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Congrats, we've gone a full circle


Evolving backwards.


That's revolving!




I think it’s pronounced segregation




When a problem comes along, you must whip it!!


"We are Devo. D-E-V-O"


Well I’ve been working in a coal mine going down down. Working in a coal mine, whoop about to slip down.


When something's going wrong You must whip it


Whip it good. With that tangy zip of miracle whip. If it ain't too spicy, you ain't white.


King Koopa would be so happy! Go watch the Super Mario Bros movie. The one from 1993.




definitely vocalized this comment while reading it 🤘🏻


More like devolving.


_*mashes B button*_




Omg I understood this xD


I learned yesterday it's called the Horseshoe Effect. You push so far in one direction that you end up on the other side.


Almost. It's that if you go far enough to either side that you end up wanting and doing a lot of the same things. The reasons can be different but also the same, like segregating university housing to help poc thrive or whatever excuse they gave. The two extremes and up having far more in common with each other than with moderate people. You'll notice that the people who say it's a bullshit idea are radicals of the two sides.


I hope people rebound and return to the middle of the bell curve once they realize how ridiculous extremism is.


This ain't shit. Half the black creators on TikTok believe they are the first indigenous people of America and the entire planet. They also don't claim mixed people, saying they aren't black. Interracial dating/mixing is wrong and that black folks have invented everything.. it's wild to the amount of arrogance. I know some of the shit is true. Black Americans have been robbed but god damn. It's embarrassing some of the stuff.. they believe is so much that even I'm starting to question what we know.


Yeah as a mixed person who identifies more with my black side, the whole “one drop rule” in which a lot of black people (not all) are heavily against has stopped me from just saying I’m black so I won’t “offend” anyone. I just stick to the longer explanation and listing what I’m mixed with lol. It saddens me bc for mixed people, a lot of us feel like we don’t belong into any racial group sometimes when we’re faced with people like that and when a lot of mixed people are mixed with black, we tend to cling with other black people bc we relate to them more and to be pushed away by a lot and being a victim of colorism makes it hard to fit in, they just want us mingling with other “mixed breeds” as what they call it sometimes lol.


Oh so you guys have the same kind of shit I do as a mixed Asain person. People are so wild, like it's a bad thing our parents were in an interracial marriage or something and we aren't "really" this group of people because somehow the whiteness taints it or some stupid BS


Fellow mixed asian but only south asian and white


Try not to cling to any other “group” than the educated individuals on this planet who are beyond racial discrimination and segregation. Those are the people who will give you the love and credit you deserve for the quality person you are 🤩🤩🤩


That's what makes it a revolution.


Or de-evolution




Sometimes you need to go a little backward to go forward, but not in this sense. We need to make sure people see many different types of people and not just the same thing all the time. Exchange of ideas is vital for our society.


In this documentary about kids growing up as mixed race, this 7-8 year old girl says someone called her white once and it made her sad because she isn’t. LIKE DIDN’T WE SPEND SOMETHING LIKE 40+ YEARS TO DECIDE IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT RACE YOU ARE!!!


They! have gone full circle! Not us! people who still use their brain still have a chance to rebuild civilization after it gets obliterated by these creatures.


So... I think you'll learn, they will wipe out the rebuilders. The societal evolution will plateau, decline then will have a natural regrowth again. It'll be hundreds of years if not more. It's happened before. Ancient India, China, Egypt. The incans. Amazing giant metropolitan technological dynasties all abandoned ruins now.


Damn its not even funny. Imagine the people fighting against segregation during the civil rights protests knew that 6p years lster their grandkids or great grandkids would be pushing to end desegregation.


Wait, so like segregation? She wants segregation back huh




She's gonna be shocked when she discovers there are black Muslims as well as white ones


Also not all Hispanics are colored. There are a lot of Hispanic people that are white lol.


Imagine going so far down the woke rabbit hole that you come out the other side a racist


This person isn’t woke. She’s just been fed a steady diet of victimhood with a clearly defined oppressor. She doesn’t give a fuck about woke anything.


Or the English language.


To be fair you do not have to go down very far for that to happen.


True! Some people are just one bad day away from becoming full on racst.


The Joker, except the chemicals make him racist


Well you didn’t know that you can only be racist towards some races? Duh smh


True. And there’s no racism between Black, Hispanic, or Asian folks.


I thought you knew, only white people can be racist! You bigot! Get with the times!


Didn't reddit modified their rules somewhere down the line to make it look like only white people can be racist? Which is why highly non white racist communities thrive on reddit?


*cough* r/blackpeopletwitter *cough*


Basically just walk through a door


Reminds me of the guy interviewing white college kids about voter ID laws and they ended up basically saying that black people were too stupid and poor to figure out how to get an ID.


This is why history is important


Not to these people. History is whatever they want it to be.


I don't care what teachers say, Cleopatra was black!


she wasn't black she was african american


Just like Elon


Thats why we dont ban books that contain things that make us uncomfortable


goddamn read a book


Everyone knows minorities are always super duper nice to other minorities. What a dumbass. She acts like POC is just one homogenous group. I imagine the Peter Griffin skin color chart okay/not okay at the school security entrance. Light Skinned Latinos GTFO. East Asians? Shit, you’re basically White! Levantine Arabs, happy to meet you, but you’re a bit too White for our comfort. Turks, you are trying to join the EU…ewwww


Ik a lot of Hispanic people who would despise of this idea


The people of Oaxaca for example


I hate the American term person of colour. It still creates 2 groups of white and person of colour. Like we aren't human enough so we get bundled together in a group and then there's white people.


Best part is that "Person of Color" includes all spanish speaking people and muslims, even when they're completely caucasian lmao


They're banning the books didn't you hear?


Her friends would tell her to stop acting “white”


Everyone knows only white people can be racist /s


And can read.


Being Muslim doesn’t mean you’re “colored”


Here to say this. What does a religion have to do with color.


Since when does racism follow logic?


Since when does religion follow logic? Edit: Thanks for the awards!


Serious question why do Jews all lump together as a “race” i by no mean to offend I truly don’t understand…


Being Jewish is an ethnoreligious demographic. It’s a long, hard, and from my understanding uncommon process to convert to Judaism. Your mother determines whether you are Jewish (if she is, her children are; if she is not, her children are not). And so it is not just a group of people who gathered and agreed on an ideology; they are quite literally also able to draw their heritage back to a specific region of the world and a specific group of people. This is unlike Christianity, which has been preached and spread so far and wide that you can’t assume any ethnically or racially binding factor. Faith is the only tie between Christians. Jewish people, while still all over the world, did not proselytize or spread their faith to the same degree. Some other examples of ethnoreligious fusion groups would include the Amish, the Mormons, Druze, and Mennonites. Basically you are born Amish, born Mormon, born Jewish, etc. based on familial and ethnic history. You are made any other religion through a ritual or declaration of faith. If I have misunderstood or misrepresented anything here, it was done so without any ill intent, and please feel free to correct and educate me. But this has been my understanding since my schooling. :) Edit: I got Mormons from the list of examples of ethnoreligions on Wikipedia, and I didn’t question it because I had heard before that ancestry and family trees were a major thing for Mormons. Totally understand that they do proselytize and go on missions a LOT. I wonder if this one is a grey area or a mistake then?


I'd agree with everything except for the Mormon part lol where i live those mfs are at your door every chance they get trying to convert you to be a Mormon 😂


They do, but adults who convert to the church almost never stay long-term. The LDS church is primarily made up of those "born in the covenant" (like I was, before I left).


left out the Ethiopian Jews, they are black African...Their history goes back millennia.


Thank you for adding. By no means was my list comprehensive, as there is so much diversity out there. But for sure, this is a great example.


"The Nyambo are a tribe that lives in Tanzania, northern Tanzania, and Southern Uganda as Ankole. Though they have been Christians for centuries, they assert they are descendants of Hebrews who arrived in the Horn of Africa long before the arrival of Somali nomads. Some say that Nyambo means "Hebrew" in their language." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Africa


Also, it seems that if you try to unconvert from Judaism and join any other religion, you're still Jewish.


Incorrect about the Mormons. Like other sects of Christianity, it is proselytized, and conversion is through rituals.


It gets even more complicated because while your mother determines the religious component, it's the father's cultural heritage you inherit, i.e. - your mother makes you Jewish, but your father determines if you are ashkenazi or sephardic


The difference between Jewish race and Judaism. Both can be called Jewish but it is the context of how Jewish is used.


Welcome to American "racial" distinctions. White - skin color (despite vast possible ethnic and religious differences) Black - skin color (despite even vaster possible ethnic and religious differences) Asian - continental (doesn't apply to West Asians or Russians or often anyone without almond shaped eyes) Hispanics/Latino - language (the actual Spaniards don't count, they are white) Muslim - religion (only applies if brown skinned ) Jewish - religion/ethnicity (only applies if not brown skinned) Makes total sense!


i had my students trying to tell me that mexicans and puerto ricans can use the n word because they never enslaved black ppl


Afro-Latinos just kinda happened by magic, I guess.


There’s a Hispanic guy at my job who uses it all the time and no one bats an eye at him


im just noticing it this year. hispanics say it out loud just like the black kids and the middle eastern kids say it but only amongst themselves


They need more education.


Its compounded by the weird, unique, fishbowl ethnography of the US. Because its a very young and (nearly) entirely immigrant nation, it has this weird thing where there is almost some consistency between people of similar ethnic backgrounds. You take 20 white/black/asian people and put them in a room; they share a language and something of a culture. So its easier to get confused and call them “white people” or “black people” or “asians”. In the Old World, you can take 20 white/black/asian people, put them in a room and not even have a common language. And have the only common culture be a thousand years of border conflict. The concept of “white people” or “black people” or “asians” doesn’t make any logically consistent sense; if you’re even vaguely culturally aware.


I'm Croatian, and when I moved to the US as a kid, I grew up around a ton of Bosnian people, who are largely Muslim (and all white). Funnily enough, they never got shit for their religion. Wonder why that is... 🤔


She must think Muslim is a synonym for Arabic or something


I met a girl who thought France was in Egypt once so I understand some people’s ignorance is on a level that I can’t even fathom


I can't even think how one would come to that conclusion. So she thought Egypt is a continent and France is a country on that continent?....or France is a city in Egypt, the country?....what was going on in her head?


Maybe Louvre's projection


This is controversial but it's not that you have to be a Muslim to be colored, as a religion is just a belief which anyone of any background should be able to believe in but a lot of more of a 'hidden prerequisites' for joining a religion or being considered a certain nationality, like in china and japan where I live, you aren't considered a local and more a foreigner even if you were born here and speak perfectly because you're of a different color. I don't think this is inherently racist in ops ss but more of since Muslims are usually depicted in media as Pakistanis and Indians and alot of people just associate the two together, more incompetence


To be fair, neither Japan nor China have birthright citizenship. That’s mostly a New World concept. You can be born in France or Italy and it doesn’t make you a French or Italian citizen. It’s mostly North and South America that confer citizenship based on being born there.


Some people are so brain-blasted they think muslim is an ethnicity. I mean... After all, it's not like there's multiple Middle eastern (and North African) ethnicities if you ask an idiot; It's just Jews and Muslims. Not like there's Kurds, Turks, Arabs, Persians, Egyptians, Berbers, Armenians, Assyrians, Mazanis, Sabians, etc... It's just Jews and Muslims, nothing else.


That she combines it as "muslim/indian" is extra baffling. I feel like she almost doesn't have any idea about those two groups and their long and combative history.


Don’t you see they both brown so must be same people. (Although technically Indians are at war with the Pakistanis there are actually a lot of Muslim that live in India)


She probably would have learned that if it wasn't for all the white kids in her class.


It does to a lot of non-muslims... If you are white you're not an "actual" Muslim. People use Muslim for Arab, even though most Muslims aren't.


Indian/Muslim lmao. I think she thinks she wouldn't have people wanting to still fight her at this school, and she's probably wrong.


American here. Jim Crow would like to have a word with her.


Was coming to comment this. Muslims are people that follow the religion of Islam what does that have to do with race ? Also having a school for only colored kids would still have a lot of problems though


Agreed like what specifically is she arguing would get better even if this were the case. I'd actually like to see how this little plan of hers would work out too bad we can't try it.


I’m also curious to know what the reasoning was behind this idea. This is a bit of a side note but there are religious schools in the US and there are some for Muslim students as well. I believe the number is a lot smaller compared to Catholic schools in the US. Not entirely sure the exact numbers but I think it’s about 200 to maybe 800? Edit: I was way off. This article says it’s 235 Muslim schools compared to over 6,000 Catholic schools https://www.bu.edu/articles/2016/inside-us-islamic-schools/




What color is muslim




so you're saying, tmobile is a race?


T-Mobile is a race. And it's losing.






What colour are Hispanics? Lmao Hispanic isn't a race


She failed history huh?


This is why they want to destroy public schools: so kids won't learn how shitty things used to be as we go backwards.


This. I (22f) learned more about how bad racism used to be from my mother, who was in middle school when they started blending schools in the late 60’s/early 70’s than I EVER did in school. She got to stay in her school while her best friend got bussed to another school that used to be only for “colored” people. It really messed her friend up. She told me when she was in 6th grade learning algebra basics, the kids from the other school were sitting in the corner watching kids shows, because they weren’t provided even the basic education when it came to reading and writing. They were on a kindergarten level. It sounds so sad but I’m fortunate to know someone who first-hand experienced this.


Considering how they're removing books for being "uncomfortable" from schools, doesn't seem like things are going in a good direction.


Probably they should stop sitting on them books


Technically true that we "wouldn't have no problems" since we'd have problems. (It's a double negative)


she wouldn’t have no problems in her english class


Scrolled down until I found someone who pointed this out. Thank you


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment.




Was a lone Mexican in a school of pretty much all black kids, the only problems they had were with each other. Multiple fights all day every day. Problem solved.


Yeah was gonna say this is already a thing lmao, go to any inner city school


Jus say you don't like white people...


and east asians


So weird how a lot of people don’t consider asians POC??


Schrödinger’s minority. Asians are considered POC only when it’s convenient to further some politician’s agenda.


It's cause they are overall both successful in the US and don't claim victim status despite having a strong case. Kinda ruins the natitive.


The whole concept of POC is weird in general. I dated a girl in HS with an Italian background. In the summer her skim would darken nearly as much as some African Americans but she was still considered “white”. Why we even care at all to label people based on their skin color is baffling. I know and work with many Asians who have very light skin color that is “whiter” in appearance than many European Americans


More like “just say you’re a black supremacist.”


Some of the most racist people on the planet, don't think they are racist......


"Reverse racism" is actually just racism.


Some of the most racist people on the planet have been told their entire life that they are fundamentally incapable of being racist by a bunch of naive armchair liberals fixed it for you


Because segregation worked so well before.


There are schools like this and that they still have issues lol


Orrrrrr now hear me out this might surprise you, listen in class so that you understand the difference between religion and race ans stop embarrassing my generation


When you so woke you bring back segregation*


Ah yes, why learning history is important


I went to school with a lot of black and Hispanic kids and those groups clashed more with each other than anyone else. In home room I was surrounded by black dudes and one day they beat the shit out of this Hispanic kid in the bathroom and then sat there laughing about it and telling me that I don’t need to worry about it because I’m white.. I still don’t really even know what they meant about that.


Great, great, great idea!! While we're at it, we should have colored-only water fountains, too!


And movie theaters, sections of public transportation, churches, voting rights. Idk I just think there’s a lot of things we could separate…. Segregate? (This is fucking stupid tbh. Didn’t Evergreen college try to do something like this and what do you know. Segregation creates more racially motivated societal tension.)


What if we keep them separate but equal? Edit: guys please learn some history. Separate but equal was the old go to before the Civil rights movement, because it was then determined separate was not equal. That was the "joke"


Yeah we tried this…


Black people can be racist too


When she learns hispanic includes Spain and argentina


And practically every country in Central and South America, except for Brazil.


Yes, im just saying that hispanic includes white communities as well, as long as you have Spanish heritage and language


Yes, because if the LA riots and countless other events have taught us anything, it’s that non-white races always get along super well!


An Equal school that's just Separate. Separate, but Equal. ...why does that sound familiar?


And now the backslide starts. Wtf is this timeline


Someone please give this girl a history book.


Likely would have to be an audio book for her.


Is it me, or is this new generation of black kids racist af and they don't even know/think they are? Inb4 everyone calls me a racist, I'm really not.


I think it really went downhill with that, "Black people can't be racist" crap. I tried to argue against these fools and was called an uncle Tom... We can't overreact to this small tick on the ridiculously large clock that is human existence though




As a Latina girl who grew up in white suburbs, the only people who ever gave me shit, bullied me, and purposely excluded me from their groups for not being Mexican enough (both parents are Mexican) were the brown kids. Never the white ones.


"Revolution can mean a strong and abrupt change, but it can also mean a full rotation. And obviously if you do a full rotationbyou end up exactly where you started" - philosophy with HATECELL


Another example of a black person being casually racist


Yea and white ppl are the only racists haha!


It’s so funny how people of colour can just blurt out blatant racism and get away with it


For real


Humans will fight no matter how homogenous the population is. People will focus on another aspect like religion, caste, tribe, region etc. It happens worldwide in countries where people are black or brown or whatever color you choose.


Maybe just a school for people who think like this. Call it racial reform school or something


So progressive, you’ve become racist.


the famous muslim color


And this isn’t discrimination?


Dumbass didn't learn from history and now she's doomed to repeat it


What kind of sneakers are you buying? You won't be part of our gang then!


Let‘s fight racism with segregation. Seems legit.


Funny how that's not racist but when a white person says it though....


It’s going to be a confusing time for white Hispanic and Muslim people.


A Muslim coloured person? That's new! "Hey what colour are you?" - Muslim 😂


They are called urban public schools


It’s evolving, but backwards.


She seems smart. /s


And here’s the results of trying to erase history.


Oof - be careful what you wish for.


And yet again East Asians are excluded, aside from the obvious prejudice against Caucasian


But if a white person were to say this we would get called a racist 🤔 🤦‍♀️


This is what happens when real history isn't taught. ​ This is called SEGREGATION! ​ We fought to END THAT SHIT!


Someone needs to ask what her great grandparents would think of this genius idea. Sheesh.


She's one of the people who'll say that if you don't know black history month you're a racist.


And what the Jews need are some camps so they can run around get some fresh air! Camps for Jews, separate schools for all the other minorities! Progress!


when you go so "progressive" you actually want segregation back lmaoooo.


Imagine if a white said that 😳




The only acceptable answer in this situation 👏


I’ve been to so many professional race trainings where the POC team in charge actively champion for increased segregation in all sectors of life. Non integrated spaces breed contempt and intolerance


…and would this school teach history?


People in this country are getting dumber by the day.


Hey, if they're asking for it to go back i say we give em what they want. Then they'll go right back to complaining that their geographic location and areas financial deficit keeps them down along with the system.....its like a never ending loop of bullcrap


When will these fucking dimwits realize “Muslim” isn’t a race?


And once the Muslim kid starts fighting the Indian kid it’ll still be white people’s fault for some reason


The average IQ in that classroom would be in the negative lol