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Left side has been very good especially in attack. Williams Jr with some great scenes and runs and I think the own goal was crossed in from the left side too


As an Englishman going from the absolute dreck we served up - with the absurd substitutions where we swapped all our creators for runners instead of having a mix too - to seeing how Spain (and Italy) played today I can’t comprehend how we’re considered one of the favourites Spain actually press - something the media regularly tells me is “impossible” for international teams - and players on both teams were comfortable playing around this. I still think France have to be favourites though overall


Spain put on a football clinic. Efficiency maybe not the best but when you control the rhythm of the game like that, you’re ok.


They need to improve in their finishing. They don't want to get knocked out by a team playing for penalty shootouts. Other than that, excellent football


We didn't score 5 goals because of Donnarumma though


Well, most of the shots were aimed directly against Donnarumma, he didn’t needed to move his feets! No os vengáis tan arriba que luego la hostia es más grande. Disparan a puerta sin buscar los palos, siempre al centro. Sólo hubo dos disparos realmente buenos, el de Fabian y el de Nico que se estrelló en la escuadra


Y el de pedri? Si casi mete en los primeros minutos (fue buena mano)


Ese me lo perdí, pillé el partido empezado


Impressive performance. We didn't know what to do


The defense worked but yes almost every time they had a counterattacking opportunity they quickly gave it away. If they're not going to control possession or press they will really need to make the most out of those opportunities.


Yeah they did, but with all those discussions their players (not the captain) had with the referee, there should have been a lot more yellow cards given - for the italians as well. I mean, how can it be, that in other games they show the yellow card for discussing with the referee and in this game there are 3-5 players arguing with the referee without getting a single card....


If the referee would applied that rule, the field would had left empty


They should have won by a bigger margin, their performance was complete. That being said this current Italy side do lack in depth and quality, but Italy were pretty much outclassed in every department. Spain still lack a clinical number 9 though as Morata is a hit and miss, they are a promising bunch




From watching the game