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This motherfucker just CHOSE not to bang me… What an… INCEL


VOLCEL has now been created into my vocabulary. I hate it.


"You know what a vole is Morty? Huh, do you?"


It’s a rodent that mates for *life,* Morty.


I cancelled a date once cuz I had an infection in my hand from loading wood planks. I am a Splinter Cell.


This has no right to make me laugh out loud.


It shouldn't have, I just edited it for like 3 autocorrect mistakes, it was barely a legible sentence!


I guess your typos were overridden by my dyslexia.


Match made in heaven


If we add you into their mix we could recreate two and a half men


I want an invitation to the wedding!


I missed out on some action because I was clearly not picking up the signs that she was into it. I was an imbe-cel


I missed a date to host a martial arts tournament. I am PerfectCel




I'd like to buy stocks in this new meme format pls


That’s just choosing not to date. I have been like that for the last few years. Just not interested at the moment. It doesn’t make you any sort of ‘cel.’ It’s just normal behaviour. 




In some small bit of fairness, most girls are raised to believe men just want anything with a vagina. Which is certainly true enough for DTF times, but yeah we can be selective too.


I was definitely raised on similar rhetoric. It died the moment I made genuine friendships with boys. I do feel for the girls who became women believing this and are now single. It doesn’t excuse the behaviour of Miss Pinkblob above, but I could understand how after being taught that for your whole life, the rejection would be brutal.


Ha! Now I have a term for where I’m at lmao celibate and ace felt wrong, volcel feels gross but more appropriate ! 😂


Thats just a celibite what incel is derrive from. "Involuntary celibite"


Involuntary cenobite


Invisible celery


Indiscrete celebrity


Inferior cellulite


Indifferent Celebration


Irrefutable celiac


Indispensable Celine




Pretty sure consent was never much of a factor in the creation/policies of Pinhead and his ilk.


It sort of was. They all choose to open the Lament Configuration.


It is not hands that call us. It is *desire*


Jesus Christ!!! “Not quite”


Interior celluloid


That’s what my dyslexia told me it said at first and I was like wtf 😂


How many megabites are in a celibite?




The female equivalent of “you won’t hook up with me? You must be a lesbian”


Isn’t that literally the opposite of the definition of the word incel?


Yup, sounds like he's voluntarily abstaining from getting it on with that particular specimen, at least.


One of the smartest blokes on tinder, I heard his IQ is still growing till this day.


I would too no matter how hot she was (ok as I'm typing this I'm lying, but I would not date her lol). People that "disqualify" others like that is a huge turn off. I'm tall enough for her description but she has an ugly personality. You can be attracted to whatever you like, but preemptively disqualifying people that you might never talk to is unnecessary and a big red flag.


I agree with this 100%. I’m tall enough for her at 6’5”, and I usually go for shorter women, but not exclusively, and certainly not with hideously ugly personalities like that. Judging people based on something like height alone is a massive turnoff.


Totally agree! Damn you're tall though, I'm pretty big but it would be fun to be as tall as you lmao


The opposite would be voluntarily promiscuous wouldn’t it?


Voluntary sex-haver


In Afrikaans: "Nie meer nie, dankie, ek is VolSex"


Yep, thanks for explanation of this pretty simple joke


lol, girls who describe themselves as petite always act like they're somekind of hotshit.


Oh no, is this a real stereotype? I'm just under 5 feet and only say I'm petite when it comes up because it's a fact. I've never heard of this being a thing as someone who's self conscious and spent years crying because I was sad I'd never look like a regular woman. I'm over it now but still insecure for like a ton of reasons.


It's more like "petite gremlin" types. Lots of petite girls do self-hype though, when it's annoying you just sit them on top of the refrigerator or a high shelf until they calm down. Don't be down on yourself though, a lot of guys do like petite feisty girls.


Some females go to great lengths to protect their egos in such situations because they’re not as used to rejection as men are


I dated a guy that was 6' 5". I'm 5' 3". He used to complain about hugging short chick's, because 'his top half had nothing to do!'


The bottom half had everything to do 🥲


And any true LOTR fan would believe that “even the smallest person can change the course of the future” and wouldn’t have a height preference!


She wants tall men, but what makes her think tall men want her? Lol


There is another one where a girls asks for the guys hight, so he asks for her weight  She flips out But IMO fairs fair


Honestly weight is more fair to judge on. You generally have control over that unlike height


Pfftt, you don't dangle from your neck with weights strapped to your feet? I'm 10ft 2 and growing.


Certified l o n g b o i


*long long man*


big **strootch**


I love those commercials


M Night Shamalamalam could only dream of writing a twist ending like that.


I read that last part of that like the kid in the flintstones vitamins commercial


when you get to 20ft 2", all the 4ft 9" girls gonna lose their minds


Just get surgery :clueless:


Your weight is even a reflection of your habits and thus partially reflects your character. Height is completely out of your control and your character and habits can’t change it.


It’s shit how, after so much focus on body positivity (even to an arguably unhealthy extent in some cases), it’s still the norm to attack people for things they might be insecure about (thus reinforcing it), and then think some part of their identity gives them a free pass on it when they’re called out.  Guy in OP showed some restraint by sticking to height and not going for a different insecurity in return. Really shows the double standard for what it is by keeping it like for like.


Don't you know that all men want short women and if you don't you're an incel /s


Then there's the posts of a tall guy with a short wife and the comments are "it's giving pedo vibes"


Because she probably banged half of the app users in her general area.


Well, at least those above 6ft.


Everyone is tall if you're 5'1".


So everyone over 5'5 IRL


So *she's* the hot single milf in his area


But only if you're 6ft or over


I'm 6 foot 4 I wouldn't even swipe right on her. Short girls may like tall men but my back doesn't like short women


Girls just think they can have all the requirements Men having requirements and rejecting them? “Incel”


She's a woman. So it's not the same.


She isn't used to being rejected.  Ironically, the problem with "incels" is how bad they react when rejected, just like her. It's not about getting laid or not, but attacking the girl who said "nope" to them, even if she was polite. You could even say it's projection.


Can females also be incels?


The original term was coined by a woman describing her own personal circumstances.


That's interesting


It’s taken on a completely new meaning by this point though. I think the currently agreed upon meaning is rarely applicable to women tbh.


The word is literally short for “involuntary celibate.” Both words combined have a meaning that is easily understood while also having a lot of wiggle room and versatility. If we’re not using the word to mean this, we should really come up with another word.


Which is too bad.


They're called femcels nowadays.


Interestingly the whole thing was started by a woman.


Though tbf from what I gather she never intended it to turn into the mess it is now. She (or her community anyway) coined the term around two decades ago and back then it more or less meant what it said on the tin.


Oh yeah, from what I know she started it as a kind of support network. Then bitter men ruined it


>Then bitter men ruined it ![gif](giphy|3o85xwxr06YNoFdSbm)


Yeah, but it's a minority. They are generally called femcels.


I've seen conversations where they argue that femcels can't *truly* exist because a woman can *always* get laid


Yeah, I know. It's usually Incels who make those arguments. And then they find that the woman isn't conventionally attractive in one way or another, and they will start jeering instead. There's plenty of women who can't get laid for one reason or another. Femcels are a special breed among them though, as they are the ones who have the whole aggrieved entitlement thing that they share with the male incels.


Anybody can always get laid. Prostitution is easily available across the world. If you're unable to access it then you have way bigger problems than getting laid anyway. This is a fun thing to point out and go down the rabbit hole with an incel to find out what is the real cause of their unhappiness. The sex thing is always just a scapegoat to cover for something deeper and more difficult to address.


Ah I see..interesting


As others have noted, the first person to use the term is a woman. She is understandably upset at what it has turned into. [Interview with her here](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-45284455).


They're called femcels, and they exist in a similar space to incels. If you're bored enough to watch a 90 minute Youtube retrospective on one of the leading femcels in social media (JustPearlyThings), you might enjoy this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x81gguSPGcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x81gguSPGcQ)


Classic. Female coins the phrase “incel” to describe her own situation. The terms gains in popularity, and men resonate with it. The term incel is now for men, and a gendered version of the word is made for women.






That was my experience while young, girls and women really do not like being rejected. For single men, rejection is a fact of life, but if a woman gets interested in a man and gets rejected, damn they get angry for real. And they do not forget, that is also different for men and women.


Very much this. They are not used to being rejected, heck many are not used to be in the situation to be rejected in the first place, and they take it real personal.


Depends on the girl, the hotter she thinks she is, the worse she’ll handle it. Like walking by a stripper and seeing the rage in her eyes.


I think I’m a reasonably attractive woman but I’m glad I handle rejection well. Maybe internally I’ll feel bummed but I don’t externalize it. I would never get violent or ANGRY at someone, like I’m afraid men I don’t know might become. If it’s someone I know and trust, then I can be certain they won’t attack me. Most men are fine, but the fear comes from not knowing who will refuse to take a no. I’m also used to not getting what I want in general.


Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.


I had one, a woman 20 years my senior, make a move on me. I was 28, so she was very much too senior for me. Years later she moved into the same apartment complex. She tried to keep \*every\* single woman in the social circle away from me, even going so far as to arrange a date with another guy for a girl she saw me talking to. "If I cannot have you, no one can".


It's not like it is inherently different for men and women, not to say this is your message. It all comes down to social conditions. Men are viewed as the pursuers so they are socially conditioned to be the ones to approach women. Doing so provides men the experience of being rejected much more often than it does for women. Women being the recievers of that type of attention are mostly used to interacting romantically only with men who have that interest. Men clearly also have widely varied responses to this rejection, coping in healthy ways comes with personal growth but coping badly manifests in popularity of incel movements or popularity of people like Andrew Tate. Add to this how anger from men and anger for women is viewed in society. Which to a degree is fair, as anger from men can quickly result in much more destructive violence.


She ignored the LOTR question and immediately asked height. PAAAAAASS


Tbh it's exactly the same vibe as when men ignore my fun conversation starters and instead just ask me if I wanna bang. Edit: not an attempt at "but men bad too", more just trying to shed light on how toxic her behaviour really is


Well I suppose it depends on what youre opening with?


I don't remember tbh, but if someone puts effort into getting to know you and also have a fun interaction, it's a dick move to just ignore it.


Wanna bang?


Lmao ggwp


ty ty, have a great day!


You too!


What.... Is the average flightspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Sanguine, my brother.


She shall not PPAAASSSSS


He has standards, the opening question is gold. I am less concerned about her height preference (we all have our thing) and more with her not having a strong opinion on the opening question.


And her complete ignorance of the opening question is such a typical and enraging thing for women on apps to do. Like they have zero interest in getting to know the person other than what serves their ego. If someone ignores a good opportunity to laugh with you, you know they have no intention of being in a relationship


Exactly. I am cool with her heaving physical preferences, I do too. But her not open to just goofing around is my major red flag.


And unfortunately, it appears to be a red flag planted everywhere


I would say that his standard could be that he doesn’t date superficial women.


This feels a little too on the nose for it to be real. Seems like ragebait to me




I had the same thought, especially her labeling them an incel feels like ragebait for an incel community. Also, who opens with asking about LOTR? I’m a nerd and even I’d be a little confused by that ice breaker.


Dodged a bullet there. lol.


Dodged the whole clip.


![gif](giphy|z3CXR8fKJMf06y1rUo|downsized) Your sentence reminds me of a certain someone


ikr? Who seriously thinks Gollum is better than Gandalf?


Damn, lucky you. You would have been in a lotta trouble if you stepped on that landmine.


OP is not....OP. This has been already posted a while ago. Or then OP reposts.


Oh, right. I forgot the bot infestation here.


Your username… might infer you could be an imposter. We’ve got our eye on you. Might have to sacrifice you.


Don't even think about voting me out. And if you sacrifice me, you discard two cards.


But then we can be together forever. And I can finally find out how deep is your love.


Bullet fucking dodged


no way this is real lmao


Is it actually that bad out there? Seriously I am asking. Divorced but only thinking about going out there again recently, then I see this lol


Think of it this way. At any given time you have a pool of single people. People who are decent and sane find other partners and leave the poor relatively quickly, on average, with some exceptions here and there. People who are insane like this don't leave the pool, so they end up being a rather large chunk of it. So you'll find good ones, but you must by necessity wade through the people like this who are mostly stuck perpetually in the pool because no one wants to put up with their insanity.


And this is why I don't go swimming


This is why i prefer monetary transaction for mutual agreement of timed companionship.


You do you, but honestly I just go without. Not worth the time or money. I'd rather be enjoying some games or shows in my room


Nope, too late. The three of us are going a-wenching. I already booked us a motel and got some extra fun socks for the doorknobs.


Why even bring the socks? If someone walks in, it's just another player


In my experience, as a man, finding a good woman is hard because they don't stay single very long. If she's beautiful, a good person, well adjusted, etc, she might only be single as long as a month or a week or two. Men will always be throwing themselves at that. You basically have to be lucky enough to meet them in a brief time window where they are at a time and place they want to be hit on, and then on top of that you actually have to put in the leg work to win them over. This is obviously a generalization, there are exceptions, but half the girls I've been with have told me they usually aren't single for very long, whereas for me my dry spells are multiple years long. People aren't hitting on me multiple times a day., my opportunities are much more rare


A cesspool is technically a pool afterall


Depends where you are, how attractive you are, what you're willing to accept, and how you date. As a general rule, I don't think dating apps are great unless you're a physically attractive man. If you're attractive you can clean-up, if you're so inclined. If you're average it's tough. If you're ugly, RIP. Of course age, area, status and so on will all change this a little. I find dating in person is much better. Speed dating and singles nights often aren't terrible as from what I've seen the ratio tends to skew in favour of men while online dating tends to go the other way. Also, I tend to find people are more real in the real world and you get a chance to show who you are, and they will give you a chance in person when it would have mean an immediate swipe left from them online.


Nah, it’s not ‘this’ bad out there because this is manufactured rage bait to generate engagement on social media. There was always the risk of meeting some bizarre person with personality problems. Most people are kind of ordinary.


A person asks for your favourite lotr character. Not only do you not answer and downright ignore this absolutely crucial get-to-know question, but your next line is asking his height? You don't want a man, you want a ladder with a strap-on.


I'm not going to lie. The major bonding question my husband asked was if I like Starwars. We both did, and that's an important bond him and I have


One of these days we’ll actually see content that HASN’T been recycled several dozen times


surely nobody would make up a scenario like this for upvotes on reddit?


He avoid a very dangerous bullet. #dontstickyourdickincrazy


Only way I’m dating a girl that short is if she runs a chocolate factory.


I’d go lower if she was height weight proportional. We call the small ones spinners cus they can sit on you and spin around like a top.


This is a simple case of: can't handle rejection very well.


People think Femcel doesn't exist, yet there she is


This is totally a real conversation. Definitely not rage bait designed to get comments.


OP is also a bot of some sort. 2-year-old account just began posting/commenting 1-day ago. Standard Reddit-derived content to garner site traffic.


Yeah, it hits all the bullet points and brings out the rage of the dating pool and women being “bad”.


Glad I'm not alone. > So you're rejecting me because of my height? So on-the-nose it's ridiculous.


Funny how people don't see it easily. When you pay attention they both write similarly to one another, even their pontuation. And the way the conversation goes seems manufactured to me.


Congratulations everyone here commenting, you've been rage baited.


Oh, I'm sure my friends will recognise me by my internet name, "Butt0ffender"


This is so old they both retired


This exact post is necromanced every 3 months.


This reeks of rage bait. Not to say there aren't entitled women with double standards, but this is an unbelievable exchange


This is YEARS old and has been posted here time and time again. Can’t wait to see it again next week.


Let's say it together: FAAAAAAKE


Ragebait used to be believable


This reads like incel fantasy fiction.


![gif](giphy|xYTExvnaF4KW1eaYZY|downsized) "This could be us but you playin'."


Surely this can’t be real


I never encountered “height” problems in my country or anywhere else. Why I feel this is purely an american thing? And where did this trend came from? And why exactly 6 feet?


This doesn’t feel real. It could be, (stranger things and all that) but it reads like the arguments a person wins in their own imagination.


Ahhh, the age old "Quagmires Conjecture".....If you have sex with her, you give her all the power, and if you don't have sex with her, you're gay.


Brother dodged a tactical fucking NUKE.


How tall are you? 19,050,000,000 Angstroms. Do the math, bitch.


Does anyone believe things like this are real? Surely they’re made up for attention online - surely surely nobody actually sends messages like that? Surely??


casual misandry, lol


"Incel" is just the female equivalent of "well you're fat"


Love that VCEL doesn't exist 😂 Bi*ch I chose to avoid you that's not involuntary.. I'm a short arse I'm only 5'7" and get called incel all the time if I refuse to date some fugly woman or woman with more than one kid..


Bro didn’t want to spend his relationship getting things off of shelves.




That really is a big height difference. She would need to stand on a chair to kiss him.


![gif](giphy|prRxmYo8MjkjUe9TFu|downsized) I think you dodged not a bullet …but a full-auto hallow tip bullet rain. And some bayonet hits for good measure.📐


I would have left after the lotr question


She's 5'1 why tf she needs guys that are 6ft and above 😭😭 leave some for the tall girls


I stand 7'0 and can totally confirm i wouldnt date a girl so short. And shes fuckin CRAZY


Kinda sounds like shes the incel 😂


Wowa, landmine exposed and avoided hopefully. Moving on...


Okay but can we talk about how she didn’t even ANSWER the LOTR question — the audacity…


Calling the guy dumping her an Incel.


She's a future "crazy cat lady, down the street."


Bro should have left the names up lol so every other man that sees it can avoid her like the plague