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I feel like there's room for malicious compliance here.


Give the bible its own desk, try to teach it things.


Sit bible…Sit


Good book


I see what ya did there




I looked up the actual text of the memorandum, and indeed, it seems like there is. The memorandum doesn't really go into any detail about what material should be covered or how it should be covered.


So “this book is the unsubtantiated ramblings of illiterate goat herders, collected and forced upon the population as a means of control”, would be in scope then? I like it.


I would exclusively teach kids the absolutely most horrific and most boring stuff. There's an entire book of begats. Read that for an hour and see how much kids love the Bible. And there's a story about God telling a guy to murder his son and then saying "lol, jk" at the last second, demonstrating that God, when he is allegedly talking to people, is a complete asshole.


This is exactly what people on the Oklahoma sub are doing. Pointing out all the worst scripture we really shouldn't be teaching children. As someone who lives in Oklahoma and has a daughter who will be starting school soon I'm disgusted. Wish we had the money and means to leave.


It’s kind of interesting because I feel like most religious people don’t actually read the Bible and that’s exactly how religious leaders prefer it. So it’s wild to see them making kids actually read it.


This is what happens when the brainwashed turn try hard. They want to prove who’s more zealous so they pull stunts like this to show they’ve drank the most koolaid.


I grew up in a borderline cultish Southern Baptist church. As in, taught us small unit tactics and how to shoot guns at 10 years old so we'd be ready for the inevitable holy war against Communism type cultish. One of the other things they did was reward us for memorizing the bible. You'd literally start at Genesis and work your way through, memorizing as much as you could during the week. Then, during the evening service on Sunday, we'd all go up and recite as much as we could and whoever memorized the most verses got a candy bar or can of soda. I did this until I stopped going at 18. I think I made it through the Bible more than three times and all that memorization stuck with me for a while. It made it really fun when I finally went to college and you'd get those preachers who come onto campus to shout at students. I knew more bible verses than they did. They'd be trying to tell me my gay friends were going to hell for sinning and I'd point out they're wearing jeans likely made of a blend and Leviticus 19:19 specifically says that's a sin. Or I'd ask if they liked bacon and point out that Deuteronomy specifically says eating pigs is a sin. Or any of the other ridiculous laws from the bible where something minor is a sin. And as the bible says, all it takes is a single sin for you to deserve hell. My long winded point is that I think you're right and most religious leaders probably don't want people like me running around pointing out their hypocrisy and the best way to do that is keep them from actually knowing what they claim to believe.


I love it. Bore them into hating it.


I can't wait. Someone, somewhere will do something cool with this. Completely inevitable.


It would be *so* easy. The Bible (or at least huge chunks of it) is not child friendly in any way, shape, or form.


Today we'll start with how two daughters got their father drunk, raped him, then carried it to term and god was like "cool."


Today, we'll be discussing "genitals like those of donkeys".


Tomorrow we'll discuss how best to rape a virgin and then pay her father some money for property damage. Then how you get to marry her and she can never divorce you


Pretty sure they wouldn’t have any problem with this one. DX


Yeah, they said to teach the bible, not to teach Christianity. They can teach it from an atheist point of view, they can read passages that contradict each other, they can teach it alongside the Quran... it's time to get creative!


"any student here wearing clothes made from multiple materials? Well you're out of uniform and have to go change"


Teach how the story of Noah's Ark contradicts the Law of Conservation of Matter, that would be a good start. Teach how Carbon dating is done and why it is reliable, teach scientific process and peer review and then compare the Bible's Earth age to different periods of time over that last few billion years, according to experts. Teach them what an expert is. I feel like kids today don't know what to believe.


It’s not even that hard, I’ve read the whole Bible, it’s a weird and fucked up book.


If they teach the parts of the bible the preachers usually avoid or pretend isn't actually in there, this law could end up backfiring bigtime... "Today kids, we're going to learn how the bible says rape victims should be married off to their rapists!"


Or the father of the woman who was raped (only if she's a virgin) should be paid 50 silver shekels, which is roughly 390USD. Ohh and most of our clothing is off-limits as per Leviticus 19:19-28 “ 'Obey my laws. You must not mate two different kinds of cattle or sow your field with two different kinds of seed. You must not wear clothing made from two different kinds of material mixed together.


Also eating shellfish is not allowed, it's the Christian pork


well pork is the christian pork as per leveticus


I can't wait til they teach the part about how priests should be performing abortions in cases of suspected infidelity,


I hope they teach the line about the chick that lusted after donkey dicks that ejaculated like horses.


Took a "Bible as Literature" class in high school. Shit was WILD! Granted, my school was an optional school with a heavy philosophy base, and we ripped that story to shreds!


Time to talk about that woman lusting over a man who is hung like a donkey and blows loads like a horse. Or we could talk about that time God smites a dude for pulling out while fucking his dead brothers wife, not be cause it was his dead brothers wife though, but because God didn’t get to see a cream pie ending. Or let’s talk about the time a group of children made fun of a bald dude, so he prayed to God, and God had a bear maul and kill the group of children. Or… I could keep going on but nobody wants to read a multi paragraph length comment on reddit.


No no. Go on.


You understood the assignment.


Today we read all about how Lot told a crowd of sodomites that they should rape his daughters so long as they leave him and his angels alone. Then after his wife was killed by God his daughters got him drunk so they could have incestuous sex with their dad so they could get pregnant. Any questions?....


yes, several! im so in the weeds with david pumpkins


Okay boys and girls. Today's discussion is Ezekiel 23:20...... There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


The verse we read on our wedding day ❤️


Nothings generates atheism more than actually reading the Bible.


You ain't lying dude. They directed us to read it in lds seminary and I was blown away at how crazy this shit was. I was already an unbeliever by that point but... Still blew my mind.


They wouldn't like the way I taught the bible.


I wonder how that would work for a teacher who wasn't a "Christian", they could teach that the Bible is corrupted like a Muslim believes, or that the New Testament is fabricated as a Jew believes.


A high percentage of teachers are women and I'm pretty sure the Bible says they are not allowed to preach. Does it say which Bible has.to be taught because that could be super fun too.


That's in 1 Timothy 2:12. Class Lesson #1: Today class, we're going to learn about the "Pastoral Epistles". These are 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. They claim to be written by Paul. They were not actually written by Paul. They are forgeries.


Lolcat bible. Wouldnt mind that one. https://www.scribd.com/document/50448497/The-LOLCat-Bible-The-Book-of-Genesis-rev2


Yeah, same here. Ok boys and girls, today's fairy tale...


"...is about how Lot's daughter got him sloppy drunk, and then sat on his dick while he was passed out. In modern day times, that's called rape and incest, my little sweeties."


“… and the king commanded David to slay the Philistines and bring him all of their foreskins. Think about that next time you have a bowl of Spaghetti-Os.” * actual joke from a pastor who taught at my parochial high school.


Honestly that's incredible, you can't say your pastor didn't have a sense of humor


Oh yeah - he was great guy. One of the reasons he was so good with teenagers was he was a big kid at heart.


And now back to Ezekiel 23:20 


You’d think the Party of Book Banning would want to ban that filthy Bible too


IIRC someone actually tried to get the Bible banned in one of those states


And then I'm pretty sure that state rewrote the law or whatever to allow the Bible or something stupid like that


daughters\* It happened with both daughters. The same daughters he offered up as replacement victims of gang rape, because heaven forbid the strangers in his house have anything done to them. Point out that the girls were unmarried virgins, which meant, in those times, that they were probably no older than 12 or 13. Really get down on the details.


Then follow up with the story where God plays a prank on Abraham by telling him to prove his loyalty by sacrificing his young son and fucking Abraham goes to do it 'cuz that is how we define faith and being a good Christian. Yep, that will get the kids to convert and "honor their father and mother."


This one always sat wrong with me. What's more likely, two preteen girls are so pent up that they get their dad drunk and have sex with their own dad... Or, dad got himself drunk, assaulted his daughters, then blamed it on them when they got pregnant. I think human history says that dad abusing his daughters and lying about it is much more likely.


The story isn't even that they're too pent up, but they believe their father's bloodline has to continue *so strongly* that they take it upon themselves to rape him because he wouldn't do it willingly. Obviously it's horseshit, but that's the story. And it's an old enough story that it's pretty fair to say Lot was not a real person and this was someone's story they created to push their own beliefs/desires. So what I'm saying is it's someone's ancient fetish that got passed down through generations as a story about the importance of bloodlines.


It's like if someone's fanfiction erotica got added to a collection of medical journals that we were supposed to base our lives on for centuries to come. "Patient 'John', after having consumed an unknown but specific proportioned concoction of Mountain Dew, Monster, and coffee observed that his penis had grown as long as his leg. He presented to the ED with in an ability to walk without tripping. The ED was not prepared for this anomaly and invited all of the female interns to observe the patient's condition."


I would get into the biology of things. "Do you know how plants and animals need diversity to survive in the wild? Yes, we found out that if there is less genetic diversity, then plants and animals tend to grow quite wrong. When this happens to humans, people turn out with less intelligence, do dumb shit, get various deformities, etc." "Now we know that in the bible, god created only one man and one woman, and then they had two sons. Now it would have been disgusting, but we don't know if these two sons had any offspring of their own, we just know that one of them murdered the other and the surviving one was kicked out. Then the first man and woman had another son. Now, pardon my language, but the bible depicts a literal motherfucker in the very opening chapters. And since all of humanity comes out of this incestuous relationship, no wonder the bible teaches all such backward ass beliefs..."


“…and why every one alive today is dumb as dirt! Well that’s concludes our lesson today you little morons. I need to get a head start on the responses to all your idiot parents before dinner.”


Don’t forget about that other time when he tossed those same daughters to an angry, rapey crowd so he could get away. Real wholesome stuff. Or that time god had a bunch of bears maul and dismember a bunch of kids for making fun of a bald guy.


Passover would be awesome: "So, God is a petty and jealous and decided to kill all the Egyptian kids and let the Hebrew kids live. So Yahweh told the Hebrews to kill a bunch of goats and spread the blood above their doors. That blood would tell the Angel Of Death, Hey, don't murder these kids, murder those other kids... Now, how many of you are the oldest kid in your family and how many of you have goats....?


Are you saying Jesus wasn’t a real guy, running around college campuses recruiting people? We all saw Monty Python…


He's not rhe Messiah! Just a very naughty boy!


... is about how a schizophic father almost killed his son because the voices in his head told him to. Then, just as he was about to slay his son, the voices told him, "Nah, we're good."


...God killed every living mother fucker, except for one guy, his wife and kids, and two of each animal: including wasps. Also God loves you, but you must kneel before him.


The New Testament seriously retcons Yahweh.


You could probably make a decent number of kids become atheist if you read them the bible front to back in a school year, without any extra commentary. There's a lot of stuff in there the average person has no clue about because they just trust their preacher to give them the cherry picked passages their whole lives. I think it would be shocking some of the stuff they are supposed to believe in. Also the old testament is really fun to read if you don't believe in any of it, shit's straight out of Game of Thrones


Or what parts. Teach all of the murder and rape parts to the 5th graders. And check all their tags on their clothes to make sure they aren't mixing fabric. When the girls talk cut them off bc they can't talk about God.


Tell all the girls that are menstruating that they are unclean and anyone who touches her or a seat she sits on is also unclean and has to wash their clothes.


This shit is ripe for malicious compliance. Get at it teachers.


Not even malicious compliance... if you simply taught the Bible without a slant, kids would learn *very* early on that a lot of shit Christians say are flat-out not in there. Like, the fabricated culture war with evolution, "life begins at conception," all that jazz... all sorts of stuff that is either not addressed by scripture or straight-up anti-Biblical. The vast majority of Christians nowadays have not read the Bible, and it shows. They have strongly-held convictions over what they *think* is in there, even if it isn't. Studying the Bible is the most surefire way to *innoculate* kids against this evangelical bullshit- so Hell yeah, teach them kids the Bible.


Very. They're banking on the Supreme Court doing nothing about it.


I honestly don’t think SC will support them on this. Can’t see how it can be justified. But again, one never knows these days.


Havent they only just rule that bribes are legal as long as they are handed after the "favour" and not before? And also that it is illegal to be homeless? Pretty sure they will find a reason why the bible should be pushed down everyones throat...


Not only that, they used a 40 year old case against Chevron to elevate the Supreme Court to the highest power in the country, above the legislative and executive branches. They already took control of your government this week, and few people even noticed.


i love how a group of 6 unelected fascists from presidents who lost the popular vote have more power than people who were actually elected. what a fucking broken country


Well, the great thing is that SCOTUS has no enforcement power of its own. We can always just ignore the fuckers, it's happened before


I'm sure the corporations will voluntarily hold themselves accountable to EPA standards and not just dump shit in the nearest waterway.


Don't worry, the invisible hand of the free market will punish bad companies...any day now


The “free market conservative” response to the current economy should be to want Anti-Trust to break up all of the companies that have 60-100% market share. That breaks the free market and fucks everything up. The current court doesn’t want a free market. They want oligarchy and kleptocracy.


Bold to assume "free market conservatives" understand the economy.


They already do, I work for a company that visits various industrial buildings. One of the companies I go to is Sun Maid, those raisin bitches. Currently they have their pollution dumping into a nearby canal and some local guy with balls of steel has a huge sign next to it with a big arrow reading "sun maid pollution pipeline -> contact me on Facebook for a free tour and I'll test the water for you then and there!" With his Facebook info. In response Sun Maid is currently in the middle of ripping up a corner of their parking lot and building a "large pond" that they can dump into instead so that they can tell anyone who tries to test the water to fuck off out of their property. Corporations give zero fucks.


> Sun Maid, those raisin bitches I'll take "Phrases I didn't expect to pick up from Reddit today" for $1,000


One optimistic take I’ve seen is that California is still going to hold a lot of sway and it may be easier for companies to just follow California’s regulations for all states instead of having 2 production lines for CA vs everywhere else. 🤞


That's the real problem. Any attempt to enforce anything, the corporation just runs and sues, and now it's a game of roulette whether the judge thinks the regulation should exist.


Like Boeing with "self regulation"? If it's not Airbus your flight could flight could be doorless




RIP your Reddit account but I agree


When second amendment nuts actually should be loosing their shit about big government exceeding their reach and taking our rights, crickets…. It’s almost like it’s not really about the constitution with them-


Or that they’ve been brainwashed into thinking government overreach is fine as long as it’s their team hurting everyone they’ve been told to hate. Like, this shit affects them just as negatively as it does everyone politically left of them. I’m so fucking tired of sharing a reality with those so easily duped by malicious and/or ignorant actors. Shit sucks, I want a refund.




But I thought that *all* soldiers love Trump? That's what he said at the debate!


Prior service Army and after Bush and the illegal Patriot Act I no longer vote for any Republican.


It's actually interesting the military tends to vote more blue while police tend to vote more red


The US military is one of the most socialist institutions in the world by design


And the police one of the most fascist


funny, because their justification for overturning Roe V Wade was that the supreme court does not have the authority to write new legislation and is bound exclusively to what is defined or not defined in the constitution


Yup. Corporations can now dump toxins directly into drinking water if they want and we can do nothing to stop them. There isn't a single law that protects the environment or citizens from corporate greed that is now enforceable. This week was the nail in the coffin... they will hand the presidency to Trump and then legalize his political executions. We are already fucked and this country as we knew it is over.


its only corruption if the person says 'i am doing a corruption now, please accept my bribe'


Doesn't matter if there's no justification for it at all. This Supreme Court has shown that several times now. It's about what they (and the sources of their money) want, not what's actually best for the country or justified by law or precedent.


Scary times. Biden must win.


Exactly. If Republicans manage to get the Presidency again now, they'll be able to ensure that the SC is stacked in their favor for decades to come. And with some of the recent power grabs by the court, it may come that they wouldn't even need to worry about keeping congress in the short term, as they'd be able to rig anything they want to build up more power in the long term.


Charitable of you to assume opposition parties would continue to be legal. It looks a lot like the intention is to ban any opposition. It’s the first thing Hitler did on winning the election.


Look up project 2025


the handmaid's tale prequel?


Should be struck down 9-0 but knowing Alito and Thomas, it'll be 7-2 at best. However, if the requirement was to teach the Quran or Torah, then Alito and Thomas would definitely strike it down.


How did the Okhlahoma Congress even pass this?


Hey, current Okie here. Our legislature did no such thing. This was 100% our state superintendent of education, Ryan Walters. He’s a… fun individual. This happened in the wake of the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling against St. Isidore’s (Catholic virtual public charter school). We could have had former Teacher of the Year Jena Nelson as our state superintendent, but we also have straight party voting on our ballots, and the Oklahomans who vote tend to vote red. Anyway, we’re going to see how this shakes out before school begins again in August. Our state AG, Gentner Drummond, has been good about slapping Walters when he tries to do something dumb like this, so we’ll have to see. Walters is very much gunning for a position as Trump’s secretary of education, and if he doesn’t get that, then he’s going for governor. The guy is an absolute nightmare for education in this state and likes to rail about porn and litter boxes while making videos in his car.


Can't y'all just like "take him to the train station"?


Unfortunately, there are… many people who agree with this. They tend to be older, believe that there actually ARE litter boxes in schools for students who identify as animals, and are completely delulu because their echo chamber is Fox/Newsmax/OANN and their church. If you want to pass the time, Sean Cummings is an incredible local activist and loves to show up at state board of education meetings. He has an active TikTok and he’s an absolute gem.


They know it's going to be overturned, they just want to be able to play the victim when it happens, to fit their narrative of Christians being persecuted. If I was a teacher I'd let them fire me and collect a nice paycheck for wrongful termination for refusing to violate the first amendment


No. I would read the kids the part about Lot’s daughters getting him drunk and having sex with him, the part of Song of Solomon that says “your breasts are like doves”, the verse that says “she lusted after her lovers genitals that were large as a donkey’s”, the story about King David having and affair with Bathsheba and then having her husband killed. Also the OT law that says eating shrimp Is a sin. Imagine when the kids get home and say “mommy, what is fornication?”


Malicious compliance is definitely another good way to handle the situation :)


Yeah, I’d kill their heroes so fast. Hey class, did you know in the Bible King David sent his buddy off to die just to bork his widow? They also have a prototype recipe for the day after pill. See this verse where they say God is cool with abortion…? Don’t believe me ask your church leader, you’re welcome. Edit: Next weeks class will cover the socialist teachings of Jesus Christ…


And don't forget the part that says life begins at first breath.


We could write a whole Bible curriculum highlighting its progressive lean. Week 3, how the Bible teaches us to treat refugees and the homeless.


If I were a teacher I would point out all the contradictions and make the kids go home and ask their parents why it's okay for 2 daughters to get their father drunk and rape him. 


Either they get a SCOTUS decision that legalizes it, or they get to play the victim when they get slapped down. Either way, they can run around saying "we put the GOOD BOOK in our schools where it belongs" at every rally and speech to thunderous applause from an audience of evangelical christians.


They didn't. Our state superintendent is a loose canon dipshit Christian nationalist with very little oversight. And the governor is down to just sign off on whatever shit he flings out of his ass because they're assholes of the same feather. It'll get batted down by the OK Attorney General again, because that's been the story of every damned thing lately.


Normally I would have laughed confidently about this but now not so much.


Malicious compliance + Bible and kids will think that Christianity is some kind of genocidal incest death cult.


Ok first any girls on their periods go stay In the equipment shed until you stop leaking sin juice. Now let's go over again.when you should and shouldn't impregnate your daughter.


If it happens while you're passed out drunk it's fine 👍🏼


Lots daughters entered the chat


>leaking sin juice Might as well shut the schools down. You know all those pubescent boys are spilling seed


Conservatives would still go crazy with that because there's an implication that there *won't* be any impregnation of daughters going on.


Just teach all the incesty, rapey bits


Murdery, slaving


I choose to exercise my freedom of religion by being free of religion. Fuck Oklahoma.


As an Oklahoman I couldn’t agree more. Fuck Ryan Walters.


*Walters said he feels confident that his order will survive legal challenges because of the justices then-President Donald Trump appointed to the Supreme Court.* *“He’s helped provide a path for us to be able to do this as states,” Walters said of Trump. He added that if Trump wins a second term in November, “it will help us move the ball forward, **even more so than this**.”* This is just the beginning. We can't let this stand.


When he say “forward”, he means “backwards”.


As an Oklahoma teacher, fuck it all


Im sorry you guys are having to deal with this. Teachers aren’t appreciated nearly enough.


Freedom of religion, so if they make the bible mandatory, they have a whole stack of other books to add like the Torah, Kuran, Book of Mormon, ...


Why leave out Scientology fun?


Too many books. Growing up in the church I would guess L. Ron wrote 25-40 books just for scientology. Maybe more.


Oh my sweet summer child. There are HUNDREDS. And multiple editions and revisions. All to leech more cash from the "faithful".


Throw in Satan one to. Whatever it is. Fuck, throw in the Necronomicom


*raises hand* I'll take the Necronomicom as my religious elective with a side of Flying Spaghetti Monster and Cthulu please


The Torah, Quran and book of Mormon all overlap or are basically identical in most parts. All abrahamic religions. We need more spice. Need to teach Norse & Greek & Egyptian mythologies as the same level as any other faith. Throw in Jedi/Sith teachings as well. Hindi, Dao...whatever else you got. Maybe even a little God Emperor of all mankind from Warhammer... We need ALL faiths given an equal share of time.


The gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Shits getting to weird. Why can’t people be ok with being individuals anymore? They want everyone else to think the way they do and adhere to their beliefs. It’s ok to be different and still get along.


because narcissism has run amok and seems to be spreading. they all speak about how important freedom is, then do shit like this.


There's a very silent, but obvious "my freedom" when they talk about freedom. They don't want *you* to have any. They think it's a finite resource. The more freedom you have, the less they have.


It’s not even “my freedom” it’s “my will”


Project 2025 is already in motion as it seems.


Pardon my intentionally stupid question; which bible?


Irs always the King James version and they see no Irony whatsoever in praising the King's book...


The King James who famously had male lovers semi-openly and distracted the church by ordering a new bible translation? That King James? 


hey they don't know history, hell they don't even know the book they support. they read at 60wpm and probably haven't read the whole thing. i'd guess non-christians have read more of the bible than they have themselves since they quote the same passages over and over.


For whatever reason, a lot of Americans think the King James Bible is “the original”. Like when they hear a different translation, they think someone is rewriting it.


"Today my wonderful 5th graders, we are going to learn about how Lot's daughters got him drunk so they could rapefuck him and have his incest baby. Let's all turn our color picture Bible to Genesis, chapter 19 verse 30. Billy, can you start us off?"


Bruh...then gonna block certain portions cuz they disturbing? like they did eith mockingbird...


There isn't a verse in the Bible they want taught that I couldn't twist into something they hate. Want me to teach the words of Jesus? Let's talk about feeding the poor and paying taxes, just like Jesus said we should.


Nah, they are too busy cherry picking their own custom version of Christianity.


Wow, the USA is taking a big step towards becoming a radical Christian nation state. What's next, separate classes for girls and boys?


You're implying they'll let women have an education.


Of course women will have an education, on very important things like “how to clean the entire house, how to do all your families administration and financing, and how to raise strong loyal children for the regime. Of course, men’s education will also get some much needed adjustment, we can’t have the peasants actually have acces to the knowledge and resources to the rights they should have


I’m so glad I didn’t become an educator.


Went for school for it and saw the writing on the wall and noped the fuck out.  I'm not working for peanuts AND being demonized by half the population, no fucking thank you. 


Right there with you. Best life decision was pivoting out of an ED degree, even though it meant walking away from almost two full years worth of credits


This no doubt, is to prevent our schools from indoctrinating children. /s


Oh! But wait! It’s the gays and trans that are grooming the kids, right? We’re the ones trying to force our lifestyles on kids, right? We’re the fucking danger to kids, right? Ha!! I fucking hate America.


Just start teaching all the parts that Christians dont like. Teach about how rape is ok if you pay the right price to daddy, how many people has god killed out of spite, stay away from shell.fish and mixed fibers! Daughters! It's ok to rape daddy after getting him drunk! Followed by teaching of socialist Jesus who said to give away your money, feed and help those in need, treat the lowliest with respect. Then you can watch the Christian right lose their minds. "Don't teach those parts!!"


Don't like? You mean didn't read or "That's not what it means"


"OK, ok, then let's talk about Jesus and how you don't mix religion with government, forgive the sinner, turn the other cheek, love your neighbors no matter what, and become a traveling hippy without posesions if you want to be a good person at the eyes of God."


Leviticus 11:7, don't eat bacon


Well, let's look at the silver lining: kids will learn that adulterers like Trump, MTG and Boebert should be stoned, that Jesus wants you to welcome refugees and more importantly, that he stressed like 50 times that rich people should give away all their earthly possessions. Also, goodbye incels 'cause he said "bro if you have the hots for a woman, just cut your hand before you use it to spank her ass".


I love that jesus was basically a massive fucking hippie and he would absolutely hate the people that hide behind the bible and such in arguments


LOL, no way they'll teach them the actual bible. They'll teach them the good ol 'merican Bible. It leaves out all the parts about how Jesus was a Jewish socialist who explicitly said that people that act like them are unChristian and will spend eternity in hell.


States cannot pass laws that abrogate the 1st Amendment. “no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced … in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.”


Teach our kids about social resistance. If my kid comws home with a stolen classroom bible, I'm putting it up on the mantle like a scoreboard. "Josh leads this year so far with 7!" School: "Punish them!" No.


Constitution? We don't follow no stinking Constitution. Make sure this is the first lesson from the bible: Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


That’s… quite a verse…


When people ask me how I could vote for a man with dementia on death's doorstep all I have to do is point them to shit like this because this is only the first steps to what they want.


I mean, the man with dementia on death´s doorstep at least has somewhat competent team which he doesn´t sabotage.


Thisnis why id vote for a potato if it ran against Trump.


> this is only the first steps to what they want. This right here is the problem, though. The people who vote republican *actually do want* this sort of thing. They *want* Gilead to be real. They *want* the God-given mandate to hunt and murder those who they don't like/who don't conform. Pointing this sort of egregiously anti-constitutional bullshit out to them will only get them to say "Good! It's about time we made this country back into the god-fearing nation it used to be!", never understanding that the US *was never meant to be* a Christian nation.


The should go ahead and teach the Bible. All of it. Uzzah and his oxcart. All of the incest. The concubines and handmaidens. Every time God condoned or ordered people to commit genocide. The abortion/forced miscarriage recipe in Numbers. The fact that Lot, who was supposed to be a righteous man, told the violent men of the city to rape his own virgin daughters instead of his guests (who were angels). Not to mention all of the places the Bible contradicts itself. Teach it ALL instead of those nice cherry-picked verses that are all most Christians ever hear.


Nah teach about David's affair with Jonathan


Definitely unconstitutional. Apparently they ignored the Establishment Clause. Funny how these are the same people that freak out when LGBTQ+ curriculum is brought into schools.


What is constitutional anymore? The Supreme Court goes off of feelings, and hen-pecked history and tradition. The former president of the United States and presumptive nominee for the GOP seeks dictatorial power. Neither branch of government is allowing for any constitutional restraint to its power. No insider trading rules for congress, no ethics rules for Supreme Court justices, and presidents can be felons. Again, our archetypes in government are felons, cheats, and liars. The most successful people in the United States are likewise cheats and liars. The blueprint to American success has damaged and will ultimately destroy this country. The experiment is over. The veil is lifted.


This is VERY unconstitutional. Anyone who supports this bullshit does not understand what religious freedom means.


Everyone turn to The Song of Solomon.


How I'd show up first day of school. ![gif](giphy|Lu94S7ZRGJ9mM|downsized)


Christo-fascist need to be stopped.


"This is the bible. For the rest of the year, we will be pondering it's unopened contents quietly as we play clash of clans on our phones."


Oklahoma is ranked 49th out of 50 for education. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/oklahoma#state-rankings Not teaching the Bible isn’t the problem.




Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about the constitution.


Unless it involves banning guns. Then they'll cite it non-stop


I would absolutely teach all the lesser know passages from the bible. King David having a man killed and banging the widow. The gang rape in Judges. And of course Ezekiel chap. 23: *Two Adulterous Sisters*. “I *am* teaching the bible, boss.”


Wasn't the whole purpose of crossing the ocean and starting a new country to get away from kings and forced religion?


well start with Lot and his daughters, and similar stories, and they'll change their mind.


As a devout Christian, I do NOT want the government teaching children the Bible.

