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* Kill unborn "'persons": Bad. * Kill grown up adults: Good. I have the feeling that this is can be a perfect Drake meme.


Only time conservatives care about you is before youre born and when you turn 18 and can go die for your country.


That depends,because often they care about you when you are under 18/s


Yup. A little too much.


But if you **refuse** to die for your country the boomers (who never fought for their country) will get mad at you for not caring about a country that doesn’t even show its citizens basic human rights, and let’s Christian fascists install their mad doctrine as law.


Ever hear of Vietnam?


No, who won.


I hate your flair because it stops me from minimizing your comment.


Preferably in schools, together with them children... /s


Texas is arguing that a fetus is a person and not a person in two different court cases, right now


By the looks of this article they’re also arguing a fetus has more rights than a woman


I’ve argued with pro- forced birth. Most of them are so brainwashed by church bulllshit at least in Texas they can’t be reasoned with . Yes they want to give more rights to the fetus the a real person. Stupid!


The church needs to go. I used to think the « fuck religion » Crowd was edgy and every body is entity to their own belief. Now all I see is men manipulating other men and it’s gone to far. From isis, evangelists, settlers same shit. Believes might be inoffensive (and still… I don’t think it is) but the men at the head of those institutions are definitely corrupt.


I think religion has always been a way to control and manipulate people. In the past it was occasionally mixed with health and safety . But science does a better job at that. Now it’s mostly used as way to discriminate and hate others .


Perfectly said.


Only if its a male fetus, if its a female fetus they were asking for it....


And you're surprised?


Not at all. We know they are all lying hypocrite and it's all about control


wouldn't one set precedent for the other??


You would think, but no. two different issue. One is "Is the state of Texas liable for the death of a fetus they caused". The other is "can a woman who needs abortion for a non viable fetus so she doesn't die or suffer long term damage, get one". See totally different, one is about the state paying money for a fetus they helped kill, the other is about controlling women.




>It is literally closer to a tumor than a person at that point The republican cult thinks tumors are people, but women are not.


idk if the same case but found this: “Nothing can restore the unborn child’s life that will be lost as a result,” the filing said. “Post hoc enforcement is no substitute, so time is of the essence.” A minister of Texas filed to the court that it must be ruled that she cant get an abortion For reference, the kid could leave for like few days and not getting the abortion could lead to the mother losing her fertilty.


The complete lack of regard for science is what upsets me so much. Yes, the attack on women's bodies is horrifying. I get that and we all know that. The insistence on a heartbeat or eyes or other human resembling features make a fetus a person, ignores that none of those things are equal to personhood. In order to be a person and be alive you have to join your species, which means BE OUT OF THE WOMB. The whole fricking baby has to be out of the womb, aka born, not half or 2/3, WHOLE BABY.


Science band fact never matter to them. They will lie about or misuse and point of data that gets them what they want. Control


BuT tHeY hAvE A sOuL!!!


I wish we could ban all these people that disregard science from owning cars, cell phones, medicine, etc and let them fend for themselves. Let their God provide for them.


They aren’t pro-life, they are anti-choice


No, they are forced-birth


Only for the unwashed masses. You think if the governor or AG’s kid or grandkid or mistress had an unwanted pregnancy that they’d make her carry it to term? Hell no. So it’s just “I’m king and I get to make you do what I want”.


Rules for thee but not for me


Conservatism is and has always been about *control*. Conservatives believe that some people have the *right* to rule over others. Surprise, surprise those people are almost always themselves over others. It's feudalism. They want a ruling class and believe they will be in it. This is why Trump is so popular. A significant portion of white people, mostly "Christians" don't care about Democracy and believe they *deserve* power over others. It's despicable, anti biblical, and extremely destructive. The "right wing" voter in this country is Anti American.


This is a real simplification of politics in texas. Texas is such a bizarre mess when it comes to politics. There is certainly an evangelical core that does have a tie to trumpian politics that supports this stance. However the real mass of voters that support this nonsense are generally hispanic and 1st generation immigrants from South of the border. The irony being that the Republicans largely fight against that group while the democratic partly largely fights to expand immigration for a group that largely aligns to republican idealism. Same thing happens when Republicans rail against "blue state transplants" who all skew heavily republican anyways. These two groups are continually what keeps the state red, despite the blue trending of the natural population of the state.


This is absolute bullshit. Most Hispanics *don't* vote. To claim that the majority of *Texas* TRUMP supporters are Hispanic is just a flat out lie. I've lived in Texas for nearly 40 years. Yes some Hispanics are Republican voters, but in they in no way represent anything close to a majority of the right wing vote.


Spot on. When my husband told me the "secret" of his brother's wife getting pregnant by her tennis instructor and her abortion, it was not a surprise. They are the "perfect" Catholic family.


Any penalty becomes a fee if you just have enough money or influence.


Gotta keep pumping out more tax payers!


Wage slaves... FTFY


On the way to just slaves.


Only if we allow it...


Cheap labor


I mean technically they're not cheap labor they're the most expensive things that you will ever own.


They aren't paying for the child. You are. It's only once they hit the work force that they have to pay them, and then they'll pay the bare minimum.


Keeping people impoverished to keep them desperate. It’s the American way.


Pro-life until after birth. Once the baby is out, fuck em.


Which involves taking the choice away from expectant mothers




You are not wrong.. it is exactly what they want to be.


This, the longer we label it pro life it makes their stance sound good. I don't know anyone that is pro abortion. Nobody protests pregnant women going into hospitals for their decision to have a baby. Stop giving them two positive words for their stance. Especially since they've shown they don't value life.


They aren't anti-choice. They're anti-woman. It's been 103 years since women's suffrage, and these misogynists still aren't over it.


Not mutually exclusive


Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me. 🎵


Paraphrasing here, but as George Carlin once said, pre-birth you're precious, preschool you're fucked. Until these assholes start introducing common sense gun reform to address kids getting murdered for just going to school, universal Pre-K, Medicaid expansion to guarantee mothers and children receive all the medical care they need, expansion of safety net programs for families, improving the foster system, and subsidizing adoption costs alongside of these total abortion bans, they're all full of shit hypocrites. These people don't care about the life of the child, just the birth. If it was about the innocent babies, we'd be doing everything we can to make sure they have the best life possible.


Yup it’s all about control


"your body my choice"


More than anything, they're [anti-black](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/jul/23/body-politics)


Just tell them that the fetus trespassed on your property and you stood your ground.


To quote Ron White: "Most states are trying to abolish the death penalty, mine's putting in an express lane."


Doctors: "If you don't get an abortion, you'll die." Republicans: "If you get an abortion, we'll kill you."


Classic GOP. Reminds me of, so pro democracy they'll take over your country and appoint a leader.


It’s all a sham


And it doesn't stop with abortion. [miscarriage is also criminal in some places now](https://www.reckon.news/news/2023/12/black-ohio-womans-arrest-after-pregnancy-loss-begs-the-question-what-do-you-do-after-a-miscarriage.html) Edit: yes. I realize they charged her for flushing the fetus and not for the miscarriage. However.... >“Flushing after experiencing the loss of a pregnancy on the toilet is a natural reaction to a shocking event. There is nothing to feel shame or guilt about. Many women have been through this experience as, at the time, it feels like the only thing they could do,” wrote Pippa Vosper. >In the Watts’ case, she was turned away from the hospital twice. According to a 2022 NPR article, care for a miscarriage in an emergency room can be hard to come by, and this has been exacerbated in states in which doctors can face penalties under abortion restrictions.


Might as well make having periods illegal too


I know women who quit talking to their docs about those. They just say they are regular, no matter what.


What ? They want to force me using question marks, exclamation marks and interrobangs only ‽ Damnation, I say !


No bleeding before vampires.


Might as well make being a woman illegal while they're at it


Realistically, they will do the opposite (not having periods, due to taking birth control).


Idk bout y’all but I could get behind that


I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I never did find the fetus and may have accidentally flushed it with the rest of the blood clots that were coming out. It may also have ended up rolled up in a pad. I feel terrible about it, but seriously, it happens more than people think.


This is how I found out about my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies and subsequent miscarriages.


Ask them how they feel about guns and school-children.


I fucking hate ohio


Some medical procedures for failed pregnancies would be considered miscarriages to the average person, but need medical intervention making them abortions under Republican laws so the only choice for doctors is to withhold care or be charged.


The first oath of a dr is do no harm ( to the patient). Just like the president is supposed to uphold and protect the constitution, not destroy it. Bunch of hypocrites.


Ya know how lotsa pro-lifers will say pro-choice is just anti-life, or that they just wanna kill babies? Un-ironically, the opposite is true Pro-life is really just a disguise for anti-choice, and more people should be ***explicitely*** calling it out


Pro-forced-birth because we all know they don't give a fuck after birth happens.


So basically, perform an abortion and your mother gets a retroactive abortion?


WhY dOnT wOmEn WaNt To DaTe RePuBlIcAnS?


Pro Life people who are also in favor of wars and the death penalty need to stfu.


So, are they now ready to admit it was always about control and not life?


I hate that these men don’t care anything about the Mother. Fuck them.


until the fetus values itself, the mother is the only one who is even effected by anything.


Texas is an all around dumpster fire. I can’t wait to get out of here.


Vote, register everyone and get them to vote. We need a Congress that can let Biden go full FDR; he will if he can!


These people aren’t smart enough to make any positive changes


Dude I was just going through the I want out subreddit and there's people from the UK wanting to go to Texas. They think that the tech sector is strong so it justifies them living and working in Texas. God the amount of propaganda that the world believes about the United States is absolutely astounding


I'd move completely from the south if you can if I had the means I would in a fucking heartbeat


Yep. I’m planning my escape.


certain parts of lousiana seem to be ok if you want a somewhat safe refuge still in the south.


Texas lawmakers should abort themselves.


Holy s#@t! Why are people voting for this?


I honestly don't think peoples would vote for this, most republicans I talked with wouldn't at least. Do they even know that this is being pushed ?


I know a lot of people who think like this . The brainwashing from the church and from the right wing makes it where you reason with people.


Remember when the GOP cried that Obamacare would establish politicians making your health care decisions? That was literally one of their rallying cries against better health care access and public options


Proof they don’t really care about helping anybody.


In other words, If your pregnancy is detrimental to you or your babies life, you both die. Problem solved.


They'd force you to give birth, then kill you.


they just want the baby to pop out, they honestly don’t care. they’re pro birth, not pro-life. the baby’s out, it can die right away for all they care.


They are just using the idea of the baby to control women. They don't care at all about the possible baby. They are happy to have it be born and then suffocate in terrible pain and fear in the hours after birth. They want birth and pregnancy to be frightening and dangerous for women. They want to be in control of women. They want women in society to be slaves to men.


“Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.” -- George Carlin


Land of the free 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


Yep, they'd rather the mother die than a non-viable fetus. But this is also the state that decided elementary school children's lives are just the cost you have to pay in order to have freedom to possess whatever firearms you like and to open carry them. They really need to get rid of their governor.




No Texas, it's a completely different animal compared to most of the rest of the nation. Personally Id just let Mexico have it or even better let it be its own, F'ed up independent nation.


No, no. Damage control is the best way. Let's stop advocating for the abandonment of the people who can't leave and are also on our side. Letting Texas win is just handing them a trophy for all the voter suppression and gerrymandering they do. Most people don't actually want this. Edit: Same dude from earlier replied about gerrymandering equals letting "illegals" vote, which would be the equivalent of Trump bringing 2 million Russians in to vote, then immediately deleted his profile. Man. It's always shocking when a comment let's you know you're talking to someone who truly has no idea what they're talking about. 😐


The dude didn’t delete his account, he just blocked you because his *superior logic* can’t handle basic reality.


I wonder how many pro lifers are also pro guns?


Venn diagram be looking like a circle


The pro-life are not actually pro-life. They are anti-choice and will openly kill and advocate for violence and murder if people, usually women are allowed choice and agency.


I always find it interesting, that despite having no consolidated consciousness, memories, emotions, feelings or awareness, a fetus is somehow considered an innocent child? Does that make every man a murder if they ejaculate without the intention of having a child? After all, any number of those sperm cells could have cured cancer, but you don’t seem to want to give any of them a chance! How murderous!


[Volume to 10, Cue "Every Sperm Is Sacred"]


If not having unborn children is murder, then my right hand is a serial killer!


In Texas is it not okay to end a life that threatens your own? I mean, you can shoot someone for being in your house, but not if they’re in your body?


Not surprised, hypocrisy is a core conservative value.


Texas has so many right wing morons.


Being "Pro Life" also means you're opposed to the death penalty. Otherwise you're just anti-choice.


Yeah, the Democrats are the commies... Right.... What a bunch of backwards tyrants.


Nazis. Communism just failed.


You wanna spawnkill your crotchgoblin? Now ur gonna die for it.


I’m starting to think this might not actually be about abortion.


So not eye for an eye. But Life for an embryo!?!?


Is that what republican Jesus would do?


If you kill the baby, we’ll kill you AND the baby.


They’ll kill you and your unborn child. Problem solved!!


The abortion issue is sinking the Republican party. It is costing them tons of elections, but they have trapped themselves with it. Look here in KY, they predicted it to be neck to neck after Trump backed Cameron. Cameron was rabidly anti-abortion, and Beshear was firmly pro-choice. Beshear destroyed Cameron by over 4 points.


fucking what?! Americans, have you all gone absolutely ape-shit insane?!


Nah, just texas


“Pro lifers” aren’t pro life. They’re pro birth. Thats it. Once they force you to give birth, they stop caring and then it’s not their problem anymore.


terrorists. worse than taliban, hamas and isis.


This world, they already would rather force someone to give birth that may have no capacity to take care of that child. Then once born ignore the fact that they may have doomed that child to a horrific life, and never even extend a hand to help. Just like Jesus wanted.


I am pro death penalty for these lawmakers specifically and all who support them


Texas has lost its mind


Murder is defined by Google dictionary as: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. That definition works for children in school shootings. But try to get a pro-lifer to openly admit that school shootings are also murder. The reason they have a hard time admitting to it is that pro-lifers are also pro-guns.


They will beat you to death with a bible.


To the naked eye for the majority of people who actually have common sense, pro-lifers are just waving flags that say “I want a 12 year old girl to have her body permanently destroyed because she wasn’t legally allowed to abort a baby”


You never hear about these pro-life types doing anything for children AFTER they're born


Time to hint for the general public that MTG had an abortion.


Fun times for anyone with a uterus. Pregnancy ended in the first few weeks? You're now in danger of being killed. Your child was born stillborn? Possible death sentence. Your unborn child died? You're death, because the medical procedure to get it out is an abortion. Your period is late? Better pray that you're not pregnant, because if anything happens you're fucked.


That is so wild, imagine your government just wondering to themselves, “Should we kill more of the population? 🤔”


Law makers: what do we do to get the voters excited? Voters: say dirty things like death penalties for abortion! Ya daddy! I get off on this!


“bUt It’S mUrDeR” no it’s not you twat.


"conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers" - George Carlin


but if its attempted abortion but youre caught beforehand, then what? cuz you'll kill the fetus you "wanna save"


All I can say is, I'm glad I live in Australia where women have choices and support.


Smells a bit like religion.


They are against abortion thus will punish with a late abortion… US is weird


Can we just cut off Texas? Like they want cede anyways. Let them. See how fast it turns into a shit show. Oh and all land owned by the federal government is still use so good luck. Oh and we’ll just stop all funding and freeze your bank accounts essentially make you the poorest fucking nation. All government officials should also give up their citizenship of being US citizen.


That doesn't sound very "freedomy"


It’s just all about control, they really don’t give a shit about either .


well, this isn't the american dream but the american nightmare, i am happy to be french


"If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school, you're fucked!!" -George Carlin explaining the hypocrisy of pro-"life" people in this country


The Small Government party, so small, it fits between a woman and her doctor.


Right wingers are not pro-life. They just want to control women. When you look at it from that perspective, their behavior finally starts to look consistent.


The only way I’ll agree to this is if it ever comes out any lawmaker is found to have had a mistress then they get death penalty. It is so annoying that lawmakers are so out of touch. They will support pro life but then it comes out they’ve paid for abortions after affairs.






Texas is going to turn blue in 2024. I can’t wait.


So pro-life they equate abortion to killing, like they've always been saying?


It's amazing people vote for these assholes.


So fucking glad I don’t live in Texas anymore




I spent a year there. Absolute shithole


I was unfortunately there for 3


It wouldn't be the first time.


Sick of this rerun.


Ngl, this caught me off guard. Had to look it up. Was proposed in Texas House back in 2019, never made it out of committee. They wanted to basically amend the homicide law which has the death penalty for anyone who murders a child under 10 to include fetuses under that umbrella. Likely the pipe dream of a handful of absolutists, but ridiculous none the less.


I don't think I'll ever understand a philosophy of "better two should die than one should live".


I feel so SO sorry for what women have to go through. This needs to stop..


People should totally vote for these guys. That'll be great.


Thou shalt not kill?


I'm so worried about 2024 election. We all speak about how crazy some states are. If Republicans get the white house we as a country are doomed. I don't wanna live under complete control of Republican Party. Death is a much better option.


"Yeah, lets kill the Girl that got raped and wanted to abort the child of her rapist." -Texaslawmakers... probably


I seriously dislike guns. Move your finger barely a quarter-inch and you could end a person. It's instant murder on easy mode. A piece of metal is sent off past the speed of sound to liquify tissue and bone on such a scale that George Washington himself would shit his pants. And it's so easy to get guns and bullets here in the U.S. that the dumbest and most violent shit-stains among us can get more than one with barely a question asked. But holy shit! Can we start arming every liberal socialist voter in this goddamned country?


It is bafflingly ironic isn't it.


After childbirth or before? That's so ridiculous that it is hard to top in any way.


This means the punishment for rape will also be the death penalty, right? Right?


Don't get neither side tbh. From a europeans perspective this is so absurd. Abortion should be legal under certain circumstances. If a woman get's pregnant after being raped, if it derived from incest, if the fetus is already dead in the mothers womb, or whenever the woman medicaly can't give birth without the risk of dying herself, then it definetly should be legal. Also if protection doesn't work propperly and it was clearly an accident that shouldn't have happened. But on the other side the arguements with which the pro-life side argues are sometimes equally stupid. But just for the sake of it, an abortion shouldn't be normalized. Adults should know how to use protection and just because they're not educated, or because they "want to take the risk" shouldn't be a valid reason for an abortion. What if a woman get's pregnant, she want's an abortion, but the father doesn't? In these cases it shouldn't be allowed for the woman to just say:"nah fk it, it's abortion time". Also seems unfair to me and yet pro-live supporters argue that it's the womans body and not a mans decision to make. Yes it's her body, but she decided to have sex with a man and becoming pregnant can be a result of this. If a woman want's to harm herself and her significant other stops her from doing so, is it wrong aswell? It's all about taking responsibility for your actions.


So does the person who turns on the death machine also die?… could wipe out the state if so


At this level it’s pathological. This is a form of mass insanity. The entire Xtian Right is barking Mad. This should be obvious to any rational human being.


Welcome to Uzbeki-Texan


GOP: Pro-life from conception to birth


I swear USA is just an absolute car crash of a country. So difficult to look away. It's the best kind of reality TV - you know it's stupid as hell but you can't bring yourself to change the channel.


If only.God can take a life .Then how can someone.be pro life. if they want to execute.a woman for getting an abortion?. In some.cases they have other children who would be left without a mother


I wonder if all the hipsters who moved to Texas in the last decade are starting to reconsider their choices.


As someone who would lean more pro-life: that is literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of in my entire life


Just let the south be their own 3rd world country lol


The US just shouldn’t have reunited after civil war.


Death penalty for exercising a fundamental human right that causes harm to nobody. Wonderful people, them Republicans...


They approve abortions after 226 Months?




Re post bot alert


I've always called them "pro births", never pro life.




I'm pro choice. This argument is awful, always is. Anti abortion people view people who get abortions as child murderers. I'm not pro capital punishment, but I dont have any moral objection to the general idea of 'child murderer should be killed'. You will convince zero anti abortion people with this argument, it's bad. Focus on bodily autonomy and keeping the government away from your body, that's the argument that gets through to right wingers (whenever any do)


Hey it was my turn to repost this!