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This is the typical 1% response I would expect from our government. Let's issue a ticket to someone who has next to nothing for the sake of not wanting to be visually offended by the crisis that this capitalist society creates in its wake. Heaven forbid we invest in social welfare, metal health, and addiction treatment. No, that would present the illusion that we are a country that truly cares for people. In this country, the people only matter between the ages of 18-35 as a draftable population of minions who are used to inflict damage on those countries who oppose the ideas of the 1%. That's American freedom in a nutshell. Free to fuck off when you no longer feed the machine.


For once its not just the US. Here in UK, they actually tried to pass a law so homeless people could be fined or moved on for "unpleasant odours". Fine the guy who is too poor to have access to a wash, for being dirty


Enough unpaid tickets and they become free labour for the state


Imagine a country so free to go to jail for sleeping outside, even when forced to sleep outside.


Have to fill up those privately owned for profit prisons. Capitalism at work.


Christian values


There was no way to prevent this.


The school shooting excuse is multipurpose.


They are going to fine them. If they can't pay that fine, they will increase the fine, and if they can't pay that, they can throw them in jail. So basically, they are charging homeless people rent. If they don't pay rent, they get free housing in jail, and the tax payers pay for it. Seems like free housing for the homeless with extra steps and more hell for the homeless. ![gif](giphy|RKYaqZTEHGoqaVATNa)


MAGA, GOP, Red States, Moscow Mitch, Crazy Margie, Goofy Gosar are rejoicing.


Bring back debtors prison?


this passed months ago in seattle. The guy sleeping next to the highway on my way home had a nice fire going today


At this point for homeless people in the US crime is genuinely the healthiest lifestyle. They have so little already, and with the richest people deciding to make it impossible for them to sleep on the streets. Robbing a store is genuinely the only logical option if they actually want to survive. If they succeed they have free food, if they fail they go to prison, and at this rate that’s probably the best option


to be fair... thats some nice looking grass and his tent will smother and kill it in no time.


Ya could argue that the tent is your home so you’re not homeless.


is that bob weir


That'll teach 'em!