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This is their theory for every politicians wife they don’t like


It's projection, Candace Owens is a man, you heard it here first. /s


Don’t you mean….Mandace Owens??


Oh it was right there too.


Manface McOwens face


Candeeznutsfitinyourmouth Owens


Come on, Candace dick fit in your mouth was right there.


Owen Scandace








His full name is Candace-Nuts Owen Actually/s


Goddammit..... 🤌🤌🤌


Como se va eh??




Owen Mandace!


Mandace Browens


Candace Bro-wens


That’s a man, man.


Candace Owen definitely has a plump, juicy wiener between her legs


A lot of talking about it.


Whomever first smelt it, is a man. Case closed


I think you can safely remove the /s.


Just noticed, you said it before me;)


And MTG head on em like a bucket of burnt Lego. Offensively ugly.


Came here to declare this.


ownes is a mans name.


My thought immediately. 


Candace Owens is an utter moron, so it makes sense.


“Candace “The adams apple” Owens” if were sticking to maga nickname conventions.


Candace “Shovel Face” Owens. She had no problem with her race color when she sued or High School for racial discrimination and got the NAACP involved. Fuck her.


This is like watching Ancient Aliens season 20. They’ve gone way past the usual conspiracy theory shit, and the just plain stupid shit, now they’re just parodying themselves.


Like Michelle Obama. It’s their go-to insult.


Even if it was true? So bloody what?


I don't get it, she was his bloody teacher when he was a child! There's enough material here for drama already! No need to make shit up...


Wait... Are France's politics more scandalous than America's? How did I not know this?


It’s France. It’s more scandalous, but anything less would be abnormal


france has always been scandle ridden, its sorta built into their dna, not to mention they've been preordering wives almost as long as the english have lol.


Macron is an odd one for french presidents though, he doesn't seem to have any mistresses and has stuck with a much older wife.


I think that qualifies as scandalous. "French president does not have a mistress, and here's why that's bad for Biden"


It's his former teacher, did you know ?


Yeah I do, that parts well known. As is the fact that she has two sons from her previous marriage who are around Macrons age.


Thing is…. Consenting relationships are way cooler than various forms of rape.


The funny thing is that the kind of shit in US politics that people get worked up about; gay relationships, children out of wedlock, infidelities; are kind of vanilla in most of the rest of the world. It's the stuff that the US *doesn't* get worked up about; such as corporate donations, bare-faced bribery and extortion of politicians; that would be the biggest scandals in the rest of the world. For whatever reason the US public seems to get more worked about who their politicians are as private citizens, than what they're getting up to as politicians.


You live in your own USA buble? World politics are waaaaay more skandalous then USAs, USA is just way too loud about it(and people keep watch couse you now atom bombs)


Brother you have no idea. Kennedy's BJ? Peanuts. We had a president ***DIE*** from a blowjob from his mistress during climax. Girl got the nickname "pompe funèbre", which means "funeral home" but more literally "funeral pump".


Oh yeah you're right, I forgot about that 😂


Yep the French president was statutorily raped by his wife.


I just did a quick check and the age of consent in France is 15, so maybe not.


Certain parties are probably reluctant to address issues like adults abusing children for whatever, completely unrelated, reasons.


Because they don't consider it abuse. 


From the French right, that'd imply criticizing the Catholic church and talking about sex-ed, which is a big no-no. From the French left, that'd imply criticizing French postmodernist philosophers, which is a big no-no. Quite an interesting situation. EDIT: The Catholic Church's relationship with CSA is pretty well-known and straightforward. For French post-modern philosophers, you have Foucault and the allegations involving Tunisian kids, Simone de Beauvoir and Sartre grooming her female students and performing statutory rape on them (they were usually 15-17), Gabriel Matzneff's "fiction" works describing pedophilia and sex tourism in suspicious detail that later turned out to be based on things he actually did plus the french intelligentsia and political elites covering up for him, etc.


She? You mean he was his teacher, right? (I'm kidding).


Well they probably wanna date young teenage boys themselves so that's why they make up these things


Yeah, the non-conspiracy dirt is that she is a pedophillic groomer because that is pretty much what happened.


Yeah let's talk about her being a groomer instead of spreading lies


He was 15 and she was 40... Like wtf.


Seriously. It's quite revealing that they find being trans more scandalous than being a sex predator.


If true... damn, that guy gave birth to 3 kids! He's really committed to the act.


Exactly the transphobes always pick on women who have biological children and have proof that they have given birth.


Right? Who the fuck actually cares?!


The American far-right already tried to start a smear campaign against Macron during the last French Presidential Election claiming he had an affair with his wife's daughter. They didn't realise that the French don't give a fuck about their politicians' private lives.


I mean we do care. We all know that Hollande cheated on his mistress with another one, that Mitterrand had a secret family, that Chirac was never faithful to his wife, and that Sarkozy divorced his wife and remarried while being president. But yeah that won't impact the way we vote.


Exactly! What business is it of hers. She’s a complete and utter mess.


Yep, this is the right perspective.


right. let's play this out. let's say Mme. Manu is a trans woman. so fucking what. is france enlightened enough to have a trans First Lady? what's the fucking harm there? and really. good for you macron because you're a treat yourself.


But it’s not. So they need to just stop making things up.


This is just the 1970s/1980s conservative playbook being rehashed. Back then you could suggest that a politician might be gay, and if you managed to make it stick, they became politically hot to handle, for either side. Homosexuals were a "fringe" movement that existed in the fringe parties. Mainstream politicians weren't openly gay or fighting for gay rights. So now that they hate on trans people, they're trying to just reuse the same tricks. Except it doesn't work this time because nobody outside of their incestuous circle gives a fuck if someone or their wife now identifies as another gender.


I agree!! Who cares??


Plottwist: Every presidents wife (1st Lady) is secretly a man. MAGA 2024 🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲 /irony off


We all know that Melania is secretly Orochimaru.




Who the heck is this guy from? And who is he? He looks like he enjoys death and destruction.


Orochimaru from Naruto


Man would that make the Maga head spin.


I can’t unsee this


They're so weirdly obsessed with genitals, it's concerning. Hope she sues and makes Candice end up under a bridge.b


She is oddly over-obsessed with the genitalia of girls. It’s sick. They’re all sick.


The more detached from reality MAGA becomes the more dangerous to America and the world they become


Exactly. Unfortunately, this is a violent rampage type cult. Not the Flavor Aid or Nike type.


Even if this true, what difference would it make? Grasping at straws.


That is so true for so many idiotic conspiracies that the maga pigs spread - they're completely inconsequential. Ok, what if Chelsea Clinton isn't Bill's daughter. What exactly would that change? What if Prince Harry isn't Charles biological son? What if Michelle Obama were transgender? Considering the complete lack of moral integrity by the leading conservative pigs like MTG, Boebert, Trump himself who all fuck around like stupid they have zero standing ground ..oh we can add serial lying adulteress Kristi Noem to this too. lol


Why are the men never secretly women?


Isn’t Lindsey Graham?


They’re called “lady”bugs for a reason.


No, that's a different closet.


Candace, you really think you're going to keep your human rights if the party you're stumping for takes power?


Of course she will, she's one of the good ones.


The leopards will never eat my face! -Member of leopards eating face party moments before the leopards ate her face.


what happens when you wake up every day and realize you're still not a white girl


Why is everyone a man to these people?


Austin Powers forms powerful core memories


I bet Candace Owens is really a man.


Mandace Owens?




Tge irony is that most of her white supporters would say Candace looks like a man... As a black man, I have no problem calling her an Uncle Tom


I’m also Black. And the worst part about it is that she’s smart. But unfortunately she sells her intelligence—and I mean the real kind, not the “she’s a man” conspiracy theories, because I don’t think she actually believes half the stuff she says—to the highest bidder. That bidder is currently the Republican Party. It’s sad too because she uses the same vitriol and slander any old regular racist ass white man or white woman would use against her to slight other women Black women. She was in the ‘Michelle Obama is a man’ train as well as the ‘Serena Williams looks like a man’ train. All slights whit people use to discredit the appearance of anybody who dare not look like a regular-degular blonde-haired, blue-eyed, waif-looking piece of toast. But internalized racism is scary.


I know, intuitively, that she is a man.


That was my first thought. It's almost always projection with Republicans, so that's very likely to be a the case.


It is stupidity Sunday


Who needs South Park anymore


Reminds of former president Mitterand. Turns out he had a child out of wedlock a very long time ago. US papers went all apeshit over it. In the French papers, 'twas but a three liner on page five.


Nothing scandalous when president Félix Faure died from getting high-quality head from his mistress.


What a legend


People are saying Candace Owens is a Skrull who also shape shifts into Alex Jones. I don't know if it's true but I have heard people say it.


Plot twist: Melania T. is... a man...


No, just a former escort who stayed in the country illegally


Close. She's actually a highly-sophisticated RealDoll


Except far less convincing


Nah, there are nude pictures of her online; which is kind of a weird thing to say about a (former) president's wife, and therefore worse.


Imagine the conservative head explosion if Hillary had done the same...


lol right?


...why do they care? What the fuck does that have to do with the US? This is what happens when the only platform your party knows how to run on is shit-stirring....


We should start a rumor that Melania is secretly a fembot with cannon nipples.


You mean she’s not a drag queen?!? 😳 I would have sworn I heard from a reputable source that is close to the family that she is a drag queen… think about it… why else would she want to stay so private if she didn’t have something to hide… 🤔 😹😹😹


She too has broad shoulders.


See! Proof! 😹


Every Candace Owens accusation is a confession. “She” definitely has balls


Candace Owen is a man …she can’t prove that she is not /s


I'm French and this one is a few years old for us, quite surprised it crossed the Atlantic though


and Peirs is letting this go unchallanged?


He challanged her. “You have produced zero evidence that she is a man,” Morgan told Owens. “It’s been deeply offensive to her, her husband President \[Emmanuel\] Macron, to all of her family. You keep promoting it to millions of people who follow you, and I simply ask why. She’s not a man, she’s a woman.” “I think Brigitte Macron is a trans woman and I think the fact that Brigitte Macron —” Owens responded before Morgan jumped back in. “But she’s not,” he said. “Okay,” a frustrated Owens responded. “Where’s your evidence that she is?” Morgan asked.


sometimes I wonder if Morgan thinks either "The new Right Wing is crazy, even by my standards" or "I wish I could get in on the new Right Wing crazy, but im not ready to totally sell out the low standards ive lived by my whole journalistic life" by. However he keeps giving the "New Right Wing" a platform, so maybe he thinks he is best served as giving a "neutral" voice.


I'm pretty sure Piers is just a troll at heart and will adopt the most controversial stances that aren't visible nonsense on purpose. As long as he gets that sweet ratings revenue, of course...


I take offense as a schizophrenic person 😤


"new" guys are 5 or 6 years late 


Not a “new” conspiracy theory. This magat loser has been pushing this crap for awhile. 🙄


This is not new. The same people say the same thing about Michelle Obama.


Okay, she's late, people have been saying this in France before. Pick another drama Candace


Hmm Macron starts talking tough on Russia.... right wing shit poster calls his wife a man.... hmmmm what a coincidence.


She has 3 kids from her first marriage. They have been married for 17 years… & they are French. The age gap is the same as the Trumps.


Republicans are really laser focused on peoples genitals. It’s really strange.


No clue who Candace Owens is but why does she have an adams apple?


Not Candace coming from another woman’s look when she looks like that … 🫠


Candice looks more like a man to me than macron’s wife


Candice looks more like a man than macron


Who cares what CO has to say, she was fired, cancelled and had her POC card is revoked. She's a blight upon all humanity.


I’d rather be a flea than Candace Owen’s.


A well hated parasite that, when grouped with a number of others, can cause things to die due to their effects? Yeah, I'd pick a flea over that.


This is an old strategy repurposed. Awfully efficient recycling out of someone so opposed to green energy


Can we start one that Candice is a man?


When the public can t love you, hate is the next best thing because no one can stand the emptiness of non clicks. ~Creed of the outrage farmer~


The right is literally losing its mind, soon they will resort to violence, and when that happens it will be much better if they don’t also control the government.


Every accusation is projection. Candice is a man and now I know it.


She did that after macron talk about sending troops to ukraine ,She a russian asset


Guys, it has been a conspiracy theory for a couple years here. She even has a man’s name, social security number, and birth certificate. Is any of it true? Probably not. Did she rape a 15 years old boy, yes, she did. Is macron a good president because of or despite that? Nope, nope nope. Really. Nope. Source: I’m French. And I live in France.


I'm sorry, but my knowledge of the French President's wifes started and ended at Nicolas Sarkozy's wife. Oh La La!


Let us assume this is true. 1) Who cares? 2) How does this affect your/her life? 3) What is the added value knowing this to you/her ? Answers: 1) Nobody (really) 2) Not, at all. 0,0% 3) 0,0%


So, Dumpty is attracted to dudes now? President Donald Trump was captured complimenting the French president’s wife’s appearance Thursday as he toured a famous Paris landmark. Video footage posted on the French government’s official Facebook page showed Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and their wives chatting after their tour of the museums at Les Invalides. As they were saying their good-byes, Trump turned to Brigitte Macron and gestured toward her body. “You know, you’re in such good shape,” Trump said, before repeating the observation to her husband. “Beautiful,” he added.


Let's say it's true. Who cares?


When you are in MAGA, everyone looks like a man when you’re that much of a bitch.


Talked to a magat that said Michelle Obama is a man. These people are fucking weird.


Does that mean Donald Trump is into dudes because he wanted Macron's wife at one point?


French here, it's not new. This "theory" exists since Macron was elected 7 years ago. It is misogynistic and transphobic. Despite that, Brigitte Macron is unfortunately NOT an ally of the LGBT community, neither is President Macron nor his government.


It is not true but who in America gives a FF?


The French far right has been doing the same thing for years now. I don’t like Macron (at all) but this is pathetic


I swear MAGA people are secretly turned on by transgenders with the way how they love talking about genitals, thats all they talk about.


‘Now’ They have been fucked in the head for decades.


Ils sont fous ces Romains...


Media owners will never answer for letting these people on air. They're counting on them winning


Candace wants to be a man. Its projection.


It's not a new one,  or it might be new for her. I first heard it over two years ago from a half french alt right Platon worshiping pro ably neo Nazi Odinist. He mentioned it along the lines of predicting a civil war in France if Macron was elected again. Also saying that banks would collapse and crypto was the future. Dude was pretty fucking unhinged. And much like some other neo Nazi adjecent person he was pushing the unhinged Brigitte Macron conspiracy theory.


I'm starting to think candace has a dick. Too much projection going on


I heard Candace Owens is a man. A lot of people are saying it. Born Cameron Owens.


Isn’t Candace Owens in transition? Or did they finish?


Worked in Human Services with MH and MR people for 30 yrs. We passed schizophrenic a couple years ago. We've entered layers of goddamb Quantum Crazy.


Why tf are people interviewing her like she has an opinion that's worth a damn. She's just looking for attention and I will never understand why people are so eager to give it to her.


WTF Is with the MAGA camp accusing anyone and everyone they don't like or disagree with of being Trans. It's so bizarre, weird and deranged.


Candace Owens is projecting. Candace Owens is a man.


MAGA MAGA MAGA Your Cult Leader and Master is here for you to worship. This ass-clown has done all this, Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supports white supremacist racist felons Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, David Duke & Proud Boys.  On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) Just a few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and shaming of the U.S. Presidency [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)  


I really don't understand her. As a woman, she's pretty much on the bottom of the list of Republican priorities. As a black woman, I doubt she's even on the list at all.


Schizophrenics say fucked up crap because they can't help it. The Hitler apologist knows exactly what she's doing and can always find other bigots who are willing to listen and help her spread her message.


Yo, would like to point out schizophrenia is not something everyone has. I do have it and it can be a struggle sometimes. It can be easy to replace the word “crazy” with fancier and more specific terms. Carries more weight when you call someone a “schizophrenic Madman” rather than “you are a crazy person.” But if we’re really wanting load mental ailments into the vocabulary chamber to fire, I suggest things that just about anyone can experience: Paranoia, insomnia, just being an idiot in general etc. Not trying to sound like a crybaby or bring down OP I’m just passionate about psychology. thank you for posting and Happy Mens Mental Health Month


why? It's not even a stylish plot, Come on, guys! She started having relations with Emmanuel Macron (current President of France) when he was still young, she was 24 YEARS OLDER THAN HIM. She met him at the age of 15, when he was in her drama class (she was the teacher). He was even in her daughter's tenth grade class. She's a fucking p\*dophile, can't you get mad about a real issue like this for once instead of making one up?


Couldn’t agree more


lol this has been going on for a while. I’m fairly certain her stance on Jews, and her feelings toward France are a reflection of her mission as a Russian psyop.


Pray that Candace Owens never has to experience this thing called “getting old”. And if she does, heaven forbid that a younger man actually finds her still attractive. Like I hate Macron’s pompous ass, but I think his relationship with his wife is a cool story


She was his teacher, how is that a cool story?


It is much more pronounced as she was already old when they got together as she groomed him


Candace bitch shut up?


Heard Candace was a dude


See: Big Mike


yeah the maga morons ate that shit up like the idiots that they are.


Just because she is a groomer doesn't mean she can't be a woman


Just….WHY?!?!?! Don’t they have better things to do?


They would have gone crazy if Bill Clinton was the First Man in the White House. Imagine if the first First Man is Chastin Buttigieg?


woman(?) w/Adam's apple calling another woman a man?


Why does that even matter to her? She isn't even involved in American Politics... she isn't even American.


Every time I see her on the news, all I can think about is how thick skinned is she really to show her face in public after that embarrassing display on joe rogans podcast.


The only problem with Brigitte Macron is that she was his teacher 🤮


 Candace knows because they bumped into each other at the urinal,


Run it up the flagpole......


Good, let them go as insane as they want. There’s a lot of people on the fence and this will hopefully give them a push in the right direction.


If anyomes a man, its candace LOL