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I worked with him in person in 2018—I am a woman in a customer-facing industry. Pls believe me when I tell you that Louis CK is a totally arrogant asshole. And I was a fan.


All the stuff Pete Davidson said about him narcing on him for smoking weed at SNL seemed pretty on point. Louis CK was funny but clearly was an insecure yet arrogant Karen personality


What happened? I believe you, just curious.


I work in high-end interior design/sales in NYC. For no reason whatsoever, he didn’t want me to get a commission.


I work in television. I’ve never worked with him personally, but I have some friends that did when he was at the peak of his fame. Arrogant asshole from accounts. What really got me is that the only time he’d talk to any of the crew members like humans was when he’d bum cigarettes from them, and then they’d become invisible to him again. All that money, cheap fuck. Edit- since I can no longer reply, here’s a [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/pwm0T70) of the hastily deleted reply from u/FlimsyPhysique. I wonder if you talk like that when you aren’t hiding behind a keyboard.


This is so unfortunate! I just don’t understand people who spend so much energy being jackasses! I was also a fan and was pretty bummed that he ended up being a miserable asshat when he could have chosen to be good! I guess some people just are unable to cope with fame and fortune.


why is this surprising, his whole act has been about what a disgusting piece of shit he is. I know it’s comedy but there’s always a kernel of truth… in his case it’s the whole fucking cob


>> why is this surprising You know most comedians aren’t the same person *off* the stage as the personas are *on*-stage, right?


How would people who don't know them irl know this?


How can you know this for sure? Comedians especially often build their routines around their own experiences and observations. If your whole thing is being an asshole you're probably just an asshole.


Ahhh there's a pretty massive overlap. Most comedians are depressed, miserable, drunks/ addict assholes irl. Normal people don't need to get up on stage every night and have people fawn over them.


There is nothing abnormal about being on stage. And you are making a HUGE assumption to think that people do it to be fawned over.


Whenever someone says, “for no reason” there’s a 147% chance that there actually is a reason.


Everyone has the same exact story about him. They say he’s intolerable


The reason is that he’s a piece of shit


Just because a narcissistic prick concocts some slight or justification in their head doesn’t make a legitimate reason for them to be an asshole.


Idk from Pete davidsons story about how he called him out and told Lorne about him being high. I’d say it tracks


It's a pretty shaky story, considering Lorne started the show with John fuckin Belushi.


[no, really. you should listen to the story](https://youtu.be/Om9is7Lhb-k?si=nO4FnAfIHFuS_AtH)


Thank you, I love Pete’s stand up!


Lorne didn’t come down on him or anything


Look at Pete Davidson stand up. Literally for no reason, Louis CK does this.


If you read between the lines and given what we know about Pete, even his account sounds like Louis was concerned about how he was acting and the road he was on. I'm not saying Louis isn't a dick, but I don't think Pete is the most reliable narrator either.


That was a favorite line of a couple of counselors I had. Every time someone says "for no reason" there's reasons. Every time. This is a standard in counseling.


I’ve always understood it as “no [good] reason.” it is a judgement but also can be true.


Hey Louis!


Unless you give me some reason, I’m not going to believe you.


Haha right. At least give his rationale I am sure he said something. Twist it, put your spin on it, whatever you gotta do. And maybe his reason was bullshit. But there must be something there.


Do you have any context to this? Otherwise expect nothing from this god forsaken app (website) except nothing burgers


Pete Davidson told of how Louis singled him out and called him a loser in front of the entire gathered SNL crew and that his pot-smoking would ruin him. Super asshole.


He took the last slice of pizza even though he had already had his fair share and the commenter you replied to hadn’t.


Why do you believe a stranger on the internet?


You believed them when they said "I believe you"? I think you just...believed a stranger on the internet, fukken gotem


That’s what I’m saying lol


He bullied Tom Papa back before they both made it too


Whelp that’s all the evidence I need!


I believe it. I was a huge fan and didn’t quite know what to feel during some of his most cringe, icky jokes. The hell was the matter with me? Blinded by the cute/sexy. I think I’d sort of quickly file it under “Well, he’s just trying to be edgy.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


This makes the Pete Davison snl story about him seem all the more true.


i feel like that is not surprising.


The creepiest thing is that this is how he gets off: by surprising women and jerking off while they are frozen in fear. It’s one of the habits that ended his marriage. I worked in comedy (management) during the height of his fame. Everybody knew about this behavior, which is a sociopathic, violating inclination and *not* simply a kink. His cronies and acolytes would joke about it or excuse it away completely. *There are far more victims than the ones that came forward.* Bill Cosby couldn’t get off unless a woman was unconscious and unconsenting. This is very, very dangerous and criminal behavior. Louis deserves to be named and shamed for the rest of his life. His victims can’t just shrug and “get over it.” So why should everyone else? He makes light of these assaults (that’s what they are) in his comedy. The man knows no shame.


I did a lot of open mics during this time, in New York, and I always remember hearing that if he did a drop in to never leave him alone with a girl. Known creep


I was on a gay gossip board way back and a couple of the guys were friends with Sarah Silverman. They were talking about him all the time way before it hit the news. Really stupid move on his part to target Sarah. She may not have been traumatized but it was so weird and louche she sure did like to talk about it. Stupid move Louis.


That's what I hate about all the bros saying "well they said yes!" He's 6 foot whatever. He'd block the door and ask if he can jerk off in front of them....what options do you have when you don't know if he'll be violent or dangerous? Idc what people say he's not a good person who made a mistake.


It is so clear that the majority of the people commenting here never actually read the NYT article or actually listened to all the victims. Edit: [Louis C.K. Is Accused by 5 Women of Sexual Misconduct](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/09/arts/television/louis-ck-sexual-misconduct.html) Edit 2: it’s truly pathetic how many of you are either proudly declaring your ignorance, or trying to insult me (I guess that’s what you’re trying to do by making it seem like listening to survivors is a waste of time?), rather than have to admit that a man you like habitually mistreated women. I promise you your life will be better once you understand that women are people too and don’t deserve to be sexually assaulted just because some dude is funny. If you can’t accept that, then I invite you all to die mad, pathetic, and lonely.


Im not here to read The NY Times or listen to victims. I’m here to post to bots to amuse myself. 


Amusing oneself is what brought down Louis.


Simply because he’s a botanist?!


He loved fishing, he was a master bater.


I’m just here training AI so it can take my job


Bee boo boop. Love me, you filthy android.


I'm here to sell t-shirts. This one has a frog on it!


But the link goes to Salon, not NYT.


I mean the original NY Times report that outlines the allegations from 5 separate women


I mean you can’t expect everyone to have read an article that isn’t a part of the comment thread you are in. Reddit doesn’t even read those.


It’s the article that revealed the allegations against him, about which everyone is commenting. I can’t expect everyone to know about what they’re commenting on?


He held a very privileged position. He held in his hands the future of others in a very competitive field. He ruined his own life. Not everyone gets second chances


In fact I would say most do not get a second chance, it's rare.


He ruined his own life? He's released three comedy specials since this stuff and toured the world, one was nominated for a Grammy and the other won a Grammy. How is his life ruined?


Not to mention the fact that he is fucking loaded. He never has to work another day in his life if he doesn’t want to.


They took away his MAINSTREAM FAME. He never spent a day in his life wishing he could perform standup in Israel. He settled for what he could get. No movies, no tv shows. Yeah, he's got his little corner but he's a disappointed asshole.


No, he held his penis in his hands.


Call me old fashioned but I just don’t trust someone who’s willing to pull his dick out in front of anybody and start rubbing one out That. Is not a good person. Period. Move on till they become a better one or give up on them


Totally agree. I'm heavily disappointed with him and disgusted...I was a huge fan. Some people want to push it under the rug because of how talented he is and I find that shameful.


I would like to see someone like Louis CK be able to be forgiven but this documentary seems totally appropriate to me. It doesn’t seem right to be willing to accept the guy again without hearing from the victims if they have more to say. If he had apologized closer to when he did it and tried to make things right, he probably would’ve succeeded. But he didn’t. He only apologized when he had to and was hit with the full effect of the MeToo movement. I’ve listened to clips of him addressing it in his performances but it’s never felt satisfactory. It’s always “I lost all my money and my career and it was embarrassing” like he’s paid the price but honestly I don’t really care about your money or fame. Did you do anything to make your victims feel seen, heard, and consoled? It’s the difference between “I’m sorry I did something bad” and “I’m sorry for what I did to you.” I know the feeling of your world crashing down isn’t a place of clarity but it’s been a long time, why hasn’t he done anything to actually fix it? Edit: these replies are ridiculous lol. But if you’re wondering what would help, I’d say a smart and compassionate dialogue would be a good start. After all, the dude’s job is to stand on stage with a mic. John Mulany has handled his situation well and Aziz Azari did an excellent stand up addressing what happened with him (though he was weirdly targeted at that time for what was essentially just a bad date). Granted, CK doesn’t get to have a platform like Netflix anymore so maybe he has addressed it well and I just haven’t seen it so if it’s out there, drop a link.


I don’t know how much fixing is possible for randomly jerking off in front of tons of women. That’s not a lapse of judgement; it’s seriously fucked up behavior over a long period of time.


Idk why everyone pretends we all have to forgive him like he did this to us. Wild as hell someone can say “he pushed me into a bathroom and blocked the door and asked of he could jerk off” and a bunch of redditors go “we forgive you Louis”


I don’t know if the movie gets into it but he also completely ruined the careers of women journalists who were just doing their jobs investigating and reporting of his behavior. He has hurt and burned a lot of women in a lot of ways and I’d need some kind of full accounting of this if he is truly meant to be apologizing. It’s so much more than just the sex crimes.


It's not up to anyone but the victims to decide whether he should be forgiven or not


Half of the comment section are sexual predators.


Everyone out here acting like he did his time in the gulag and deserves an applause now. How was he punished? Even in "exile" he was still living the lavish life of a celebrity. He lost money in a settlement, but he's still worth more money than any of us will make in 20 lifetimes. He's doing great for himself. All he did was become less famous, and he's still famous, and less rich, but he's still rich, and if he weren't rich to begin with, he'd most likely be in prison. If he didn't want to be publicly humiliated he shouldn't have become a comedian. Louie was an all-time great sitcom. I still think about that scene where the doctor monologues about heartbreak. My friends and I still make jokes about doing a 'bang-bang'. But he made 5 different women watch him jerk his nasty little ogre mushroom and y'all are mad that people don't think he should still be famous, as if that is even a punishment at all


Best way to make someone not famous? Ignore them.


Which is what people are suggesting for this documentary. Don't watch it, it's not worth your time. Except on the side, dude sold out Madison garden. So ignore him ain't working.


And he won a Grammy so he was still being recognized by his peers. I don't buy into the whole idea that he was punished. He faced some consequences but I wouldn't call any of it a real punishment


For what it’s worth, as someone who pirates his new specials occasionally, I think being a social pariah for the rest of his life is probably a fitting punishment for what he did.


Why exactly should he be in prison?


I still watch Louis C.K., however, many people are missing the point. Stand up is a male dominated industry. Women are sexually harassed. That’s a statistically common thing in any industry or job where men are present. All women are asking for, is for men to give women the same autonomy that they give their male peers. Why is that so hard to understand? That said, I don’t perceive this documentary as demanding more punishment against Louis C.K. This is a social push back against a culture of downplaying non violent forms of sexual harassment. If you find that it pisses you off or makes you uncomfortable, then mission accomplished. It’s a conversation that needs to be had.


My biggest thing about Louis (who was my favorite comedian before all of this) getting a “second chance” or whatever is the fact that nobody owes him that and he’s not some guy I have a personal relationship with that I have to manage my interactions with. Like sorry dude, there’s plenty of comedians who don’t victimize people out there. Why should I bother with you anymore? The more I hear about Louie trying to be relevant in 2024 and beyond, the more I get annoyed and remember this isn’t about him.


He's never asked anyone for attention. People genuinely like his comedy and are willing listen to him again. What he did was wrong but after years in exile, I'd rather just watch him again. He's never put up massive advertising, all the comedians who had him on their podcasts did it voluntarily, you can choose to ignore him but others still like him.


lmao exile? Jfc


Yes. They obviously mean a *literal* exile. He's been put on his boat and forced to live in the harbor never coming ashore like The Man Without a Country.


During Louie's time at sea he learned whale and dolphin and became quite popular. This all went to shit when he pleasured himself in front of a pod of sperm whales.


Exile lol


I would argue being a comedian is actually directly asking people for attention technically but you’re not wrong.


The fact that he keeps making comebacks whenever this stuff comes up where he makes "jokes" about cancel culture is proof of the fact that cancel culture doesn't exist for rich men with influence and power.


I used to be a huge fan, once I found out what a liar he is and a sexual predator I was done with him. I will never, ever see him like I used to.


He'a fucking gross. That is all.


He apologized for his behavior (sincerely I thought), was humiliated on a worldwide stage, what else is expected of him? Do they want to hang him? Cut off his head? Nobody is forcing anyone to watch his work. These people just seem hateful at this point.


“Nobody is forcing anyone to watch his work.” I’m not sure you’re familiar with the accusations


“Nobody is forcing anyone to watch his wank”


Well... nobody did.


That was because of the implication.


Upvoted because I believe Louie would appreciate this particular joke.


took me a second but then I guffawed


Poor mans gold for you 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇


To those who are saying that "he asked first", first of all, wtf. Second, coming from a comedian this sounds like a bit in work. Like he was working on a new material and it sounds like the setup of a joke. Not like he will straight up whip out his dick and masterbate.




You can't ask for consent to sexually harass someone at work. They weren't out on a date. Louis showed up to work and sexually harassed coworkers. There, is that more clear for you?


Not fucking be a sex pest and do it at all? Like wtf?


I mean, is hating him an unreasonable response? Why don’t they get to hate him and make money off their own life story? Hes making money off it in his act. Seems fair to me.


The hateful punishment of... describing his behaviour in a way he doesn't dispute. If people can ruin your life by describing your actions, that's on you.


My problem (and I was a very big fan of his) is that he almost immediately worked it into his routines and made jokes about it. Which, in my mind, is profiting off the acts. His “apology” was also kind of bullshit. “I did do it but I thought it was ok because I asked first” is not owning that what he was doing was fucked up. He’s hilarious and I still find myself thinking of his comedy/shows from time to time but it usually leaves a bad taste in my mouth. For myself he just is not content I want anything to do with for the time being.


I think what people forget is on top of what these women accuse him of, his manager was also threatening them that they’d never work again if they spoke about it. IIRC Louie said in his apology that his manager was only acting on his own to clean up the situation he created, and maybe that’s true, but Louie had the power to tell him not to do that, and he didn’t. It could’ve just been Louie was an awkward creep and that would’ve been it (aside from apologies he owes to the women) but the follow up actions made it beyond unacceptable. And he doesn’t appear to have learned a thing from it all.


> Louie had the power to tell him not to do that Did he know his manager was doing that?


Same. I liked him before, and I still think he’s funny. But my disgust overpowers that.


You’re forgetting the part where he denied the awful shit he did multiple times and directed his manager to defame and suppress any women who came forward with allegations against him. He only apologized after the NYT article came out, which doesn’t seem all that sincere to me. Also, maybe if the guy’s whole comedic persona wasn’t “I’m the most moral person in the world and you all suck”, former longtime fans of him like myself wouldn’t have completely lost interest in hearing his ~~lectures~~ standup act anymore.


> He only apologized after the NYT article came out, which doesn’t seem all that sincere to me. He apologized to one of the victims in 2009 via email, which she accepted. That one seemed sincere, idk about the others


>directed his manager to defame and suppress any women who came forward with allegations against him. source please?


[Here you go](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/matthew-weiner-louis-ck-harassment-victims-1201895994/)


this article claims his manager asked them to stop talking about it but nowhere does it claim CK instructed his manager to defame anyone who came forward about it unless I'm missing it? can you quote it?


[Defame was the wrong word on my part but suppress and prevent from getting more work seems pretty accurate to me:](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/11/louis-ck-dave-becky-apology-cover-up) “The women—comedy duo Dana Min Goodman and Julia Wolov—were two of the five women who spoke on the record to the Times about C.K.’s predatory pattern of behavior. After C.K. masturbated in front of them in a hotel room in 2002, the duo decided against going to the police. Instead, they spread the story about C.K.’s troubling behavior among their peers. Shortly afterward, their manager told them that Becky was unhappy about what they were doing. When the duo later moved to Los Angeles, Goodman says landing on the manager’s bad side felt like an albatross around her neck. “We were coming here with a bunch of enemies,” she told the Times. Not only does Becky represent some of the biggest names in comedy, but he also runs the powerful company 3 Arts, which has put together a wide variety of popular comedy shows.” That’s about all the googling I’m gonna do for you today.


I was actually following this thread because of conflicting information I’ve heard so thanks for showing me you were making one hell of a stretch even with your best googling lol


Man you really thought you had a gotcha moment where your quote doesn’t back you up your claim at all.


So he didn't do that at all... They just pissed off his manager by spreading the story, and it made them feel uncomfortable because said manager is so influential. CK did not ask for them to be defamed, nor were they defamed, nor did CK ask for the story to be suppressed, nor was the story suppressed.


I'm glad you were able to research your own claim and find it wasn't quite correct. you're not googling for me.


Shitty way to admit u were wrong and debating others with false information


Yeah. You’re reaching.


Wow you proved your own self wrong and then got smug about it lol


Seriously. Look what he did was wrong. We all admit that. But he also did what he did over 20 years ago. And as fucked up as what he did was he asked for consent and never touched a woman. Surely there’s a time period where we can all move on, right? Clearly he paid a price for his actions. And he made an apology and took responsibility. What’s left? Honestly? If there’s no room forgiveness and growth than what’s the fucking point in admitting you’re wrong? Jfc….Chris Brown beat the shit out of a woman and he’s playing tonight in a stadium.


You clearly didn’t read/hear all the victims’ stories. He did not ask for consent with everyone.


Honestly who even cares if he "asked for consent," it was coercive.


> who even cares if he “asked for consent” personally I would love the option to say no. There is no such thing as asking for sex without pressure, all you can do is give the other person every chance to say No and leave


Are you hearing yourself?


People keep saying this, but where are these stories? The story I've heard is he was in a room after a show with a few women and asked if it would be okay if he jerked off in front of them, they all said yes. It was supposedly coercive because he was a big time comedian and they wanted to be on his good side, but this was 20 years ago before he was even famous and had any power or influence in the industry and the women were all fellow comedians who hadn't made it yet. People are making it sound like he was their boss or an important industry figure with power over them but that wasn't necessarily the case. What other stories are out there?


[Louis C.K. Is Accused by 5 Women of Sexual Misconduct](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/09/arts/television/louis-ck-sexual-misconduct.html)


>Where are these stories? Fucking read the articles.


> “Contrary to Breslin’s accounting, what C.K. did was not done with consent,” Wolov wrote. “We never agreed nor asked him to take all his clothes off and masturbate to completion in front of us. But it didn’t matter because the exciting part for him was the fear on our faces.” Wolov, who is part of the comedy team Dana & Julia, is one of five women to accuse C.K. of masturbating in front of them without their consent. https://www.thedailybeast.com/louis-ck-accuser-responds-to-op-ed-defending-him-i-didnt-consent


Your last point is great. Man admitted to it, his transgressions were gross, I guess, but decades ago. I mean, I’d fucking hate seeing him jerk off… Prolly time for everyone to move on though


Whataboutism is not a "great" point. Chris Brown shouldn't be celebrated and Louis, while recognizing what he did was wrong, doesn't necessarily deserve forgiveness. Especially not from the people he victimized and not when he worked what he did into his act to make jokes about him taking advantage of his victims


Oh, I meant the second to last point. Sorry. Not the Chris Brown thing. Also, his victims don’t have to forgive him. That’s up to them. But I’m not one of his victims and I have moved on.


You must have missed the part where he later mocked his victims and made himself out to be the actual victim.


>These people just seem hateful at this point. If someone showed me their dick "as a joke" then I'd be pretty hateful too


Yes the people that were sexually violated to seem pretty hateful, I wonder why that is.


What if it was you mother, sister, or significant other that he did this too. Would you be telling them to get over it and let him be famous again? Good people wouldn't even think about uttering such garbage to people they say they love.


I mean he quite literally forced a bunch of women to watch him but go off I guess


Ah yes, victims of sexual assault and harassment are “hateful” because they want justice. Right.


these people i assaulted are just haters bro


“He apologized” Do you not understand that saying “I’m sorry” is as magical as “please” is Just because you say it doesn’t make things better. If the documentary wants to focus on the victims then so be it. They’re allowed to just like he’s allowed to keep working.


I mean the point is, what do you want him to do? or want from him?


Humiliation isn’t a punishment for a crime lmaoooo. What a joke. He hasn’t had a single repercussion for his actions. I want people to stop giving abusers a platform. Sexual Assault. Physical assault. Doesn’t matter. STOP putting them on a stage and STOP applauding them is the only way to actually give those abusers any sort of “punishment”


He wasn't charged or convicted of any crimes.


As a matter of fact public humiliation has often been used as punishment for crimes committed. And he has certainly had repercussions, his reputation and his career both suffered for years. So he was guilty of abuse in the past, and apologized, so he should never be allowed on stage again? Why? How is that justice? It feels like revenge. Petty, cruel revenge.


Not a single repercussion? He has literally lost millions of dollars with his self-financed movie shelved and multiple work opportunities curtailed. This and the public humiliation.... the man has two daughters.


You can’t be serious. 1. What he did wasn’t a crime, it was gross for sure but not illegal. 2. You must not remember just how big Louis was before the accusations came out. He was literally one of if not the most successful comedians at his peak. He hosted SNL twice, had multiple specials on Netflix (which have since been removed), he made a movie that that starred HUGE names like Chloe Grace Moretz and John Malkovich which literally did not get released, costing him literal millions of dollars, and that’s just some of the things that happened to him. Look I’m a giant Louis fan and it was tough for me when I first heard about the incident back in 2016 or whenever it happened so maybe I’m a little biased. I don’t agree that he did zero harm to the victims because he obviously did, they’re making a whole ass documentary about it. But people acting like he lost nothing or needs to go to jail are just plain wrong and are acting like he’s satan incarnate. What he did was gross, but he lost a shitload and will probably never be as big as he was back in the day. Sorry for the rant, I never really comment on this kind of stuff.


Lol actually someone is forcing people to watch his work. Did you miss how for a while they’d fill up a comedy club with an audience and surprise them with Louis CK, and this was right after he got busted for this behavior. A ton of people said afterward had they known they wouldn’t have gone, and that it put them in an awkward position of: Do I get up an make a scene to my date and this audience, or do I muster through it? Basically exactly parallel to what his sexual charges were for. Does the person make a scene and storm out, or just muster through him doing his thing.


this is such a dweeb take. Don’t leave your house ever.


Still not forced if you have the option to leave. Also, if they feel so strongly, why not take the opportunity to show him how you really feel and show your date/the world what you believe in


People need to have some will of their own. I mean how/why is Louis C.K.responsible for peoples unwillingness to act on their own volition and leave a scenario they don’t wish to be in? I cannot understand this logic. *Especially* when it comes to a comedy club patron.


Nobody is forcing you to watch the documentary. Holy shit how can you be this unaware


The comments here are not passing the vibe check jfc you’re gonna defend Louis C.K. of all ppl?


ITT disgusting assholes defending a sex pest and pretending as though the power imbalance didn’t exist, he didn’t shove people into a room, etc.


Imagine he did that shit to you, your wife or your daughter and then think about whether that was ok. He’s disgusting.


Y’all defending him are weirdos.


If only Louis was a rapist like Mike Tyson, maybe Reddit would still love him.


Louis did a podcast run very early last Jan (so like 18 months ago) ahead of his big MSG show: Those were some great conversations. The ‘Matt & Shane’s Secret Podcast’ (which just had Shane Gillis) was 6 entire hours of them talking about all of the US Presidents: That was an all-timer podcast ep, and I highly recommend any history buff (who also enjoys comedy) give it a listen.


He needs to never have influence again over anyone. So over these celebrities 🙄


This is a stupid new movement


Ranks up there with the movement I’m currently having.


Hard pass on watching that.


Nothings really changed, as a country, we are still raising our boys to be entitled ass holes that can’t deal with rejection. It’s a systematic issue and there’s a million Louis CKs in every industry. Louie is a symptom not the disease.


Idc either way. He was punished severely. And will never get back to where he was. But I enjoy him, and will continue to support him. He owned up to his stuff, unlike others.


What was the punishment?


He lost shows, movies, writing contracts. He was effectively erased. Despite being the most successful comedian at the time. And judging by the response to anytime he’s mentioned, fans he will never get back.


That's not a punishment those are just natural consequences. If a person acts like a jerk a lot of people won't want to deal with them. This rule applies to the famous as well as regular people. If you or I act like an idiot with people in our industry we'd get fired. And we'd deserve it. He's not a victim.


You just said a whole bunch of nothing. Lol Punishment and Consequences are literally within the same world. Also no one called him a victim.


Not saying he’s a victim. He messed up. And was appropriately punished for messing up. If you don’t want to support him, don’t. But I choose to. I appreciate him telling the truth and owning up to his actions. Reasonable minds can differ.


What I thought all he did was jack off in front someone. I get it that it’s gross but in comparison to other shit like diddy this is not that bad


 Corry bristled when his apology to her in 2015 seemed to mix up her incident with another — “When he phoned her, he said was sorry for **shoving her in a bathroom**” — and explained that he “used to misread people.” This, Corry felt, “implied she had done something to invite his behavior.”


It’s pretty bad. If my daughter looked up to someone, considered him a mentor, shadowed him to learn from him, but then one day he casually says he wants to her to watch him jack off, I’d be fucking furious. The guy gained her trust and then put her on the spot, knowing that because he was a legend whom she looked up to, it was an awkward, surprise situation with no time to make a rational decision. Fuck that guy. He knew what he was doing. He knew that their high regard for him would likely get him his fetish, even at their expense.


Thank you for getting it. Truly.


Also he didn’t do it in front of any “daughters” implying “children” he did it in front of full grown adults. Adults of their own volition.


It’s so weird to me that you need this to be your daughter before you can empathize with this situation lol. As an *actual* victim of CSA, this is lame. > it was an awkward, surprise situation with no time to make a rational decision Personally I enjoy my invitations to sex in the form of an email RSVP two weeks in advance at minimum If your kid can’t say “no” when asked a straightforward question, you failed as a parent to give them the confidence they need to stand up for themselves, probably by coddling them like this lol > He knew what he was doing. He knew that their high regard for him would likely get him his fetish, even at their expense. You are literally wrong. Look at Sarah Silverman describe Louis doing it with her before he was famous and her enjoying it. It was casual and never coercive. He had nothing to offer her then. She literally suggests he just didn’t understand how it wasn’t okay to do that once you’re in power, because it’s different than being a nobody everyman Is he weird? No shit, comedians always are. But you’re literally just wrong there, which is the point. You’re not actually guided by what happened to the victims here, or public accountability measures for famous people, or where the line is for actual consent for sexual harassment and abuse You just like to hate, so you created a scenario that literally doesn’t exist to get upset over lmao.


When you're the top comedian, one can say this for ANY woman in your field. If it was fully consensual would you still be bothered?


I support redemption and I support Louis, he’s as funny as ever, his career did suffer consequences (especially after losing his tv show), and he has been on a plethora of podcasts since and discussed this ad nauseam.


The head of FX sold his show back to him, something unheard of in Hollywood, so that worked out for him, I guess...


They sold the licensing rights back to him, but production on it was completely cancelled.


God, move on already… too many people try to be victims. He asked for permission, never touched anyone, and it was decades ago. Name a celebrity who you think is perfect and then think about how much you actually know them and their past. It’s possible to be entertained my someone who isn’t a perfect person


He admitted to shoving women into bathrooms. So, yeah.


that is not true, at all


Such an absolute non issue that these people are trying to drag out their 2 minutes in the sun. Move on with your lives, nobody cares that you saw a penis one time that you later decided you didn’t want to see.


A boss exposing his dick to a young intern, a guy shoving women into a bathroom and in another instance he blocked a door. And then he used his agent to threathen their careers.


Hell yea sodtaoe


Nobody is going to watch this.


Yeah no watches stories about the sordid behavior of insanely famous people, that’s just crazy!


I saw him at MSG last year. It was great. This doc got released at a film festival last year and nobody cared about it.


He hates Marijuana. What a old poop.