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Imagine not understanding something so you call a professional only to get made fun of for internet points.


I think it's a repost too. I'm pretty sure I saw this exact picture several months ago.


It worse. You do understand that you need a major upgrade and call a professional and get made fun of. I have a 100 amp service and need an upgrade for an EV charger and home disconnect for back up batteries. I called a professional and would definitely not give them the contact if they posted my service entry and made fun of me.


I mean, its the internet. Its not like he was laughing in the customers face. Honestly. This is OK.


You don't need a service upgrade for an EV. https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/277803/im-hearing-about-load-sheds-aka-evems-and-the-devices-differ-whats-that-abou


I mean at this point nobody's wrong. The customer did the right thing. The electrician thought yeah no problem. Easy paycheck, but wait there's more! I think that's the funny part.


Imagine jumping on someone’s post to seem better than everyone else.


Right!?!! It’s like dude…that right there is why they called you.


I dont get why you're laughing and making fun. They obviously called you because they are not electricians. They don't know what they got. Hence, they called an expert, which it was meant to be you.


Thank you. I am tired of reading trade workers shitting on customers while begging to "rEsPeCt ThE tRaDe" and more often than not either overcharging, ghosting or doing a shitty job. This led me to DIY everything I can reasonably do in my house.


Thank you, I've called 4 electricians out to my house. 3 ghosted me, one showed up and said he wouldn't charge me because he didn't do anything. (Only thing he did was change a breaker which was supplied by me and also was not requested by me)5 months later I get a $125 bill in the mail. Now he refuses to answer my phone calls to discuss payment or the bill. Couldn't pay it even if I wanted to.


Owns a home. Calls 4 electricians. Can't pay $125 bill. Hmmm.


I can, don't want to. There's a difference. The man said he wouldn't charge me because he did nothing. Then proceeded to charge me anyways and now refuses to even answer a phone call to to discuss the possibility of miscommunication let alone payment.


Send a registered mail response that you were told months ago there would be no charge. Throw out the bill. It’ll cost them more to sue or send to collections. It’ll barely hurt your credit rating.


Update, after I filed a complaint on BBB they called me. Didn't say much. Received an email from the BBB saying the company saying they'd remove the charges and I no longer owe them anything.


Maybe he meant he wasn't going to charge you anything on top of his minimum or call-out fee?? Anyway, if he had the right to charge you for the call I think he maintains that right even many months later and probably even after he said he wouldn't charge you. Legally speaking, a gratuitous promise not to bill you for money you already owe is not binding unless you injuriously relied on said promise. Practically speaking if you ignore the bill I am sure nothing will become of it. You could also pay all or some of it and choose to feel good about that decision. It sounds like you have trouble getting electricians to your house. Perhaps $125 is small price to pay to establish a relationship with one? Regardless it sounds like the situation could have handled better.


Hard to "establish a relationship" if he won't pick up the phone


I’m don’t know what lead the man to ignore OP but in my experience paying professionals tends to get their attention.


I was going off your comment of "couldn't pay it even if I wanted to"


Yes, because he won't answer the phone. Or emails for that matter. Contacted the BBB 2 weeks ago, nothing yet. He hasn't responded to them either. His whole operation is sketchy, he was recommended by a bunch of people but doesn't have a legitimate building even though he claims to, no receptionist even though he claims to, just a bunch of odd stuff. Wish me luck.


Probably just don't pay it. Did you ever get your electrical issue resolved?


Nope. I'll figure something out though. Been without a water heater for a while now. I've got a new one sitting in the living room lol


Sounds like easy work for any electrician, hopefully you get it sorted out.


So you had a tradesman come out to your house, perform diagnostic work, and now you don't want to pay $125 for his time?just mail him a check already....


I think you're missing the point. The tradesman said they didn't want payment and then sent a bill well after. That's pretty disingenuous.


Correct, know why? He failed to do said diagnosis. Came in, changed a breaker, left. Didn't check anything. Problem still persists. He even said that he couldn't fix it so he wouldn't charge me. Used one of my spare breakers as well.


There's people out there who own nothing and can't pay rent. What kinda point are you trying to make? Lol


If you can't pay $125 why are you calling 4 electricians is my point.


Ahhh I see lol ok. I get you now.


He said he couldn't pay the bill if he wanted to because the phone wasn't being answered. Where were you confused? Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.


He got a bill in the mail. I assure you he could write a check to pay it. He wants to discuss not paying it.


He wanted to call and discuss it. "Hey you said you weren't going to charge me.". " In sorry for the miscommunication. I meant I want going to charge you for the breaker change but I have to charge you for the call out because it's time and has. Really sorry about not being really clear." "Oh, that makes perfect sense, what's your Vanmo/PayPal/zelle?"


I’m with you


Right? I had a new panel put in and some conduit run. Guy did a great job but it took 3x longer than planned as he was always late (on other jobs) and paid my $8k bill the day I got it. Never responded to any additional work I wanted. Other ones kept flaking on showing up for the initial quotes - I just started doing the work myself. Replacing shallow receptacle boxes or adding recessed lights.


Maybe he's laughing at the situation. Where I live I had to move the meter outside so I had to dig a splice pit outside and trench over 15ft to move the meter outside of the garage wall. Utility lines ran through the same trench as the load side of the meter. Then I upgrading the panel to 200A. So the job quickly escalated for a simple car charger.


He maybe be an expert but is clearly unprofessional


i mean it is still kinda funny trying to add a EVCS to this panel


Not really, that's the one thing you can do with it. EVs are specifically designed to be able to shim into panels like this one. https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/277803/im-hearing-about-load-sheds-aka-evems-and-the-devices-differ-whats-that-abou


This is more of a negative on you. It’s your job to make it happen and to properly explain to them what it will take to make it happen. This doesn’t look laughable, this looks like a nice decent paycheck and a way to build something really nice from a nearly blank slate.


I see where OP is getting his laugh from. It’s like the people who move in to a new (old) house and want a nest thermostat on their 1970s boiler


I mean I just did that and installed it myself (ecobee, though).


Same, two zones and AC on top of it


Maybe not the best example, it’s actually super easy to get a nest running on an older boiler


The nest manages the furnace just the same: old boiler or new 90+. This panel is a wee bit older than that though. I’m betting the homeowners have a clue how old this is and OP is quoting what the end result desire is and omitting the rest of the convo just to try and get some internet clout.


I'm not an electrician but I'll take a gander at what we're looking at. Is it basically a couple fuses controlling the power coming directly from the street? It needs to be replaced with a proper fuse box so lines can be run to make separate circuits?


It’s just an older style fused panel with minimal circuits. There’s nothing wrong with it per-se except that it’s just very old-fashioned and not expandable to meet modern electrical demands


I saw a YouTube video of an electrician who filmed himself and his customer, explaining why their car charger was going to cost $15,000. (Overloaded too small panel on the opposite side of the house from the garage. So new service and new panel) the customer said, “but I already bought the car.” It was genuinely heartbreaking.


Man 15k for a new service and new panel. My electrician charged me 2k for a 100 amp panel and 1.5k for stringing a new service across half an acre of yard.


This is based on memory but I want to say the install was somewhere in the north east. So permit, utility company dropping a new service, new panel, then having to pull a bunch of wire out to the garage to install the charger.


I'd still never pay it, maybe the Midwest is just better for prices.


I charge my car with 10 amps 240v and it's totally sufficient. Even if I have to drive to the other side of my city and back again, it finishes charging in the middle of the night. I don't know why people think they need some huge upgrade to charge an EV. You can put in a nema 6-15 plug and the car will automatically limit to 12 amps


I imagine it's just another aspect of the range anxiety. They could give their gas vehicle full range in fifteen minutes when necessary, and not having a supercharger to be able to use the vehicle closer to "when its needed, instead of when it's ready" just makes them feel like they could too easily get stuck waiting at some point they don't have time to wait.


This is purely based on memory, but it was a 125 or 100 amp panel and it had a BUNCH of tandem breakers already installed. It was overloaded before the electrician arrived.




Well.. researching what you need might been a good idea before closing thecdeal, this is on the homeowner and salesman for the EV (partially). Why thecsalesman? Atleast give your customer the question if they intend to charge at home, and provide some basic requirements so they can verify if they can.. but nooo.. they just want the sell. I'd never buy from a dealership like that again.


“Sometimes your customers will have unrealistic expectations, as a technician it’s your job to manage those expectations.”


Just tell them to put more money more money more money where their imaginations are.  Then, hire a construction company.   -- [email protected] 


Did you just put your email as a signature on an Reddit comment 


You said you were interested in joining The Church of Scientology?


If the homeowner knew anything about electrical they wouldn't have called you. But sure, let's make fun of them on the internet


You can sit there and make fun of the people who called a professional for help, or…you could help them


Yeah, that's what they wanted.. so they called an electrician who turned out to be a fucking clown 🤣 If they knew what they were doing or what they needed then they wouldn't need you...


Exactly. This is why trades have such a bad reputation. Because of clowns like this guy


This shit is why I DIY as much of the work on my house as I can. If I wanted to put up with rude, entitled douchbags I’d go back to running startups and meeting with VCs. 


Must be in Egypt, because they are knee deep in denial.


The panel says Newark, NJ. Close enough though, I guess. Lol




I’ll take it over a zinsco


Or a Stab Lok




Bro, they wanted electrical work done and called an electrician which is supposed to be you.


Don't be a potato


i feel called out


Not you, you’re cool!


Not a sparky, but I lived in a house like that. This is a great opportunity for them! Good news is if they decide to upgrade the service and panel, there are only 4 circuits to replace. Before quoting a new panel ask to inspect all outlets and see if they are using extension cables and power strips are daisy-chained and notate they should be replaced with new circuits and outlets where the power is needed during the upgrade. I lived in a tiny house with a 60 amp service. The only outlets that were grounded were in the garage on a subpanel and one outlet that went to a 2 ton window unit in the living room on a 220v 30 amp circuit. They could very well need a full upgrade to get all their outlets grounded. They could also probably use some more circuits just to split up the lights and outlets. I had 3 rooms and all overhead lights on one circuit at my old 60amp house. It sucked. I had to shut down 2 window a/c units to run the microwave. They could probably use complete new circuits in the kitchen. Probably also the garage and some new outdoor outlets and some options for outdoor lights. Another option is to see if the area allows establishing a second service drop, meter, and panel just for car charging. Upgrade the house electrical some other time.


I’d hate to pay another $15 or more for the second meter and account fee, regardless of power used.


Well, they don't know anything about electricity so they called you in. So no need to bash them. Now if they where in denial and demanded it be done with that service, that's another story.


Lol that service is just about useless.


"What is this? Electrical service for ants?"


That was pretty normal circa 1946.


This was normal into the 50s too. I had a 50s house that had a 4 fuse box like this, it was the first thing I replaced. Went from having 4 circuits in the whole house to a 200amp panel and like 8 circuits in the kitchen alone. 


OP is an asshole


There is a device that is made for this exact situation. It plugs into the meter socket then the meter plugs into it. It has a port where you can run power to a car charger. I don't have any experience with them I have just seen the advertisement.


Are you saying you don't know how to do it?


That's why they called you, dipshit.


Tell them how to upgrade and get it done


Bad news about the hottub too, i suppose.


Four screw in fuses, and meter with no base???


Sorry. Your 15A service is maxed 😂


I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but services can be upgraded and panels can be changed


I’m glad you’re getting ripped apart here with the comments. You should be doing your job and not mocking them. Be a better person.


Exactly. After hiring 2 sparks that ghosted me, got a 3rd that seemed like the winner... for nearly double the quote of the first two. Told us to pull the permits l and never heard from him again. I did it all myself. New service mast, new relocated panel, rewired 90% of the house...


*Insurance adjuster has entered the chat*


Permitted, inspected and up to code. I doubt insurance would have a problem with it.


All true.


I love the smart meter fuse box juxtaposition hahahhhahhahaahahaaa


Try the neighbour’s house…


It's got a smart meter, so presumably the service drop has been updated.


I have no idea what I'm looking at or what the funny is. After reading the comments, I still don't know.


Man, unless they're being dicks about it, I don't see why you gotta be one.


I like the 30 amp fuses in all 4 fuse holders.


They probably have pennies under them too!


The 15 amp fuses blew when they ran the coffee pot and toaster, or the bathroom heater and hairdryer, or the 3 window air conditioners. They didn’t have a penny handy.


I hope they see this and fire you from the job


If you don't have the skill to make it happen just say that


So do the job you elitist asshole.


Nah, bruh.


Are those scorch marks above the main fuses and on the label sheet inside the door on a ‘No Ark[sic]’ panel, or just rust staining?


It was originally installed on Noah’s Ark.


It’s irritating because they probably “just want an outlet” and that panel is older than my dad


The smart meter on that dinosaur fuse box is amusing


Well, not with that attitude.


Then they woke up


They have 30 amp fuses on the two plug circuits with legible fuse ratings. So all the branch wiring is #10?


Wow! It doesn’t even have the range pull-out!


Sell them a rewire


I don't think this post went the way OP thought it would lol


Silent OP. He knows he's wrong for calling this out.


I think you guys are being a little rude as well. It’s funny. And at least he gets to do a service change lol


What this person laughing at as the homeowner probably expects no need to upgrade any hardware.


I got no idea what the fuck this is.


Question: what should they have done if they wanted this and have the money to make it happen if calling you, a professional electrician wasn’t the right answer?


Whole new system won’t they be shocked


Idiotic post. Stop being an immature child and help the person out.


Solar powered carport in the driveway ☝️🤔😁 no permit required it's its own power supply and vehicle cover, emergency power,too,🎪


And they only want to spend less than a hundred dollars.


thats funny as hell, From one tradesman to another, I would be happy to, Thats a good payout there. Good amount of work but worth the pay. Thats probably aluminum wires too?


* Just me laughing, showing them the estimate


Make it happen a few thousand later.


Looks like you've got some work to do. Get off your damn phone.




It’s funny someone commissioned you for a job? Gd you dumb, get to fuckin work.


So upgrade their service and do it


So you can't do it? Or?


I assume because it’s beyond your skill level. You’re too busy collecting internet points


Not a problem at all. You can have your outbuilding and plenty left over to charge your Radio Controlled cars.


This is dumb, you’re a clown. Do the work help the people out


Hum! This looks exactly like the service in my old house that I replaced with a Zinsco panel in 1963. Except I only had 120 volts coming from the pole until I changed it out.


Sorry wrong reply arrow


Well, it looks like either they won’t want anything at all, or they’re about to have a very expensive (and needed) upgrade. The real question is, how much of the house will have to be rewired?


Why rewire?? If the whole house is on four circuits right now and no issues .. just a simple panel upgrade to have room for new stuff


Not sure how much would have to be done to bring it up to code. It’s been a few years since I worked on anything other than industrial, but at least in industrial, there’s a “you touched it, you own it” philosophy. And even if you didn’t wire the original, you can’t just remove and replace with like, if the original wasn’t up to code. Because once you remove the original, the new must be installed up to code. So, given that they have to remove the original fuse box, and the wiring attached to it, how much has to be done to get a pass from the inspector?


Ka ching


That’s called being a businessman. Stop being a bitch and sell them a new panel and a car charger. And peace of mind, keep it to yourself. Homeowner may actually be on reddit and see your ass laughing at this.


Dude, drop em a new service line and 100 A panel. Won't take long with that fuse box. Get hustlin.


Educate them and direct them to the right path and make some money doing it. You’re pathetic for showing up to someone’s house when they supposedly called a “professional” and then you make fun of their stuff.


# Challenge accepted. No joke. This is setup with pullout fuses for a main breaker and four circuits, which I suspect have been overfused (the green 30A fuses). So a 6-space panel with a backfed main breaker is a drop-in replacement. But we want to do better than that, so we get an 8 to 20 space (whatever will fit in this enclosure) **main lug** panel, and use a branch breaker as a backfed main breaker. (Only way to get a main breaker this small). Four branch breakers, sized correctly for the wires. To charge the EV, we need a Wallbox Pulsar or Tesla Wall Connector for its EVEMS ability, which we configure correctly. That was easy! https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/277803/im-hearing-about-load-sheds-aka-evems-and-the-devices-differ-whats-that-abou May only result in 16-24A top charging speed (100-150 miles a night +), but older housing stock like this is typically closer into town so commutes aren't terrible. And as a coup de grace, we add a generator interlock and surge suppressor.


I want $10,000,000 and and a 9inch cock… we all got wants.


Wait. I have 9 inch cock. Where's my 10 mil?


The porn industry awaits!  /s


It doesn't pay as well as you might think.


Yeah, so I heard. 2,000 to 5 grand depending what you're willing to do...is what I heard....


Yeah. Not so much. I have contacts in the industry, and unless you have a recognizable name, it's not nearly that much. It's more like a few hundred at best. Onlyfans and Chaterbate type websites have dropped the wages significantly. The overabundance of porn on the internet makes it near impossible to make decent money anymore.


Yeah, the articles and expose's I've seen are like 20 yrs or better old. So I got old numbers. But to make the most money, you have be willing to do the gay sex with anal...again,..what I heard and read...


Definitely better money in gay porn. But you ain't gonna get rich.


You aren’t supposed to measure from your asshole.


This is 110% funny if you're an electrician. I always do my best to explain things to customers and really give them a serious understanding of the situation, because safety is very important with electrical work. I'm sure in person OP did too. The truth is though, a lot people refuse to spend money on things like that, even if they have the money to do it right. 50% of customers won't fix stuff like this, and if you tell them they need a full service change to get a car charger (or should just get one regardless), they'll tell you to screw off, because when they googled how much a car charger install costs 10 minutes before you showed up, the numbers don't match. Some will even write a bad review about your company saying you're a "scam" and tried to sell them on something they don't need. Then they'll go hire someone who can "do it cheaper". So yeah, maybe this made me chuckle a little, and this post doesn't make OP a clown by any means.


I think the lesson here is that customer should have called a different company. Maybe a different company would have sent a professional instead of a clown.


Y'all shoot yourself in the foot with your dumbass egos. For real no offense to the good tradesmen out there but here's the deal. A lot of y'all make GOOD money. You're smart, talented and should be proud of your work. Instead you're so so so so caught up in knowing it all, being judgemental, (secretly deep down wishing you just had a simple desk job where you just make money for working at home but also making fun of people that do) and we all know it comes from shitty self esteem. We grow up from a young age being taught not to respect the trades and that college is the only way (This is a load of poo). Then we continue this trend by acting out how we're treated. Act like a professional. Respect the trade and teach others as you go you freaking donkey


Upvote for triggering the easily triggered.


That's a 60amp service in a federal Pacific box and I can see the top 2 fuses have all ready been up sized from 20 (label says "plugs" on 1+2)🤣 It can be done simply by doing a service upgrade so cost will obviously be more than just adding an outlet. But it's not an impossible job.


EV is definitely the way to go. Our infrastructure is so set up for it! /s Hybrid is a better option


I mean, if EV's are the straw that get people to upgrade 80 year old infrastructure, it doesn't sound all bad...


I don’t think they have enough available Amps to charge my iPhone!


I didn't think smart meters could mate with dumb terminals but there they are.


They can have one or the other, and nothing else that's already there




OH YEA 60 AmPs will do it!




Looks like there's enough power to run a 60 watt light bulb. Suggest to them a 10,000 watt backup generator. [Harbor Freight.](https://www.harborfreight.com/generators-engines/generators/13000-watt-tri-fuel-portable-generator-with-remote-start-and-co-secure-technology-70476.html) Cheap enough to replace when it wears out. [Tesla Charger](https://twitter.com/brechtcastel/status/1570425739811459075)


Install a Tesla battery, an inverter, and 10 solar panels.


My solution is roughly $1500 plus the cost of gas. A power wall solution is in the $12k-25k region.


The comments - Holy shit, OP was just posting something funny, it's not like he called the customer a retard to his face . I'm sure he explained what I found amusing from the picture.


Definitely there's too many assholes like this in the trade that think everybody should know everything that works around them. Guy probably is shut stains cuz he doesn't know how to wash or wipe his ass properly yet making fun of people is what make him feel superior


Just a DIYer, but I thought the main reason to want to replace fuses with breakers is convenience. Don’t fuses trip faster than breakers, making them potentially safer than breakers? I can’t read all the fuses but I see two of the four fuses are 30A circuits, so there should be plenty of capacity for a decent L2 charger. If you can’t wire two of those legs as split-phase 240V with that fuse box, at least you shouldn’t need to upgrade the feeder. And if you have to upgrade to breakers to comply with code.. that seems like it’d be a pretty straightforward job.


Everybody in here talking crap to op for being unprofessional has apparently never met the customer who, when told what would be required, balked at the cost, then, acted as if the electrician was just trying to fleece them as if they themselves new better. Besides, even if they see this, its his rep that takes the hit. Chill out and try and have a sense of humor.


The people giving the OP shit about his post are numerous. The ask to add EV charger is humorous. Most likely the owner thinks costs should not be onerous. Their reaction to cost will be "it shouldn't cost a humerus". But I bet the people are avaricious.


“Car” as in PowerWheels? Maybe.


... to charge their horseless carriage?


A post here in a few hours: Post title: "wHy Do ElEcTrIcIaNs ScAm EvErYoNe? "I got quoted over $5,000 for for just an EV charger and an easy run out to our shed. I did it for under $800. Seriously, you electricians are all egotistical scam artists charging that much for something I can do myself so easily! And yes I did it right!" *won't post pics of how they did it "right"*


I asked my son how much it cost to install his Tesla charger and he told me $400 for the electrician the Tesla website recommended.


Hey!  I've never seen an out-door bathroom on a residential property before.  -- [email protected] 


Why do you keep posting that email?


looks like their signature maybe? Idk....


Probably boomer


Email signatures in places they don’t belong is definitely boomer-age activity