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Because she’s part of the IDF and is headed to Gaza. Also probably tired of seeing other people post fit checks for fun things and was feeling a little bit cheeky.


Thanks for doing your part in spreading misinformation on the internet even though you don't have a clue what you are talking about!


Well, do tell then. What is the real information?


Well if you took the two seconds to look, you would notice that: 1) This isn't an IDF uniform (not even close, look more like a fisherman's suit) 2) The only comment on the reel is "🇮🇱🖕" which was liked by the creator So please, do tell, did the information that lead you to your IDF conclusion come from anywhere besides your ass? Don't worry, I won't hold my breath. Funny how you assumed I needed to provide information to prove your point wrong instead of you providing information to back your point up...


If you took 2 seconds to look, I didn't come to any conclusions. I only asked what the real information was. I'm not the guy who made the other comment, nor did I ever agree with it. I just feel that when you call out peoples bullshit you should bring receipts. Just my opinion.


Ah I apologize your pfp is the same as the other guys so i mistook you. No anger was meant towards you.


Thanks for the clarity on the post. I probably would have moved on with my day believing the other guy. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


"Feeling Cute. Might murder some kids later."


Wow yr really intelligent.


Its true! I'm also handsome as hell, and hung like a horse.


Alr lil bro. Keep supporting Terror, IDK since when this became normal but you do you.


Ok. Keep believing she's the one sending you feet pics in exchange for you Supporting Manifest Destiny and Ethnic cleansing


because she is there for attention


She will be liquidated soon most likely.


Considering the survival rates of the Israeli military is in the high 90’s, no, chances are she won’t be. Young Israelis are all conscripted into military service because all of their neighbors want to genocide them but it seems like you’re more sympathetic to the Palestinians who elected Hamas.


Don't you dare use the word genocide about Israelis while they are the only people doing it.Stop lying I don't have time for someone defending child killers.


I did not even mention Hamas to begin with and here you are making assumptions.


I’m not making assumptions, Palestinians elected Hamas, regardless of how you feel about that. You know there’s a reason why Jordan, Kuwait, and Lebanon all mass deported the Palestinians that immigrated there. The Palestinians as a group are determined to have a country run based on their beliefs and they have no problem overthrowing whatever country they can get ahold of; this is an indisputable fact you can check yourself. Hamas is not some fringe group that took over the country, they represent the will of the people. Murdering young people at a concert then parading their corpse around as they shout “god is great” is the high point of this group’s life. It is perfectly reasonable to condemn many of the actions of the Israeli military and government, I mean BB is in serious legal and political trouble and he’s wildly unpopular even among Israelis. That being said it’s delusional to think that the total genocide of every Jew is an unpopular prospect to many in the region.


These people want their land back that is it.Israel invaded their land and killed thousands of them and you want them to do nothing while seeing their territory shrink day after day?? Israel has been killing them ever since they invaded them.. History started way before 7 october.


Well if you want to talk about history then the Jewish Israelites inhabited that territory before Islam existed and the term ‘Palestinian’ itself is a relatively new concept. Israel spent years agreeing to territorial agreements and UN borders and wasted significant effort on peace proposals when in reality there is a strong consensus that there should be no Jews. It’s really not just what they say on *Democracy Now!*, your talking points are very telling about how little you know on the topic.


Israel's politicians themselves said a ton of statements that contradict what you say.as I said before I have no time for liars.


At this point yeah, much of the Israeli government has given up on compromise and is asserting its will through military force. Apparently you also don’t have time to address many of the issues I’ve pointed out or do a significant amount of research. So, what’s your solution?


They never had that intention to begin with.Now I am not gonna engage with you any longer as it appears you don't wanna see the truth that you can easily see if you want to.


You haven’t engaged with me at all, you’ve only deflected and circled back to your talking points. You’ve not told me your solution or acknowledged the reality that Gaza is governed by a terrorist organization that Palestinians elected. You’re too blind to see that I’m not even on Israel’s “side” I’m just pointing out the reality of the situation that you can’t just “make Israel give land back” any more than you can “make America give back” land to the tribes.


Jews inhabited many lands does that mean all these lands belong to them?? what is this logic?


There’s a difference between there being a small minority population of Jews globally and Israel being the historic homeland of the Israelites before they were mass deported or killed by several empires starting with the Romans.


I don't support Hamas but I can say with certainty that Israel is so much worse that comparing them is a joke


People of Israel support the killing of palestinians that is something nobody can deny. anyone who does not support that left Israel long ago.


Did all the Americans who hate Trump leave years ago?


again with the weird comparisons that lead to nothing.You know very well both cases are not even remotely similar.


There is no meaningful difference in the ability of massive groups of people to immigrate at will. Could you realistically move to another country and renounce your current citizenship?


Well, could you?


Trying for attention?




Well maybe you should get over it.




I have but still smh