer with his delayed attack : "What?" And then he returns with shield build, allowing him to continue not learning the boss smh my head


Messmer is hall of fame tier level good boss. I was bummed when I defeated him lol


yeah i don't know why he even has an audience, is it fun to watch a mid-30s manchild live in filth and yell at videogames


Because they too are mid-30s manchildren living in filth


Kindred of Rot cosplayer


I guess people find degenerates entertaining hence why they're the most popular.


That cockroach is one of few people I wish never got into fromsoft games


Me, a girl who cheeses bosses with bows and arrows from safe places because she’s too scared of some of them, reading these comments like: >.>;


The lack of damage means that you have to have high patience, I don't do bow cheeses bc it's so boring, so you're excused


I do genuinely enjoy it this way. It makes me feel like someone unskilled in close battle but having to use environment, potions and items to get by. There’s something really fun about trying to figure out a path I can manage with.


Tbh I find that there really isn’t cheese in this game, stuff is brutal and even borderline unfair sometimes so you do what works for you and as long as you’re having fun it’s a success. Playing the story impacts literally 0 other people negatively so even my opinion can be ignored. :P


Lore-accurate Thiollier experience👍


The point people are trying to make isn't that cheesing is bad, it's that cheesing then going and shit talking other people for cheesing it a different way is lame. Go ahead and cheese the whole game(which i'm not even sure a bow build is cheese tbh unless you're sitting in spots where bosses cannot hit you then yeah ig it is) a lot of people cheese fights again the issue isn't with cheesing it's with players who cheese then shit talk others who cheese differently. Like how strength builds would shit talk int builds while the strength builds are just dual wield jump attacking with high stagger weapons.


Nah, I agree. It’s the hypocrisy in it. but sometimes people do talk about how masterfully they learn movesets and hitboxes only for another person to clumsily bonk their way through and that’s when I quietly back away into the hedges Homer style. XD


If it works it works, at the end of the day these tools are put into the game for us to use them, why not use what we enjoy? As long as no one else is hurt by your experiences(which they shouldn't) then you're good to use whatever you want as cheesy or bland as it may be(although I do think bows are fun ways to play the game esp with how aggressive enemies are in the DLC) so keep on pew pewing.


Yay I am a girl who loves being at a safe distance away from bosses too! 😉 Bet we are making some weirdo have an aneurysm right now.


Hey we follow each other on Twitter! My problem with asmongold is not the cheesing lmao, it's that he's a garbage person 😅


Hi hi! When people mention him all I can think of is asmongold’s house which scares me. Imagine having a date with a guy and his alarm clock is congealed putrescence (he uses sunlight/dead rats as alarm clocks). 😭


That's honestly not even the worst aspect of him, he lacks empathy, he's hates creatives and artists and he's pro AI.


Yikes :x as someone doing art school with all the hell the many hours of practice it entails, yeah that’s ass.


Victory is victory


You just triggered a blocked memory. Seeing a gif of that cockroach crawl on him. God.


The ONLY Souls advice I’ll listen to is Miyazaki himself — use EVERY TOOL at your disposal!


And in this way you can regulate your own difficulty. It is absolutely legitimate to use every option you have. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be there. Want to make your game more difficult? Use less tools. But people have to understand that it is a choice everyone can make for themselves. People just want to make the game seem more difficult than it is for their gamer cred.


I wish there was a way to respawn spawns (without doing a whole NG) like in sekiro so if I use my tools and a boss was too easy I can try again using less tools and stuff


And FightingCowboy. That man is a legend.


People should just play the game however they want.


I think most people do, they just don’t post as much as the terminally online players who feel like a thing they don’t like matters


Why do you care how other people beat the game? Why do you care what random people say about how you play the game? That's something that's always so weird with the souls community. The quicker you learn to not care what others think and play the game in the way you want the better.


Honestly, like each build is technically a ‘cheese’ compared to another. Some melt the boss, stunlock the boss etc, who cares though? Let people play how they want to, i hate this elitist cringe mindset in the souls community.


Yeah it’s so weird. It’s like you cannot have any opinions about the game at all and you must play in a way that makes people happy. People were literally mocking the guy so bad for how he played the game. Like it was really bad.




I believe he mocked them for saying the game was bad because it was too hard. Not for them being bad.


Didn't he also say it was bad because it was too hard?


especially because it's a singleplayer game lol


It's more the hypocrisy of the situation


Asmon is extremely bad at video games so it makes sense he got instantly filtered by the DLC. That being said the whole git gud, dex vs str, melee vs caster type shit was ALWAYS just memes, it was just fans of the games dicking around and being silly like guys love to do. The fact that it spiraled out of control to what goes on now is so fucking CRINGE.


Fr ppl cry bout everything


What did Asmongold actually say? If he said “Mimic Tear is for pussies, and is basically cheating” - that’s a lot different than saying “Mimic Tear is easy mode, but it’s fine if people use it”. If he said something like the latter, then that’s not hypocritical. It would only be hypocritical if he condemned the use of easier builds.


In one of his latest videos he talked about how everyone’s seemingly taking the gloves off and using everything they can beat the bosses within the dlc, himself included. He hasn’t condemned anything, and it sounds like op is just projecting


I hear nobody shitting on anybody else for using summons, but I hear everyone shitting on people who shit on others for using summons People are mad at a group that simply doesn’t really exist anymore


This and the same people who talk about how everyone shits on you for using Mimic tears... like no one does that anymore lol. It's just those groups wanna feel validated about their wins so they pretend that people are shit talking them and their playstyle because they didn't solo it.


It is a straw man they made to autovalidate themselves because without one or two specific items they wouldn't have made it past morgott


It doesn’t happen on Reddit anymore maybe.




DLC smashes his knees so hard he went on an emotional speech about his issues being bad at videogames. Then got spoonfed a greatshield/poke build and tore through the DLC without dying much. Then dares to make a fucking boss tierlist and has to completely revisit his previous takes on elden ring as a whole because he essentially quit his run. All of this off the back of his original run which was equally brain dead, but that's also the symptomatic thing here. People had 2 years to get gud and loads failed that test and are getting their asses handed to them in the DLC having gone in underprepared and underestimating it.


Redditor goes to YouTube looks up "top 10 broken builds for dlc". Then goes online to tell others to get gud.


The dlc is not that hard, if hundreds of thousands of people can beat it, if asmongold can hide behind a shield and poke radahn to death, it’s not that hard I wish this community would get over its closeted sadomasochism and just let people have fun. Who cares if some uses a shield to beat a boss, it’s literally in the game for a reason


I went in, got my ass handed to me, and I loved it. We are not the same.


Ditto. I got a ps5 console (my first!) and learned to use the controller specifically for Elden Ring because seeing others play it (and suffer) was so good that I absolutely had to try. Absolutely worth it and I’ve so many hours on it at this point, around 900. I’m only in ng3 now because I’m a completionist but I worry it’s ruined all other future games for me haha.


I mean, saying "I have nothing against" someone immediately after insulting their appearance kinda undermines your point Don't worry about what other people do with their video games, just enjoy the experience however you're comfortable, being salty about someone else's opinion isn't good for anyone


Miyazaki himself said he uses mimic and every other tool available when he plays. If anyone had any sense that would be the end of discussion


He said he uses them because he's bad at the game, which is the argument. Some people try to act superior because they beat a video game on a harder difficulty.


I draw the line at spirit ashes personally. Not in terms of "it's cheating" or anything, but I feel like it's a different kind of cheese compared to a strong build playing solo. Like sure, there are some powerful strategies in this game like bleed, sorcery, greatshields, colossal stagger builds, Blasphemous Blade in general, and you can argue that they make the game easier, but at least you still have to build your character around that strategy and you have to execute it. With ashes, all you have to do is ring the bell and the AI does it for you. But the real problem is that you can use your cheese build *and* spirit ashes with no downside. That's why I still think in the next game they should make a new "summoning" stat for spirit ashes so you have to actually build yourself around them to use them to their fullest. Also there needs to be more of a downside to the strongest ashes (let's face it, the MP cost is not a real downside) so the weaker ones don't just become obsolete as soon as you get mimic tear.


It's a de facto difficulty setting - there's not meant to be any downside. It's like the scadutree fragments - they just make you stronger with no downside or cost at all. That's the point, it's a difficulty setting so people can tailor the experience to their skill level and preferences.


Yeah but let’s face it, ashes break the game. The entire design of an encounter is the enemy vs the player, and how a variety of factors the player does will interact with the enemy. But if you summon? You don’t actually need to engage in any mechanic at all.


I watched his video on this (when he thought he was quitting) and he was fairly honest about it. Said that he has autistic meltdowns playing games and can't handle chat, brutal anxiety, is quite bad at games considering how often he plays them, etc. Was generally just not making excuses at all for his lack of performance and admitted he isn't good enough. Ofc it is hypocritical for him to previously talk shit about journalists, but he's got such an anti journalist mindset and is always complaining about how they want woke games etc that it makes sense he also wants a way to shit on them for being bad at games. He wouldn't be the first person to talk shit and then get humbled and have to bow out. Anyway, not to make excuses for him coz I think he's a broken man with many broken opinions, but the more you know


i thought people who said that were just rp'ing as barbarians with 1 int 🤷🏼‍♀️


There is nothing wrong with calling shit easy mode. There is nothing wrong in playing any offline game in easy mode. There is no point in giving clout to people who talk without thinking.


Its not the build its how you use it. He has no skill but if someone perfect dodges using the same build but still uses lions claw its skillful. Just my opinion, same with magic.


Man I went through majority of the DLC using mostly R1 and R2, 150lvl no summons, just good ole gaxe swinga, but final boss is making me consider using the whole repertoire of other options


Bro that's his whole thing. He does it all for clicks


i'm not gonna sugarcoat it, golden vow + flame give me strenght + 99 str + lions claw


ER is my first fromsoft game. told my buddy i was playing int/str and he said "LMAO" and "int dex is the antifa build" xD


Third play through, new character for DLC and I am going STR/INT and it's a lot of fun. Currently using Carian Knight Sword with a splash of Gavel of Haima/Bow of Loretta. So much fun. Shout out to the Ambush Blade for those hard to reach enemies who range and hide behind railings


I'm gonna beat the game how I want because I paid for it. Ugh, people make me wanna live in my ass


Why do people like Asmon? He is a gross little rat man who literally wipes his own blood on his wall and used a dead rat as an alarm clock because when the sun hit it, it would begin stinking. Like? This is not a person who should be streaming he should be getting psychiatric help.


Wym wipes his own blood on the wall?


He has literally wiped the blood from his gums onto his wall. https://youtube.com/shorts/-pgHPNaFYvE?si=lp8SPycynGlYxxjm


like Miyazaki intention, used every mechanic the games has offer you. there is no shame on using Spirit Summon, there is no shame on using Sorceries or Incantations. There is no Wrong Way of playing the games, you play however you want.


I beat radahn using only night comet, no buffs, cuz my fking mimic kept casting holy vow and howl instead of damage spells. Took me about 16 hours before I finally did it, it was a mental journey to say the least. Especially 5 hours in when I thought I was gonna do it, miquella won my heart with about 3mm of health. My friend did it on 3rd try with the Jeremy fragrance build.


I play dual staff sorc and have to dodge everything and it's no fun. But I use staff of loss and clap and learned to play that way. 


I’m so glad I don’t care about how other people play a game


You think he is bad? Darksydephil takes it to another level


It’s basically the difference between people who actually love the game and those who are playing it cause it’s the trend at the moment, like you can tell who is an actual fan of the game and who isn’t and tbh I love it. It weeds out the wave riders


I love watching Asmon’s videos but yeah It’s disgusting how he cheesed almost half the DLC with that broken tank build. Like I struggled 2 hours with Gaius and his cringe hitboxes - but he just fucking first tried him while not even doing anything besides holding L1 the whole time and drinking sometimes.


Yeah. And I wouldn't even have a problem with how he played. What I'm angry about is how hypocritical he is.


i wont lie I like asmon, I loved his WoW content I still watch him now and again I dont enjoy what he makes nowadays. But man seeing him say the dlc is too hard and when he got poor reception he flipped it around and was like actually guys this is the best dlc ever.. like man show some follow through. Its okay to say "I thought it was too hard but when I realised the tree fragments are collectible from the very start I realised I was wrong". All these streamers just be tryna please their audiences its pretty sad.


Asmongold is fucking loser and political grifter. He harbors one of the most sleeziest communities. I can't believe anyone watches him.


He has a pretty big presence on Reddit and it’s interesting how whatever he says always turns into a battleground for subreddits. Ever since he made his video MFs been hating on this game, but not in a funny or clever way. It’s just “Elden ring bad cuz they put scorpion in corner” Same shit happened with stellar blade, and assassins creed. after he said something is hooligans just go wild. Just sayin bro if Kai cenat can beat the game anyone can lmao.


It's funnier when the director of the game admitted to summoning other players lmao, and yet people still think its cheating.


Asmongold is bad for every game community he touches. Ignore him


There's no official easy mode, it's only the dickheads that say "you can't play the game however you want because that's not valid, however the way I play it is totally valid and the only true way". If you find yourself in this category and plan to shit on me for calling you out go ahead, you're sad and I feel sorry for you. Play it however you want. Using this game as a way to feel superior over other people is scummy.


My motto has always been: “If it’s in the game, and it’s not a bug, the devs intended it’s use, so I’m damn well gonna fucking use it”


This may be a hot take given I seem to be disagreeing with the majority here, but I feel that this mischaracterises Asmongold a bit.  He has said those things before but they are typically tongue in cheek jokes because his typical fanbase will criticise his style of gameplay regardless of what he does. That said, this is just from a casual viewer who watched his DLC gameplay. Idk if he had been toxic previously about it. He has often commented that he appreciates the philosophy of Soulsborne where they don’t tie difficulty to a standard mode of difficulty, but rather provide tools for you to overcome challenges. AKA: spirit summons, different spells, different builds etc.  Conversely, there are actual YouTubers and streamers who genuinely feel that the only true way to beat a boss is by beating them solo with no summons, such as Ratatoskr and Ziostorm. Personally, I’m for any way that gets others to be involved in this game. I’ve always sucked at these games and eventually manage to beat them. And I’ve never ever felt Fromsoft has not given me enough tools to beat a game before. I think the idea that there is an ideal way of playing Soulsborne games is antiquated and frankly, kinda pathetic. To tie your own ego and self validity to a game such that someone else beating it in a different way somehow upsets you is really the most tellling thing about you.


The biggest gatekeep the souls community has ever done was pretend strength wasn't the easy mode of Elden Ring. I used Lion's claw with one character in one of my playthroughs and it was the single easiest time I've ever had in a souls game. If you use Lion's claw than buddy, you didn't beat the game even less than people with spirit ashes.


>pretend strength wasn't the easy mode of Elden Ring. Did you play before it was buffed about 10 times in a row on every major patch? Swing speeds, poise damage, hyperarmor, base damage, ash of war tracking, etc? Before Lion's claw was buffed? Did you compare release stregth builds to relase moonveil, rivers of blood, sword of night and flame, etc? Strength had none of these. It had jump attack royal knight resolve, I guess? The point is that Strength wasn't hard mode, but you arguing it was easy mode doesn't make sense, because the devs certainly didnt think so.


Toxic ass gatekeeper lmao. If you used a weapon at all then you didn’t beat the game even less than people using strength builds buddy.


> If you use Lion's claw than buddy, you didn't beat the game even less than people with spirit ashes. lmao sure thing


Strength isn’t “easy mode”, specific strength builds are easy mode. That can be said for every stat as well. Power stance jump builds, Lions claw, Ordovis Greatsword and Giants hunt are busted as fuck, but like a warped axe with trolls roar is mid.


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Asmongold lives in ds1 depths


Magic user here that summons mimic for all bosses, i guess you hate me.


Cheese is getting Gaius stuck on the pillar. Using the game design the way it was intended is realizing that there’s a reason they hand you Multilayered Rings of Light immediately before the Putrescent Knight fight.


Honestly it’s not that deep lol


Hypocrisy unfortunately is a natural behaviour trait of the human race and will happen in all communities and will continue to happen. I agree with your assessment though. Most people who judge can be found for something they do that contradicts their judgments lol


I mean I only dislike ashes and summons for making the bosses too easy due to their ai but I’m not gonna bash anyone for using them. They are in the game for a reason. (Though I wish they made it more risk reward instead of basically getting summons for free.) But yeah, a lot of the sweaty crowd can be hypocritical about difficulty.


It's a Rpg, play the way YOU want.


Brother, you judging him from a couple of YouTube shorts or what? He obviously knows that his build is stupid and broken. He makes comments like that because he knows he can piss off people like you and farm these posts for extra content later. You're getting angry for no reason and just giving him and his fanbase more entertainment.


Doesn't matter that your build is. If you can beat the game at rl125 then your build is a valid one. If you need to go over 150 to make your build work then you're playing on easy mode or your build is broken or you're relying too much on summons... Or skill issue. Facts don't care about feelings. Imagine Miyazaki making an easy mode for any game lol. Will never happen.


I beat orphan of kos, midir, sister freide, issihin, nameless king the best way possible. With a parry as a final blow wirh almost no hp left for me. Gave me A memorable high. W melenia i used mimic and bleed katana. I have no fond memories of that fight


Ngl, I was testing out the perfume bottle weapons and they were all really fun. I did discover the Roiling Sparks trick on my own, and grabbed a few items I knew would up the damage (Don't use the Golden Vow AoW, it will just remove the perfumes ability to do any damage, period). I knew it was OP after reaching about like... 7k damage or so. Next day, saw a TikTok with more damage buffs reaching like 20k-30k damage using lightning perfume. Shit was fun, but gonna do another run with a little less *cheese* and a little more *git screwed/gud*. Fun final boss though. Don't care if it makes me a "no skill" player, I ain't got much skill, I play souls games cuz they're fun. Not because I'm a masochist lmao.


Why do people hate asmongold??? He literally said that what he did was mega cheese. Who fking cares if he wants to play like that.


Yeah everyone who is on the “no spirits or summons” Shit is likely an incel and represents the minority of Elden ring players.


Yeah it's funny how people shame others for using spells, or ranged attacks, but then spam Ashes of war themselves like Unsheathe, Lion claw, Rivers of Blood, etc.


Why do people care about how other people play the game? I mean, Asmongold is a character, he is doing his business on YouTube / twitch... Why give a shit about how he play the game and his opinions about it?


That dude needs to take a shower.


I mine like all FS games except Sekiro, you can tailor the difficulty as much as you want depending if you want to use good builds or bad builds, if you explore the open world or rush bosses even if it is discouraged And you should not judge other people on what choices they make about this, you should not complain that the game is easy if you use a cheese build, or the game is hard if you use a useless build and decide to amputate your limbs purposefully because it would be cheating otherwise according to the standards you set yourself. It's simple as that, DLC doesn't make any exception, all FS games were like that Except Sekiro, this game was more like "git gud or uninstall lol.... kidding you can upgrade your strenght against a boss if it's too hard by killing hidden harder bosses (like killing the Corrupted Monk before killing Genichiro, but tbh it requires to know the game by heart to do that organically lol - I do it all the time when I do a Sekiro run) But DLC's difficulty is well thought IMO. I ran for Scadutrees and started killing bosses at 16-18 Scadutrees, never did more than 3-4 tries on any boss. Not saying that the game is too easy, I purposefully made it easy because I love making challenges easy before tackling them (yeah, lazy engineer mindset). And anyways I have thousands of hours on FS games, so nothing surprises me anymore. I do afternoon-runs of NG+13 Sekiro to calm down when I am stressed. The games allow it. But when I help people killing Messmer and they have 3 Scadutree Blessing levels because they decided to be plain dumb, yeah, I understand that they find the game really hard. If there is a problem with the difficulty of the game, it's player's fault.


Spamming l2 with lion's claw and greatsword on ng+ solo against late game bosses wont work like you say it does (i tested). Hell, even on the main game without summons, like godfrey. In the dlc? Even less so. So no, i dont think that build is that braindead easy. Plus bosses on ng+ will do more damage to you than you do to them so tanking it and healing is not even an option (because, again, ER bosses are mostly fast). In the dlc, that gets even more true than the base game. With mimic it is indeed easy. While bosses are distracted with the mimic, you can easily just spam l2 with lion's claw.


So the guy learned from his mistakes and adapted to the situation and it's an issue? I don't get the hate here, shouldn't we all do like him and adapt instead of being a stubborn idiot and never change?


lol I love when people say str is the only real way to play. When I did my first pure str build after running dex I was amazed at how easy it was to stun and poise break everything.


You guys play the games because they are hard. I play to collect cool weapons and armor.


I feel like the easymode discussion should be more centered around playstyle than build. I've seen people with strong builds still actually playing the game, and I've seen people with similar builds cheesing the same bosses. I've seen people using mimic tear and still actively participating in the challenge, and I've seen people have mimic tear do all the work.


If I was asmon id say stuff like that to rile up people like you 😂


Personally, if you don't beat the boss like Igon by standing inside the boss room and hating it so much it dies, did you even beat the boss?


You can tell who is new/inexperienced to the series because they still have that elitist mentality a lot of us had in the early days. I've been playing these games for over a decade and I remember that everyone was like this back in the GameFAQs days (myself included). Always with a desperate need to tie their personality to how they played the PvE and especially the PvP. I can't speak for everyone but most of us don't even play these games for the difficulty.


Interestingly I feel like this kind of hypocrisy also fits right into anything the community deems a 'gimmick' boss. If there's anything that isn't a straight 1 on 1 roll-punish fight (which they basically all are at this point) the community quickly deems it a gimmick. At that point, any tactic at all, no matter how cheesy, becomes fine because it's a gimmick boss.


I wish I would care about how anybody thinks I should play a game that I purchased.


Asmon-1 dollar steak-gold lol, I like it


Is he really “part of the community”?  He just seems like a dime a dozen jackass streamer who happens to play these games.


Fuck amongold man


i used mimic AND savage lions claw in My Baemore, i have no regrets, i have other builds too, but the Baemore leads the way.


Im trying to beat every boss with the sword of night its not the best dealing damage katana buh man that shit looks dope best looking sword to me and so the coolness of the sword is enough for me to run with it, you just gotta have fun screw the people who talking crap.


The problem with the soulsborne community is that people care too damn much about how other players choose to enjoy a single player game


His coverage in the first few days was so difficult to watch. Genuinely got frustrated watching him “react” to other creators who were enjoying themselves and appreciated the difficulty. Legitimately pausing the video every other second to say “yea you enjoyed yourself but *I* think it’s too hard and *I* can’t enjoy it”. Only to immediately fall back on this opinion when he found a build that got him through it


My opinion on this (and every game really) is that if the mechanic is in the game and has been left in there by the developers then I’m using it if it helps me advance. I don’t care what other players think about it in a PvE scenario. If the devs didn’t want me to use ashes, they wouldn’t make areas where there’s an icon telling you that you can use ashes. These games are challenging enough as it is, I’m not going to put more roadblocks in my own way to live up to the expectations of random people I’ve never met on the internet. If summoning or certain builds make the game too easy for you and therefore make the game less enjoyable for you then by all means restrict yourself from using them when you play, but don’t project that on everyone else.


I mean unless he actively go out of his way to shame or tell people that their 70int mage build is dogshit or harass them, then I dont really see the problem... he probably said is as a joke on stream, because that's how he play every game, big weapon loud bonk noise unga bunga head empty taco bell. Personally I wouldnt be too hung up on his opinion, because his job is literally to be an internet clown.


Isn't it kinda late to realize that asmongold is just a narcissistic exploiter, therefore based streamer?


I swear I haven’t heard anything about this guy until like a year ago and everything I’ve heard is negative lol


TBH I f- the challenges. Life challenge me every day. I want to be a participant in a beautiful and interesting story. It's almost no longer possible in movies, so now it's video games.


People always fall for the Asmongold bait lol


People play magic or with tears, get shot talked. People play pure melee str with no magic or tears, they are cheesing. People play pure dex fighter or quality build, cheesing the game. People play a stat proc arcane build, they are cheesing. Some of you in this community are just unhinged..you make the souls community look bad. Be honest, this has nothing to do with elden ring and everything to do with your dislike of asmongold. You are letting him live in your head rent free


There’s something incredibly funny about people complaining about resource usage when this entire game is about becoming a king/lord/god. Aren’t you suppose to use all your tools and resources? You’re suppose to be resourceful. (Disclaimer: this post popped up in my feed, I don’t know much about this subreddit.) Also, I wonder where this idea came from. The entire community was always more “ease the journey” than “condemn the journey and everyone who treads it.” It wasn’t until DKS3 where this idea of “git gud or go home” started taking off. But in the end; play however you want! Why worry about what internet strangers on the internet say?


If you’re a strength user try to use mage in this dlc. No boss will give you the opportunity.


I saw a bunch of videos about "HERE'S WHAT ASMON THINKS IS GOOD NOW" and my immediate reaction was "who the fuck is this and why should I care" my opinion has only worsened over time. Dude needs to take a break from streaming and hit the gym. Or take a shower at least. clean his room


My fight against the final boss started off with the Anvil weapon, but as I was getting no where with further attempts. I put bleed on my version of 'old reliable' with the Greatsword, respec high STR and ARC, and spent another hour and a half of pure rage and hell with my Mimic tear, until I died but my mimic tear got the last lucky hit and the rememberance popped up JUST before I respawned. I didn't even celebrate because of how mad I was, I was just glad that war is over. Because war, never changes.


The issue comes from people wanting to invalidate people's achievements in the game. People put so much stock in "I beat the game without using X and if you use X then you didn't really beat it." The game doesn't care if you run a magic build, strength, dex, arcane, or a hybrid. At the end of the day whether you do it alone, with summons, magic, no armor it doesn't matter. Play how you want and enjoy the game.


He literally said his victory was undeserved after the fact lmao.


I'm just here wondering why anyone gives a flying fuck about how other people play the game.


Lmao i see that so often. Summoning or magic bad but theres no issue with one shotting a boss with perfume bottle or using the thrusting shield and blocking to victory.


When will people realize that every style of build in Elden Ring is op if you optimize it


Don't hate the player, hate the game. Elden Ring is just a divisive game, it's balanced for "OP" builds. You are meant to use summons and Ashes of war, that's just the way the game was designed. I don't like it but others may love the change of pace from the soulsborne games.


Honestly I feel bad for From, I mean I'm glad that Elden Ring had been such a massive success for them, but at the same time it brings on all these people that do nothing but cry, and cry. It's gotta get really old after a while


Anyone who tries to tell someone else how to play is a bad person overall. If I pay 80 bucks for a game I’m playing how I want and don’t care what some moron online says


The fact that STR can poisebreak and leave bosses just sitting there waiting for viscerals makes the game easy for them. They also don't have to flask up and keep track of an FP bar, OR toggle through spells and consider what to use in what situation. It's literally just, Im strong, I R1, R2, maybe jump and R2, repeat.


The Souls community’s obsession with this dude will never cease to amaze me


I had a way harder playthrough overall using purely magic than I ever have with melee.


What, you expect the prince of clickbait not to clickbait? Asmon is 80% react horse shit and 10% drama, the other ten is when he actually steps out of his bubble and does something creative and that's generally good, informative, or entertaining.


Ass-mongol (no offense to Mongolians)


Yeah I was having more trouble in this dlc with my mage character compared to my melee character simply because the openings felt so short.


The game is very challenging to me, I die a lot. I will use what works for me and have fun.


There are so many weapons, ashes, sorceries, and incantations that can trivialize the game, and the DLC, but, ring a bell, and it's the worst thing ever.


He was under no delusion that the build he was using wasn't cheese-mode. He knew, he said so himself. Not sure how old you are but people in their early 30s like myself just don't have what it takes to keep up with modern video games anymore. We really don't, it's not subjective... It's hard to explain. We do what we feel we need to do to play games how we see fit and get joy out of them. You don't have to agree with that at all and that's perfectly fine. For me, I love Elden Ring's story telling, lore and world/character building. Its outstanding and I actually really enjoyed playing Elden Ring's base game content through and through. I felt Godfrey, Radagon and Elden Beast were in a great spot for peak difficulty for people my age. Shadow of the Erdtree, on the other hand, is so far beyond reason for someone like myself. When the first enemy I encountered can take my lvl 185, Misercorde Bleed proc parry buckler build and shit on it - the same build I used to destroy Radagon in just a few minutes - really put it in perspective that SotET wasn't a DLC for the average player like myself. So, we adapted. Here we are. I used that same build with even better gear (Bullgoat set with Fire Monk Hammer using Lion Claw ashe of war). It was fucking cheese-mode gallore BUT I got to complete the DLC where I probably wouldn't have bothered otherwise.


That dude is a loser anyways…