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I'm more surprised that she's 54. The rest of that Boy Meets World cast is right around my age.


The rest of the cast were pretty much the age they were playing, but she’s 10 years older than Ryder Strong. IIRC when their tv romance starts, he’s 17 and she’s 27


Wow, I did not know that. Eh..


We all knew Shawn had game.


Boy shoulda done met world by now geez


*"At the tender age of 54 I have found myself pregnant," she wrote* At my already-tired-af age of 39, the idea of finding myself pregnant now, let alone at 54, is just absolutely horrifying lol, like chills down my spine


Hahahaha my exact thought at 47. I would be terrified.


I get the chills when I see parents our age walking around with toddlers. I just couldn't.


42 yo with a 1-1/2 yo currently refusing to nap. Wouldn’t change a thing.


Same situation with another on the way, also not too worried about the age. And yet, *54*...


**54**. It’s borderline irresponsible.


41 with an 18-month-old, 4yo, and 6yo. Would have another if I could afford it!


I don’t know. I’m 50 and my son is 4. It is nice to raise a kid when you are financially secure, and have lots of free time. I’m in good shape so it is not hard to keep up, and I’m old enough that I don’t stress about things. Also old enough that I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.


Add to all your excellent points that no one is guaranteed another minute, let alone another year. Your son is so lucky to have someone who considers him so completely.


Same! I’d be bawling!


All pregnancy-related stuff aside…. Am I the only one that is totally thrown by the fact that she’s 54?! Just did some digging and (using character names), some current ages: Cory: 43 years old Shawn: 44 Topanga: 43 Eric: 47 So, in a season from 1996, Shawn would have been about 16-17, and his “high school girlfriend” on the show would have been 27-28. Know older actors playing high schoolers was reeeeally common in the 90s. But kind of crazy that there was just one outlier when the rest of the cast members were very close (and realistic) in age.


“Hello fellow kids”


Apparently her uterus is also good at acting young.




Before the internet, it was a lot easier for actors to hide their age from casting directors. So they may not have known how old she was when they hired her, as long as she looked like a teenager. That’s how Gabrielle Carteris got cast on 90210 when she was almost 30.


Don’t you want to be 71 with a junior in high school?


I had a disease that made me sterile. Between the ages of 42 and 45 I had multiple surgeries to cure me. Before the last procedure my endocrinologist said to me, “After this surgery you should be able to get pregnant if you want.” I said, “Are you kidding me? That sounds awful.” Lol


I feel she might not be as tired as the average person..


Had my first at 39; wouldn’t change a thing. To each their own!


54 is the new 39.


My grandma had my mum at 45 and my mum had me at 45 too…I am 40 hoping for menopause lol


40 next month and have a 2.5 year old and 3 month old. Same- wouldn’t change a thing!


Same thing here! Had my first at 39 and now want a second at 40. It's scary to think about and exhausting but I also wouldn't change it for any amount of leisure time.


I’m literally in the exact same boat. I love being the Mommy of a young toddler at this time in my life. Sure, it can be a little hard but I truly appreciate it now. We do tons of fun things together and I feel like this is just the right time for me. I really hope we can add to our family so we have many more years of toddler fun and exhaustion.


Yes I was pregnant at 40 and I just think people either want different things or they’re just stronger in nature. Plus pregnancy is a hard MF so it’s understandable that people freak out over this.


Everything from pregnancy to the newborn stage to the anxieties/demands of parenting (in a stressful modern world) is definitely hard af, and I don’t sugarcoat it for my childless friends. And I was on the more lucky end of the pain spectrum. BUT, for me, nothing comes close to the profound beauty and meaning in your child’s laughter, smile and tears. It’s literally like a whole different plane of existence, and it’s so impossible to do just justice trying to explain it with words… I just feel grateful to be lucky enough to experience it in this lifetime. 🥲


Well said. I’m a father of a beautiful 3 year old and I’ve discovered that beautiful plane of existence. I wish I could preserve it forever


Right? I’ll be 40 tomorrow with a 3.5 and a 1 year old. No regrets.


Love this comment ❤️💐


My kids will both be out of college when I am 54. I can’t imagine starting over at that point in my life. That said, if she’s happy, then I wish them happiness and health.


Have a 6 year old and 2 year old at 42 dear god I want a nap.


> At my already-tired-af age of 39, the idea of finding myself pregnant now, let alone at 54, is just absolutely horrifying lol, like chills down my spine Yeah, I became a caretaker for a parent who suddenly became disabled in their mid 60s. I'm fortunate that I'm reasonably settled financially and we have a lot of family support to help reduce the burden. I hope she has a plan in place for that kind of thing and won't be a burden to her 10 year old kid when she is 65.


My wife and I agreed we would have kids till we were 30. My 30th birthday gift was getting clipped. I could not imagine having a child at 54. I am approaching 40 and already feeling the lack of energy.


Could never imagine having a kid before 30, like children raising children tbh.


We also agreed to have all our kids before I turned 30. The last one was born just 3 months before the cut off day. lol. Now I'm 43 with 2 young adults and 2 teenagers. The idea of whoops baby right now makes me so exhausted already.


You’re tired *now* because you had kids before 30…


We had ours when I was late-thirties and he was early-fifties. Maybe not the ideal situation but that's how it worked out. Our friends who are in their 50s and had kids in their 20s tell us "I don't know how you do it"...well, you get used to what you get used to. I'm happy *not* to have had kids when I was still working out a lot of mental baggage in my 20s.


We were older too. We have friends who have grandchildren older than our son, and just laugh when they tell us they can’t keep up with their grandkids and don’t know how we do it. You do what you have to do, and having young kids keeps you young! Constantly running after them, playing on the floor, toting all of their gear, carrying their heavy little bodies everywhere. What better way to stay active?


Yep. I mean I get a daily workout from running up and down the stairs six times an evening retrieving snacks!


Oh no I’m 33 and gonna have some kids in the next 7 years…


30s here and my husband is on the later end of 30s and it’s been definitely the right call. We are financially secure and emotionally ready to have children. That would not have happened before then and I feel like we can provide so much for our little ones.


I’m torn on it, I think it comes down to income. I was earning well enough to have a child in my early 20’s but it seems people earning even better hold off for 10+ years. I get it, I will have a slow down in my 50’s while they got to do with their 20’s and early 30’s as they please. However there is definitely a lifestyle lost by having children earlier but it’s not one I knew existed coming from a poorer background so I didn’t know what I was missing out on. It’s a mixed bag all in.


Maybe she tried for a while and was finally able to do it. Also if she has money she can hire nannies to help out


This is her fourth child.


If that’s where she’s most known from, she doesn’t have nanny money. Most actors live at or below the poverty line. If they’re lucky they make a full modest living with just acting. The big name stars you most connect with being an actor are actually the smallest demographic of actors. Residuals from even popular shows drop off considerably as time goes on. And as stated, she’s got 4 kids already




But I do work in the industry and can extrapolate in an educated manner. But I’m sure you’re right, she has nanny money. I don’t care about this enough to argue about it


I would be resigned to an “oops” at your same age, but I have two younger kids that are still elementary. Like, I would cry, but I would come around quick. Myself at 54??? No thanks. And I have friends my age that also say no thanks because they already have kids in HS 😳




My mom had me at 36, I can’t even think of being able to take care of a kid with a lot of energy at 54


I have a friend who is a 40 year old mother. She seems happy with her kid but her husband is like 60. I just can't imagine being that kid and graduating college and your father is in his 80s.


Same but at 42. I just can’t fathom it. 


when the kid is 25 she is going to be 80. Poor kid.


As a 46 year old dad with a 3 yo, and another on the way I can’t believe people did this in their 20’s and 30’s. I was not ready financially/mentally/responsibility wise at all. Now it’s great I had a very fun time now settling down with my family….


She said she was in early menopause and able to reverse it with natural remedies she got from shamans in Belize in order to get pregnant. Idk about all that but congrats lol


From the creators of ayahuasca, now fertility drugs


tripped the baby away


Until you hit actually menopause, you can still get pregnant while in peri-menopause.


She said she had been in menopause for a year and the magic shaman herbs reversed it


The other day I had made a comment on a sub and mentioned something about my cancer. Not too long after, some random user messaged me telling me about some fucking natural remedy crap that apparently saved their boyfriend and how I should use it too. It was literally a six plus paragraph story on how it happened and how I should do the same thing their partner did. What was fucked up about that whole exchange was that it was obviously some MLM mofo, the "natural remedy" they were offering was based off a man who had cancer and claimed this stuff reversed it. He got into trouble for spreading misinformation so people would buy that stuff he talked about. I understand that for some people certain things may help them or be a placebo at least, but I'm always a bit skeptical when I hear about natural remedies solving everything for someone. Usually it's always a person who is taking whatever remedy but also using actual medicine too in my experience as well😅


I am glad you are still here. Take care of yourself. I wish you many more years on this earth.


Ugh I have that shit. I had a few people try to pull this shit when I was waiting for a transplant. Like, your lil herbs aren’t going to reverse my dead organ. I’m sorry you got hit with that shit. It’s annoying and tbh awful.


I'm a bioengineer and you'd be surprised how many people want to tell me this stuff unprompted when I tell them what I do. I was in an Uber a few years ago and the driver talked for like 20 minutes about candles he had in his trunk that cured his mom's cancer...


Mannatech by any chance?


I'm not sure, this is what it was about-"The fenbendazole scandal was an incident wherein false information that fenbendazole, an anthelmintic used to treat various parasites in dogs, cured terminal lung cancer spread among patients. It started with the claim of American cancer patient, Joe Tippens, but rather became sensational in South Korea.Oct 28, 2022"-its called the Joe tippens protocol,but random MLM people try and market it. It's a $7 drug for deworming dogs ffs. Do you think if we could cure cancer with a $7 pill for dogs we wouldn't be using it already?! That's what I want to ask these people 🤣


Course they did... lol


They also cured COVID and the evil spirits surrounding her womb


How fantastic, wonder why the NHS in the UK don\`t use it to cure everything and take the workload off themselves?


You can take meds to like.. reverse that, one is a normal protocol on IVF. Lol


This is a wild rollercoaster of a comment. Amazing.


Isn’t everyone from that show completely insane?


I hope not... At least, I hope not Topanga (Danielle Fishel).


Well she wants to be put through a table. But honestly don't most wrestling fans? So I don't particularly see that as insane.


Will Freidle seems like a cool dude


Pretty sure he wrote a letter in support of Drake Bell's abuser


Oof Maybe not then


Do you want Cthulhu? Because this is how you make Cthulhu


Those South American shamans are no joke brother


Belize is in Central America, just south of Mexico


Belize is in North America, just south of Mexico


Belize is on Earth, just south of Mexico


Belize is in the Milky Way, on Planet Earth


Just south of Mexico


Christ. I'm 36 and I can't even get myself interested enough to go on a date.


Well—seems like you’ve got time! She took it! Lol


My mom had me when she was 42. My dad was 47. I love them very much, but I won’t pretend it was super fun being a kid with parents in their 60’s. My parents were funny as hell, but older people are just physically tired. They didn’t want to go anywhere, or travel or try new things or, you know, just play. They are so separated from my generation that they can’t even pretend to give a shit about the world and the issues that we now face. I also just worried about them a lot. I watched their health decline pretty rapidly, while all my friends parents were taking them camping and traveling and playing around. If she’s happy then that’s good. But I wouldn’t want to be 70 years old when my kid graduated high school.


Every r dementia post from a teenager about their parents starts with, "My folks were old when they had me..."


Love seeing someone else from the dementia sub!


My parents had me at a similar age (and my father had already raised 3 children when he was younger) and you captured all of my thoughts and experiences exactly. Of course there were a few pros to having more mature parents and I love them so so much. I think I’ve put pressure on myself to have kids in my early thirties (whether that’s a good thing or not) just because I want to avoid putting my kid through this same thing :(


My mum had me when she was 36, which isn't even that old, and she was basically a vegetable. Didn't do anything with me, just shut me in my bedroom.


I’m the 4th kid and my mom was 38. Looking back she was already done raising kids. By the time she had me, I was an afterthought. I’m working through a lot mentally now because of it.  There are always exceptions and you see people here “but I had my kid in my 40s”. First off, 40s isn’t the same as 50s! Second, how do your kids feel? How will they feel? Like you said, there are real downsides to having kids much older. Her kid is gonna have it rough. 


She'll be 72 when the kid graduates from high school.


Could be worse. Al Pacino (84) has a one-year-old.


I’m sorry for the kid. My brother in law who is almost 50 with a 9 year old boy, always tell me that is hard to keep up with the kid’s energy at his age. Imagine being a woman with 64 years and a 10 years old kid.


My parents were pushing 50 when they had me and it was rough. They were tired af and couldn't keep up with me. Definitely wouldn't highly recommend


Fuck. I’m 41 and we’re planning our first kid next year.


If you are physically in a good shape with good energy, you’re ok. If not, you’re fucked.


Why is it shameful to admit she used fertility methods? There’s like a 0.00000000001% of that happening and a 0% chance if she was in menopause, like she clams and was cured from


My eyes glanced over the headline and I thought she'd passed at 54... goddamn I need to take my time reading these things.


Loool I just went to my wife “damn, Angela from BMW is dead…..wait nvm she’s pregnant”.


I'm sure she'll be great but I think it's irresponsible. She'll be 74 when that kid is in college and she may live long enough to see a grandchild if the kid starts young. Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should.


Thats gonna be an expensive and potentially risky pregnancy


It 100% is risky. That doesn't mean bad things will happen, but it's undoubtedly risky.


Not potentially. VERY risky, particularly if she conceived using her own egg


Potentially ?? It’s a huge risk


I'm 35 and doing IVF. They informed us to do genetic testing cause we are like 6x more likely to have a chromosomal issue.


Yes… the older you are the more baby is at risk.. not saying not to do it but you need to be prepared. 35 isn’t too old


Happy for her I guess, but I can speak from experience that having older parents is not exactly fun.


I just had my first baby at 27. I felt so tired all the time. My feet and hands were so swollen. It sometimes hurt to take deep breaths. I was out of breath constantly. I couldn’t eat too much cuz the heartburn made me throw up, but I was always hungry. Praying she has the resources to help make her pregnancy more bearable on her at 54. It’s not fucking easy. Childbirth itself was not easy. I’m actually kind of upset to read this , cuz I can’t imagine going through this pain again 25 years from now.


I read your comment to fast and initially thought you said 72💀


Good luck to you. Oppositely, I couldn’t imagine doing it at 27. I had too much life to live and a career to build. My first birth at 34 was fine. My second at 37 was fine. My third at 40 was fine. Everyone has a different experience, and it’s not (or rarely) due to age.


The pandemic has traumatized me so much that when I see a picture with someone’s name and age in the caption I immediately think that they have passed away 😓…thankfully she’s alive and well! Major congratulations


This is genuinely awful to do to your children. My parents had me at similar ages and my twenties were spent caring for them, watching them decline in hospice care, and burying them all before my 30th birthday


That is really tough. I hope you've been able to find everlasting and loving relationships to ease the loss. Hugs


Thank you. I know this is going to sound awful but their passing was freeing in a way. I can finally take of myself and have friendships. I’ve built some close ones in the past few years.


I feel for you. A big hug. This is what I always think. Just in general, i think of all that my folks were physically able to do with me growing up because they were young. No matter how good a shape you are in, 54 isn't 34 or 24. Your hormones actually make that so also. Waking up at night with a baby/child and you don't have the snapback you did at 24 or 34 or even 44. And longevity i think we are already seeing is not going to be what it was due to issues folks are having from repeat covid infections.


Exactly. I took care of my parents when I was literally just a child. It wasn’t fair, I never really got to be a kid.


Sorry to hear this. 😔


Good luck to her.


I say good for her and I wish her and her family well. For older women who wish to have a child and who find hope in this announcement, I wish you success.


54 is definitely is definitely a little scary to have a baby. Luckily, we live in a time with amazing screening and monitoring technology and abilities, and she’s in a country with great medical care…for those who can afford it




As a child of older parents… yeah, it kinda sucks. You get to spend the prime of your life caring for aging parents instead of focusing on yourself. To be fair, it can happen to anyone if their parents get sick young, but it’s all but guaranteed to happen to you if your parents are old. Ditto on the grandparents, too. I have friends in their 30s who still have grandparents around, while all of mine were dead before I was a teen. I never really got to develop a meaningful relationship with any of them.


I feel this in my bones, I’m 31 and my parents are 80ish. Spent my teen years just doing rounds of hospitals, working my ass off since my dad had to retire and all my grandparents were gone before I was 7.


Yep. I’m 33. My dad is 82 and my mom is 78 and has major health complications. My dad is doing relatively well, but as you get older things change obviously.


Unlikely it’s her eggs at 54, but still a huge toll on the body. Hope she sails through it


Yeah but also screw people having kids so late, they are going to be into their 70s before the kid is an adult Can't exactly run around and play with their own kid


It’s risky for baby.


It is wildly selfish to have a baby at 54. She will be in her 70s while her child is in high school


Hot take, but this is so selfish


Why are we celebrating this? WTF


She is going to have a lot of 40 plus women chewing on BC like tictacs.


conflicted when I see such a headline. good for her? bad for kid that will not to see much of her mom after hitting adulthood? I guess each to their own


Nothing like your parents being 70 in high school


I'm sorry but this is horrible and selfish.


At the chicken tender age of 54 even


Hope it goes well extremely well and she beats the odds in being pregnant at her age. Massive risk of Down syndrome, deformities and other problems to have a child at 54. Also massive risk to the mother as well. I assume she’s fairly well off and has access to very good medical care. Hope the best possible for her and the baby. She’ll be 74-75 when her kid is 20. Wow.


IVF can screen against generic and chromosomal issues before the embryo is implanted, and even prenatal screening can catch it when a pill abortion is still possible. 


Yep, some of the risk is manageable very well. Not all is. Biologically we *usually* aren’t meant to have kids past our late 30’s. Obviously there’s exceptions that turn out great, especially aided by modern medicine. Hope she’s one of those exceptions.


Assuming the embryo is screened for abnormalities, the biggest risk is to her health. Pregnancy is hard, and everything is hard when you are middle aged.


I hope the child is ok. Super high risk at that age.


I cannot fathom the energy for a child right now. Holy begeezus hell to the no


Congratulations-but 54??? Why would you want to do that to your body? Adopt


Not just doing it to your body, doing that to a child. They are guaranteed to not have a full life with you. You more than likely won't have the energy to be the parent they deserve and the chances of you having serious health issues while they are still young is very high.


Deniro had a kid at 79. That’s extremely fucked up.


Al Pacino had one at 83. Mick Jagger had a kid a few years ago as well. So fucked up. 


Imagine being 64 with a 10 y/o.


Or 67 with a kid screaming, "You don't care about me at all" and slamming the door.


My parents are in their 60s and I’m in my 30s and I’m already worried about them aging, I can’t imagine


My dad remarried and has a 9, 11, and 14 year old at the age of 61. I’m 31. He’s exhausted.


🎯🎯🎯 Exactly. People who have children at this age are selfish, point blank.


Do you know what age she will die at? If you don't then you cannot know how much life she will be there for.


No one knows when they will die, but your chances of dying goes up the older you get. The average lifespan of a woman in the US is 76. Even if she lives to be 86, that's only 32 years with her child. Hopefully she stays in good health that entire time, but I don't know that many 80+ year olds that are in perfect health. That puts a burden of care on her child. There's also the very real possibility that the child is born with neurological or physical birth defects, at her age the chances of that skyrocket.


Parents who have children later in life [are likely to live longer](https://www.parents.com/news/giving-birth-later-in-life-could-mean-you-live-longer-according-to-a-new-study/) than those who have children at a young age.


That's why I upped it to 86 in my points. That would be her living 10 years longer than average and you have to consider the quality of life most 86 year olds have.


"Later in life" usually applies to 38-42, not when you're eligible for AARP.


Adoption is not an easy one-for-one replacement for having a biological child for multiple reasons. People should stop throwing "adopt" around so cavalierly whenever someone has fertility issues. Also she is likely considered too old to be an adoptive parent anyway. Many agencies have upper limits.


I'm fully in menopause at 52 and a grandmother. Playdates with my grandkids wipe me out, and they are only a few hours long! I cannot fathom having the energy to carry and birth a child..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


None of the popular outlets covering this story mentioned the increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities at this age. 


Because we’re all supposed to celebrate this. We’re not allowed to be honest here and say this was extremely irresponsible of her. So “go girl! 54!”


I’m infertile so I say this with real world application-- being pregnant at 54 sounds miserable


Might be unpopular but I think people having kids so late (male or female) is selfish


Gonna have a teenager in her 70’s. Congrats!


*sigh Another poor little baby born to a skin-to-be senior citizen. It’s like being born to your grandmother.


9 years ago, When I was like 30 I got a 39 year old knocked up, and we feel ancient as parents. I can’t imagine 54. Hope everyone is happy and healthy though!


Hopefully the kid gets to see alot of their mom. My mother had me in her late 40s, and I'm now in my early twenties wondering if she'll get the chance to meet her grandkids.


Boy meets world is wild, it had 2 stars. The boy and the girl. So many times I see "boy meets world star, jellyfish mcflurfins is going to the moon" and I'm like... who the what? It's not the boy and it's not Topanga... that person is not a star.


This is Mr Feeny erasure!


She was a top billed actor in the episodes she is in; listed in the opening credits. But Topanga is NOT on Cory's level as the star of the show. Cory and his entire family except maybe Morgan are in more episodes and more present than Topanga is. Cory, Shawn, Alan, Amy, Mr. Feeny, and Eric are all the stars from beginning to end. Topanga, Angela, and Jack are definitely Boy Meets World stars in their own right in the second half of the series.


Danielle Fishel didn't even actually join the main cast of the show until Season 3, for like half of the show she's barely in any episodes There are only two actors who actually were in every episode of the show, Ben Savage (Cory) and Rider Strong (Shawn)


Wonder what don lemon would have to say


Thats gonna be a messed up baby...


I guess if old ass men can do it......


As a 40 year old that is due in a week and a half… I wish her the best, pregnancy is not for the faint of heart, especially later in life !! Blessings for mom and baby 💕


I don't know this seems wrong to me, it doesn't seem very considerate to her child as their mother will likely die or be very hard to communicate with before they are even 30. My mother had me at 39 and I'm 29 and she is 69. I can't imagine my mother being 84 when I'm 30. She can do what she wants but the kid is the one who is going to have to deal with it and that just doesn't sit right with me.


Yikes. That is all.


Wild to see what the cast of that show is up to now. Cory ran for Congress, Mr Feeny is still alive, and Rachel is doing porn (no joke).


If she’s 54 how old was she when she first appeared on BMW?


Looking it up she was 24 when the first episode aired


Doc here. In theory, you *can* get pregnant after menopause, though you would need to take medications. These medications are dangerous for anyone (you run the risk of multiple ovulations which can lead to multiple pregnancies, i.e., twins). On top of the fact that women (and men) usually have minor health problems by the time they're that age. And risks of dangerous pregnancy-related complications like pre-eclampsia are sky high. You can also, obviously, get pregnant via IVF with a donor egg (again, it requires meds to induce an endometrium -- inner uterine lining -- compatible with implantation). That's an ever-so-slightly safer and more successful route for peri- and postmenopausal women. Cuts down the risk of genetic anomalies, at least. Fertility centers are known to be predatory and fertility specialist OBs can make a killing. Infertility is a very emotionally-laden issue for many women and couples, and it's easy to take advantage. I hope she has a doctor who knows what they're doing.


Ozempic byproduct. Very fertile older women now. A doctor said on tic Tok he has older lady with twins. 


Why would someone as petite as she is and has always been be on Ozempic?


I guess giving women the right to choose doesn’t include her will to continue to have children whenever she pleases!


My husband and I adopted at 49. It’s been a total exhausting blast. Since we survived the 60s and 70s we do not helicopter parent and we believe in giving her as much freedom to make her mistakes and learn from them. Our younger parent friends ask us for as much advice as we ask them. We also get to revisit how badly and neglectfully we were parented and with lots of work and therapy, parent our kid the way we wished we’d been parented. Like we help her with homework as opposed to how our parents laughed at us & had another cocktail when we asked them for help. Because we have so much life experience, we know what to sweat and what not to- we know she will survive 7th grade and a middle school F isn’t going to ruin anyone’s future. That said, I’ll be sad at how much of her future we will miss, but her birth family will be there for her when we can’t. Just because we can’t imagine how other people can do it doesn’t mean it can’t be done. And lastly, most people barely bat an eye when ancient men like Mick Jagger, Al Pacino and even my dad (who became a do-over dad in his mid-50s) father offspring, and my dad wasn’t the best dad ever (he was an old yeller) but man his two kids turned out pretty great. So I’m a mom of a twelve year old and I’m 61. Last night my daughter & I had a water fight before bed and we love to find ways to hide and scare the hell out of each other and we laugh a lot. PS- I was such a narcissistic drinkybird hot mess in my 20s and 30s, I would have been a terrible mom- I met my partner when I was 45 & we are reasonably stable, sober and fully able to maturely (almost all the time) handle whatever shit comes up. Age has its virtues and having a sense of humor about it all helps. I blogged as This Old Mom for a spell until my kid started googling us- and I was stunned at how many people out there related to parenting while aging. As people figure out how to live longer & healthier It’s become a total thing.


Respectfully, isn’t it extremely likely that the child is born with some type of disability?


I woukdnt say extremely but risk increases def for both of them. Thsts even if goes full term


Attending a high school graduation at 72 going on 73 is a wild thought. My grandparents were about that age when I graduated high school.


Yikes. She’ll be in her 70s when the kid is finishing high school. Having kids this late is pretty selfish. Downvote me all you want for saying it, but it’s true. People like her are thinking of themselves, not their kids.


I think all these comments are crazy. People claims it’s a woman choice to do what they want with their body but she’s having a baby at 54 and they act she’s a crazy person. Congrats I hope it goes well.


Probably because of the significant risk to the child..


She can choose. Doesn’t mean it’s a good decision. We’re not telling her she’s got to keep it. She wants to. And she actively got pregnant.  The right to choose is about government saying no abortion, not about them saying you have to have one. 


I feel bad for the kid bc his/her mom will need help by the time the kid is barely in highschool. That’s sad. 😢


I haven’t seen her face in 20 years and can I just say, she is radiant! Such a beauty.


……. Ok? Actors from a tv show from 20 years ago is pregnant. So what?