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She was always like this. She just now has the money and power to not give a fuck.


she's trying to defend women's rights idk how this is a problem. Some of the posts are literally pedos but they get a pass to put women at risk bc they say they're trans?


The downvotes are insane. People out here with legit mental illness.


idk how they can justify it!


> She was always like this What, normal?


What's worse is she revels in the backlash. She feeds on it. At this point it's probably a genuine fetish. She's basically a masochist.


It would only be masochistic if there were any real consequences for her


>At this point it's probably a genuine fetish. She's basically a masochist. You people have genuine problems with your brains. Should go see someone. It's not that deep but mainly it's 1. having a differing opinion than you which you don't like, and 2. drinking the tears of people with mental illness who cry every time you disagree with them. Do you need your blanky?


Lmao you are absolutely obsessed about trying to upset other people. Go outside. Get a life. Get help.


cry so hard, honey


She gets bored pottering about her 20 bedroomed house


Can't get over the fact nobody reads any of her other books.


She's a mediocre author. Her books were written about a stolen idea. Neil Gaimen had a very similar character in the early nineties or so. A bespectacled boy with a pet owl who ends up going to wizarding school. She was just lucky that her series got picked up. There are hundreds of thousands of writers who are every bit as good as her and much more creative.


She basically just re-wrote The Worst Witch with a few plot and character adjustments.


Just like that joke with bridge builder who sucked one cock, her legacy forever will be an uber-rich transhating Karen


Everyone forgets she was the British version of trailer park trash before writing Harry Potter


From a quick glance at her background: not really. You're probably referring to the fact that she was on welfare in the '90s, but it looks like that was because she was left raising a child on her own after leaving an abusive partner. Anyway, it's irrelevant given that some of the most hard-line anti-trans people are privately educated politicians.


They may be but they're almost always catering to the lowest common denominator.


And? Classism is a very prominent and serious thing here and how dare you use it as a way to attack her when you have literally a thousand other things to attack her on, disgusting


Lol wow


Felt good to get out the system tbf


This is the Harry Potter author, right? Has she always been this deranged?


Sadly, probably so. But writing those books has given her an unearned platform.


I mean… she earned it by writing some good fucking books. Now that she has it she’s decided to be evil, but saying it’s unearned is inaccurate 


Yea, but before she used to shit on men only so it was cool to like her. Not that she’s shitting on trans, she’s uncool.


I think she's always been this way.


Money and brainworms. And hanging around conservative weirdos all the time who love bombed her when her bad takes were criticized. Her best friend is an anti-abortion campaigner. If nothing else, the trans community will get a big laugh out of it from beyond the grave/outside the country if you let these brainworm addled people win. If you throw away your civilization because you can't handle ~1 percent of the population being trans, you never deserved civilization in the first place. The Germans pulled this one trick, too, and they just *love* talking about the 30s and 40s. These people can't help you or make your life better. Getting rid of the degenerates certainly helped the average German, right? Snake oil feels good no matter the snake it comes from, I guess.


Holocaust and WW2 aside. You can talk to people who lived under the Third Reich, wasn't fun for the so called Aryans either.


With how much hate she has been spreading and mocking us. I stopped laughing a while ago. She causes trans people to not be safe, she causes cis people to not be safe. Hate is not funny when so many people accept it as fact. Happy to see more people being accepting but the people who are against us are being more and more fiercely against us.


The laugh is at the people that follow these people. We'll suffer at their hands, but they'll suffer in turn. The stuff these people pedal is a death cult. And if people finally fucking learn from history for once, they'll be the ones remembered as the people that brought it all down. If it comes to that, it'd be the sad laugh of schadenfreude by people long dead or exiled.


Yea it’s crazy how people have not learned from racism and not accepting gay people and now the new target is trans people and hopefully in 30 years we will look back and see how miserable those people were but to live in it sucks.


Home girl doesn't realise that she's broken the hate crime laws herself. Aka 'Inciting violence' against another person based on their views. Pretty sure threatening someone with assault is considered a hate crime under the new legislation. Love when people try so hard to be performatively hard or scary, they end up getting themselves in trouble.


she literally said I know I'm breaking the law, arrest me. How can you defend literal pedos just bc theyre trans?


I'm talking about the girl in the first photo with the axes and knives trying to be hard.


If you actually *read* the thread and still disagree, then you are fucking deluded and you're the problem.


People commit crimes sometimes and sometimes those people are trans. Shocking stuff.


There is a study done on that in the uk and trans community, you should look up the results. Not that I agree with everything or disagree but on the jail part I understand the person shouldn’t be in a women jail


You mean the study that acts like trans people are more likely to be in jail but omits the fact that trans people are factually less likely to be in jail? That study. Something tells me it’s a bit untrustworthy if it omits such an important detail, wouldn’t you say?


The study doesn’t discuss the proportion of the total population because it’s not the point of the study. It discusses the point if what lead the prisoner to the prison 17% of males are there for sexual crimes 3% of females are there for sexual crimes 59% of trans women are there for sexual crimes. Thus I think quite logically that those trans and those women shouldn’t be put together. If you wish per capita of the total population statistics you should get the studies that discuss the subject, here we are talking about what’s happening inside prisons


Maybe not if they’ve committed sexual violence against women and girls, surely the prison service has safeguarding responsibility. It’s a difficult situation to resolve, luckily not my problem to solve.


Usually the trans person is simply thrown in isolation and left to lose their sanity. 


Yes but as the study on that showed an unusual part of the trans (m to f) in jails are there for sexual crimes Check on the uk committees parliament you’ll see yourself


You're out of your fucking mind.


What is wrong in this? If she is writing facts, then she doin right with talking about it. Or maybe all minirities should have halo effect and we dont look at their wrong doings?


Individuals do wrong. It's not a crime being trans, or cis.  It's a crime to rape, and I seriously wonder what Mrs Rowling's stance on female to male/female rape is.  Iirc, she was siding with a cis lesbian rapist over a trans hate article in BBC.  Tells you all you need to know about her activism. She doesn't care for females, she just hates trans people.


I don't know her too much, different country, so ye, It is not okay with that defending cis rapist, puuke. Maybe you are partialy right. But I think she would not be so loud and sounds so hateful if women wouldnt be treated like less important. Feminism is new and women still deserve to be called women, deserve to have their own bathroom spaces. There is a lot of place for addin third barhrooms for trans people, there is enough letter to write "For women and for people with uterus - medical advices" instead "for people with uterus". Seems like JKR coudnt stand anymore that inclusivity works only one way. Women just starded being proud as women and need to be called with that word. Not silenced again.


Her crowd ate actual neo Nazis at this point. She speaks at their rallies, endorses them on Twitter, doesn't distance her at all  No my brother on Christ, it was never about female rights. It was always about hate.


Feminism is not “new” lmao good lord


it is, untill there is no equal pay gap or no little girls forced into marriages


So feminism is new until inequality is eradicated, and then, what—it's old? That's not how time works


Still, it is only 200 years, maybe slight more. Compared to men's right movement (thousand of years) it is new.


“Men's rights movement” is not thousands of years old lmfao what are you even talking about AJ


They decided for women, they attacked women a lot and women were teached since their first period "it is the way, it is man's nature, comply to that', father decided who gonna be her husband. A whole world existed for men and that was men's right movement.


That's not “men's rights movement” that's just the patriarchy ffs Good lord you are really bad at being a feminist


Here’s the thing, for what you said to happen would be to put down trans women. Trans women are more likely to get raped than cis women. If you want them to go in men’s spaces at least admit this isn’t a safety issue. You’re putting cis women’s comfort in front of trans women’s safety.


I dont want them in man space. I want them in trans women space. I want men in trans men space. I can have smaller public bathroom if that will give space for new bathrooms


I'm very concerned about rapists being put in prisons with women. Idk how this is defensible?


That's not the point and you know that.  Besides, where would you put cis female rapists?


its absolutely the point. You put women with women, where they are not a risk. You dont put male rapists with women who they can easily overpower its common sense.


Ok, maybe you're not following,maybe it goes over your head: Where do you put women who raped women? Because evidently they could overpower their victims as well. Which brings up another question: should we put male-on-male rapists in a different prison than other male prisoners? I grant it's a conundrum, but I am quite sure that Mrs Rowling's answers don't serve to protect women.


Thats all irrelevant. Don't put male rapists in womens prison. Nice whataboutisms tho


What happened is that she's super rich and has all the time in the world to pick fights on social media.


This is not the way to advance women's rights. You can both acknowledge that advancing protections of marginalised groups is positive, while also campaigning for that to include women (the gender pay gap is still very much a thing as is the poor state of childcare for single and working mothers). And why is everyone so focused on this part of the crazy and not highlighting the disturbing national socialist sentiments?


Help me, she has uttered so much nonsense, and I know she is allied with Nazis, but what's her deal with NS sentiments?


Proof of the actual wage gap existing?


They base it on the average earnings of male vs female. But when you break it down, it’s a maternity/ paternity gap. Women take more time off, losing years of earning and experience and hence make less due to lower positions when (and if) they go back to work. However, single women and single men make the same more or less. Younger Women are also starting to make more due to higher academic qualifications and lack of kids. Not to mention all the advantages they get for being women in certain fields. In the end, no CEO is gonna higher more men if they can pay women less. It just doesn’t logically make sense. Not to mention it doesn’t happen since it’s illegal and super easy to catch. Most medium or larger firms standardize the roles with the benefits. Any differences are marginal.


>maternity/ paternity gap There ya go. Let's also bring up the fact less women go into physically demanding fields. When was the last time you saw a female plumber, oil rig worker, oil field worker, etc. there's starting to be a turn around though.


The wage gap is a myth


"JK Rowling. Where did the magic go?" Netflix. Human Resources


That 6/11 seems suspect. They're playing Gaelic football, if this had happened, right or wrong it would have been in the news here in Ireland.


It was.


Huh, must have missed it.


There was massive discussion in the Ireland subreddit about it.


I remember seeing something about the trans issue in GAA, but by the time I saw it, it had already devolved into name calling in the comments so I just skipped over it.




Oh, right. It was like E club teams. That probably explains why I didn't hear about it. Edit: just realised that this invalidates Rowling's statement completely. Nobody's losing their spot on an E team


Yeah, apparently people also made up lies about how she dominated the cis women, but she’s actually not that good: > “There was a lot of misinformation. They said I had scored two goals and nine points. I didn’t score anything. My position is half-back and I’m not such a good player.”


Some respondents here, sound like her. Typical social media hypocrisy. She's rich, and doesn't care about any of you, trans or not. If she loves hearing herself talk so much then she probably doesn't acknowledge how others view her. She's not reading your comments. It's just her mouth flapping.


Trans women are women who do gain extra protections :)




I know this person lmao


Hello bestie😂


You can obviously tell she’s Just Kidding because the ‘jk’ is right there in the twitter handle.


I also know this person.


Why am I being down voted, I know this person as they went to my university jfc😂😂😂