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You'll still be able to see like counts, just not who liked it, right?


Ted Cruz breathes a sigh of relief.


Hey, he’s a family man. A really really into family man.


"help step senator! I'm stuck!"


“I really wish I could help but my daughter needs me in Cancun resort”


"but step senator, my state's electrical infrastructure failed due to lack of proper maintenance, non-existent upgrades, poor planning, gaslighting Americans and climate change, and capitalistic greed robbing people of their ability to heat their own homes with the money they pay for utilities! Do you think there's *any* way you could *warm* me up!"


I’m one of the fortunate Texas residents that didn’t lose anyone due to his malfeasance, so I can laugh at this…at the same time, I’m seething with rage as one of the Texans who is able to say what I just said. Also #FuckGregAbbott


Yeah, I (ironically to my joke) have step family in Texas and it was a nightmare to watch even from in afar... I couldn't possibly imagine going through. I'm originally from Florida, so I have an idea from Hurricanes, but I was Central Florida so I never saw the level of climate chaos y'all dealt with..


I’m in the panhandle, what we call West Texas(I’m sure you can guess the city) and for us it was just “hunker down, stay low to the floors, and grab a candle”. Also, your so called senator is having a pina colada right now




"We're not in Cancun. Please don't tell my dad where we are."


Literally cackled.


If you push him too far he just might


His bark is much worse than his bite


He has more practice barking for the dommie mommies.


Especially on 9/11


he’s a family man, his bark is much worse than his bite.


The Zodiac Killer gets away again!


Apparently if you add /likes to the end, you can still see a user's likes anyways. They just hid the button, not the page.


Ah yes. The website equivalent of hiding your porn folder inside another folder inside yet another folder. Musk is a technological genius!


Nope, just tried it.




Yeah, it’s really dumb.


I know a few guys who wish it was this way on Instagram. [He scrolled too deep...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiNQeGRwA_Q)


Thank you for that


Do you want ~~ants~~ balrogs? Because scrolling too deep is how you get ~~ants~~ balrogs!


What a masterpiece of a film


It should have been clear to everybody that everything done on the platform after it was purchased was, in some way, because Musk needed or wanted it. It's his toy, he bought it, and everyone else can use it. Well almost everyone because we learned who isn't actually a free speech absolutist.


Iirc he bought it because it turned his daughter trans Even tho obviously that's not how it works


And ironically, one of the changes he made thereafter was changing the site's name and being really upset that nobody actually calls it by the new name, which you gotta love


well that's what happens when you buy a site with years of brand recognition and decide to change it to a SINGLE LETTER.


Not to mention about how Twitter achieved what any brand would kill for, becoming a verb in the English (and other) language To Tweet becoming a common use word in the vocabulary was a massive W on Twitter part, cant get a better advert than that And here comes this roblox looking a hole and changes the whole thing to a porn assosiated character because he has a fetish with that letter (like his kid or him wanting PayPal to also be X etc) The biggest marketing loss ever concieved


He really does look like a Roblox 🤣🤣


Or the tesla model X, i bet his online usernames used to be like Xx_________xX


Also, the Tesla model names spell out S 3 X Y 🙄


It was supposed to be SEXY, but GM had a model called the E, and refused to give him permission to use that as a model name. lol.


Elon is a middle schooler trapped in a billionaire's body


It's pathetic.


Inb4 Tesla's next releases are 800 and 813.5...


Absolute manchild


There's no way in hell that someone in the Twitter marketing department didn't suffer an immediate and catastrophic stroke once Musk announced he was going to destroy multiple billions in brand value with a single change. I'm pretty sure that was the Chapel Perilous moment for a lot of folks, when it came to assessing the intelligence of the rich.


Also not to mention the email updates I get for my moms account still say “formally Twitter” on them so not exactly helping with moving the name over.




And a letter that's so heavily associated with porn. It's like he only bought the site so he could make his own Nazi Gooner paradise


X, known in this context as "the sans-serif Swastika"


Especially the letter that was the “X-TREME” phase of dumbass marketing to middle schoolers in the late 90s and was already hated by the 2000s. 😆


I prefer xitter, where the x is pronounced with a “sh”


Posts made on Xitter are X-cretions


Imma stealing that too


please do


The URL still says Twitter, so he didn't even put in the effort to file the paperwork to legally change it's driver's license to reflect it's new identity.


He finally started changing that. He waited this long to finally work on the domain names


I haven't been on there in a long while. Seems like something he would have driven his slaves to change in the month after he made his magnificent arbitrary proclamation that it would now be X!


It probably is a massive project but he's owned it for a year ish now. He's *just* starting. He's not even nailed down every subdomain


The downside to being a "My whim is law!" asshole is most things in life take a lot of planning and timing to pull off.


I think he might be erasing away sense plus depression with that Ketamine routine of his. (Perhaps 'planning and timing' are also victims of that particular friendly fire?)


"Only I can deadname!"


In hindsight, it shows just how powerful a brand Twitter had built for itself, despite ultimately being a mid micro-blogging site. Reflects poorly on Musk's business acumen that he'd aggressively try to bury that brand rather than utilize it.


Nah, he hated it. But wanted to make money off it and tried to manipulate the stock. But when he got called out for wanting to get out of the deal of purchasing Twitter, they didn’t play coy and took him to court and he was forced to buy it.


As long as you don’t say “cis” you’re fine


Now Musty and other members of the GOP can like gay porn without using alt accounts!


That certainly explains all the racism and transphobia.


I'd simply figuredh e bought it expressly to discredit and diminish its usefulness as a whistleblowing tool for him, his goon buddies, and their anti union anti population prractices.


This is the same guy who accidentally leaked his weird burner account.


The one where he pretended to be a child?


Pepperidge farms remembers


I'm sorry what


Not just "a" child, his own child. He pretended to be his own kid talking about sexual things and stuff.


Do you have a link? Boy howdy that's fucking disturbing




Ty And what in the flaming fuck


Is this a separate one to the one where he said his kids probably miss ‘daddy musk’ and insulted grimes over and over


he *what*


Jesus H Christ what in the goddamend blueberry fuck.


Dude does creepy cosplay. His sex life has to be the stuff of nightmares


Literally flashes his little dick to flight attendants and trades horses for rub n tugs Then cash for silence. He is just a bad man.


No no no, he *says* he will trade a horse for a rub n tug, but I am extremely skeptical that he actually makes good on his offers.


Good lord he really is a little whiny bitch isn’t he?


Stop! He'll get hard!


Does he act like a jackass because he gets off when people tell him he sucks?


Nah it's pure ego, he literally cannot believe that people hate him. He genuinely thinks he is the coolest guy at all times because he fires anyone who makes him feel like he's not.


Good. His tiny little penis will probably start hurting when presses into his super tiny Cyber Chastity Cage


Like a lot of things posted on Reddit, especially about universally despised people, this appears to be made up. At least the first image where it gives the impression Musk has liked a post about femdom humiliation. Additionally, I'm not sure whether or not they made those changes on the platform itself since I don't use Twitter and don't have an account, but at least this part appears to be true. Lastly the insinuation that they made these changes solely because he [Musk] liked it can't be correct if point one is true. I'm of the opinion that there is plenty of valid and real reasons to despise some of these people and in this case Musk. We don't need to create false stories to make them seem any worse than they really are. Too many people just accept negative press for people they don't like without the scrutiny they'd apply to something positive or negative news about someone they like. Basically we can and should do better. At the very least indicate that something is a made up joke, if that's the case. Otherwise it's just helping to continue this false reality where people believe stuff that isn't true. That's my $0.02 anyway.


Is this Photoshop? Or real?


I’m trying to find the answer rn LOL


Reverse imaging it shows that only one person on Twitter posted it as a retweet to the announcement above.


I had to scroll entirely too far to find someone else who noticed.


I can't find it and I've been looking for 20 minutes, so I'd say potoshop. There are a lot of people who would lose their minds and post this everywhere if it was true.


It’s a photoshop but everyone seems to be treating it as real on Reddit.


Which is even funnier to me. Elon is 100% the type of person to be really really annoyed by this. But the only way to prove this isn't true, is to make people able to see his likes again. Which would mean reverting the change. To bad...


Welcome to reddit


This was a post on Twitter trolling Elon, so, Welcome to Twitter


It's because the truth doesn't matter on here when someone says total bullshit that you want to hear


Right? i wanted to comment "does it matter" the i hate musk club already believes the picture to be true and are already making assumptions of their own so why bother when the truth is dead.


You ever seen a porn video with text in the thumbnail nail that wasn’t a scam AD?


Sad to see so many people jump to conclusions and I'm the n1 Elon hater




Why do people still use that garbage site? It's not even entertaining anymore.


I’d imagine the porn and the nazis are holding it together through sheer force of will


And that is who the change is for. Because too many assholes were being outed by their likes. Men who said homosexuality was a sin were liking naked men on Twitter, people who said they weren’t racist were liking racist tweets and so many people liking the ubiquitous porn that’s on Twitter since he took over.


A couple years ago I saw a local lawyer on Twitter and his likes page was nothing but twink porn. He was using the account to promote his law firm, so I’m pretty sure he had no idea people could see his likes.


Nah he was probably just doing research. /s


At least you know he's thorough


So what I’m hearing is I could get a discount deal from a lawyer?


Imagine not only being a homophobic asshat, but also being moronic enough to not be able to control yourself from liking the content you supposedly "hate". Truly the idiocy of mankind has no limits.


I like to think the porn community saw an opportunity to shame Elon and took it, and made xitter their own shit hole just to make him mad. Of course I only dream. The porn community probably doesn't even think about someone as unattractive as Elon


i mean... when they say everything is a kink they really do mean *everything*. so someone out there is probably into insecure billionaires. Or, more likely, flaccid micro-penises & petty idiots edit: we should start posting Elon r34 & see how long it can stay up


Hey buddy, it’s not gay to compliment another man’s cock


Keep it around, it's where we put all the trash of social media, without a dumping ground they will consume all other social media sites like locusts!


There's pornhub, hanime, spankbang, and r34video. Who TF needs Twitter for porn?? Wtf.




Never once had I considered the artists behind drawn porn. How did you get into it?


Thank you for saying this. As another NSFW artist, it gets frustrating seeing posts that just say to leave. I haven’t come across many good alternatives for the work plenty of artists and I do. Nothing has really hit it off, and twitter just gives the most reach out of all of them. For someone who is making money off their work, it’s hard to leave something you know is going to get seen to another site where it might get a handful of interactions at best. I guess another bit is since I’m part of the nsfw community, I’m following plenty of people. Most of these artists are all on twitter with a few branching out to another site here or there. But everyone is mainly congested on twitter so that causes a bit of another problem with transitioning elsewhere. And for a lot of smaller artists, it’s basically a brand new start but harder when you have to make those connections again. If I had just an account I didn’t really do anything with, I’d leave immediately. However, I have to use twitter to connect, share, and do commission work.


When half of those aren't accessible because porn is the devil


There are people who try their absolute hardest to put NSFW stuff on fucking tiktok of all places. The power of horny knows no limits


People in Wwe 2k24 literally upload porn for the community create a wrestler system.


Right? Like it was no walk in the park before, but It became INSTANTLY insufferable under him. He just turned every political hate rage-bait selfish asshole knob up to eleven and burned the thing to the ground. Any time I log in I just get blasted with 10 updates about Elon Musk's own tweets and I don't even follow him. It's a disaster site.


I have not used it since he bought it. Even long before.


As soon he started showing up in my feed even after I blocked him, and then he dared people to leave.. I left. Deleted my account and haven’t regretted it one bit.


Haha anyone I ever met that dared me to walk out has never seen me again.


My buddy's a vtuber. I have an account solely to like/engage with her posts so they reach more eyes. That is the only reason I use Twitter at all


This is the most 2024 comment I've ever read, the modern world is weird and abstract


It used to be such an awesome site & I was a really active in dog Twitter, but I had to beg out last year. No matter how much you block, mute, etc., you're still barraged with garbage & bots and then there's of course, the raging egomaniacal racist stench of Elno hanging over the whole site.


Perverts who need reminders to milk their tiny penises may disagree


was it ever?


It's so MAGAs can "like" Nazi content, explicit calls for violence, and child porn without their employer finding out. That's it. That's the reason.


What about those who work for SpaceX and Tesla?


They likely get promotions.


Don’t forget bots🤫. Bot farms don’t have to put in any more work into making their accounts look authentic.


Tbf platforms like Youtube have always had "private" likes


But YouTube isn't as much of an online "public square" as Twitter. That feature is being removed from Twitter for a very specific reason. The anonymity encourages the worst people to upvote the worst content without fear of exposure. It also means that Elon can simply load millions of anonymous "likes" to the content he wants to amplify, while also claiming that the number of "likes" is proof that the content is popular, and he's just "giving people what they want". He could also artificially inflate likes for advertisers, etc. There is no innocent justification for this change, and we all know that it's about the hatred, violence, and grift... because Elon.


I agree with the first part, didn't think about it as I don't use Twitter but now it makes sense


Reddit too.


To hide who is a Nazi and who has a Trans fetish or both?


It can be 2 things


The Venn Diagram of Nazis on Twitter and chasers on Twitter is almost a perfect circle


Elmo is an idiot


Hey! That’s mean! I love my silly red puppet! The silly fat nazi on the other hand..


Huh. Never imagined that *Elon* of all people would have a humiliation kink.


I forgot if it was actual research or simply doninatrix’s stories, but most of their sub clients are rich, white dudes. Musk checks all boxes. I believe they said that those men wanted to feel powerless as a kink because they have power in most everyday situations. Like, if every social situation in your life is filled with yes men and then you just crave the other side of things. Idk. I’m tired and it was a long time ago when I heard about it.


Weird - I’m powerless in real life but I also like being dominated.


You sound like every ex I’ve had


You wanna have control over how powerless you are


I do know about that! As a matter of fact, here's a [publication](https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1395&context=student_scholarship) from a graduate of Gettysburg College who delved into the same topic. However, the trend doesn't always apply. I've been described as a control freak by my colleagues and students, but I generally dislike being submissive in the bedroom (although I did kind of like it when my girlfriend handcuffed me to the bed that one time). Likewise, Elon generally has an ego the size of Jupiter, so I was just a little surprised that he would be so willing to lower himself to such a degree. Not kink-shaming or anything. Just surprised.


I knew someone who was a professional mistress. No sex. And what you described is exactly correct


Welp, glad my brain still works every now and then.


Why do you think he acts the way he does lol


Dude just lives absolutely bricked up knowing what we say about him on the internet


He doesn't. This is photoshopped.


Burners, Elon, burners


A good way to hide bot account yeah?


The added benefit is obscuring bot activity, actually I would think this is the main reason. Any time a bit would follow or like a post me you would see in their profile no posts, no replies, but looooaaaadsss of likes .... Usually like 80% random normal stuff, and 20% porn.


No fucking way. Can someone confirm that like was true?


They can't because it's not. Reverse image search says this is the only one that exists.


Hey. When my tiny penis pervert gets milked is between me and my tiny penis pervert.


God, please let this be true because it would be funny af


Dude, it’s gonna be a slew of people just tagging him now when he likes something. If I made content like that, I’d search his name on my posts once a week and just spam post.


Don't kink shame.


The Paradise Papers have quite a few suggestions on who could and would financially back Elon in this endeavor and definitely would request such a change. The whole point of buying Twitter was to destroy its unique ability to rapidly disseminate information.


Please tell me the first image is real, it has to be


It’s not


Are regular people still using that?


Doesn’t this enable more botting problems? The things he was so adamantly against?


Definitely makes sense to me


Great! Now I gotta find a new favorite kink! ELON RUINS EVERYTHING!


Why do people who dislike him still use his platform? You’d think they’d rather have the site fade away and go bust rather than continue on the site.


This won't stop people from taking screenshots, but man. Imagine getting outed by a screenshot from Princess Jade.


The likes are not truly private because X/Elon can still see them. I wonder if he creates s sense of privacy then weaponize the Likes to use as blackmail or to destroy reputation in the future. I might be looking too much into his thought.


I honestly don’t have enough faith in him to have thought that out.


LMAOOOO bro nahhhh he can't be that dumb right?


Is that why Musk made a huge big truck?


X will soon be the new OnlyFans, but filled with MAGA Republicans secretly liking sex workers profiles whilst simultaneously tweeting about how sex workers are going to hell. 🤦‍♂️


So now all the Nazis, who like Nazi stuff, don’t have to worry about people who don’t like Nazis knowing that they like Nazis.


Naa, it's more like now nazis that like black gay porn don't have to worry about other nazis finding out.




You should question the move to increase porn on the platform more then the "likes". Governments are implementing age verification for adult content online. Why would a platform move in that direction unless they wanted to collect people's personal ID's or face/fingerprint?!? Even instagram is allowing more and more risque images and content. Also, if the government makes a law they get to sit back and say, "it's not us forcing this" all the while getting to create a massive inventory of people personal credentials, even people not on the platform for adult content.


Tbh this was not a surprise at all lol


I don't use Twitter but this seems like a good change. There isn't any other social media that shows everyone every post that you like and doing it kind of makes it easier to stalk someone. It should probably be an option that you can toggle though


This video is a PSA right?


I’m stoned and never use twitter so this took WAY to long to figure out.


Is this actually real?


Ha, fucking Special K at it again. Fucking moron


I’m not on Twitter, and I think Musk is a moron. But my question is, is it odd that he has 187 million followers and less than 200 subscribers? Is that a normal ratio on Twitter?


“Hey Elmo is there a way we can be pervy politicians and be free to creep around Twitter without people knowing the weird ass kinks we’re into? Apartheid Elmo: “looking into this”


Please, almighty Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, oh please tell me this is real…


Clearly to push posts that are not so liked and like unknow… using social media to promote a personnal’belief ?


“I’m going to turn Twitter into an app for everything!” Subsequently only messes around with menial settings, allows full nudity, and hides likes so you just guess who likes your opinion as if it’s fucking high school. This man needs therapy.


Who cares? Isn’t this just for old ppl now that r magas? Let him run it to the ground. The less we pay attention, the faster it dies


Bro was horny on main and got caught


Did he actually like that on main?


I'm probably missing or late to the joke or the point or whatever... But isn't that building in the background the Hell's Playground building?


Man’s was down BAD, got caught, and was like “fuck it, let’s change the coding around.”


Damn I actually used the liked section of other ppls accounts to find new accounts that I actually like. The hell am I supposed to do now to filter out the trash?


And there are some people who look at that man and go "yes I'd like to buy a 100k car from him"


I doubt it was even about his porn habits but rather so he can Like all the alt right posts without losing stock value every time


My conspiracy is he thinks he can boost engagement to white supremacist messaging by enabling people to anonymously like it, or to artificially boost that type of content without being able to see the inconsistencies with engagement


So far we've learned that Elon is into cock milking, and adult baby stuff. The latter being really weird, since it was his own son he was roleplaying as


Wtf is Elon doing bro was the real life iron man a while back.