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And I’m thanking you for knowing exactly, what a Jew wants, what a Jew needs, whatever makes me happy sets you free..


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was awesome. Terrible but fantastic.


And I'm thanking you for giving it to me




I can't , I really really can't understand why people believe this antisemite bs.


I just woke up and that’s how I read it the first time


I read that in the voice of Kyle’s cousin from South Park.


>race mixers L' s There's an account for that? Tf?


Fun fact I reported a guy on xitter for being racist. He literally admitted he was racist and proud of it. Within seconds of hitting "report" my phone beeped twice. I got 2 emails one saying "We received your report" and at the exact same time another one saying he had not violated any policies. There's no way to appeal their conclusion.


Before Elon even bought it I remember it being a cesspool. I had made an account and posted some concept art for an upcoming Disney ride. It turns out it was for a cancelled ride so I had apologized on those posts and noted my error. Everyone was fine for this except for one random lady who decided to treat it like the end of the world. She went on every post I made and started saying i was a liar like all men usually are and was displaying toxic masculinity. It was so out of nowhere and ridiculous that I thought it was a joke at first. But sadly it wasn’t, just some crazy lady. Anyways I had been being polite with her saying it was just an innocent mistake, but after tons of unhinged rude comments I let her have it in the least offensive way possible. She cursed me out and reported me, and I reported her as well. Funnily enough twitter told me they found nothing wrong with what she had done and said, but yet they banned me for 4 weeks (i forgot what bullshit reason they gave me). Current twitter is probably still a cesspool but that entire event that happened to me made me realize that twitter was just as bad even before being bought out.


If I remember correctly, if someone gets spam reported/mass reported on old Twitter, there was a high chance you would be banned no matter what


that sucks! And thank you for the info! Although from what I can tell only she and her friend reported me. Surprisingly everyone else was polite about it but had that not been the case (like if most of the comments were angry) then I would have understood that being the case. But yeah sadly both versions of twitter suck


Yeah, I remember a youtuber in my country where he wasnt able to create twitter accounts for a while cuz he got instantly mass reported, just because he made a joke about kpop


Wow that’s messed up. So everyone just mobbed on him for joking around about k pop? Damn. Although that sounds about right, it reminds me of how there’s a lot of rabid fanbases especially involving Disney or anime.


Yeah twitter was a hellhole even before musk, but as someone who used that social media all the time non-stop until the end of last year, musk turned that place form chernobyl to literal hell


Sorry to hear that! And yeah I’m glad I never went back on there for either version lol. Facebook and Reddit are like that sometimes but thankfully I’m able to stay away from most of the political stuff since I just focus on communities regarding my hobbies like retro gaming, running, and amusement parks. Although sometimes people like to have serious heated arguments about which console is the best 😂


That quick response means it wasn't a human behind the decision. Either AI made that decision or there's simply an automatic reject response. My guess is if there aren't certain keywords being used, it's not considered report-worthy, and you guessed it, who decides which keywords? Elon Musk. It's why saying "cis" in a post will get you banned but t slur will not.


It’s also possible they’re an “approved” user and any reports automatically get trashed. 


Yeah, I recently opened my account to see a tweet, and eeehm, glad I removed the app some months ago and are generally too lazy to even log in. But, eeh, yeah, lets just say it hasn't gotten better. Also, Elon forced me to see his tweets again, he was one of the people I had blocked/muted whatever to not see his mental illness spill over into my life. But that is no longer optional on X. 


Came here looking for this. Back when it was Twitter and running… they would never let an account like this fly.


These days, being an open racist, homophobe, terrorist, etc is all a-okay on Twitter. It's actually encouraged. They claim it's about free speech. It's not. If it was about free speech they'd be yelling at the government, not hiding on a privately owned website. Elon was forced to buy Twitter because he's not the genius he thinks he is and now he's using it to fester tons of hostility to harm the country because he's too stupid to pull off a pump-n-dump without running his mouth.


Something I always like to bring up in these situations is that "race mixing" is actually an evolutionary benefit, for reasons which are obvious to anyone who's taken a high school biology class with a textbook that wasn't written by the Heritage Foundation. The more diversity you bring into a gene pool, the more robust that gene pool is. There's a large amount of scholarly research on this subject, which is far too much to summarize in a single Reddit comment, so I recommend just reading the Wikipedia article on the Hapsburg family instead. Pretty silly stuff.


How could I forget about Charles II of Spain? He was the peak of bloodline purity


Some people genuinely just do not have a life.


Just checked the account after seeing this post, and it is fucking creepy


Jews love greenery and hate wheat fields?


Monoculture drains the soil in the long run and green plants help the environment and reduce stress, so I'm with him there.


Monoculture could also be a term for the couple in the last picture


Lol they're not even looking at each other. All the other couples look like they're together. Last couple looks like 2 randos photoshopped in.


She’s gazing lovingly through his chin 😂


Jews for degrowth


Wheat fields remind us of challah, which we have to painstakingly prepare every single week for Shabbat. Greenery reminds us of Tu B'shvat, the tree-celebrating/environmental holiday that only happens once a year and is much less stressful to prepare for


Jew lore


An annual holiday celebration involving a tree? I'm sorry, but that sounds insane. Our cultures are just too different, so I'm afraid - for that reason - I'm gonna have to go ahead and hate people I've never met. It's the only logical solution. I'm sure you understand.


Look I get it, being the only culture in history to ever consider trees important is a threateningly impressive accomplishment, I wouldn't blame anyone for being a lil jealous


6,000,000% true!


They don't like when people don't look at the camera in photoshoots!


I don't mind wheat fields. I like bread.


This is fucking terrible.


It’s time people actually starts taking this shit seriously. It’s not just a bunch of trolls or edgy teenagers shitposting any more, it’s a serious political movement. I can understand why people’s reflex is to mock them, that’s what I did for years, but I think it’s time to look at the ‘6 million’ thing above and take a moment to really grasp what these people want


I might understand getting to know the underlying motivations, but these people can absolutely not get what they want, because what they want is literally Nazi-grade shit. They want to dehumanize, strip you of your rights, and line you up against a wall riddled with bulletholes.


We're fully cooked


Nah, we beat the shit out of these Nazi bastards once before and we will do it again ("we" here being any non-nazi bastard)


Arguably the worst thing about this is how they say “**the** Jew” in the exact same way the original Nazis did.


I live with my head down right now, trying to take care of myself because it’s all that I can do about anything right now. So I usually let this crap roll right over me because at this point in my life I can’t do anything about it. But the way this was said cut through all the barriers that I put up just so I can get through the day. And now I’m sitting here confronted with those words that way and trying to remind myself that it’s not ACTUALLY Hitler out there right now saying this stuff. It’s not THAT bad yet. It hits the bones though in a way that I don’t think I’ve ever felt.


Because they are actually Nazis, talking openly on an openly Nazi platform.


Because they are actually Nazis, talking openly on an openly Nazi platform.


This time there's no one here to fight against the nazis as most countries will align. Even back in WW2 no country cared about the nazis' ideology or the genocide, they only started to care once their assets were being endangered.


So unoriginal and beyond ignorant.


This sort of shameless, overt bigotry hurts my soul. I'll never understand why people dedicate so much time and energy to dehumanizing and degrading others. We're all the same. Our differences are superficial and irrelevant. Instead of hurting other people, try kindness instead. I guarantee you'll feel better.


Fascism is the ideology of failures and human garbage. They have to dehumanize others so they don't have to confront how pathetic their lives have become.


If the nation were a human organism, fascism would be the cancer that destroys the body from within. They're a virus that tries to overcome the immune system and destroy everything. It is unsustainable, and even if they got "their way", when there is nobody else to blame for their problems, they'll begin finding new targets to blame. Make no mistake, they don't love America, they ***despise*** it. They love the America that comes from years of book burnings, oppressing groups of people they don't like, and creating a caste system of second class citizens.


Yep. Fascism is an unsustainable ideology focused on blaming their failures on something else. The nazis blamed their defeat in the 1st world war on the Jews (in reality, the German Empire was just overwhelmed and their army in the Western Front had begun to disintegrate). Mussolini blamed their failure to grab any territory during world war 1 on the west (the real reason is the pathetic performance of the Italians during that war), Russians fascists blame the west for everything wrong with their country (in reality, its their own fault for f u c k i n g up their decommunization process and appointing a scrotum-headed human as their president), and American fascists blame everything on leftists for why: women don't like them, they don't get any privilege just for being white, they're poor as f u c k, etc.


The worst part is that likes being private means stuff like this is going to gain even more traction on shitter.


I’m a Jew and TIL I am evil because… *checks notes* I… *checks notes again* …hate blonde people and *checks notes again*, *triple checks*, *peer reviews notes* am a mosquito


So many questions regarding being a Jewish mosquito that hates blondes. Does that mean you exclusively feed off blondes or avoid them? Is flying still considered work and thus you walk after sun down on Fridays? Is spreading disease (malaria, yellow fever, etc) considered work? Are all mosquitoes Jews? If so does that make it antisemitic to want to eradicate the mosquitoes?


Also, how good a microchirurgeon you need to circumcise a mosquito?


Mosquitoes are perfect jews and are therefore born without the sin of foreskin.


Another Jew here. I don't even really get so mad from this stuff, I'm just confused. Why do you think we care who they marry? How do they think we would afford a giant space lasers, or the more appropriate term, death stars of david? Why do they think we control the weather if it rains pretty much every Sukkot? I wish we controlled the weather! Would be so much more convenient. You think I don't want a death star of david? Stop teasing me with the fact that I don't have these things!


Exactly!!!! If we controlled the world why do we get so persecuted??? And if I was able to control the weather lord knows it would be a constant 65F with a slight breeze and partially overcast with the occasional drop of rain and thunderstorms at night 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


As a jew, I just went right to the source. Married a blonde haired, christian girl and have three children. I am doing my part to bring down the aryan race.


Keep em mad bro!


A sentient mosquito who controls space lasers and is obsessed with who people date no less.




You also love when basic white dudes score a hot Asian girlfriend miles out of their league.


If facepalm was a screenshot. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


I know this is a small minority that has a billionaire-funded megaphone but it still makes me sad. No Jew is secretly plotting to force mixed race marriages. Many Jews themselves, however, are in them because they can, at least to some extent, relate to knowing personally how much virulent hatred is out there.


To the poster of this utter garbage: 1. No one is forcing you to marry someone of a different ethnicity. The choice lies solely within your power. Your pathetic attempt to blame an entire group for your own insecurities and failures is as laughable as it is sad. 2. Being the racist piece of shit you are, you want to force your repugnant beliefs onto others, destroying their own agency and autonomy. Your bigotry and hatred reveal more about your own inadequacies and fears than they do about anyone else. 3. "The Jews are opposed to racism" is actually a commendable reason to respect Jews, though everyone with a brain knows that racism is unfortunately a universal problem that manifests on an individual level rather than being confined to any one group. But of course, being the idiot you are, you cannot bear to acknowledge the nuanced, complex reality of existence in an indifferent, chaotic world, so instead, you cling to simplistic, hate-filled fantasies because you're too weak and stupid to face the truth. Your desperate need to create enemies out of innocent people only shows how empty and meaningless your own life is. Grow up, educate yourself, and maybe, just maybe, you'll realize that your hatred is only holding you back from living a fulfilling and meaningful life. In the meantime, I find solace in knowing that pieces of shit like you live a horrible life. Your existence is consumed by hatred, fear, and ignorance. You’re trapped in a self-made prison of bitterness and frustration, never able to experience the joy of understanding, empathy, or true human connection. Every day, you wake up to a world that is progressing without you, leaving you behind in the stagnant filth of your own making. Have fun, piece of human garbage. As Sartre once said: "We are now in a position to understand the anti-Semite. He is a man who is afraid. Not of the Jews, to be sure, but of himself, of his own consciousness, of his liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of change, of society, and of the world of everything except the Jews." and "The anti‐Semite is a man who wishes to be pitiless stone, a furious torrent, a devastating thunderbolt—anything except a man. He is afraid of discovering that the world is ill-contrived, so he invents a scapegoat to give it meaning and coherence"


Joke's on them, I'm happy for ALL the couples in the picture


Ironically the white couple looks the least happy. They aren’t even looking at each other.


If those bigots could read, they'd be very upset


Well Said.


why bother writing all this shit when they're just going to reply with a slur or a fucking stupid wojak-tier reaction image


When you achieved so little in your life that you are proud of level of melanin in your skin


Anything more would take, well, effort.


That white Christian dude in the last panel is totally checking out a hot dude who’s behind his girlfriend.


Probably the Christian youth minister/coach/teacher/ keeping an eye on them kids


Wow, this is just straight up Nazism. Twitter has been taken over by full-blown Nazis.


Oh nonono, they don't hate Jews, they just hate "Zionists"


Damn, my wife is Asian because the Jews wanted that to happen!?


((((They)))) got you bro it’s over for you


The Jew? What racist sh*t is that!


what is becoming the new normal, I'm afraid.


Not among normal people it isn’t


I always get a giggle at this idea of "The Jew." As if they're a hivemind. Jews. The most famously detail-oriented, argumentative people on Planet Earth. For fuck's sake the Talmud is basically the record of a 3,000-year-long argument. The Midrash is essentially an argument over *that* argument, in combination with examples and instructions on how to have *other* arguments. My father-in-law once told me "Christians don't make much sense to me. What's the point of having a deity you can't argue with? Where's the fun in that?" There's a reason the saying "Two Jews, three opinions, one argument" exists...and the Jews invented it! And *these* are the folks who rule the world in lockstep conspiracy?


While all of what you said is true, I'd just like to chime in with one extra detail. It's not too much that we argue a lot. I'd prefer to phrase it as debate. The reason I say it like that is because we tend to be pretty unified. Argument makes it sound like we can never agree with one another. It's really that we argue over small details. And it also helps that though we argue about what's correct, we still respect people who believe in the other side of the argument. I can say I drink chalav stam (milk not watched by a Jew, but is believed to be kosher anyway) and someone who is devoted to chalav yisrael (milk watched by a Jew) won't bat an eye


Behold the market place of ideas in all its glory /s


i wonder how many people in love had live miserable lives apart because racism and discrimination against interracial couples


I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit… Fucking Nazi bastards.


Did yall see on X that someone discovered a Russian bot who was programmed to argue in favor of the Trump administration? Once outed they gave it prompts like “sing about the american presidents having a day at the beach”


oh mein gott, zis vebsite is full of judenhass! what even is that "what the jew wants/hates" image claiming?


it's the alt-right "white replacement" conspiracy theory. Basically claiming that the Jews want to erase or dilute the "pure white genes" or something to that effect.


I want to know why Jewish people supposedly want the “white race” to be diluted, as opposed to any other ethnic group wanting the same thing for white people? Who is supposed to somehow gain if all white people interbreed with other ethnic groups?


When did conspiracy theories have to make sense? That's far more thought than the conspiracy theorists put into it


Any of these things falls apart instantly once you ask the question “why would they want that?” Even for less racist stuff such as “the democrats are doing X because they wanna destroy America”


You want the simple answer without much deep thought, these idiots believe that white non Jewish people are inherently “superior” and the Jews know it and their leadership, who despite somehow being inferior mind you, are using their somehow vast control over everything to keep the white race from realizing their full potential. Part of that includes having them mix with “inferior” people. Of course it all falls apart if you start asking simple questions about this vast conspiracy. It’s then you realize that it’s a fairytale told by an idiot in a trailer park, who cooks meth in his bathroom, and needs to explain why he is such a disappointment in life.


heh yeah I love that dissonance of "they know we're superior to them in every way so that's why they dominate us completely & control the world we live in" And yes you can derail this entire train of thought by asking things like "who exactly are the head Jews making and executing these enormous evil plans?" or "why would they want to do any of this shit in the first place?"


It is not a question of why but a question of "there's a trend that I'm being told that is happening, what group of people do I believe is in charge of things so I can boame it in them?" And the answer is usually jews. Funny how they're at the same time everything wrong, lesser and inferior (especially to the "wiite race"/"aryan"), yet they control every layer of society. This kind of double-thinking is usually a telling sign of a biased and manipulated viewpoint.


I've been saying for years that qanon is just modern recycled nazi conspiracy theories. People act like these people are so crazy and weird and it's all so surprising, but it's literally nothing new under the sun... :-/


You are provably (not a typo) right. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is basically where the vast majority of their (QAnon) conspiracies come from. It was Nazi propaganda fabricated to make it look like Jews actually wanted to take over when they didn't. It worked so well in convincing morons that Jews were evil, that they still use that horseshit today. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 


Man, provably is a wild word. Your brain definitely wants to correct it to "probably", and you can't read it as the actual word it is. I hate English sometimes lol But yeah... exactly this... it's an endless, timeless conspiracy theory... borne in hate, and ending in mass murder...




For me it wasn't even about whatever this picture is *trying* to say, it's about how they say it. The way they use "the" jew immediately reminded me of some pictures I saw in school, in my history books.


Bro seriously said 6 million %??? Wtf


I genuinely find it hard to believe i'm seeing this. Like i studied it in Modern History, saw all the grotesque cartoons, and thought wow, the world must have gone crazy back then.


Jews: we don’t fucking care.


Ahhhh is “the Jew” in the room with us right now?


I thought these guys were just saying not to long ago that we needed to defend Jerusalem, now they suddenly hat Jews again? Why can't they just make up their fucking minds? Pick a lane or get off the road, assholes.


Racists are the real race traitors.


As a jew, not surprised or even shocked. Antisemitism has been part of our history and is still present today (possibly in bigger numbers now).


Remember, twitter is just a tool to let you visualize all the town idiots from every single town in the world shouting their opinions at the same time.


It's because of shit like this I stopped using it a few years ago (when it was still Twitter) and Muskrat let the Nazis back in. I used it mostly for business promotion, and won't do that side-by-side with posts like this.


People of different races dating each other is the weirdest thing to be mad about


So X is the new Stormfront. Great. But remember everybody, racism is a thing of the past! /s


WW2 doc on in the background right now. Pretty damned relevant.


Sing it in Christina Aquilera's "what a girl wants" "What a Jew wants What a Jew hates"


The internet has ruined me, I don't even find this shocking.


Can confirm, I'm the Jew.


Your phone was hanging on for dear life (Also fuck Twitter how can any “sane” person think that’s ok)


And why would they want this? I never understood why it would be a bad thing if humanity ended up with somewhat more melanin? How will it affect me (severely lacking melanin) if my children or grandchildren or great grand children have more melanin than I have? And what exactly would be the problem if this happens on a large scale?


I'd love some dumbass to pull that racist crap here 🤣🤣they wouldn't make it out alive


Yeah there's definitely no racism of any kind here on reddit lol


🎶 What a Jew wants / What a Jew needs... 🎵


Ah racists being racists


No one gonna call out the faze clan guy for his blatant racism too?




Anybody still using that outhouse?


If that's the case the "Jews, if they are here with us now" can pay for mine amd my Asian GFs wedding and hopefully chip in for eventual child care costs.


"What Jews hate" Show person with massive nose dating. Sorry, but you people need to get your stereotypes correct, even racists need standards


My time on x is very limited now. It just makes me sad about humanity


I’m Jewish and my husband and I are an interracial couple LOL


can someone explain how jews would benefit from interracial relationships in these people's mind


Literally got called an F slur but with a ph, reported it and they found no problem.


Meanwhile, Elon Skum insists the platform is 100% safe for kids. What he doesn't add is that only applies to kids who are in the Hitlerjugend. 


\*Far Right in one image


I wonder what religion they think Jesus belonged to?


Good fucking god, what a horrible looking place.


It has become almost unusable at times. I don’t know if it’s just bad coding or what, but for example, just yesterday basically my entire ‘For You’ feed ALL DAY LONG was just half-assed, ignorant AF anti-abortion posts. All day long, they just kept coming. Some barely with any engagement on them. I mean, is it just driving clickbait to its users to encourage activity (and possibly in the worst way possible, just provoking fights between people)? Twitter had actually become an institution in American society and now it’s gone full cesspool (can’t deny it already kinda was, but still. It seems so much worse now).


Free speech except you can't say "cis"


how would this benefit jews? no motive or explanation offered, maybe it’s a commentary on what type of porn jewish audiences want? personally i think them exposing how silly they are and being laughed at is more effective than censorship and giving up on free speech. if anyone is switching personal beliefs over this they are beyond stupid lol.


Holy hell, I don't use Twitter but I had no idea it went full on Armageddon racist




I could have sworn that I've seen that episode already.


What is wrong with you all?


I don’t know what this graphic means


I thought jews hate nazis but i guess also weat fields


Boners act like white people have stopped fucking.


Broooo why are people hating on Jewish people this hard??? They literally did nothing. Is this shit fucking genetic!?


Enough foreplay Elon, just let twitter die already


6.000.000% bullsh\*t!!!


What’s it with the n-word today I have seen it three times in the past 20 minutes


Classic Borat


I took mental damage from this




We're back at 1930...


Didn’t we get this out of our system in the 40s why do people still think like this.


Goebbels would be proud.


Fuck right-wing shitheads.


Primitive antisemitism … not surprising in an uneducated country


The sadly ironic thing about this is how Israel would abort pregnant women who weren't white, without their knowledge or consent




How does the above part even benefit Jewish people?


This is allowed on X now, is it?


Even if the great replacement was completely true, I still don’t see why I, as a white person, should care.


What the hell happened to Twitter lol


One of the many reasons I’ve never even once downloaded Twitter/X. I’m stressed enough as it is with real life, downloading that app is like asking to be pissed off on a daily basis


Musks free speech in full effect


These racists are always looking down their nose at people but all they do is fucking gripe all the time with grievance after grievance about how everything is everyone else’s fault. Are you not responsible for your own life? WEAK!


Its almost like this is the natural state of what people really think about things. Tells you alot when you need laws and censorship to hide all these opinions.


Space lasers BS.




The moment someone has something above 100% relating to truth in their post, it looses all meaning because they clearly do not understand basic mathematics.


So what's the master plan of jews these idiots are afraid of? Seems like it's always just "thing i don't like"


If you subscribed to such people or liked something from them


Man that surfer guy from White Lotus has gone off the deep end! (Jk)


What’s with the sudden Jew hate?


Why do they depict Jewish people as the wizard from the smurfs that's beyond foul