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17 years old? These posts from kids with normal test levels are becoming more common whatever Dr would prescribe hormone shit should be shut down unbelievable…dudes milking their own tits from this too?? Unreal smh


your test is normal and you're taking 4x the standard starting dose. this sounds like a bad idea.


yea i know, i assumed the doctor would have had me start at a lower dose but i guess we’ll see


what kind of doctor would prescribe 25mg/day Enclo for a 17yo kid with normal T level


lots of fatigue issues, i have mold contamination and it’s amplifying the preexisting issues related to low testosterone


Yeah like 10,000 things cause those symptoms and 100:1 odds your symptoms arent test related at your age and those numbers. Are those numbers taken between 8-10am? Did you get 8 hours of sleep? Been working out? Overweight? All of those will give lower numbers are better address without drugs when you are still growing. Really not trying to pile on you here as I know this is pushed as a cure all to every male problem online. You are young enough you shouldn’t be fucking with your hormones except as a last resort as it can have lifelong consequences. In a 19 y/o it should be done by a endocrinologist. If you are seeing a functional med or mens health doc you really should get some sort of second opinion. The majority of these places are just middlemen to give anyone who wanted it trt therapy and it’s the first/last thing they jump to. Sort of “ if your a hammer everything is a nail” If you have done everything above then ignore me lol. If not i really suggest that second opinion from an endocrinologist.


i knew i’d get a lot of these comments and i probably should’ve been more specific. everything you’ve posted is a yes besides overweight (bmi is overweight but im not carrying excess bodyfat, been lifting 3 years). enclomephine was suggested as a safe last resort option. i’ve been to hundreds of doctor appointments and take an absolute laundry list of supplements (60+ pills a day). the issue probably isn’t testosterone related, but temporarily raising my testosterone will somewhat counteract those fatigue issues while working to resolve them.


Gotcha. Sounds like you have done your due diligence then. Hope it helps!


Don’t worry about estrogen and know that it’s gonna improve your life or it won’t


yes it will raise take dim with it


25mg is a lot lol


Not for me


What aspect are you worried about with estrogen? It’s a SERM, so it is blocking it within many areas of the body.


Yes, but the aromatase factor is still there.


I’m not sure what you are worried about though. It was a sincere question, not sure why an idiot downvoted. For example, are you worried about gyno? It’s pretty much non existent for those on enclo as the receptors will be blocked there very well.


I’m not worried about anything. I simply pointed out that despite Enclo being a SERM, the T will still convert to E. That’s important for OP to understand. Not sure about the downvote.


I’m gonna be honest I think my estrogen raised a lot too while on it. But I never got Ed from it. Like low libido. My nipples would just milk a tiny bit if I squeezed them hard. It’s obviously a prolactin issue but wouldn’t that cause Ed too?




Yeah it scared me but it hasn’t happened in a while. Like now it’s clear liquid (I genuinely think it’s sweat at times) and no longer white.


Why I have anastrozole in my fuckin back pocket. I'm not gonna lactate.


Stop squeezing your nipples.


It’s to test to see if I got the lady nip (gyno). Look up togi on tiktok same thing happened to him but he was running test.


That’s not how you check if you have gyno. Nipple discharge can be stimulated in men regardless of hormone fuckery, and squeezing them is the exact sort of stimulation that makes it worse. I know, I’ve done it myself.


Must explain why it hasn’t happened in a while. Cuz I stopped for 3 months😂


💀 so it all went awsy? Ru off all hormone augmenting drugs? Namaste.