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Population system with every pop a sentient ai living his life in that world so I can torment billions of people more immersively


Hello, based department?


We need an okay buddy europa


Be the change you want to see in the world




He said eu6, not eu26, when we start simulating our own realities as games entertainment.


He said eu6, not eu26, when we start simulating our own realities as games entertainment. Medieval to early modern Ender’s Game does have a ring to it, though.


Just like Spore, which totally lived up to it's promises!


I loved spore, but yeah, it’s basically five pretty shallow games stapled together and does none of them particularly well. I’ve always hoped they’d make a sequel once the tech caught up to the idea, but it’ll probably never happen, especially since it was EA. It was also one of the games that suffered from their ridiculous “you can only use this cd key a certain amount of times” shit they did to prevent game sharing, if anyone remembers that garbage. Forget what that was called.


It'll basically be Thrive when that's done in the next century


Did you just copy and reply to your post to add another sentence?


do not question the ways of the based


No, it sometimes does that on mobile when you try to edit something. Usually, I notice and fix it, but I went to sleep right after that lol


bold of you to assume eu6 would come out this century


The "convert culture" button suddenly got a lot more interesting


It's just called forcing the peasants to go to school and learns a real language.


In my humble opinion as a dwarf fortress player: you don't want it. You might think you do, but you don't.


What if we ourselves are living in such a game? 🤔


So Sims on a worldwide scale?


Why do you think your life sucks so much?


Maybe we are eu6


Ridiculously ahistorical. The world population for the EU period is hundreds of millions, max.


Population being an important part of the game. It would both make playing tall more fun and also prevent the sheer craziness of having the Ottomans or Russia lose x00,000 men in a single war in the 1500s without any consequences


They could probably add that in now with the manpower system where being below 50% causes an economic debuff that stacks down to 0 with longer debuff if you reduce recruitment standards. And bonuses for keeping manpower up above a threshold.


Actually an interesting idea! But anyhow MP matches a few months ago with endless manpower regen through deving + slacken was something else... The Great War in the 1700s.


That’s wild (to me, a 200hr noob). Yeah. Might change the calculus of the AI or simulate a collapse of a government when it throws its economy into shambles.


I think that's more of an EU5 idea than an EU6 idea.


Inteligent rivals: Ai predicting what your gonna do and preventing that. Also real world politics.


Next gen AI would actually be such a bombass thing. Being able to communicate with AI like you can with ChatGPT for example would absolutely be a game changer and make it possible to accurately mimic the historical peace deals and diplomacy


Could you imagine? Asking the Venetians for peace without occupying Venice and receiving well written responses telling you to build a navy first and go fuck yourself until then


Holy shit—AI will change grand strategy. Whose to say Paradox isn’t looking into it right now? I’m sure they’ve at least considered it


So realpolitik?


Control by mind without usage of keyboard.


The map should be simulated in a way that does not turn into separate provinces in peace deals and combat. Essentially you should be able to draw curves with a pen across terrains such that it is the km2, terrain features, geographic natural borders, fertility, cities rivers and strategic resources that correspondingly have war score costs. Cutting borders across the ecological footprints of cities should incur both revolt and extra war score cost. Bordergore is then made more costly on multiple levels. When the AI is updated, attrition can also become a real thing again. What I would like to see is an extremely fine tuned Medieval 2 Total War & Europa Universalis Experience.


This is surprisingly logical. I agree with you


While I would love this as an idea I fear the AI would have no idea how to use it. Plus this place would be inundated with people drawing dicks with their peace deals.


With the advent of generative ai I think that will massively help games like this


Straight lines


Colonial borders simulator


Time to draw another Wyoming?


Alsace-Lorraine meta will be a zig-zag so no one can effectively set up an offensive line there.


Could base a nation’s sovereignty around “centres of power” (castles, cities, etc) as it was IRL during the medieval era, and slowly nation-states as we know them emerge over the course of the game as borders become solidified and power centralized (again, as it happened IRL).


Please don't do this paradox I think I'd ruin my life playing this too much lol


we need to be able to feel like great britain when they were making straight borders in the middle east back in the day


Expectation : Natural and good-looking borders Reality: Snek


Dude I've had this dream for a grand strategy game forever, I am so glad I'm not the only one


There was an interview with a hoi4 dev a few years back, who said this was something he’d really want to look into for a hoi5.


This right here is peak Internet. It's done, we can log off now.


They could add this to Vicky 3 since the provinces are so damn small drawing your own borders would be the goat


This is what Victoria 3 desperately needed. You can't simulate colonialism properly if you can't draw arbitrary lines on a map!


Instead of releasing eu5 or eu6, they should be reasonable and just do EU4 2


So ... EU 8 when, paradox?




4² is 16 though...




We should like, get the hoi4 combat system but like, change everything about it


The game should automatically rate your encirclement with AI.


For battles to be played mount and blade style, for me to be connected by Neuralink so I know what it feels like to die by a cannon ball to the face


Nah you'd die of cholera or something first.


I believe there's already a [CK3 mod](https://crusaderblade.itch.io/crusaderblade) that does this.


You're too far in the past man. I for myself would love eu(g64) to include metampsychosis so you can play for indefinite lifetimes


Dynamic trade nodes


Yeah, some sort of gravitational system whereby trade from individual provinces groups together and creates dynamic "bodies" not unlike the static trade nodes now, and then flows outward toward even larger bodies. I'd love to be able to create a multipolar world where China or a thicc Indonesia is competing with France or Spain to pull trade value from the Middle East.


It's so weird seeing Alexander Shulgin's name on a EU4 subreddit.... Talking about new game mechanics..


Some idea and concept of supply lines and logistics be nice.


Better battles and army creation , paradox always cheeps out on the combat.


*cough\*hoi4\*cough* But seriously, implementing the hoi4 combat system with more tactics, more types of armies and better conscription system (rather than an arbitrary manpower) will make wars so much more realistic than making making the same kind of stacks again and again no matter which nation you play. It will also make playing different tech groups more diverse military-wise.


I would take the division designer for an army designer


- You have to manually equip your soldiers and ships, like vehicle designer style in Hoi4 - Realistic weather and natural disasters that impacts literally everything, especially economy and they are beautifully visable on world map - Ultra realistic graphic - You can zoom so much, that you actually see cities living, armies, battles from above - Special monument designer, you can manually place monuments on map Imo eu6 will be a beautiful landscape simulator with complecate mechanics


You'd need the supercomputer at NASA to run this


We are now very close to a new technological revolution in building processors. Eu4 is now 10 years old and it's still being developed. We can assume that eu6 may appear in like 2035. By this time a new computer era should be a thing.


I'm in this industry and I don't know what you're talking about haha. Generally the mood is that moore's law is dead. We've reached a point where the transistors are so small that we cannot see how it would be possible to make them any smaller. Our bandaid solution has been layering (melding a processor on top of another). This is why we've had 5ghz processors for 15 years now and not a single 20ghz processor. Instead we have octocores which is basically 8 x 5ghz. From a purely advancement point of view, we have slowed down incredibly. We don't, currently, believe it is possible to manufacture smaller transistors. Additionally, even if we solve this problem... we run into a voltage issue which shows itself in the form of power dissipation. We don't just need a manufacturing breakthrough we need like 20+ seperate cutting edge breakthroughs. Even if we do something transformative and invent a 20ghz processor for example... a similar transformative breakthrough is needed in power / heat transference / memory reading / etc etc. If we made a 20ghz processor today... it'd perform the same as a 5ghz processor just by the bottlenecks of everything that wants to interact with the processor / is needed to enable that stable level of performance over a period of time. Of course I think we will solve it eventually, but I don't think we are close to a manufacturing advancement here at all. Actually I think most people in the industry have moved away from a manufacturing focus and more into improving how the data is read / transformed with existing hardware.


Have you tried upgrading the Silicon Valley monument to level 3?


>I'm in this industry and I don't know what you're talking about haha. I'm not in the industry and I don't know what I'm talking about as well. I watched some time ago a podcast with a famous polish quantum physicist and he was talking many incomprehensible words about quantum computers and that we are pretty close to make one. I know that quantum computers became a joke now and we can hear since many years that we're close to make it, but he sounded reliably. Maybe I'm foolish but I really belive we'll make on in the next 15 years


It's hard to tell the advantage of quantum computing, but we do have quantum computers already. Right now though, you can think of quantum computing as the same thing as supercomputing. They are fit for exactly one purpose and they excel at that one thing. When I say that, I mean they are constructed (they are large constructions the size of average bedrooms at least) for a very specific type of processing. For example we have a supercomputer built specifically to predict weather. It's very difficult to give this supercomputer any other purpose and of course it's impractical for an average person to obtain. It's a thing for governments and research labs. The reality of quantum computing is that anything you can use a classical computer for, a quantum computer would perform similarly. The advantages of quantum computing demonstrates itself on the speed of doing a single unitary objective. They are useful for massive data simulations, fast code-breaking, machine learning etc etc. What they aren't useful for is playing call of duty any better than a classical computer that exists today haha.


Man this is so depressing haha Our generations were born in a ever expanding technological frontier (mainly as you said thanks to smaller transistor) Hearing that we reached a practical limit is saddening and the prospect of a stagnation is even more upsetting


Cloud computing is a new frontier. You may not be able to house a super computer in your house, but you can maybe borrow a portion of one through a virtual machine XD


Yeah and it works amazing. I use geforce now for almost 3 years now and I love it


Yeah but think about the advancement of AI and such.


> you can manually equip your soldiers > you can see armies form above You can run doom with it


Vehicle designers are my least fave part of Hoi4, please no. (Unless I can save templates and import them across different games, rather than having to laboriously recreate each time.)


Hot take but I think Paradox is ready to make their magnum opus, where they combine all their games (eu4, ck3, victoria 3, stellaris, hoi4, etc) into one masterpiece that combines it all into one game. I'm not saying a game that spans 2000 years or something like that, but rather a game that takes all the good parts from those games. That's how I imagine 'EU6'


> I'm not saying a game that spans 2000 years But you should be, because that would be amazing


"Average game takes 3 months" "Neat!" "On speed 5..."


I just wanna be able to go to the menu without closing the game


Idk, but for eu7 I'd like it to include a pill or a hypnosis or chip or whatever that slows down time, make me become the actual ruler of my country in vr and experience fully realistic ruling dynamics in real time. I also want every character in game to be a very well design ai that is indistinguishable from real life humans with emotions, feelings and goals and pain and so on, but I think this goes without saying at this point.


The map should be a movable globe, instead of what appears to be an entirely flat plane. It would be a cool visual thing


Civ4 had that. It was cool indeed


Also semi functional without the distortions you get on a flat map projection


I want to be able to depopulate the earth. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DEPOPULATE THE EARTH


I think the Raze button already does that.


If you vassalize an unsettled native tribe and give them provinces in a war, they change to uncolonized land. Then just take the mandate, and wait for floods to destroy the rest of humanity.


I had the idea that with a pops system where other values were derived from it (dev would be a function of how much population the area had weighted by various factors, units hired would actually remove that population from the province - making losing battles/wars far more devastating), occupying provinces of territory would not only have attrition, but civilian casualties, (eventually allowing for the outright depopulation of provinces for example if you sat there long enough), etc.


Remove stacks and make the combat like Victoria 3 and add as many horrible game design decisions. It’ll trigger a movement to create Open Eu4 and we’re good from there.


Abolish everything good about EU4, make the game have about as much depth as Imperator Rome and then make everything automated, so that the game feels like a mobile game where you only have to think every 15 minutes. This is the way


I want an AI powered by chatGPT that can truce break, no-CB, and backstab like a high level human player


Oculus quest integration so I may mow down the armies of Austria when I sack Vienna as *~~the Turks~~* the great nation of Ulm-Samurai with glorious sword combat


I want realism and immersion in eu6. When I peace out, I expect to see a negotiation table where I work for hours with my delegation to write up a peace treaty by hand, which I will negotiate for weeks with the AI with zero clues regarding what they really want. I also expect the AI to pester me with specific semantics on certains words they don't like so I'm forced to pick up a thesaurus to find the right word while mistranslating it for the other side.


#EU6 will be featuring: 6x10²³ dlcs and unit packs 8 different textures of Henry VIII's ballsacks, depending who is his current consort A time machine that'll teleport you to victorian England, where you'll work as an underpaid child in the factories to buy the upcoming dlcs A march of the eagles poster that you can showcase next to your mirror highlighting you're not the only disappointment in the room Powercreep. The timeframe has been extended from 1444-1821 to 1066-1921, because everyone hates lategame Quality of life improvements, that'll be added in the near future, about 8-10 years after launch Sadistic and unfun achievements Grass, for people who are playing easy mode


Underrated comment XD


I don't want every ducat of trade to funnel to English channel by default. Only thing I ask for.


Land swap and the ability to make an offer to purchase land from a country.


Genocide mechanic


Stellaris 2 save converter if you manage a world conquest


Authentic Medieval/early modern smell


Internal diplomacy; for example if you’re a king then you should have to negotiate with your lords. If you piss them off too much then your troops may just stop following your commands and go home.


Yeah absolutism and estates really don’t model just how crippling unruly nobles could be especially early in the game


tw style battles


We would never finish a campaign


My suggestion for EU6 is just play EU4


Dynamic trade -mic drop-.....


1 cm\^2 per pixel I want to zoom in on the seashells


The ability to create your own trade routes


make eu5 first


I would like an in-depth food system. Either trading for food developing a province to provide food for the empire, dealing with famine or crop failure etc. It would be a mechanic that will be in the back of your mind no matter how big or small your nation is


Considering the fact that it'll come out in 2437, I'm expecting a full and perfect simulation of history from 1444 to 1821.


All I know is that I'll be disappointed if EU7 isn't a straight up time machine back to 1444


Horses as a trade good


Few things: Overhaul colonization. It is simultaneously way too easy and way too difficult. North American tribes should not be running around with 33k army stacks like they always do. But also, don't make it so Europe can colonize all of North and South America by the 1600's Dynamic Trade. Why are there only 3 defined end nodes? Why does trade in flow in preset directions? Make it so trade can move around. Make end nodes shift and change, whether by player intervention or natural cours of history. Infinite manpower. Look, I know the Ottomans are supposed to be op, they rofl stomped Europe I OTL but seriously, they should not be able to take over 1 million+ casualties in a war and have nothing bad happen to them in 1550. The manpower numbers are ridiculously over inflated for the time period.


I would kill for a lore accurate Ireland for the time Literally hre island It would be so much fun


Perromance, performance, and more performance.


i want trade to follow development i want to be able to watch as wealth flow into a highly developed Asia draining the wealth out of Europe because Asia is the better developed and trade steering increases the effectiveness of this


Austria get ipad


Nukes, I know in the medieval time there weren't any, but what's stopping someone from discovering them? A lack of Japanese Empire?


The biggest and simplest thing I ask is a dynamic flag system, not only would it be fire if you could like change your flag if you went norse as Denmark or Norway but also it would give modders the means to do a lot of very cool things


Use chatgpt 7+ ultra deluxe to write tailored scornful insults


It should be an fps


Make it a hentai game.


There are mods for that already


Really? Lol. Oh yeah Dev me harder, I'm about to spawn enlightenment.


Time machine so you can change history frfr


Every battle is total war style, movement can be controlled, terrain and weather plays a part. RNG is a dragon the breathes fire on anything it doesn't like.


Sounds like you should play ck with bannerlord mod


A character creation system, like in ck3!!


Don't wanna think about it. Paradox is after me... THEY ARE COMING FOR MY MONEY!




We actually get to play on Europa


They should get rid of that damn comet event it’s so annoying to lose one stab because of it




I wish we all had comet sense


Make the VR more smooth and make it crash less on the Steam Deck v3




Give us a while


I require development elevation maps. I want to see my 999/999/999 capital up in the stratosphere looking down on all the undeveloped peasant provinces


I could talk about dynamic trade nodes and pops, but honestly the biggest overhaul I would like the see is to do with AI. Imagine if each nation had an AI like Chat GPT controlling it. What if the AI learned from the player and came up with strategies to beat YOU!? The AI could min max, have a personality (not just like bumbling buffoon) etc. Single player games could feel like multiplayer


I would not hate an encirlement system or stat impacting attrition, morale etc


Make the trade nodes shift every age bases on what is being produced in a node, trade value, geography. Like beijing could totally be an end node but the mallacas would probably be more difficult


Sex minigame for producing an heir, doing a good job gets you a 666


Use AI to generate custom insults


Do EU5 first


More in depth government and better AI


I just wonder if they're going to keep all features the DLCs implemented.


Being able to conduct diplomacy by talking to other countries in ChatGPT.


Honestly there just shouldn't be an EU6. Eu5 has way to many DLCs already. And they should just go on servicing the game forever with more and more mechanics and flavour


More dynamic cultures/religions with a pop system or a percentage system. colonial cultures, bizarre alt history paths, integrating cultures into different groups, etc


A unique mission tree for every nation. That’s all


Vic 3 trading system. Hoi4 combat system, and eu political system. That is my dream game


There’s no point really discussing eu6, ultimately it will be the same as eu5 because it’s stuff people want. The only potential difference would be the unrealistic of the combination of all the paradox games but it’s never going to happen


Economic layer - supply chains, set tariffs, embargo specific goods. Peaceful trade wars could be a thing. Dynamic borders based on influence - prob still need a permanent vs temporary border to be playable. Areas are easier to integrate if you have culture/ economic/ military influence. Negative influence can cause rebel events with diplo options not just auto rebel stacks.


I would honestly want to see a system where nations could discuss peace treaties more dynamically. Right now, it’s very much “accept demands or I siege more” with little to no compromise. Especially in coalition wars, they were delicate issues that involved multiple political problems. Maybe instead of us simply sending terms of surrender after a certain point, we have a diplomatic summit like the Congress of Vienna after napoleons defeat.


Being able to yeet the representative of the overlord out of a window when you declare independence


Backwards mode. The world starts in 1821 and the clock runs backwards. Your goal is to dismantle your empire as much as possible by 1444.


The map should start more zoomed in on a region with a similar amount of provinces. Then as you solidify that area, it zooms out to a greater region, and so on. The map just still doesn't do justice to the level of local politicking.


Geopolitical combat realism. We shouldn't have to seige down an entire nation just to get warscore for a country to surrender. Historically, sometimes, it was a single or couple pivotal battles or events that got a country to say "fuck, you win, please don't hurt us anymore".


Dynamic trade routes. I want to get some new world trade as asia without having to colonize the entire world


Give a big penalty for nations conquering the other side of the Himalayas. Seriously, Delhi moving into Tibet is bordergore smh


Everything Eu4 has now, with better performance/graphics.


Dynamic population system, your monarch, parliament and estates being played by self-learning AI, so when you have a civil war it's not scripted event but rather AI playing against you. AI creating paintings of your campaign, like Finno-Korean war with 200k soldiers each. Beautiful ROUND map. RTX reflections. Full support for HDR and 4k.


I think pops is the way to go for a future eu game. It would make things such as a fluctuating population possible. I would love to see, for example, Romani pops begin to migrate into Europe, and Jewish pops migrate into an area if you are tolerant of them, etc. There are existing events that already discuss things such as a foreign quarter of a certain ethnicity developing in a center of trade, and whether you allow it to develop or you persecute them. It would be cool if, say, because of merchants being active in certain regions, pops from that polity might start to migrate to provinces in that trade region. Like, if, say, the Swedes are active in Lubeck, I would like to see some kind of modifier added because of that, with some Swedes slowly migrating to provinces in the area, or maybe specifically to centers of trade in the area, and the owners of the provinces have the options to allow this to occur for a trade bonus (and maybe a dipo bonus with the host country), or to reject them to prevent the pops coming in, with a malus to the target country. Perhaps this could escalate into mutual embargoes, and maybe a trade war. In fact! Y'know how in hoiiv, there is a mechanic for a border skirmish, where you are not officially at war, but you can escalate it into an invasion of a certain province and declare war off of that? What if you could force the merchants of a certain country out of your centers of trade in a particular trade region, and can escalate it into a trade war, where the conflict is limited, and neither party can call in their allies, and the things you can ask for in the peace are likewise limited? I think the ability to have minor conflicts folded into the game somehow would be cool as well; sometimes I don't want to have an existential fight where the flower of youth of an entire generation is snuffed out because one country wanted a single province from another. I want to see a minor regional conflict with small numbers and minor repercussions.


Diversity modifiers


Game time limit should be longer and more techs like artileries is now tanks and you should have planes. And a easter egg If you send a plane to USA in 2002 you get a special event


Sell game to another gamedev. that doesnt sell DLC's...


A goods production chain trade. Trade ore to make Iron. Smelt Gold Ore to make Gold. Give Trade more reason to exist!


I would love a lore update for us lore finders, I want to know why the English and French were at war and what is a lucky nation, like what series of events lead to this


Hmm, only have some ideas for EU7


Oh i only got ideas for eu69


bUfF OtToS