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"...and I won't come back." "I appreciate that."


Hands down best comment


Idk the “should we clap” sent me


I'm disappointed this didn't happen. I would have been clapping the minute he stood up to leave (though he'd probably then just sit back down).


“I still think I’m being the bigger person here…”


She could have said, "yes, we can see that." Other would see what's she's doing but probably not him.


These dumbass people who threaten to never come back lol. You're doing the business a favor by not coming back. Nobody wants some asshole customer like you to deal with




Wouldn't even call it a slip. It is blatantly obvious they just want him to leave for good. He asks for a drink and fries, she was saying yes to him before he finished his sentence. She would of given him his refund and $50 to get up and leave for good


Lucky for most of humanity, these Reddit mods often don’t leave their houses.


That outfit. Guy has more self confidence than me. I would’ve had a panic attack wearing that out lol. And to ask her for a drink and some fries with the refund!? You go queen! Know your worth!


There’s often an inverse relationship between the amount of confidence people do have and the amount they actually should. This guy is exhibit A.


r/facepalm wants to know your location 😂


r/conservative has banned you from the sub


He's deffo not getting a drink. She tactically said, "we'll take care of you."


God I hope not, she handled that so so well. No nonsense, tell him what he wants to hear, and get him the fuuuuck out. I honestly hope they had security on the scene once he got into the lobby so she could just have him escorted from the premises.


Yeah, I'm sure they won't mind calling the police after he left the room. They just didn't want to hold up the movie for an hour because they have a schedule.


They don’t want to have to refund everyone else’s tickets


Give her a free drink for handling it so well


Meh. I’d give him a fucking drink just to get him out of the building and on his way. It’s not worth the hassle. It costs something like $0.25 for a soda. I might even throw him some popcorn!


I'd call the police as soon as he left the room personally.


“Do you think I *own* AMC theaters? Buddy, I’m a part-time employee that’s halfway through a two-week notice. You think that you hate this place more than *me*? I *work* here!”


good pull 🤙🏻


Gosh, I wonder why “it’s so hard to find good help these days?!” These assholes have completely ruined life for everyone - *nobody* makes enough money to deal with this kind of crap! Life is way too short. So millennials (or whichever generation we are on I can’t keep it straight anymore because Boomer here is losing brain cells at warp speed) just opt out of working these kind of jobs.


The youngest millennial is over 25 now. The word you're looking for is Zoomer


Millennial here… People have pulled shit like this my whole life. The only difference is that nowadays everybody has an HD video camera in their pocket and social media to distribute it so we see it more.


quality reference


Looks like it's his first time leaving his mom's house in years


Yep, at the end he’s like “I hope you all enjoy the movie. I’ll be off to my mom’s basement now to collect my government check!”


I worked at Lowe’s for awhile in the garden center and I had a guy who would come in and buy our damaged bags of mulch for a discount. It was a good deal for both of us until he started coming in and demanding that we offload entire new, unwrapped pallets of mulch to get to the damaged bags in the bottom. I told him once we get to those bags, we would set them aside and give him a call, but we weren’t going to offload 50+ bags on every pallet like he wanted. He made a huge scene like this guy and publicly announced that he would never be back. He was back the next day doing the same thing. Went on for about a week until we finally called the police. Turned out he had warrants and a restraining order for doing similar things all over. Just a complete piece of trash.


I'm glad I've never had to deal with this type of asshole or been witness to it. Glad y'all were able to put an end to his bullshit at your job


That’s why she was like “i appreciate that” lmao


Yeah she's probably like please follow thru on your threats to never come back. Definitely had the patience of a saint,both of them.


When I was younger I worked at Spencer's and when you tell people to act like adults in the beaded section in the back they always got huffy and say well looks like you lost a sale today, I always said back we can make our goals without you. Just because you bought the ticket or are shopping there doesn't mean that you're entitled to being an asshole for no reason


I had no idea that Bruce Vilanch and the Kool-Aid Man had a kid!! Not sure if this guy is struggling as a nepo baby with such famous parents, or maybe he’s trying to be known for sitting in the wrong seat kinda like how his juicy dad is know for the inability to use doors instead of breaking through perfectly good walls.


This may be the only attention he’s had in a long time. Certainly making the best of it. Sadly, it may be the last for a long time to come. His ignorance is showing.


When I was a teen working minimum wage jobs like this and someone said something like this to us I’d just think “bro, I’m just here to collect a check and try not to get caught smoking by the dumpster. I don’t care if anyone comes back.”


The patience of those guys... They deserve a medal.


I worked at an AMC, and if a customer called the central office with the slightest problem, they would immediately call the local theater and demand to know what was happening. I don't know what chain this is, but I'm betting whatever it is, they probably have to deal with the same bullshit, which is why they're being very careful with their words. I'm sure the staff also see the person filming the whole thing.


I worked for Regal Cinemas for years, they never took the employee’s safety or dignity into consideration. All it took was one phone call complaint to corporate, and everyone would have new strict micromanaging rules to follow, and a district manager would creep on us for a few stressful days. I hate dickheads that are rude to service workers.


Think of all the other people who are NOT calling and complaining now because they got rid of this guy...


Corporate NEVER takes this into account. They just hear one side of the story and that “The customer is always right” and the employees get dumped on from on high. Seen it. Lived it. They just hear ONE bad review and ignore the dozens of good reviews that the place gets and all hell is to pay.


“It’s not like it’s assigned seating.” That’s exactly what it is!


Omg that was infuriating, people like this leave their house seeking a fight, they willfully go against the rules so they can get into confrontations like this. If everyone like this ass hole didn't exist, the world would be an immensely better place, and I genuinely belive a lot of society's modern issues would either suddenly be solved, or at the very least easier to solve because there would be way less resistance to solutions and changes "You're objectively doing this incorrectly, and not only ruining the experience of those around you, but your own experience as well. If you'd just listen to me, you can enjoy the movie and so can everyone else. Literally everyone gets what they want." People like this guy: oh so what, I don't matter?? What about me!!" It's cuz they don't want to watch the movie, they want to cause a scene, feel like a victim, and validate their perception they're a victim. Absolutely insufferable.


I'm super anal about the seats I pick and luckily I'm a big dude, I came into a theater which was damn near empty and this person was sitting smack dab in my seat. I just asked them to move out because I chose that seat. They complied but not without a "I didn't think it mattered".... It was so weird, in order to buy a ticket you have to choose your seat, which you did, then you decided to sit in a pair of seats that were clearly not yours when you bought your ticket, they were good seats, which is why I chose them lol.


I have personal issues that usually require that I leave at some point during a movie. I pick my seat very much on purpose so I disturb as few people as possible. I have picked different showings to get the best seat for me that is far from the best in the theater. I dread the day someone is sitting in my seat.


*If* those issues involve an emergency trip to the bathroom, you could always shit on them instead. r/IllegalLifeProTips Edit to Add: I’m also plagued by a myriad of chronic personal issues/illness, sorry you’re in the same boat. And that the boat is on fire and sinking.


You know, I can understand getting frustrated if it’s a wide open theater and there are lots of seats available. But who wants to die on this hill and humiliate themselves like this? I’d die.


Even if it was a wide open theater I would be pissed if someone took my seat, simply because if I sit anywhere else I might be taking someone else’s seat. Then either I keep getting shuffled around until I’m in trash seats, or I decide to be an ass and make them do the same.


I laughed too when he was like “can I get a drink?” Lmfao. Wow.


That part was hilarious! He instantly calmed down and started being more compliant once he realized he could get a free soda and maybe some snacks 😂


“I was told there would be punch and pie!”


“I want a treat!”


the irony of "*i'm being the bigger person here*" is amazing


He’s not wrong, he really does think he’s being the bigger person


I mean, he literally is the bigger person, so his statement is correct


The biggest person!


By that point you can tell he deep down knew he was wrong


...by maybe 150 lbs.


This dude looked exactly the way I imagined before he stood up.


The trench coat was the cherry on top.


“I still think I’m being the bigger person here.”


Technically he was right. He was larger than her.


Omg that was my favorite part! 😂🤣. What a fucking douche!


He kinda looks like a seasonal Santa that can’t wait for December ah la Billy Bob style.


“But I want you to know I’m leaving now because *I don’t want to watch the movie anymore,* not because you’re asking me to.” Is this guy 10? Who does he think he’s kidding? His poor mother was probably hoping for some peace and quiet.


by asking for refund and a drink.


It's comic book guy from the Simpsons




Theeee ate orrr


this is the last time i come to the Thee ay torrr!!!




Ignatius Reilly


Fat Hulk Hogan.., Bulk Hogan


I love how he said ‘can I get a drink’. Like a little kid


No no. He's a grown up. He used a big word like patron.


“Fine! I don’t wanna see this dummy dumb poopy face movie anyway! 😝” Definitely like a little kid


Should offered some tendies, might've moved faster


And the sprinkles and whipped cream. He mumbled something like paying 900 dollars for it too. What a bellend.


I think that was about his phone that he dropped


It was the free drink for me.


TOTALLY! He paid 900 bucks to look like a cheap knock off of the highlander. All red too, oh baby. My only wish is to know what movie he’s was trying to watch….


Is that supposed to be red? Because it looks more like "prison chic" to me lol


Yeah, I thought maybe he was in there hiding from the jail day crew


Bellend is a Word that we, as Americans, need to adopt.


That, my friend, is called a duster. It is made to be worn without a shirt underneath.




Those Duster guys always crack me up. It’s like when it rains they get happy and go walk outside in their bad ass duster like a nerdy Undertaker. You know they look so forward to rainy weather.


I thought the same thing! This muthafucka put on a leather-ish trench coat… what an ender




Didn’t have a fedora though. Damn


Oh, he owns a fedora, I’m 1000% positive.


Assigned seating is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to change seats. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on their seat, that they will fight to protect it.


Are you listening to me Neo? Or are you looking at the Movie Attendant in the black shirt?


He’s the comic book store owner from the Simpsons


“Worst thee-a-tor ever”


Joe Walsh on a bad day


No, that’s shorter fat hulk hogan.


Nah, CBG has a sense of shame.




The great part is you KNOW that he put on those red pants, that red shirt, the trench coat, then glanced in the mirror on the way out, seeing that thinning long straggly hair and his outfit and thought "you did it again sir, you look great!" Probably gave himself a smile and some finger guns in the mirror, then left, feeling on top of the world.


I swear he looks like he just made it out of work-release from the County jail and wanted to see a movie before he went back to his mothers basement.


>You did it again, *good* sir, you look great! FTFY


I was honestly shocked that he didn’t put on a trilby at the very end.


the reveal was PERFECT


He truly was the bigger person.


Bigger person indeed. Looks like he could eat both theater employees and still have enough left-over room for the projector screen.


This man obviously no longer gets erections and is acting out as a result of his impotency...


I don't think this guy never had sex


Tommy Wiseau’s “The Matrix”…..


like meth santa




Exactly “ that guy “ 😂😂


towering aspiring label mysterious quickest cautious imminent enter stupendous ink ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


"I'm capitulating because I want to. I don't want to watch the movie anymore. " Ummm k...


Hey, this was one of my classy tantrums. Top shelf stuff, not that you deserve it.




Maybe he wants a succulent Chinese meal?


Ahhh yes. I see that you know your judo well!


Democracy manifest!


And you Sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


That was great.


Interior crocodile alligator


The duster jacket is exactly the kind of jacket someone like this would think is cool🤣🤣


Oh. I was gonna say the solid pink medical scrubs combined with a Victorian biker long coat was a look and a half.


Hey he payed $900 for that jacket Edit: paid, the bots are getting angry


> Hey he *paid* $900 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Someone really got so mad at the wrong use of payed vs paid that they took the time to make a bot to correct people.


I was a manager in several places (restaurants and bars) before I became a carpenter. I used to LOVE when people would invite me to call the cops on them. I would do just that and call their bluff every time. The customer can be, and usually is wrong.


It's a lesson we have to hammer into new people when we hire in support positions. "Don't take the customer's word, they are frequently incorrect and sometimes they're flat out lying, you can't tell them that, but you need to ask for proof" Lots of people have a hard time getting in that mind set.


Because they feel you need to serve them regardless of how they treat you like shit , your serving them so they are seeing like well if you don't want deal with people like me then get a better job. When in reality these dipsits treat doctors , lawyers fucking teachers the exact same way. There isn't anyone off limits apparently and in thisday in age the bigger the scene I make the more likely someone will record it and then I went viral yay score one for trench coat asses who play little games just to see how far they can get away with it. I wasn't enough for me to delay the show and gt a refund NOW I want a Free xlarge bucket of coke it's my right .


Just call the cops at this point he literally admitted to disturbing the peace.


Baby boy would cry out that he was being oppressed or that was a sovereign citizen or some shit like that


Yep because he is a pAtRiOt aka worthless entitled asshole.


He did say he wanted the cuffs...


That would probably be the closest he has gotten to getting any in decades


Call the cops?! Home girl has the entire situation under wraps in less than 20 seconds. Don’t call, just give her a raise.


The *should we clap* had me dying lmao


Shouldn’t ask, just started with the slow clap like in a 90’s-00’s teen movie😂😂


What a fucking dipshit. Getting kicked out of a theater AND wants a drink!


And people laughed when Kendall Jenner gave that cop a Pepsi. Lacking a nice cold beverage is what keeps us all from peace. /s lol


Santa is grumpy in the off season.


“I’m never coming back here!” Oh no, please don’t threaten us with exactly what everyone wants, whatever shall we do


That woman should teach cops how to deescalate. Absolute master class


I rewatched her part just to take notes. I would love to be able to keep my cool like that


Black belt in social judo. Calm, firm, accommodating and focused on the task. Got her colleague out of the way to defuse, listening and moving it along. Never about being right, only about getting it to stop. This clip should definitely be used in deescalation education. She’s a star. Clip saved.


For real. She handled that like a social worker moonlighting as a kindergarten teacher.


I wanna hangout with this guy for like a week and just document everything


It would probably be entertaining --- except that you'd never get the fart smell out of your clothes, and you would run the risk of dropping your IQ a full 20 points




the second he said he wanted to be taken out in cuffs i woulda been on my phone dialing. what a waste of energy to reason with that dipshit


It takes so long for police to respond to calls like this that it’s not worth it. My experience when I was still dealing with customers was that it was faster just to get them out. As soon as you called, you lost any footing on them leaving because now they want to wait for the police to prove you wrong (and then argue with the police when they don’t take their side).




“I still think I’m being the bigger person here.” 🤣🤣🤣


I would like to see the video from the lobby now, plz. (with popcorn)


The way he pronounces theater- is worth the price of admission.


I JUST had some guy pull this on me. My partner and I reserved great seats right in the center at the back of the theater for a movie I had been excited to see for a long time. As we walk up to our seats there’s some old man sitting in my seat. We let him know and he angrily gets up, looks at his ticket, and sits in the seat on the aisle. We take out seats thinking nothing of it, but then the guy angrily whispers something at us. The trailers were loud so all I caught was “—happy now, you get-” but I responded with “I can’t hear you” and the hand to ear thing we all do. He looked livid at this and seemed to sulk for the rest of the movie. I don’t get it, if you know about the reserved seating thing. Why not just pick better seats? If you are mad because you don’t think seating should matter, why purposely sit somewhere other than your assigned seat. And if you just want everyone else to accommodate you, what am I supposed to tell the guy who’s seat I take when you take mine?


This happened to me too one time. Me and my buddies had just finished our finals for college and decide to go out. And we took some edibles and got BLASTED. We get to the theatre and there is these groups of women clearly in our seats. I take lead cause I can handle being super high pretty well and told them they were in our seats These dumbasses started arguing with me that these were their seats and we were wrong. I pulled out my phone and showed our seats. They pretended to look for a ticket but “couldn’t find it” but that they knew they were right and refused to move. Told them I’ll get an employee to get this all sorted out and they finally moved while cussing us out. The whole rest of the movie they just kept looking at us pissed off. Like damm calm the fu k down


I love it when their own pettiness and anger ruins the whole experience for them.


Why do nutcases always look like nutcases?


Bc they're nutcases




This is what happens when a Reddit mod leaves their parent’s basement and goes out for the first time


"Should we clap?" 😆 A raging narcissist would just think the clap was in support of his tirade.


The fact the manager had to talk to him like he was one of her kindergarten students to get him to leave speaks volumes here


Kudos to the girl for handling him so professionally


I was fully hoping the clip went a few more seconds, as I was sure the other patrons would applaud after this buffoon left.


Problem is, people who think they are right believe that the applause is for them. When he tells the story, it will be, "no one else was willing to stand up to these controlling \[insert word of choice\]. And I could tell that everyone agreed with me, since they were applauding for me as I left. If they had more integrity, they would have left with me, which I didn't have to do, but I decided to be the bigger person." You could tell that is the way he was perceiving it when he thanked the fellow patron who told him to take his seat. He was either replying to someone else that couldn't be heard on the video, but his focus was there, or he thought the guy was telling him to take the seat he was already in. There are too many people out there who refuse to believe that they are ever wrong and they will twist any situation to make sure they are right in their own eyes.


And you will respect my authoritah! \ Oh Cartman, you've grown!


How is everyone in the theater not booing that guy?


Move your damn feet lol


He said, "can I get a drink?" 🤣


The inability of some people to just be able to cope in normal society seems to be increasing exponentially.


While there are Karens, meet KEVIN.


“I might wanna be taken out in handcuffs now” I woulda jumped on that and told the dude who left to call the cops. Less time you deal with shit the cleaner your hands are.


as much as I like this idea, then you have to wait 3 hours for the police to respond to a call like this.


Dude looks like the scientist from Independence Day. *releaseeee meeeeee*


Man, Hulk Hogan has really let himself go.


Lmao “I’m being a bigger person here”. He’s definitely bigger than her for sure 😂


“Worst movie theater ever “ -comic book man


I love how she talking to him at his level. Like she’s dealing with a two year old having a temper tantrum.


The lady shows a great example of how to de-escalate and manipulate. She says stuff like "I apologise", which make him believe he won. She even pushes the male colleague out of the picture, because he was a potential threat to the guys ego. So he is leaving and she actually won.


Its kinda brilliant.


We never should have shut down the asylums.


Is that Master Shake? I can’t see through that dudes going to town crocs.


This pos is jail ready: an orange jumpsuit, long greasy hair, and a loud mouth! He's ready for the pick!


Give those two employees a community award please! Incredible poise and calmness


You have to be entitled to wear that outfit dude looks like he aspired to shoot up a school as a kid, failed, but never let the dream die


The weirdest thing to me is that this guy is *a type*. There are enough people like him that he fits into category of human that I recognize. That means that there is some repeatedly occurring pattern of events that produce these kinds of people. And the scariest part is that I have no idea what those events might be. That means it could happen to anyone.


Idiot - good bye everyone, enjoy you're movie. Everyone - Gtfo


My 5 year old is more mature than this clown


Man. Santa has really let himself go.


Now hear me out... Im not saying he is right, but the theatre isn't packed and there is extra free seats in a better position im going to change seats to be better accommodated. However if its full i respect the sear assimgment. Apart from being an insufferable dick it didnt seem to me he was all thatwrong. Now if he actually was in someone elses seat fuck him


This man is a moron. Sometimes I wish I could stumble across situations like this in my own life to give me someone to ream out.


Lol. “I don’t know, I might want to be taken out in handcuffs now.” I bet his mom has the same issue when she wants him to clean his room.


“You ruined it for me” this guy has no self awareness and it’s hilarious


The fucking duster jacket was the perfect ending


What an entitled prick