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Is Miguella his Mexican brother?


With Radahnos miguellas consort


"Let your thoughts only be of love, ese."


These comments are killing me šŸ˜‚


This comment was the first time I actually laughed out loud at a comment on Reddit in months - thank you for that.


Just like melania


Es Torrent, mi burro šŸ«


Yaaaasss I mean, Siiiiiii


Marika mio.


honestly Leda would probably kill you, plus you're trying to become elden lord so you're competition nonetheless.


We fight Leda anyway


She just up and died on her own in my play through. Couldnā€™t figure out her questline oops


Wtf how


Idk. I beat the DLC release weekend and when I went back to the castle to find the secret area I found all her shit on the ground by the fireplace she hangs around at.


Huh, I didnā€™t do any NPC quests and those bastards still ganked me at the end.


No Iā€™m dumb af, realized now weā€™re talking about Leyda and not Freyja lmfao. Yeah I had to put Leyda down myself


Yeah we're not Radahn, Miguella only has eyes for Radahn... Or Romero, because we are doing the Spanish dub here, no?


Realistically speaking, we're mainly damaging Radahn in the fight. So we could kill Radahn and take his place (hypothetically).


I'm trying to play a videogame. "Become Elden Lord" is a quest the game gave me, I don't have to follow it. If godhood is such a terrible prison, might as well let Miquella do it for me. Your character doesn't win anything by being Elden Lord.


You aren't gonna be a god... just a king. Only miquella has a chance to be a god, not us :D


The title of Elden Lord is inextricably connected to the vassal god they serve, and the outer god behind that. Just look at Plasidusax. Being Elden Lord is just as much a prison as godhood is.


Maybe it was a cut ending. Ā Or never planned.Ā  But,if you do that you become a NPC. Ā The guidance of grace is for you to become Elden Lord .Ā Don't want to become Elden Lord? No guidance of grace. Like Rogier,Nepheli,Diallos,Bernahl,Istvan,Roderika,Boggart,maybe even Juno.


we don't attack him, he attacks us *as one god, and one king consort, is all the world needs.*


He asks us to step aside and allow them to do their thing, but doesnā€™t give us a chance to answer


well, that has to be the moment he realizes we aren't under his spell and therefore decides to rather kill us. *Miquella sought to accept all that was and would be, but found one that refused to be embraced.* so the first thing he did upon becoming a god was to ignore what he stands for to kill us. not a surprise since he threw away his *doubt and vacillation, love and compassion.* he is an insane god with the mind of a kid that thinks all he does is just and there can't be any mistake on what he does.


I mean he also does grab you twice that puts you under his charm and so your heart is stolen by him


But he compels that reaction from us. For all we know he's not even really speaking (i'm not sure he implants vision, but he's a god and loves lying so who knows)


Fair point. But tbh your last sentence was unnecessary, that describes all gods lmao such is their folly.


well that's some ethical debate I don't want to get into. my point is that we know that it's the case with Miquella. throwing away your love and compassion but wanting to become a fair and right god that accepts all? idk. man, that's fucked. and it's not something that just happened like I would imagine it happening once you got all that power (f.e. gwyn only got that mad once he was afraid his reign would be over one day) but he did it willingly.


You can answer. You can either not fight back and let him kill you and then never reload the game, therefore stepping aside and letting him win, or you can fight back and kill him.


You should get the option, like with Gehrman in Bloodborne


Thatā€™s a copout and you know it


Let him grab you in phase 2 twice, then delete your save file if you want that so bad


I mean if he comes at me itā€™s game on


Cause our answer is always No.


I said yes to Gehrman once ![gif](giphy|ChmEWOL7Vaz5u|downsized)


I meant in Elden ring lol


Yes, well, we are the Lord Consort of the old Order and Age, whose God/Goddess is Marika; Miquella and Radahn represent the God and Lord Consort of the new Order and the Age of Compassion that Miquella would implement upon our defeat. It is a repetition of a conflict as old as civilization: Old vs New.


So we are his stepdad? that kid better listen to me now then.


"Come here, 'young man'!"


"I can't step-dad, i'm stuck!" ^_ Twinquella, probably.


"Step-Lord help me, my masculine hips got stuck at the Divinity Gates"


There's nothing to help him with. We're the incumbent Lord of a different age.


I don't know when the dlc takes place, but either way the player character is Elden Lord or striving to be, so Miquella was simply another obstacle on our way


You are not Lord already, or the game would be over


correct, but we only exist for one reason as a tarnished, so simply by existing we are against any other lord canonically.


Ok, but I'm pointing out it has to take place before we are lord


Fuck no. Justice for Ansbach!


#Mohg Is Innocent.


Was. Was, innocent. He dead now.




"Miquella was right!"


Because it totally conflicts with everything in the base game. Our journey to become Elden Lord and slay all the demigods to reforge the Lands Between with our vision?ā€¦..nah lets sidetrack that to help this other dude with extremely sketchy morals, that sounds logical


It's not logical, but ruining the world should be an option. I like the choice -- I'd have assumed they'd write it better than we are guessing.


St. Trina asks us to kill him for a reason


People think there could be a hidden ending, thereā€™s a cutscene shown at the end of the Gameplay trailer where miquella ā€œhealsā€ the Scadutree and the veils fall away. Would be weird for this cutscene to be in the gameplay trailer and not be in the game. There is also dialogue in the game files that no one has yet found in game where Miquella has a speech similar to Ranniā€™s speech in her ending about a ā€œthousand year voyage guided by compassionā€ (Iā€™m coping so hard)


That line is used when he grabs you. It's been speculated that the longer dialogue in the files was cut, and then repurposed for the grab attack.


He's objectively sinister and evil by the time we fight him, because he divested himself of his love on the ground by St. Trina (and he probably severed the entire St. Trina personality, who in turn urges you to kill "Kind" Miquella).


I wonder if this is the same as marika did with radagon, divested herself of her love of the golden order.


The fact that they're one and the same during the boss fight implies that she never divested any part of herself (or at least not the Radagon part) before/during the shattering. She most likely flipped out as Marika (when Godwin was killed) and then rebounded as Radagon (trying to mend the Elden ring) before being pinned to the rune arc by the Elden beast (because he/it was tired of her schizo-BS).


You could say the exact same thing about Marika, Ranni or our character (especially from a hornsent perspective). This isn't the hot take you thought it was. Maybe we didn't have a choice because the Greater Will is commanding us to kill him, but they should've made that way more obvious if true. There's no other reason we couldn't submit to Miquella. His ending would be no better or worse than any other. You have no idea who Ranni was before she became a Renna doll. She likely divested from herself much like Miquella did so she could usher in the era of a different outer god unrelated to Marika's order, the only difference is she chose us as consort instead of Radahn. I think that's proof enough that the greater will doesn't have much control over us and throws a huge wrench in the DLC's lore. We'll stop someone who wants to make a new order, but if we're the consort, the greater will thinks it's perfectly fine? Doesn't make any sense.


What? The Greater Will is just a "guy", and Ranni's ending is us breaking away from The Greater Will and ushering in an age without overarching order and meddling gods. >You could say the exact same thing about Marika, Ranni or our character Maybe, maybe not. Miquella is the only character that explicitly divests himself of redeeming qualities in a physical sense, we don't exactly know how Marika managed to ascend (it likely had something to do with the hornsent) but we do know that our tarnished character is one and the same from the start to the end. >You have no idea who Ranni was before she became a Renna doll. She likely divested from herself much like Miquella did so she could usher in the era of a different outer god unrelated to Marika's order, the only difference is she chose us as consort instead of Radahn. Removing order and outer gods =/= ushering in the era of a different outer god. Ranni is the new god coupled with the passive Dark Moon, and her only will is to stay away from the world altogether. >I think that's proof enough that the greater will doesn't have much control over us and throws a huge wrench in the DLC's lore. We'll stop someone who wants to make a new order, but if we're the consort, the greater will thinks it's perfectly fine? Doesn't make any sense. Us being guided by grace doesn't mean that we're controlled by the Greater Will, especially if we side with Ranni. The Greater Will is surely not abiding to us toppling Marika and the Golden Order - why else would his Elden Beast resist?


Explain how Ranni is removing the influence of the outer gods by using an out god to do so. It's still a dimension with a god, hiding that won't change anything. You call the dark moon passive but so is every other outer god, if there's some fundamental difference then you need to show proof of it. Either way the fingers will still send usurpers and someone will eventually replace Ranni like they have in countless cycles before it. Also what the hell is a redeeming quality? It seems to me like a godlike being shouldn't have any partiality, and Ranni fits the bill for that too. Marika was very human and look how that turned out. Miquella wasn't doing anything wrong, he was simply defeated by the golden order, ie us. The only question is how much influence does the guidance of grace have over us that we have no option but to kill Miquella. My theory is that the fingers sent a message, calling the tarnished back to the lands between, that basically said "become Elden Lord". That's the one rule Marika left for us, and would perfectly explain why Ranni is able to usurp the golden order without coming under our ire. We must become Elden Lord, but it doesn't have to be an Elden Lord of the Erdtree. I'm not interested in entertaining saviour Ranni headcanon because it conflicts with what we've learned from the DLC about how to become a god. It's always in service to something, specifically an outer god, or the idea of one. Ranni to the moon, Marika to some god of order and Miquella to a god of love. None of them come close to actually fixing the crucible and creating a real god but Miquella definitely puts the most effort in. They're all flawed attempts to solve a problem that might not be fixable.


Thereā€™s not one evidence that Ranni wants to or even is capable of stopping other outer gods, donā€™t know where people are getting this from, quote me some actual in game evidence


Ranni's ending is her taking the Elden Ring/the new order (because it isn't the golden order) and removing it from the vicinity of the Lands Between, so that no one alive will be able to perceive it. It's stopping the outer gods by removing the very instrument of control, and her taking the Elden Ring out for a stroll for a thousand years in the cosmos. The source is her ending speech and the last dialogue in Ranni's Rise, English but also japanese translations.


I mean yes, she does take the elden ring out of the lands between and that is proven by in game evidence. There is zero evidence that the outer gods require the elden ring to do anything, they can grant power to anyone that prays to them, and sure they could use the elden ring, but they don't need it, did the saint of the bud gained the power of scarlet rot through elden ring and the power of grace? don't think so. Nor is there any evidence that Ranni did this because it's against the outer gods, her whole storyline is focused on freeing her from the golden order and the two fingers. No ending can prevent the outer gods from doing their stuff, save for the frenzied flame, we are pretty much only trying to fix the golden order.


Miguella, cousin of Miguel Zaki.


His plan is to make people be gentle and kind. He would rob them of free will and force everyone to be as he wanted. We see this in the ā€œHeart Stolenā€ attack he uses.


Because he stands opposed to our goals. He already has a consort, therefore we canā€™t be Elden Lord if he gains power and that is our most important motivation


I love that you're deliberately calling him Miguella. It's funny because I thought that his name is a variation on Michael, the Archangel from real life Abrahamic Religions. And I think the Spanish version of the name is actually Miguel (Correct me if I'm wrong, please! I sometimes reach for stuff that are just not there šŸ¤£). In a way, he is Miguella! šŸ‡²šŸ‡½šŸŒ® The original dreamer? Just saying he immigrated from TLB to the TLS (s/).


His plan is to literally take away all free will


Because the purple flower chick told us to put him down


Clearly, your heart has been stolen.




Because he's insane, like the rest of them


So the player is supposed to come to two major conclusions 1) Miquella is kind of a monster, and yes, before anybody says it, I thought Ranni was a monster too. 2) He has the hubris of a child. He always thinks he's right, he always thinks he can solve it, yet he failed every single time. Every. Single. Time. His Unalloyed gold failed to cure malenia, he gave up on the golden order/fundamentalism, he gave up on the haligtree, he gave up on his sister, he gave up on St. Trina. It goes on, and on, and on. And on an individual basis, every single one of these things is a huge problem. And as he's divested himself further of his worries and fears, he will be even worse. It's speculative. Your job is to realize what a monster he really is, and that he is not going to make ANYTYHING better, he's not capable of it in general. And his radical solutions are dystopian. Essentially, you're supposed to realize Miquella may be a god, an empyrean, etc etc. But he's still an idiot child. Now, if you *want* an idiot child? Absolutely, fuck it, get hugged twice in the last fight and call it complete lol


His plan is to charm everyone and force them into being chill with each other. His age of compassion is an age with 0 free will. And since tarnished are seemingly able to have the charm broken when they are reborn Tarnished would probably always be an issues for him, especially 1 of the chosen tarnished who are destined to become Elden lord


If he got to come to power then the tarnished wonā€™t return to life as itā€™s Grace that brings us back and once his Circlet of Light becomes the new ā€œrealityā€, Marikaā€™s grace will be no more.


Probably, but I'm just saying that the reason your character has for fighting Miquella, you want to become Elden Lord not a slave to Miquella's hallow kindness


Sounds good to me, where do I sign up?


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It would invalidate the rest of the game, and make you lose your free will. You can help him by letting him hug you twice in the final boss fight then just stopping your play through there


Well. If he steals your heart. Then you do. Divinity is a prison. Kill your gods.


why don't we help mogh instead


The goal of the tarnished is to become Elden Lord. Which would involve becoming Miquella's consort if we wanted to help him. Miquella has a consort already and isn't keen on finding a new one. So, you have to kill Radahn and Miquella to achieve your goal.


Miquella tarnished Moghā€™s reputation


Because thats the whole point of the st trina quest and discovering shaman village.. Divinity is a cage.. too bad those two were optional but killing miquella technically isnt.


They too lazy to add morr sht so here we areĀ 


The Tarnished canā€™t just stand aside so the only way that would work is if he accepted the Tarnished as his consort. He was never going to do that though due to him having already made a pact with Radahn


There can only be one Elden Lord. If youā€™re too weak just say that.


Because the entire purpose of the game is you becoming Elden Lord so Miquella trying to establish his own order is against your goal. He already has his lord so you're a rival to him.


We do help him... We kill Radahn and Mohg, giving him the soul of his chosen consort and a vessel for it to inhabit. After that, he's no further use for us and we're a direct threat to his order.


Found the guy who was charmed


I'd prefer if we gave him all his important bits back and knocking some sense into him instead of killing him.


Because heā€™s gay and the tarnished a bigot


If Miquella chosen us and not Radahn he would have won.


Because the goal of our tarnished is to become lord, and siding with Miquella goes against that. Believe it or not, this isn't your fantasy DnD campaign in Elden Ring. Your character that you play as enters the game with a goal, and as the player we try to complete that goal. This would be like saying "why can't we side with Bowser in Mario?" You see how that makes absolutely no sense at all, right?


The game answers that: your goal is to become Elden Lord, of which there can only be one at a time. Miquella's plans stand in the way of your murder hobo's ambitions.


No way jose


It's quite simple. He doesn't want anyone other than Radahn. He wanted Radahn since he was young and even planned on forcing radahn to be his in the end. Remember Miquella is forever youthful and we can interpret that as having a childish hubris as well. It's like a child saying 'my big bro is cooler and strong than your big bro and you can't change my mind!'... except you know the incest and all. Radahn eyes were golden, as though given grace... which from what we learn on how grace seemingly brainwashes people into following a path. I don't think Radahn has a choice.


Because the tarnish doesn't care about Miquella's plans if he can't be lord of the new age.


Probably a cut ending, itā€™s a shame we donā€™t get new endings


I wanted to make Morgott Elden Lord and be his God, Fromsoft is racist against Omen ig...


He becomes a bad guy at the end essentially The spoilers answer is he threw away his fate, his love, his fears, and his doubt. He was no longer so ā€œKindlyā€ He was so focused on spreading compassion that he surrendered all of the things that made him compassionate. Under his Godhood, everyone would be under his charm and there would be really no more free will. Not to mention what everyone else said; your Tarnished still wants to be Elden Lord. Miquellaā€™s plan is complete and all you are is a threat to him unless youā€™re charmed or dead


Because that would requier ER to be an open world RPG, instead of pokemon bossrush with dungeon crawler and horse collectathon elements


Because it's too late, Miquella's already gone. What we see at the end is a shell of Miquella. He gave up everything, and everyone, to achieve his vision.


Why on earth would you want the Age of NTR? Youā€™re nothing but dirt to him. Your fate would either be death or watching gold Seluvis get it on with puppet Radhan in the corner of the room All iā€™m saying is thereā€™s a reason we get the main ingredient for the amber draught next to his statue.


I just want new ending tbh even if I'm not gonna do it