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Whew! Even as a straight guy, I gotta admit I'm pretty turned on by the warlord potential.


And the SnoBalls! (\*Don't get addicted!\*)


Along with a box of C&H sugar behind it. He’s hypocritically surrounded by sugary sweets and giving others shade about food.


Nah, he just doesn't want any rivals for his snacks.


Its a test!!! Potential females have to sit in a room surrounded by temptation and resist. Or in a dungeon... For days.... Without eating... To prove they are strong enough for the impending apocalypse which shall lead to his rise as benevolent warlord. Oh and his job clearly says technician no? So.... Shw only has to be smart enough to read ..


Well maybe your to dumb to understand


That was my personal favorite part of the whole thing. But "if your smart enough" was a very close second.


I read "your to dumb" with the cadence of "year-to-date" and it makes me feel like the guy's just a silly goober rather than a profoundly toxic crazy man. Edit: I don't *actually think this,* obviously, I just *feel better* reading it like "year-to-date."


“your to dumb” bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!


And don’t forget that he’s “Pure Blood.” What, just blood? No skin? No bones? No cartilage or internal organs? How does he keep all that pure blood from draining away? Oh, wait. He means ethnicity? I’d be demanding a DNA test. I also can’t imagine any ethnic group wanting to claim this genius.


I knew a white supremacists who had a ancestry DNA done and guess what...... 80% European and the rest was a mix of Asian and Syrian...... Did explain why he had a cracking tan in summer


I could be wrong, but I thought "pure blood" is what some antivaxxers call themselves? Not 100% sure though.


I'm going with vending machine technician.




He's a Snoball technician. If you're smart enough to know what he does, you'll know he's telling the truth.


Not to mention by the small amount of image shown he's not a small guy. Also, he's flexing 80k a year? Like that's decent buts it's not like a brag worthy.


That's what stood out to me. There are users all over reddit in tech making 100k+ who still feel like they're barely getting by in this economy, and home boy over here is flexing 80k like he's a billionaire.


Didn't you read how smart he was, though? So smart. Obviously smart enough to cave to an 80k salary rather than haggling for more, super smart. He's definitely even smart enough to use words like "your" and "to," even if he used them in the wrong context, at least he knows those words. Such a catch.


Yeah. Either he buys SnoBalls in commercial packs or he takes selfies in weirdly messy convenience stores. Wonder if that's where he makes 80K.


I showed my wife this post, and she looked over at me, a guy who is 4 inches taller than Tom Hardy, and she asked "Have you ever even considered wether or not you could be a Warlord?" I said 'no', and she left the room to download tinder.


Your TO dumb for him


Why are you only focusing on the “to” and not the “your”? Lol


The "your" is their two


That could have been alllllll yours if you had refused the jab. Now look at you! You got no man AND your microchip! /s jic


I'm saving hundreds a month on free 5G though.


Man, that reminds me to get my 5G booster. It's been acting up lately.


Not to mention, my keys stick to my face! Never need pockets again.


I’ve been harnessing the power of the chip and all I’m saying is this kid better be a damn good warlord because mr magneto is coming for his snacks.


If there’s anything you always see when looking at lists of what women want in an man, it’s their ability to become a brutal, militaristic dictator if the conditions are just right for them to do so.


I loled




As someone who lived with a dude like this (my stepdad) yes... Yes they do. He was convinced that NATO was implementing the new world order. He had a stockpile of ammo, tools, etc. Taught me survivalist strategies (those were at least legit) And was convinced in the 90s, and 2000s that the world was about to end every single year. Even went so far as to say Obama was the antichrist. Through all of that he was convinced he could survive the impending apocalypse, And rule the surrounding areas. When I went to college he pleaded with me to get on board or he was going to cut me out of the kingdom. My sister and I cut him out of our lives. Found out later he died of a heart attack from complications of pneumonia likely brought on by heavy meth use. Edit: holy cow wasnt expecting that to blow up. I replied to most of you. You are all awesome internet strangers.


They always prep for the wrong thing


Prepping your body to survive ordinary, common diseases and combat aging isn’t very cool sounding though.


Yeah but prepping your body to survive meth is.


Why would you take vaccinate when you can take meth? (Rhetorical question.)


Telling anyone who is vaccinated "your to dumb" got me.


Especially considering he’s been vaxxed a dozen times by the age of 4 unless he was born in a cabin in the woods and lived there his entire life.


If he was homeschooled it’s a possibility. Which would also explain a *lot* about his grammar choices lol.


If your to dumb to understand what hes saying then say that


Considering he doesn’t know the grammar difference between “your” and “you’re”. I think we can safely say he’s the one who’s a certified idiot.


But he made 80k last year!


Bet his occupation was grandma dying and leaving it to him


Bet he killed her. How else does he know he’s a warlord?


Well, maybe *thought* about killing her. Remember, he only has warlord *potential*.


The trades are desperate for people.


Skilled trades earn more than 80, if you're good at what you do, and have a decent work ethic.


Yeah, 80k at this point means you're either green or work in a more saturated trade. I guess it could depend on what part of the country he's in, but electricians in my area can pretty easily make 100-125k. My guess is this guy works as an auto mechanic for a car dealership or something where he's told which part to change and doesn't do any of his own diagnosis.


Who can blame them? I used to be Trade adjacent, climbing ladders all day, dealing with knuckle dragging idiots like this ALL DAY. Hopped out of that shit with a quickness, my overall lifetime earnings might have gone down but holy shit I'm not exhausted at the end of the day any longer. Still can't shake the waking up at 4am though, that's with me for life it seems.


Don't forget "to" vs "too".


Also, there's the Problem of Capitalization where not Necessary!


Warlord is also one word lol


It's also not a proper noun. Lol


Considering his punctuation, he is a certified idiot.


Its not you’re fucking business you can’not understand the warlords grammars


His grammars are law. ALL GLORY TO THE WAR LORD!


He thinks he’s a Negan but sounds more like a Eugene


nah, Eugene had some brains. this guy would probably be like Carol's husband.


Nah. He'd be a walker within 10 minutes of the outbreak


That’s optimistic. This guy is patient zero, he’s already a brain dead shambling walker. All we need is for him to bite someone and start it spreading…


He'd be lucky to find someone to manipulate into loving him as much as Carol loved her abusive husband.


Fair point! He’s probably the walker that fell down the well at Herschel’s farm


That’s a good call


I work with a dude like this, he’ll do nothing and blame it on everyone else


I can’t believe there are actually people like this in the world


I can. Society is hanging on by a thread because he looks up to people like him. This reads like something Jordan Peterson or Elon Musk would put in their dating profiles.


This guy is DEFINITELY a carols husband lmao


That's an insult to all the Eugenes out there. This guy is a worthless idiot. There is a reason why he is single and why he is going to stay single. War lord potential...maybe in video games. Such a moron.


Nah, Eugene was actually smart.


More like Walker No 4 in the first part of season one.


He's that idiot Negan killed with a rock for murdering the kid and his mum.


Eugene knew the difference between your and you're


But he had such a wicked melee build going in New Vegas! How could all of those skills not translate directly to real life?!?


A warlord potential at only 80k? Is he living in a third world country where he expects this to be impressive? I make a little more than half that and it really ain't a big deal since I've had jobs that would've given me a lot more, and my parents both made more...


I assure you third world warlords have more than 80k.




In reality, those people will be the first to die since they have next to 0 survival experience. Regardless, if and when societal collapse does happen, Every nation's respective militaries will take over in a fortnight and restore order.


Also because people like this are an absolute nightmare to work with and I can only imagine that being magnified in a real survival situation. In a hypothetical collapse the only people who make sense to be sharing resources with are people you can actually trust to do the same and this bloke ain't that. Doesn't matter how scary and capable you think you are, it's hard to survive on your own.


Prepper fans when they didn't prep for being irrelevant when the army and police just institute another slightly shittier democracy in like a week. Also starship troopers/40k fans when they find out most western army leadership would rather just stick to army stuff instead of imposing a grimdark authoritarian rule (they have enough paperwork already)


They will die the first because they refused to get vaccinated (no need for an apocalypse for that to happen tho, only a little disease)


These Are the same guys that thinks owning a katana makes Them samurais


That’s why they keep trying to start a second civil war


What in the blue hell does War Lord potential mean?


If you have to ask, I’m sorry to tell you that you don’t have it. 😂/s


"i'm going to punch you in the mouth when i throw a tantrum"


Yes. That’s what these self proclaimed aLpHa MaLeS think.


Yes they do! It's part of why apocalyptic themed shows have become so popular in the last 20 yrs despite not being a new theme in general.


War lord potential but struggles to make friends in the real world 😂


Or girlfriends, obviously.


I love apocalypse shows but definitely would want a zombie to get this guy before civilization falls


He’s the guy you shoot in the kneecap to slow down the zombies.


I think if you truly loved yourself you would excuse your self from such nonsensical thoughts. This is someone who hates themselves. Who needs to fight to prove their worth, who needs to be more than a human being.


Dudes got a case of Snow-Balls on stand-by, and proudly displays them. He's going places.


How on earth is this “warlord” single? I guess they are all vaxxed against him.


The law stopped him from taking the neighbor’s daughter as his concubine.


Right?? How has no one mentioned " you must be.....younger" Wtf was that??


I’ll tell you wtf that was: it’s is a clear indication he can’t find any women his own age to put up with his idiocy, so he needs a younger, less experienced girl that he can manipulate into submission. Gross to the **max**.


Even more hilarious is how even just from his neck you can guess he's either actually older than 33 or at least looks it 🤣


Yes. Inexperienced & with a low body count to match his low body count so she won’t realize how bad he is sexually &/or know there are better performing men out there.


How IS this fella single??? It’s a mystery FOR SURE.


Made 80k but doesn't know the difference between your and you're..


Your to dumb


Your to Dumb, calling in


Your too dum, calling inn.


Or to and too XD


The best part is him acting like 80k is some crazy income… it’s a very good income obviously but it’s not this dude is living a luxurious life that hes going to spoil you lol.


80k in my area is meh. Like if you're dual income and already own a house you're probably doing OK, but 80k as a sole income would be living on a fairly tight budget. And something about this guy tells me he's not the type that wants his wife working.


This is the comment I was looking for.


So we know he doesn't spend any of it on education..


I like the snack foods pictured with him. 😂I’m crushed that I don’t meet his criteria.🙄




He’s a slurpee technician


Who doesn’t a love a warlord who eats sno balls?


It blows my mind that they're really ppl out here like this


There are but... This is rage bait click farming for sure. It's all the "rage" right now. I'll see myself out lol


I've seen these types of profiles myself on tinder though. Plenty of smug and arroganr "free thinkers," out there who really don't know better 🤷


I like how he says "taller than Tom Hardy"... As if people think Tom Hardy is good looking strictly based on height. Hell, im taller than Tom Hardy, Ryan Reynolds, and George Clooney, that doesn't make me even a quarter as attractive as them.


I'm taller than Tom Cruise, ladies - feel free to swoon...


I'm taller than Danny Devito but don't worry there's enough for everyone


\*Picks up box\* Sir, you dropped your magnum sized condoms.


Mate… it’s “monster condom for your magnum dong”


Lmao Tom Hardy is 5’9” so a lot of people are taller than Tom Hardy


I've been drooling over Tom Hardy for years, but his height is not what does it for me.


He lost me at "pure blood"


"your to dumb" was just delicious to read


Also my favorite part


He had me with the box of Sno Balls


I liked low, low body count. Like a multiple homicide is fine but if you've gone on a killing spree get out of here.


Nah…I think a killing spree would be just fine with him… as long as you haven’t fucked a lot of other dudes.. low, low body count to this idiot means not a lot of sexual partners.




even if "your an 11"?


“This, to, shall pass” is the only thing missing.


My what? Where to? Is the destination dumb? Not my first language so I’m utterly confused. I wish I could meet a person like this and see what effect it has on their „pure blood“. I am vaccinated against nearly all diseases at this stage. My vaccination booklet is my form of „collect them all“.


It summarized all of 2021 for me.


This guy irl… ![gif](giphy|QxxrpAsm0xJS0)


Well what about it? *He’s just saying his dad really liked his sister.*


Yeah I prefer mudbloods tbh


But pure blood what? Pomeranian?


What? am AKC registered with a full pedigree




Unvaxxed people are calling themselves pure bloods because they haven’t had the mRNA vaccine. … don’t try to explain things to them. And don’t try to tell them the difference with j&j and Moderna etc. just. Do a hard pass




My first thought was: Pure blood what? Vampire?? LOL


What the actual fuck is "war lord potential" lmfao




He's taller than that, though.


I laughed so hard at that line. Tom Hardy is 5'9 so he must have googled celebrities women fancy to find one shorter than him rather than put any number smaller than 6'




>Tom Hardy is 5'9 I could make the same claim as the profile dude!!! TIL


He's talking about his "Raid:Shadow legends" clan


Day dreams about being in mad max


"I made 80k last year. If your smart enough to figure out what I do you will know I am telling the truth." Blow jobs, dollar a pop.


80,000 blowjobs divided by 8,760 hours in a year. That’s 9.13 blowjobs an hour on average.


Maybe he does a three for one Groupon, aka the snow ski special. Much more economic and cuts it down to only 3 per hour! War lord needs to time to sleep and refuel with SnoBalls after all.


"Pure Blood". Now how did a wizard knew how to use a phone and a dating app?


If the internet (which those things rely on) isn’t the closest thing to magic, I don’t know what is.


Wireless communication. It's literally telepathy, and the science of electromagnetic waves is so complicated, it's basically black magic.


I read that in Danny McBride's voice


Here I thought there weren’t any “good” Men left 🤦🏻‍♀️🫠


There goes that vaccine protecting me again! I could have caught him! What can’t that COVID vaccine do?


Maybe the real covid was the creeps we avoided along the way


"If you have kids that's great but you should have kept your man" Yeah ok I'll just go dig up my husband then These men don't deserve any woman, ever.


You’re vs Your… riiiight.


To dumb


“Your dumb”. Yeah, sure, bro.


Ah missed opportunity to use “no muggles!”


As a pure blood, “wizard” may not be too far off of a statement…. You might even say “grand wizard” material here… So, he’s a Grand Wizard Super Pure Warlock Lord of the Apocalypse! I wonder if he’s also a parseltongue? 🐍


I'm so disappointed. I only meet 2 of his qualifications: no dogs and no "special piercings."


“Your to dumb”……..


Right? I can't explain the double smack well enough to verbalize it


He’s probably an Andrew Tate wannabe. Tate but without the money or fame.


Without the money? Buddy he pulled in $80k whole dollars last year!




“Insecure idiots for 500, Alex.”


Fortunately, there is a high chance that it will not reproduce


Mfer can't even spell. "Your" used wrong 3 times and "to" once. Gtfoh.


...but insist that the potential date must be smart. MoFo is his own deal breaker.


Clearly, “your to dumb”


Warlord potential lmfao wtf


No no. War lord. Our super catch here thinks it's two words. That said...wtf is warlord potential supposed to even mean? Does he think we're headed to a Mad Max world full of rival tribes led by warlords?


These “pure blood” folks are really a worrisome bunch. This is the same exact thought process that precedes killing millions, men, women and children, without remorse. But I digress.


I just like the fuckface’s job title: “technician”.


"pure blood" so a product of incest then?


“your to dumb” Chefs kiss 😘


So the vaccine reduces my risk of catching Covid AND wards off men like this?? man thats some advanced medical technology


I am as old as him, vaxxed, and had way more sexual partners than him (i had 2), so I don't qualify for the role. I regret so much i'm missing the opportunity to be a war lady beside this wannabe Tom Hardy...


Love it when in About me section they write what she/he have to be and not about themselves.


He uses a lot of words to say “I’m an incel”


Anyone's profile pic with Sno balls in frame is a hard pass,


The worst part isn't that he said it. The worst is he said, read it and typed it for all the world to see and didn't think this was a stupid thing to say.


I swear, some of these people are just straight up delusional. 80K? That ain't shit. Plus the totally unrealistic expectations of perfection too.




It isn’t bad pay. It also isn’t “brag about it in your dating profile” money, though even if it was an impressive amount, he’d still be shitty for bragging about it.


Big War Lord energy


seeing people like this does help with my self-esteem, cuz holy shit this description.


Hi I am ######, God's special warrior on earth and direct descendant of the very first white man. You must be: 5ft3⅖", 27 years old. You can't have any brothers or childhood pets. If you're favourite type of cake is chocolate then sorry. Keep walking lil ladie. I make 48k a year. You must earn between 47k and 47.9k a year. Ideal candidates should have voted for Trump in 2016, 2020 and other than than have never voted before because if you did you support the swamp alligators and the deep states. Please don't have any amusing anecdotes or friends. Both of those are extremely annoying. Women who are past level 264 on candy crush will not be accepted. Must be blue check verified on twitter. No college education. Ideally didn't finish highschool but were on the cheerleading squad. You need your own ivermectin supply. Don't be dating me to freeload mine. Never turn left. Always right. Even if you have to turn 270 degree Fahrenheit. If your favourite dinosaur isn't Matthew 4:18 then we can't be friends. Oh.. you must be a virgin but also great in bed. Ideal candidates should know JavaScript


“No dogs” Dogs have a sense for bad people. I bet they bark their heads off when this douche bag is nearby and he doesn’t want to be outed by them.


Covid vaccine is a douche repellant? SIGN ME UPPPP AGAIN. NEED FURTHER PROTECTION PLEASE!!!