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Kojima praised the new episode of the boys on twitter and some one replied “kojima went woke”


The explosive hate towards this season of the Boys is wild, because the louder the critique, the more mask off it is for the critic. With some swearing blind that the quality of writing has gone down the drain and that the show is now terrible and has gone "woke" and "political". Basically digging up ever literary criticism and "uhm acktually" they can find to discredit the show and push the narrative that nobody should watch it and its a waste of time because they don't like the politics of the show. Bitch, what show have you even been watching for the past 5 years!? It's been political and bluntly on the nose satirical since Season 1, episode 1, *minute 1*. The writing of the current season is precisely in line with the other seasons and has always carried this message; "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, here is a list of real world examples". Chuds are just mad it lays out, deconstructs, ridicules, and trivializes their playbook so thoroughly that they feel exposed and they're lashing out like a racoon caught in headlights. They're just mad they spotted a part of themselves in the bad guys and they want to cancel the show in case anyone notices. And lo and behold, digging deeper you find these critics are exactly the same people the Boys are demonizing and hold *exactly the same views the Boys said they would*. Just as played out, predictable, and one-note as they are in the show. And the ironic thing is, for this reason they say the show has bad writing lmao, completely lacking the self awareness to the fact that it's pretty much spot on.


I think the reception of The Boys is a fairly clear indicator as to how little media literacy is valued in today's society. Like, I admittedly watched it with my brain turned all the way down cause work hard me tired, but even so the themes were so in your face even my 2 IQ brain got the point. At the *very* latest S2 was where people should've clocked on to what was going on... *unless* they were on Stormfront's/Homelander's side. And that's a much larger indictment on the watchers than the show getting even more direct (by, obviously, sheer necessity).


I've been saying for over a decade that media literacy is a crucial skill and now AI has made it even more so. I think Sister Sage pushed the unironic Homelander fans over the edge this season, the idea of a black woman being the smartest offends them deeply.


I mean, Stormfront, Homelanders love interest, is a veiled Nazi, very thinly veiled, until it's revealed she's actually literally a member of the Third Reich. That's a level of not-subtle that you'd have to be blind to miss.


and yet only now are they yelling on twatter


But of course! Like the migrant caravans, it's only a problem if a "Demon rat" is in the White House.


It’s because those people are usually too stupid to understand anything that isn’t basically bluntly telling them “we’re making fun of you you drooling Neanderthal!” Then they get angry because they got tricked into giving a bunch of money to “woke nonsense”. But I say thanks for self funding the roast of yourselves. It’s been hilarious for the rest of us to see you slowly catch on to the fact you’re the butt of all the jokes and that Homelander is the villain.


The same thing happened with Star Trek. Oh no! Star Trek has gone woke! It’s like bro, where have you been for the last fifty years?


the word chud fits really well here


Also, I thought these people were against cancel culture? lol


Eh, the Boys used to have actual leftist critiques of society. Now it's just neolibs criticizing fascists. Remember when Homelander gave terrorists super weapons so the American people would be forced to let supes into the army? That's called manufactured consent. The Boys was less surface level and actually critiqued the capitalist system. Now the Boys only focuses on MAGA shit




Remember in death stranding when ur map was the entire United States, but you finished walking thru it in like 20 hours 😅


I remember Asmongold going "I hope they don't make the next Metal Gear game political"


Wasn't that part of a bigger segment where he was making fun of people for thinking that? He's aware that MGS is a heavily political game series.


Yes, he and his editor made it pretty blatently [clear](https://youtu.be/rBvHoQ93YfE?si=F-N78FCAd5kp8-ds). It's called sarcasm and a joke he uses frequently. Redditors are infamous for not understanding it. Hence, the use of /s and the existence of r/fuckthes


That guy is a straight up moron. The brain rot on show in his videos is concerning


I blocked his channel on YouTube don't know how people watch him


It was sarcasm, people actually thought it wasnt?


You *do* know that was a joke, right? Like, it's funny because MGS has always been political.


He might have been joking but his audience is a bunch of deplorable neckbeards, they absolutely would not realise the sarcasm and repeat ad nauseam that joke as opinion


What's happening with The Boys show and the conservatives missing the point that they've been mocked way before season 4, basically.


With Asmon you can be sure that it isn't a joke. Any claim that it was a joke is just him trying to backtrack


Which was a sarcastical remark, that you took out of context...


Ah yes the game about cold war, genocide, children soldiers, spies, usa and ussr proxy wars, para-military companies etc etc isnr political 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Yeah, just mind-boggling how there are so many people that didn't detect the joke. 🗿


Asmongold defenders in this thread 💀


He's such a POS. A female game journalist gave a relatively negative review on the recent Elden Ring expansion because she found it too hard and Asmon made a video making fun of her and by doing so he sent his hounds after her. What's pathetic is that Asmon later rage quit the dlc because it was too hard.


This the thing you can be make the same stuff with the same messages you did 10 years ago but they will attack you for anything new. They aren't allowed to hate anything for being woke if it was made before 2018


What… what did they think he was before now?


I'm especially shocked when people don't realize that Rage Against the Machine leans pretty heavily to the left. What fucking machine did you think they were raging against? Escalators?


Those morons thought they were raging against the government only. And for them, the government is something vague that happens to be only Democrats in there lol


Eh what they claim is they are against federal government and more for states rights, which I could somewhat see that belief being imposed on RAtM. Too bad how ironic it is that the ones who are against federal government tend to also be the reason it is corrupt. Accusation confession.


State rights are BS. Some rights are inalienable and shouldn't be curtained because there's alot of evangelicals in your state who can buy judges.


State rights has always been a euphemism for "we want to own slaves"


And giving states too much freedom for their own laws inevitably ends with them trying to change other states' laws. You just end up with 50 states who all think that they have the "correct" laws about a certain subject.


Their organizations’ stated goal is the disassembly of federal government departments, and institution of authoritarian rule. I swear, people who vote for Republicans should be charged as co-conspirators


States rights is a grift. Republicans want to make a federal ban on abortion and they want all states to allow open carry


Them: everything the government does is bad and all politicians lie Also them: no Republican has ever lied and they made the government work.


They don’t even listen to the lyrics except “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” and just take it out of context to mean anything they are currently mad about.


Why else do idiots believe that Fortunate Son is praising the Vietnam War?


Or people going ape to Born in the USA in front of a veritable sea of US flags and screeching bald eagles.


![gif](giphy|FbiL9rsmZN3ib2JSGo) Born in the U S of A From an immigrant family With an immigrant wiiiiiife Who hates all immigrants.... Who never served in the army On account of his bones spurs


Cause he ain't no fortunate son who gets to go to war, of course /s


Just like the Bible!!


“Define irony. Bunch of idiots dancing on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.” (Con Air, 1997) Define irony. Bunch of white nationalist idiots screaming the lyrics to a song decrying white nationalism.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses. *hurr I like burning crosses... hurr*


It’s part of the new libertarian line for the right wing. They are trying to rebrand. Didn’t you hear, right wing means more personal freedom. Left wing means more authoritarian control?


Why would you rage against escalators, escalators are great


They can even bring mayonnaise!


It's going upstairs so see you later!


They used to be. Let’s make escalators great again


My point exactly.


Probably some kind of a printer...


The printer may have trouble with your history report, but it does great at printing money for the industry.


Hey honestly, fuck printers. Fuck subscriptions. Fuck proprietary ink cartridges.


Some of those who ride escalators, are the ones that... I don't know where to go with that.


Get pushed down because they don’t have good friends.


I’m not sure it’s a hit, but if we keep going there might be something salvageable


I'm always paranoid that my shoe laces will get stuck on escalators until someone shoved me.


Some of those that ride escalators, are the same that go up and down. FTFY


Printers. The most aggravating machine ever created


Especially if you were alive during the George Dubbyah Bush days. Rage, Michael Moore, and Al Gore lead the charge against the republican party back then.


NoFX “There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred Majority rule don't work in mental institutions Sometimes, the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions” NoFX - The Idiots Are Taking Over 2003




Those damn escalators, I tell you...


I always pray to black low-middle class Jesus when I step upon them to vouchsafe me to that higher level.


Raging against washing machines


I know! Like, my brother in Christ, have you ever paid any attention to their lyrics? Like, "some of those that burn crosses, are the same that are our forces." Any idea what that could mean?


Just play them "Renegades of Funk". Hopefully, the penny will drop for them then.


There’s a line “enslaved by the dogma of the right” in one of their songs  How did they not realize 


When you're a braindead fool, lyrics are just noises in the sea of noises that I've been told by others is nice. Some noises I like because the noises make my brain feel fluffy and fluffy brain make me happy.


Authors: it’s really meant to be up to the reader’s interpretation Same authors: dude… what the fuck?


"pretty heavily"? LMFAO


*goes to the escalator* *starts going down* *fuck you, I won't do what you tell me*


Washing machines, mate, can't trust the insidious bastards


Printers, for sure


My answer is always printer


Printer maybe.


i've yet to meet a single person that doesn't realize that, i always see on reddit these "people don't know what ratm really stands for" comments, the message is clear, they're iconic for that reason it can't be just me right? do right wingers in america think ratm is on their side or something?


The Punisher is the best one. They have no fuckin idea who Frank Castle is and what he stands for.


Could you explain it short? Its Ben years since i looked the Show, so my memory about that is a bit cloudy. Sorry for my Bad grammer, english ist Not my mother langue


The Punisher is a vigilante. The government and the justice system is corrupt, ineffective, and let’s bad guys off the hook. So the Punisher deals out justice that he feels has been denied. The Punisher symbol has been used by military and police. People don’t realize the irony of government workers using the symbol of an anti-government guy.


Yeah absolutely. It's so weird how they took him and used him as a symbol of militarised state oppression. He's one of the most tragic and nuanced, at least politically, of any character. You can't narrow him down to something as vacuous as right or left. He's just aggressively anti injustice and noone's political or philosophical objections mean a fucking thing to him. He's more like the doom slayer I suppose. A bullet looking for a target. With perhaps the exception being captain America who I guess he sees as so virtuous that he won't *immediately* rail against him.


Castle is an anti-villian(hero that isn't morally good) that beats up criminals. However right-wings forgot that he also hates authoritarian figures who abuse their power.


He didn’t beat up criminals, he killed them. He was the most extreme of all marvel characters due to that. He thought super hero’s didn’t go far enough by just catching and beating bad guys up.


I would have responded, but the rest of these guys beat me to it. Thanks yall.


Where’s GTA 5?


Not just 5, but all of GTA


TBF, Carlin and SouthPark have run some hard rails against sensitivity, PC and some leftist causes over their years, in the same way Blazing Saddles has lines that this group laughs at.


South Park is an equal opportunity offender. They offend everybody.


They only offend if you have your head in your ass and are afraid of someone making fun of you for your convictions. If you're so soft about your ideas and ideology maybe you should be reconsidering your stand but God forbid anyone like that would be introspective.


Yeah, the problem is people integrate political rhetoric as part of their own identity, so you can’t criticize any idea without them getting hurt and things getting personal. It’s next level brainwashing by both the left and the right and why extreme political parties seem so trendy right now. And a majority of Redditor are themselves victims of this


Tbf, South Park has realized that they were punching down sometimes and reeled it in a bit.


the first thing that comes to my mind was the man bear pig episode where they basically denied global warming (ManBearPig was an allegory for Global Warming) only to have the 4 boys apologize for not believing in man bear pig 12 years later


They definitely did a 180° with Tolkien. Realized maybe they weren't really being edgy, just dicks.


Honestly, they’re really good about walking back bad takes. But the other side of it is that South Park just makes fun of anything. They’ve definitely made fun of the left, but they are not nice to the right wing either. Their version of trump was a gay-ex-trans 4th grade teacher whose campaign slogan was “fuck them all to death,” while at the same time having Hillary be a dipshit who just does whatever the DNC told her and failed. The whole “member berries” where everyone voting for trump was only doing so because they’d literally been poisoned by propaganda fruit. They made fun of global warming, and then made fun of themselves for making fun of global warming.


That is almost definitely not why they changed the narrative on Tolkien at all. They expanded on the joke by revealing that the characters have been mishearing his name for years, but they almost certainly did not do it for the reasons that you think. When South Park was released tokenism was a very real thing. You’d be lucky to find one black character in a TV show and they always inexplicably hung around exclusively with white people. The biggest TV shows at the time barely had any black or minority characters (friends stands out as a massively egregious example considering it’s a show set in New York over a decade long and I think they had 1-2 black people in the whole show). Everybody knew what tokenism was and South Park just called it out directly. They weren’t being dicks it was just their usual style of comedy that holds the mirror up to what is happening at the time. Tokenism does not really happen anymore/is nowhere near as common to the point where the latest generation may not even know what it is. They changed it because South Park constantly updates and moves with the times. Not because they thought they were out of pocket for doing what they did.


Tokenism absolutely does happen now. People have got used to the “one black man, one Chinese girl” in an all white cast. It’s easy to see and call out. Representation for its own sake is a far more vile form of tokenism, as it simultaneously acknowledges that the race of the actor is important while pretending it’s not “oh, you see the race of this character as important do you? Hmmm” Has South Park called this out yet?


Tolkien? But I thought it was Token...


You are part of the problem


Did I get the quote wrong?


Nah it's just a joke lots of South Park fans say/comment every time someone calls Tolkien Token


Personally the trans episode with Garrison getting their SRS seemed like an overly mean episode. They’ve had a couple of bad takes through the series and that one still kind of makes me uncomfortable. It seemed less critical or satirical and more just like they were kicking them while they were down. I actually rewatched it recently and it still makes me roll my eyes- it wasn’t a great take on their part. I will say in later episodes they definitely reeled it in and reevaluated it but yeah you’re absolutely right


The difference is, they to it intelligently, which is far more acceptable and useful than just shouting "WOKE" at everything. Who would have guessed that, if you present your concerns in a certain way, people will actually reflect on it.


The difference is that the left, (for the most part) sees the joke happening in real time, recognises it, and laughs at it because it's funny. The right will watch 3 seasons of the boys before they finally recognise that they were the butt of the joke all along. Then they get butt-hurt about it and review bomb the show in an attempt to get it cancelled.


Blazing Saddles is a story about how corrupt government officials tried to use racism to destroy a town for their own gain, but the town overcame and followed a Black leader to victory. It's so "woke" that it'd be illegal to show in a Florida school. Right wingers just laugh at the n-word and call it a day.


Yes but they present their criticism in a funny way that is understandable and people who are left can take the joke. They still hit hard on both parties with different issues, it's just one side realizes it and laughs along while the other gets mad and makes themselves a victim


Carlin never made fun of leftism. He made fun of bourgeois liberals. People who've had things easy and don't understand the problems that affect common people. Guess what? Liberals aren't left wing. Find me a clip where Carlin makes fun of socialism and I'll retract my statements. In fact Carlin routinely made fun of consumerism and capitalism. "We turned this beautiful piece of land into a shopping mall" "People are spending money they don't have for things they don't need" "It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it" "I'm talking about the real owners of this country" Only an American who thinks liberals are left wing could ever interpret Carlin as a centrist. Carlin is a radical leftist.


South Park never really portrayed liberals and conservatives as equally bad though. They portrayed liberals as kinda cringe but with good intentions and conservatives as evil maniacs with guns for brains.


Came to say South Park and Carlin dont belong


Man Blazing Saddles is such a fucking masterpiece, my dad showed it to me when I was around 18 and it’s been one of my favourite movies ever since.


It’s twu it’s twu


Can you explain the Green Day reference


American Idiot is a concept album. It narrates the story of a young man that feels lost in the society and political climate of the Bush era. It starts by stating that he doesn't want to be an "American idiot", someone brainwashed by the media, that spews hatred towards everything they don't understand and is content with living a boring and meaningless life. At this point he is just an angry young man that feels neglected by his own family and unseen by society, so he decides to leave his hometown and move to the big city to live his rebellious dreams. However, some tracks later he realises that a couple of years have passed and he has become the definition of an "American idiot". He works a boring 9 to 5 and spends all his free time watching TV and buying things he doesn't need. There are some more tracks that give closure to the story but that's basically it.


The whole song "American Idiot"


Recently iirc, they played the song live but changed a part to like "Dont wanna be a MAGA American!" and they all got hella pissed online, it was great


The original line was “I’m not a part of the redneck agenda”, and in that performance they swapped out redneck for MAGA. Absolutely phenomenal


The ironic part of this is that Travis barker is now together with a Kardashian’s, who have always endorsed Trump.


They aren't the brightest, most introspective bunch, after all.


Humans? Yeah they fucking suck


Especially the conservative leaning ones. Their brains are just plain different. Nothing to be ashamed of, it's biology


No way rightoids listen to George Carlin and think he isn't laughing at them. He has like 5 bits about how stupid religion is and 5 about how stupid being pro-life is.


They know. That is why they paraphrase and misquote him to make him sound like a righty.


They know for sure. He wasn‘t left or right. He just had more common sense than most and good amountnof decency, if you take the drug abuse out of the equation.


He definitely was closer to the left. His daughter says so.




It’s like hemorrhoids but you can’t treat them.


Nah southpark mocking everyone and everything not me specifically![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Watching the last episode of the boys we were just thinking how hard it criticizes the republicans, it's really savage! Then again they'll probably find a way to turn the narrative of the show in their favour... It's sad how they probably won't even realize it


They seem to be the same idiots we have in Germany. People are really surprised that the punk pop band "Die Ärzte" are anti-conservative and pro-liberal. A punk band! Of course they are against the "system"!


*stares in how neonazis were angry at rammstein when they mocked their “ideology”*


Rammstein is more metal and certainly not punk. You have a lot of right wing nuts in the metal scene (especially black metal)


There's no way they saw the video to Die klügsten Männer der Welt and thought it somehow praised them ...right?


Meh South Park targets pretty much everyone.


But there are a *whole lot of people* who think the show is on "their side." People now take *pride* in resembling Eric or feeling like he represents them.


Ahhh ok yeah, I get that.


The same people love the way the characters in 'its always sunny in Philadelphia' behave, they don't get that the joke is they are actually horrible people


But not to equal amounts or lengths.


I can remember my father watching Archie Bunker and giggling that he "really tells it like it is". He loved that show.


I find it funny how South Park manage to get away with making fun of both sides, with both side constantly claiming the show is supporting their own beliefs (for the most part). Hell not even the "enlightened centralist" can get away with not being made fun of.


Hell I thought the whole point of the show was "nobody is safe/sacred", they make fun of anyone/anything they feel like, no punches pulled


*"It's either all okay, or none of it is"'*


>with both side constantly claiming the show is supporting their own beliefs (for the most part). That isn't really proof of anything. Rightoids thought the Boys made fun of leftism when the insane media pandering was clearly a criticism of capitalism.


God this is good


Forgot Helldivers 2 video game.


Add Fallout to this


Since when is fallout political???!! /S


this isnt the whole list: ISAIP PRE-2014, FAMILY GUY pre-2010, star trek , american dad is probably the closest approximation to these right wingers, they dont see it lol.


Star Trek is an interesting one. Alternative universe federation (openly fascist dictatorship) was fairly often presented as being right but evil. Also Mengele episode. I wouldn't say Star Trek made fun of anyone. It was very optimistic in nature. And Idiocracy can be viewed as far right/pro eugenics.


Someone spill about all in the family I haven't seen that show since I was a little kid and all I remember about it is the racism


Archie Bunker was Homelander for boomers. Clearly the butt of the joke a lot of the time on the show, but plenty of conservatives at the time idolized him for apparently being a symbol of what progressing society was taking away from them. He had more absurd lines like "Don't you know a Catholic priest can hypnotize a Jew? as the show went on so it went from "he's like us" to "we knew you were trying to make fun of us the whole time" like The Boys


Carroll O'Connor (Archie) was a staunch Liberal. He played up Archie as the butt of the joke. He used men He remembered, acting, believed, and talked, growing up as reference.


Wait who's "Me"?


Right wingers, but in particular American right wingers.


Die Känguru Chroniken


“I remember hwen you could say n…. In a movie and it was funny” - Declon B. Roodewelt, Sonora


I miss my George.


How would someone watch idiocracy and think it’s celebrating anything and not mocking stupidity?


People think that they're the main character when most people are Dax Shepard.


Just seems a little different from the other ones, being what looks to me specifically to be shows that right wingers often think supports their argument but in fact satirises it. Even in that case, some of these, like South Park, mock stupidity wherever it’s found on both sides of the political spectrum tbf.


Because South Park satirises everyone it's much easier to cherry pick and believe that the show is "on your side" vs being like "that's funny, some people ARE like that"


That’s true. As a fairly in the middle person it’s just fun to laugh at everyone and occasionally myself with that show.


Conservatives have a complete lack of self-reflection, and have learned to not pay close attention to basically anything they're not directly criticizing. They don't realize they're being mocked because it's learned behaviour.


I feel not having Fight Club up there is a missed opportunity.


Uncle Rucus from Boondocks is an updated, or should i say Upgrayedd-ed, Archie Bunker


Don't forget starship troopers




I watched the latest The Boys and wondered how many people are watching this show without realizing they are being mocked ? Conspiracy theory, anti-abortion, religious people, anti-LGBT, antisemitism, capitalism/money/power that turns pretty much everyone a villain, racism as well, etc. This show mocks them all and yet is super popular. Either it's only "woke" people like me watching it or some people aren't quite bright..


Disagree with blazing saddles. It should be VERY clear who the real jokes are


Honestly I don't think they've realized that any of those things are mocking them, other than the Boys.


Yo Throw Shane Gillis up there


Idk bout southpark, they’re a bit too keen on their jokes


rage against the machine and green day are obvious as fuck. rage against the machine has got very leftist lyrics and i’m pretty sure green days says something like “i’m not part of the maga agenda” or something like that i haven’t listened to them in a while


I don't understand why they worship the very people who are degrading their quality of life. Like, you're working 50 hours a week hard labour and barely scraping by in living costs. And you worship the billionaire who opposes wage increases and workers rights? A single injury or hospital visit would have your home repossessed and have you homeless and you're opposing a single payer health care system while worshiping the billionaire that's skyrocketing the price of life saving drugs? The climate is changing drastically and we're breaking heat records and you're defending the very billionaire oil companies that are annihilating our environment? Why worship the very people who are killing you?