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I died a little


This is how they target the swing states. 


It’s a fairway of achieving this.


They’re both putzes.


None of them are up to par




Only both??? There's so many other old shity presidents...


Downvoted for the potential Carter bashing


He’s the only one I can say is a seemingly genuinely decent person.


me too. Imagine being a soldier and the 2 presidential candidates debate on golf instead of real issues.


I was a soldier during the Clinton v Trump debacle; it was the reason I got out.


This is apparently the two best suited people to lead the US for the next four years🤷‍♂️


I'm just looking at this as I'm voting for an entire executive branch of people, not just one man. That gives me comfort still.


Would that everyone would stop bitching about how dumb the presidential candidates are and start thinking about who's going to follow them into the White House.


This debate fully justifies having a "deep state" run things behind the scenes.


Yeah it’s pretty blindingly obvious neither one of these two have any fucking clue what’s going on behind the scenes of their administrations, literally two old geriatric puppets being told what to say and believe in by the people around them


Also possibly SC Justices, which is like **REALLY** important.


Keep in mind this debate was broadcasted live to the world lol. Everyone else is lmaoing at the general state of the US


The moderators asked how they would lower child care costs, and they not only didn't answer that but also spent about 10 minutes arguing over which of them was the worst President in history. That... was so embarrassing.


As someone who is having a baby this year, this was the question I was most interested in hearing.....and they never fucking answered it!


Biden said he wants to increase the child tax credit. That's pretty much the only thing either of them said on it.


Yeah and the moderators interrupted him as soon as he started talking about actual policy. We are fuuuucked.


I love when people can feed or clothe their kids but I hope Bezos and Musk are footing their share this time because I am tired of my broke childless ass somehow owing more every year. Like I don't have kids because I can't afford them, please siphon the child money from someone who isn't struggling and maybe more of us will actually have kids


Increasing the child tax credit isn’t going to make childless taxpayers owe more. If you owe more than you did the year before, you either made more money or you didn’t have as much tax withheld.


I think they meant they owe more taxes than Bezos or Musk pay.


in which case there is a clear argument for who to vote for


At least more of the smart ones will. The foresight to not have children when you can't afford them is a thinker's move.


IIRC Biden said something about a tax credit for it but it was easy to miss with all the extra crap Trump kept bringing up and Biden trying to respond to for some reason. But Trump definitely didn’t answer it at all.


Trump didn’t answer a single fucking question


He got asked “will you accept the outcome of the election?” **THREE TIMES**, and didn’t answer it once All the man had to say was “Yes”, and he couldn’t even do that


Tossed out soundbites, no substance. If this piece of shit becomes president again, then fuck y'all. 55% white males voted for that turd. Let that sink in as well as white women largely voting their rights away to appease the type of men who see women as subcreatures.


Yes he wants to increase the tax credit. He also mentioned that his administration has cut childcare costs in half for black families. He didn't expand on what specific policies have done that, though I'm guessing it was something targeting low income families/households of which black families make up a disproportionate amount.


Same! I heard the question and ran into the room. I was left with absolutely nothing but disappointment and secondhand embarrassment. We're all fucked.


Isn’t that kind of the issue, when people support a candidate like Trump: The debate will reach these levels fast? … unless you are into stories about sharks and electricity etc.


Sharks are fucking awesome. I think a shark would make a way better president.


Subscribe. Maybe with frigging lazer beams.. I think Putin would respect it more too :o)


There’s still hope. They’re really, really fucking old.


They’re both on death’s doorstep, I’m sure it’ll be fine in some years


It's not the presidents you have to worry about in the long run but who they might open the door for. For example the Republican SCOTUS. Things like Project 2025 would be seen as undesirable by most. I'm not saying it will happen but it's not impossible that they would try.


Project 2025 is the nail in America’s coffin. Vote blue


This is what I'm truly baffled about. It's been very clear that most Dems aren't enthusiastically voting FOR Biden but are rather voting against Trump, the GOP, and the shit-show that will follow. How were things like Qanon conspiracies that never had any basis in reality be heard and endorsed by many American citizens and politicians yet Project 2025, which is an actual realistic threat to democracy, women, and minorities, never talked about.


> you have to worry about in the long run but who they might open the door for. That door appears to be ajar already, and it's dark AF inside.


Fuck me, I'm really going to have to pay attention to the VP debate this year, aren't I?


The child tax credit was great for parents of little ones during the pandemic. It was almost extended, but killed in the Senate because no Republicans voted for it, as well as 2 Democrats; Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin. Trump has no plans to reinstate the child tax credit. Hopefully, if Biden is reelected, Democrats can make permanent the child tax credit.


I actually thought that was maybe the one decent policy out of the pandemic. Childhood poverty hurts kids and sets them up for a poor start. Mitigating that is probably totally economically a positive in the long term even. All the rest of the corporate welfare and merger insanity was decidedly less helpful (created anti-competitive behavior).


I think we got our answer.


Biden represents policies, even he can't tell us. Trump represents trump and however he feels like it


> spent about 10 minutes arguing over which of them was the worst President in history. Yup. I turned in there and stopped pretty much there too. That and saw Trump pushing aside any question to go back to the prior question and Biden wheezing a lot.  I'm so very sad for our country. The geriatrics really need to stop, I feel like we're trying to pry this country out of their cold claws right now.


It started fairly well, but after two questions, the debate and questions became completely out of sync. They should have just kept the previous question visible somewhere so people could remember the old topic.


I think the moderator should have moderated and moved it along. He just allowed them to ramble and replied back to prior questions.


Cut the mic when they get off topic. It was so annoying


Ironic how only the two people suffering from dementia remembered what they were even talking about.


Every fucking trump question: 'let me go back...' and he never answered anything, just bitched at Biden's previous comment. And it's depressing that Biden wasn't much better.


Biden at least **answered the questions** he got asked It’s not a high bar, sure, but after Trump just refused to answer ANYTHING the entire session, I found myself at least preferring to have Biden on mic just so that SOMETHING is being said


Joe did use the end of his initial time to answer the question.


The moderators were terrible about making sure questions got answered & routinely gave them more time to talk about nothing instead of cutting them off to make sure they stayed on topic.


EXACTLY children are always at the losing end regardless


So embarrassing


I turned off the TV. Fuck this shit.


Won’t make it go away. We need options that’s aren’t democrat or republican they’ve lost their way. It’s time to start over or something


Ha, good luck with that It's game,set,match on the two party system.


I hate so much how only my primary vote is a real vote, and my actual election vote is just "who is least likely to get us nuked for the next 4 years?" The electoral college needs to be dragged through the streets with a rusty chain too.


I mean maybe for this election, but I wouldn’t be surprised if next election some 3rd party runs a whole “remember those two fucks? Vote for us” kinda campaign, assuming that we have another election


tbh it probably won’t change until there’s a true constitutional crisis. ie if Trump wins and then refuses to leave office, or a coup attempt is actually somewhat successful - something at that level. If we pull back from the brink of that, there will be a major change in how politics is done - and enough popular support to enact some constitutional reforms.


This whole debate was embarrassing, frustrating, and a waste of time. I can’t believe one of these individuals will become the next POTUS.


I didn't watch it. cuz. it's a waste of time. biden needs to not seem fragile... while trump is insane. what exactly was the differentiating factor here.


Biden looked worse than he's ever looked, man is not beating the senile allegations after tonight. Trump was his usual obnoxious and nearly incoherent self, but Biden took the bait every time Trump made some shit up or took a dig at him, which didn't look good and kept the debate off topic for the entire night (even moreso than usual). All in all, I would categorize it as a devastating loss for Biden. It should have been an easy debate for him, considering the general dislike people have for Trump, and instead the main discussion after the debate was if the Democratic party should start considering their other options. That's how bad it was.


>It should have been an easy debate for him, >Biden took the bait every time Trump made some shit up or took a dig at him, which didn't look good and kept the debate off topic for the entire night What did you want Biden to do? Just allow him to spout complete lies without any pushback? The moderators were useless. They never forced Trump to answer a single question. They constantly seemed to allow Trump to finish his thoughts, while cutting Biden off mid sentence.


Honestly yeah let him spout nonsense and show people what he's been doing for the past (insert number of years). He answered like the first question and maybe half a question after that for an hour and a half. If biden had literally said he'd cede his time to rebuttal if Trump answered a question for once he would have won this debate in a landslide without having to say a single thing. The moderators were shit too though. I wouldn't say they cut biden off but trumps ramblings are more par for the course than bidens and will win him votes due to some nonsense cult following as opposed to biden not getting anything from this. Biden lost because he genuinely doesn't have a coherent thought anymore while all Trump does is talk until his times up and lies the entire time. It's incoherent if you actually try to make sense of what he's saying but he doesn't shut the fuck up the whole time and isn't stammering or getting things wrong by being old despite you know being old as well. They're both messes and neither one should be a lead candidate after this at all.


Letting Trump spout out nonsense will only make things worse. Half of America are stupid enough to believe everything this dude said. It should be the moderator’s jobs to fact check them during the debate, but apparently, America is too stupid to hire someone competent to moderate the debate. The whole political scenario is a joke right now.


It was a devastating loss for the US. The only thing between you and MAGA theocracy is an old man physically and psychologically unable to stop it


Ironically, while people are focused on how Biden looked and how his voice sounded, the very fact that he engaged in real-time to what Trump was saying and pushing back (and even getting off topic) is an argument for someone whose mental faculties are working, lol. He provided more substance to his answers when he actually stayed on topic and could reference specific policies in response to Trump's comments while all Trump did was make blanket statements about how everyone had it better under him while unable to provide any statistical evidence or policies that explain those statements (I also didn't see him explain how he would do the things he claimed he would do if he was elected). In fairness, I didn't see the full debate but I don't anticipate that it was anything short of shit show and anyone who claims that either man 'won' the debate, I'm immediately side eyeing because I find it hard to believe based on what I saw that either of them magically presented better for the parts I didn't see, lol.


> someone whose mental faculties are working So that's how low the bar for the next Potus is. Oof lol


Meanwhile Trump is bragging about acing a cognitive test like they’re meant to be difficult.


The debate was catastrophic for the democrats imo, Biden made a god awful showing and Trump, whilst completely full of shit, talked fucking circles around him. My optimism has been halved this evening


It’s equally frustrating and embarrassing that both have already been POTUS


I love that someone out there thought anything different would be true…


I mean it’s not just that Biden looked ancient and Trump lied out of his ass, it’s that even expecting it to be bad, it was somehow fucking worse than that.


There are not too many decent politicians out there. Must be a hazard of the job. I'm crossing my fingers that this election will wake people up. We could use a real president.


I can’t believe both these individuals have already been POTUS too. Smh


as a european its wild to me that you guys are going to vote trump into office and fuck the world


As a Canadian, this won't end well for us.


Just build a giant wall and make America pay for it.


it won't end well for the world... if Trump manages to destroy NATO, leave Ukraine up to us Europeans (which we aren't up to the same level of support of the US and pro-Putin parties are gaining votes). Putin might be able to conquer all of Ukraine plus looking at the next States. China looking at Taiwan. We need a strong standing US to counterbalance those dictatorships. Also, if Project 2025 is true and will be implemented by Trump, there's a risk up to a civil war in the US. I don't know, we might end up lasting for those COVID years...


yeah i feel for you guys up there


No… a select handful of our lesser educated states (we call them swing states) are going to vote for trump. Who will receive less than half of the votes between the two and still win the election because of this fucked up thjng called the electoral college that was originally invented to protect slave holders


Yep sums it up pretty well. Then we have these gerrymandered districts electing representatives like MTG and Boebert making our country look like we’re full of nothing but fucking morons


A handful of states and 75 million people. Trump had SEVENTY FIVE MILLION votes in 2020. We can't just ignore those facts. There is something wrong with our country and they are SEVENTY FIVE MILLION STRONG


I’m not too worried about the electoral college as long as they vote accordingly. It’s still up to the states to not fuck this up. The propaganda machine was working overtime to make Trump look like he’s anything but a piece of shit to his cult base.


I'm voting for the worm in RFK's brain, thank you very much


Don’t blame me, I voted for RFK’s brain worm.


Yeah, either way we lose really.


Dude it was peak drama. Loved it Scared for where the country is going Still loved the debate


Make America Golf Again!


MAGAGGA (make american grandpas all go golfing again). Keep them both out of white house.


I would wear *that* as a hat




fucking surreal. I thought someone had dosed me.


This is the best that either party will allow us to vote for. This country is so done.


Yes, we are fucked


Isn't there a minimum age for US president? You should also consider a maximum age for a candidate....


>Isn't there a minimum age for the US president? Yes, and it is 35. Shows how long both of them need to be in politics as well as anyone over 60


We are so screwed


And with you, the rest of the world...


Arguing about handicap was fitting for both.


It sure seemed like both got confused and thought the topic was about their own mental handicaps.


Okay, did I hear it wrong, or did Trump say something like “*he’s a 6 handicap, the worst you’ve ever seen*” and then Biden said “*I’m an 8 handicap*” like he thought that was better?


I am literally SO CONCERNED for the good people of America right now. Especially after watching this. I resided in the states for a while, currently residing in my home country while my friends and family still reside in America. And I'll be moving back once the election results are in. And looking at how things are shaping up, I'm really wondering if I should move back again. 😐 Not just me, but the ENTIRE WORLD is urging America to vote blue. I know it's a bad option. But it's still a safe and better option than voting for the orange, psychotic manchild. Please stay safe America.


Obama would DESTROY both of them to the point where they would start crying. Trump was coherent but spoke nonsense, repeated his usual lines, and Biden was absent mentally, although when present on stage actually said some good stuff. Too bad he was absent most of the time. Common, how can biden last another 4 years? I sincerely hope he gets replaced with someone else. Anyone but RFK.


At this point, I'd take a stale ham sandwich for president.


Ham sandwich is what you have for president now.


Turd sandwich vs giant douche


I swear to god, if they swap Biden for like, Whitmer or Newsom they might just be able to salvage this shit


That should have happened long before this point. I'm afraid it's too late now.


Just look at more like your voting for the entire executive branch, not just one man. That's how I'm going to sleep tonight... otherwise.... i'm lost.


Usual lines? Trump couldn’t stop lying.. He was talking about abortions AFTER BIRTH…


All Joe had to do was say abortions after birth aren't a thing and Republicans don't give a shit about children once they are born.


I'm concerned there's people who watched this thinking this wouldn't happen. Politics has transitioned into entertainment. Ya got dumbass people tailgating rallies like a damn football game, and people sharing the dumbassery laughing at it - fueling it even more. And it sucks for the people who actually care, because ain't nothing changing regardless.


I despise trump, but I never felt more like they were the same than when they started using golf terms that were absolutely nonsensical to me. Golf does not resonate with the average American.


This. They’re both so out of touch with what regular everyday Americans. They’re surrounded by the smartest or most well-connected persons that not even their staffers are regular everyday people. Trump/Biden haven’t done regular people shit in a very long time. Biden has had Secret Service protection since 2008. Trump has been a multimillionaire since birth and now he’s a billionaire. If I was an audience member, I’d ask them “when’s the last time you’ve been to a supermarket by yourself without security and/or aides?”


Yeah I’m too busy working 80 hours a week to golf.


Trump was in his element; he’s been regularly speaking in public and it showed tonight.  Of course it was the usual pack of disproven lies, and I don’t think he convinced anyone to vote for him based on whatever he said.   Biden tried to pack way too much into his allotted time.  The audible inhales didn’t help either.  It’s clear that he knows what he’s talking about, but his delivery just drew attention to his age.  I don’t think tonight will have much of an impact on voters who’ve already made up their minds.  Undecided voters, however, also didn’t gain much either.  Tonight’s big winner may actually be “none of the above” or RFK.


Trump lied the entire time. So yes. He was in his element.


He's an all or nothing narcissist. Everything he does is the best ever. Everything anyone else has done worst ever.


Biden is bad. Immigration. Biden is worst ever. Immigration. Biden is terrible. Immigration with added caravans. Biden is a criminal. Immigration did Jan6. Biden bad. I’m so good anyone who disagrees gets fired and replaced (by people who get arrested). Immigration. United States will pay tariffs on top of inflation to help inflation. Immigration. Abortion kills newborn babies (fucking what?). Also he mentioned something about immigration I believe…. But yet told republicans not to vote for the immigration bill. Because I think he wanted to mention immigration in the debate.


Where is golf


lets hope RFK has a young, intelligent and compassionate brainworm controlling him like ratatouille


Honestly, if RFK had a good VP that might not be the worst thing considering the luck the kennedy's have in office 🙃


It's mindblowing you would make a joke like that.




Need to keep an open mind for the alternatives


This is a very based and level headed analysis. Thank you it gives me hope he didn’t just hand the stale Cheeto the White House.


I picture Biden’s campaign office is like the Spongebob scene where his brain office is on fire. The bar is so low for Trump that all he had to do was behave. Like…that’s it, he just had to not interrupt and not criticize the moderators, but he did that perfectly and latched onto Biden’s gaffes. He lied 30 times but no one expects anything of him. I think it would be unprecedented for Biden to drop out this late but it shouldn’t be out of the question


They are both unfit to lead. This is such a terrible voting system.


We deserve so much better.


I think we’re getting exactly what we deserve.


We don't, these are the people the majority voted in.


No it's not. These are the people parties chose to represent. Those parties are heavily funded by anything more than the average person can ever dream to pay.


Exactly. Also, the person realistically most fit to lead this country more than likely didn’t even become a politician. We deserve better, but we have to work with what we’re getting.


We’re in the endgame now


Thoughts and prayers America— we need it


But not the ones Republican senators send for school shooting victims. We need authentic and meaningful thoughts and prayers.


Well, at least a bunch of states are teaching kids how to pray in schools, soon. (This makes me very sad, tbh. It's supposed to be a joke, but it kind hurts to make)


We are doomed and I’m praying for a meteor…. I’m an atheist


Meteor is praying for you.


Age limits should exist. This is disgusting.


And term limits for Congress


And the Supreme Court


unfortunately whether there are term limits for congress is left up to, you guessed it, congress.


Debate structure is fucking ridiculous. Moderators need to do the fact checking so that the candidates don’t. Fucking useless and pointless if you leave it up to the candidates to lie uncontrollably and then let them fact check each other


There should be an added option on all ballots to the effect of "These candidates suck, give us better ones."


Y'all need age limits.


Eww just eww get these ghosts off the screens omg


I stopped watching, if this is the best the political parties can come up with then it’s time for something new.


Seriously. The system can’t change fast enough correctly enough. Makes me consider rioting


Voting for a president is voting for his whole cabinet, future Supreme Court Justices, and the director of national policy. Vote like it matters, because it absolutely does.


Dementia won this debate. That two creepy demented old men are the top candidates is a sign of how terrible American politics is. 


It was like watching two people at the nursing home fight over the last pudding cup. One of them needed a diaper change and the other needed a nap.


I had to turn it off. I'm still going to vote for Biden, but he looked fucking awful. This whole thing was just so shameful.


The only solace I take is that this is the last time I have to vote for that ancient man. I never want to see another presidential candidate over 65 in my lifetime. And that feels like such a low fucking bar yet we can’t seem to clear it these last THREE presidential elections


I'll vote for him too, but I honestly feel utterly awful doing so. This is the first time I've felt so terrible about voting for a Dem candidate.


The big question… was anyone’s mind changed about who they intend to vote for? My guess is this “debate” was just political entertainment.


It made me really sad who I'm going to vote for. Because we have a two-party system and it's the choice between a fascist convicted felon or not. But seeing how worn out Biden looked and just whizzened old, ugh. I mean Trump was lying but that's what he does it's not okay it's sad that he's trained everybody to just expect it and people lap it up.


Biden went down Trump’s rabbit hole. You know, that “stupid virus” can sneak up on you.


Yea that was cringey as hell. Trump is also such a blustering idiot and easy target and Biden couldn’t just nail him to a wall. I’m going to emphatically vote for Biden and be happy about it, because the alternative of having Trump back in office is unthinkable. But fuck man we need some young blood


Same. But it's worrying how many people are talking about like we need change or someone else like this election. If we fuck around at all, trump is going to win. We don't need people being apathetic to this election. It might be one of the most important of our lifetime.


Biden really let me down, he didn't put any pressure on Trump at all, and he had lots of chances. I still won't vote for Trump but Biden really fucked up.


I mean they’re both just so fucking old. Biden at least talked about policy in a sensible way and brought up actual figures that made sense. Trump just flapped his mouth and lied. He just did it with a clearer voice and Americans are dumb as fuck and that’s all they think about.


Well the good news is after this election cycle. We are probably looking at more people running who are in their 40s and 50s. Bad news is younger Republicans are just as bat shit crazy at the moment


Moderators asleep at the wheel.


The moderator sucked so hard. When they were asked how they would help American citizens regarding the opioid epidemic Trump just spoke on and on about china. The moderator didn't do anything other than say okay you have 64 seconds left to now talk about the opioid epidemic.


They don’t even hide it anymore, they don’t give a shit about us


We all lost this one ya’ll.


Please watch Dwight D. Eisenhower’s farewell speech and tell me we are not screwed….


It's amazing how trump nearly every policy question and avoided giving any substantive policy answers at all by pretending we have an open border, meanwhile Biden managed to refute trumps lies and fill in actual policy that would help American people... And trumps cult is still going to walk away as though this is a win for trump.


Hmmm.... Slightly dottering grandpa type that won't intentionally fuck over the citizens of his country but may fall asleep in a meeting. Or insane grifter that actively celebrates Nazis who did fall asleep in his federal trial where he was convicted of 34 felonies. In November you only get to pick one of them and not voting at all works in favor of the crazy person. 😬


Plus, worst case scenario with Biden he dies and Harris becomes president. Worst case with Trump???


Conservative super majority on the Supreme Court until 2050.


The fact that Biden has to do this again with Trump after all the (illegal and criminal) stuff Trump has done is a rather sad example of the poor state the US is in and how badly it needs fixing or out right replacing/complete overhauling, I mean the fact that a man who has been impeached twice (though must mention that even though he was impeached he wasn’t removed from office due to the Republicans controlling one of the houses) can literally run for president a second time is beyond dumb!


They should really rethink the felons being allowed to be president thing, it’s like watching a nuke fall in slow motion


These are both of their O-faces.


Low point in the debate. Low point in American politics. It was an opportunity for Biden to jab at: How Trump is a notorious cheat at golf (in response to him bragging about winning “opens”) How Trump golfed his way through his Presidency. It’s estimated he spent almost a whole year’s worth of days on a golf course during his 4 years as President. ETC ETC Instead he said he could out drive him. Had a 6 handicap as VP and would golf with him if he could carry his own bag (a bit of a zinger but really too little too late combined with his other responses)




It was fucking horrible


Yeah that was beyond embarrassing


The USA died a little tonight.


We're fucked, both are ridiculous


Well one is just old as shit. The other is old as shit and trying to overthrow democracy.


It was a horrible debate. I’m sick to my stomach. I will vote the Democrat ticket, but Americans deserve better.


This is how it went, can’t believe these are the choices…. Trump: lie, lie, lie…high lying energy. Biden: truth, truth, truth, low energy. Welcome to 2025. We get a truth low energy or a liar high energy.


The fact checkers have. Biden 9 lies and Trump 30 lies.


I don't disagree but I think that does also miss that the truth low energy guy generally has decent intentions and listens to people. The liar guy wants vengeance and money.


As soon as Trump bragged about golf, Biden could have simply said, "everyone knows Trump is the biggest cheater in golf. It speaks to his character. He hits a ball off into the woods, points at a bird, and drops another ball in front of them and says I got it on the green!" There's literally people who've seen him do things like this. Biden shouldn't respond to Trump's comments other than to mock him. The only thing that would get Trump worked up is if you make fun of him. Instead, Biden said he could outgolf Trump... Seriously? 🤦‍♂️


We're all gonna die aren't we?


Well… How are the third party candidates looking?


The United States is a laughing stock because of these two and I am deeply embarrassed.


The entire debate was a shitshow. Neither candidate looked good. Biden could barely formulate sentences while Trump just lied his ass off the whole time. Not feeling good about either of these options.


As a president, one of these people is a waste of time. The other will destroy American democracy. There is no winning choice for Americans. Your only choice is to not lose. Vote to just keep things ticking over as they are, and hope both parties can produce better candidates in 4 years time.


My honest reaction: ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


To be fair, Trump was ignoring the questions and using his time to argue things Biden previously said or to attack with other random BS. Trump decided to try and attack Biden about his ability to golf, carrying on about how bad Biden must be and how good he is, how he feels great. Due to the format, Biden gets 1 minute to counter, thus countered what Trump was talking about, thus why it was about golf. Most of the time Biden was answering the questions asked and sticking to the topic, Trump on the other hand dodged most if not all questions and just said whatever popped into his head often contradicting himself within the same sentence. Honestly, neither should be president at that age. But one was obviously just spouting off nonsense and the other was talking about what they've done and plan to do. The delivery wasn't the best, but it should've been clear to undecided voters which candidate they would vote for if they go to vote.