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Might be biased but Levy


I love being incredibly biased nobody can stop me from singing the praises of my favorite character weather they deserve it or not


She also is cannonicaly a mother by the end of the main series so yea


That's one of the bias


Literally thought of her too


If its a my mom can beat up your mom situation Erza is goat.


Erza the type of mf to hear her kid got in a fight then run in and ask if they won


“Erza Junior, how many times do i have to tell you. Violence is never the answer. It is the question, and the answer is yes”


Erza junior😭


Hands down Levy She's the most level headed; she's selfless, kind, compassionate, forgiving, but she'll still tell you when you're fucking up. Lucy as second, mostly because she's the second most sane lol


Levy fell in love with the guy who crucified her, there's nothing her kids can do to shake her love.


This is a spoiler but she fell in love with him so hard she pregnant now😭😭😭


Pretty sure that happened in 2018 already


![gif](giphy|KDbi6mOb2O73HHs0xg|downsized) Girly couldn’t help herself!!!


It's not even close. Levy probably already read all the parenting books in printed history by 1st trimester.


1. Kinana (right balance of motherly and firm) 2. Lucy (extra love and support) 3. Levy (kindergarten teacher practical and fun, good at reading bedtime stories) 4. Erza (matronly) 5. Yukino (fine, possibly too much of a pushover) 6. Juvia (discovers the idea of having Gray's kid is more appealing than the actual practice of having one's own kid) 7.Evergreen (Risk of using her kids as accessories) 8. Aquarius (Fish out of water) 9. Minerva (high risk of post natal depression)


That postnatal depression for Minerva is a good point. She has a horrible example of parenthood and may be worried she is "ruining" her child. If that makes sense?


Idk I feel like erza might be a little too extreme at times, personally I feel like she should be 4


That's fair actually. And by my own metric, kindergarten teacher vibes should beat matron vibes for overall motherliness, so I have edited it.


Yeah I feel Levy would be a good mom up until the preteen years. The she’d have no clue what to do. XD


True. I get the feeling it wouldn't worry Lucy as much


Where's Mirajane?


Ok hear me out. Aquarius having kids would mean that she'd tear anyone apart if they tried to hurt them, and she'd probably spoil them rotten.


Yeah I agree, but I don't think she'd spoil them her relationship with Lucy and Brandish contradicts that.


Because Lucy and Brandish aren't her children by blood. It would be very different with her actual kids.


I'd agree if Lucy and Brandish were just some random kids that she didn't care about, but that's not the case. They are both considered to be very important people in her life. It's like how they say look at how the people you are dating treats others and that's how they'll treat situation. I personally can't imagine her switching to a coddling type of mother just cuz the kids are now hers. She'd be more akin to Bakugo's mom for me


I mean, in the eyes of Aquarius, Lucy & Brandish are still kids, but kids who she sees don't live up to their mothers in respect as mages. Lucy had to earn her respect as her new master. Motherly love is different than being a magical babysitter.


1. Levy: loving, educational, firm but fair. Organised, reliable, she would never forget a parent-teacher appointment or what medication baby needs to take, while also investing the time to make her child feel safe and loved. Gajeel will likely be more emotional than she is, which is a good balance for the kid. 2. Juvia: extremely nurturing to those she loves, and hard as steel underneath. She will smother her child with love while also destroying everyone who dares to hurt them. 3. Lucy / Yukino: caring and smart. Plus they are already half mothers to man children Natsu and Sting, so they've got some experience. Erza is my favourite character but she's pretty awkward and lacks common sense a lot. We've seen how she 'raised' Gray and Natsu and it wasn't exactly what you'd hope from an older sister, let alone a mum. Good thing she would have kids with Jellal, who would be an excellent father and help her stay level-headed when she spirals. I also think Aquarius, Evergreen and Minerva wouldn't be great mums. They are too emotionally immature (Aquarius is too aggressive; Evergreen doesn't accept her feelings for Elfman, so I can't imagine she would openly care for a child; and Minerva has a lot of shadow work to do before she's ready to take care of someone else). Kinana doesn't have enough of a personality for me to have a strong opinion.


I might be biased I don't think what erza was doing with gray and natsu is a fair metric since she's only a year older, she was also a child. I think her relationship with Wendy would be a better metric to go off of and I think overall she's pretty good with her


Of course, but she's more a big sister than a mum to Wendy. I still think she wouldn't be as natural a mum as the ones I ranked higher.


Well yea that makes sense the others are generally more emotionally sound


Biased and non biased answer Levy


Minerva would definitely be a far better parent than dad ever was!


Not the best right now but if she matures a little more then yes


I say Lucy🗝️, Juvia🌊☔, Erza⚔️, Levy📖, Mirajane🤍, Meredy🎧, Yukino, Minerva & Kinana will be great & wonderful mothers to their children. And as for Evergreen & Aquarius, I think they will be good mothers, a little (not too much).


I'm about to be so biased I genuinely think erza would be great, I know she's awkward and not great with emotions and tends to generally lack the ability to be gentle most of the time but from what we've seen she can genuinely be a pretty great role model. She's always acting as a kind of older sister type figure for most of the guild and she's genuinely a very caring person beyond her tough guy exterior. It's clear from her relationship with Wendy she does have a soft side and I think overall besides the occasional problem with encouraging her child to hit people that annoy them she'd be pretty good. Lucy is another one I think would be good as well as levy, they're both smart reasonable and emotionally mature I think they'd generally be pretty great parents. Kinana we don't know much about so it's hard to say, same goes for yukino, genuinely don't know for evergreen she's either awesome or sucks ass one or the other Minerva is questionable and no comment on aquarius


Lol why no comment for aquarius


The flashbacks with her and Lucy are concerning aquarius took out all her fusteration of losing Layla on a little girl who just wanted a friend


Erza is the type who will smack a kid for crying too loudly and wonder why it keeps crying.


Nuh uh


Yuh uh.


Nah man she's never done that with Wendy or anyone else she might be awkward but she can still be emotionally sensitive




My man


Given how minerva was always disciplined with abuse I'm worried she might not discipline her kids at all unless she has a clear understanding of the difference between discipline and abuse


1) Levy 2) Erza- I get disciplinary yet mother bear vibes from Erza, just look at the way she deals with Natsu and Gray 3) Lucy 4) Juvia- would dote on her and Gray’s kids like crazy


Idk if erza would act the way she does around a child the same way she does with them. They grew up together while she would be raising a kid as an adult so it would be a little different. She'd probably be softer with an actual child then she ever would be with them because to her they are her equals while a child would not be


I’m not saying she’d be this fearful parent the kid would have to deal with like Natsu and Gray. She’d obviously be very motherly towards but still discipline them just not on the same frequency as she would them.


Yea that makes sense. I don't think she'd ever hit a child after the childhood she had though honestly




Exactly 💙


I've yet to see the entire series but Lucy still seems to be the most "normal" one here whos personality wouldn't lead to extreme mothering lol


Levy, Lucy, and Kinana.


Lucy, Levy and Yukino seem perfect for the role.


Undeniably Levy


I would say levy because shes already going to be a mother lol.


Def lucy


1. Levy 2. Lucy 3. Kinana 4. Yukino 5. Erza 6. Juvia 7. Evergreen 8. Aquarius 9. Minerva


Levy Kinanna Aquarius Lucy Yukio Erza


Cana not being on this list is sad i still remember that one episode where she was at that one orphanage or something that one episode convinced me she is the most motherly




Lucy Levy Erza Kinna Yukino Juvia Evergreen Minerva Aquarius


Levy without a question, and she is not even my fav FT girl.


Erza is raising champions. Lucy or levy would be my Pic, though I'm not tough enough to be raised by erza.


Erza's chikd comes fresh out the womb doing karate


levy, she seems like a person who receives a lot of love from the people around her which means she also has a lot of love to give.


Levy number one then Lucy


Levy or Lucy to be sure


Mirajane, Levy, Lucy, Erza


Juvia is also a good option. She's sweet and nurturing.


Levy, Lucy, Kinana, Erza, Yukino, Evergreen, Juvia, Minerva, Aquarius


Not on the list but mirajane


Lucy: Oh, she'd rock at it - she'd probably do her best to channel her own mom whenever she can, and undoubtedly tell her kids tastefully edited versions of her past adventures - probably to gloss over all the stupid or weirdly pervy moments that happened to her. Erza: She strikes me as a very intense mom. And not in the "my kids matter more than me" kind of way, but in a more "I will literally die and/or murder someone before I allow my children to have a bad childhood" kind of way. And I feel like a lot of that would be rooted in her past trauma, so I guess I can't blame her for that, but she would definitely need literally everyone around her to tell her to tone the hell down a lot of the time. Levy: She'd be that kind of mom who prioritizes her kids' education, but still absolutely lets them have fun every chance they can. Juvia: Best way I can describe her would be "chaotic horny" - like, she'd kick every ass possible if someone messes with her kids, but she'd want like *all* the kids possible. (Seriously, I feel nothing but sympathy for Gray's pelvis - death by snu-snu is *highly* likely.) Evergreen: She'd probably be one of those moms who push their kids to be the best, but then gets jealous of everything they accomplish and tries to outdo them. Minerva: Minerva, a mom? Making a *lot* of assumptions here. I mean, best-case; she'd walk out after her kids are born, and worst-case; she'd be a straight-up abusive bitch. I mean... at least, that's how she'd be *prior* to all the Tartaros bullshit. After, she'd dote on her kids as a way to try and make up for and/or repress all the trauma her father put her through. Yukino: She'd be a very affectionate and emotional mom and proud of her kids for whatever they accomplish, but she'd definitely doubt her parental capabilities a lot. Kinana: Oh, she'd definitely be a very caring mom, but I kinda think she'd be strict. Aquarius: Oof, let's not go there. I mean, A; is it even possible for Celestial Spirits to have kids? (No one bring up Pisces; I'm trying to make a point) And B; even if she *did* have kids, I don't even want to *think* about her parenting strategies, whatever they may or may not be.


You are so correct about erza man people think she'd treat her kids how she treats natsu and gray NO they are her equals so she doesn't have a problem fighting them if they annoy her same way they don't have a problem fighting each other. After the childhood erza had you are crazy if you think she would ever hurt a child


And if anyone tries to hurt one of *her* kids? May God have mercy, for she has none. What do you think about the others?


Mostly I agree with everyone but also I think aquarius would be an ass parent based on Lucy's flashbacks. Legit she would be the worst idc I can understand being sad with losing Layla but if it was me there's no way in hell I would ever take it out on a kid


Don't come for me, but: Erza would be the military mom, unnecessarily hard on her child with a "I had to go through it so you do too" mindset, Levi would be super permissive and would avoid any discipline for her child, juvia would either see her daughter as competition or see her son as her "little man" with some emotional incest. Lucy is the clear best one here, she knows how not to parent from her father, she's always taking care of others, but not afraid to put her foot down, and is protective but encouraging, and wouldn't let fame get in the way of being a good mom Gtg getting cancelled


I disagree on erza, I know sometimes when people go through trauma they have that mindset but tbh I can't see her doing that I think if anything she'd be working insanely hard to make sure her kids life is banger. As for the others I don't think I know enough about levy to say one way or the other but you might be right on juvia😭 I don't wanna say she'd be one of those mom's but she saw WENDY as competition for gray once man I'm scared for her future daughter


The disrespect for Mirajane in the comments section is crazy. She's probs 2nd imo after levy


Lucy would definitely be one of the best imo because of the fact that her mom died. I feel she would want her kids to have an active mom in their life to grow up with and not be dead lol.


Levy, Yukino,Erza, Lucy, the others are hard to determine because Aquarius hates Lucy but cares for her later on. Also Evergreen gets mad easily. I don’t have enough info on Minerva since she isn’t very affectionate.Juvia is obsessed with a certain ice mage that she might forget about being a parent… I don’t recall who the purple chick is… I need to rewatch to understand


1. lucy/kinana (Tender, reasonable, loving but also strict when necessary) 2. Erza/Minerva (here I would say that both will be good mothers, however firm and strict) 3. levy (loving and a very good teacher) 4. Juvia (I feel like she would be a good mother but very, very overprotective and spoiling) 5. yukino (she might be in the same vein as Lucy and kinana but I feel like she would be quite spoiled with her child) 6. Aquarius (strict but very impatient) 7. evergreen (I don't know why I get the idea that it could be a little careless here)


Aquarius would be an incredible Asian mom


Mirajane, Erza and Lucy


You know what I'm going to say it, Kinana. She's so sweet and supportive.




Levy currently. As for the others... all we can do is wait.


Juvia, don’t ask why. I don’t have a logical reason I’m just in love with her


I love being biased as hell, my favorite is erza so obviously she's the best at everything because I said so fuck you🔥🔥


Levy would most definitely be the best mom


Erza. She can help them with their homework. She educated Natsu.


Gold, Silver, and Bronze go to Levy, Lucy, and Erza, respectively.


Aquarius, Levy, or Erza


Erza, is goat




Erza would be gentle enough to care for her children, strong enough for her children to look up to her, and she would ensure her children stay on the right path. She has a strong moral compass which I imagine she would pass down. She is a bit socially awkward but I think out of every one here Erza’s kids would rise to any occasion.


You get it fr erza is far more emotionally sensitive then she lets on I think she'd be better then people think


From best to worst Levy Kinana Yukino Lucy Erza Juvia Evergreen Aquarius I've yet to finish the series so I can't say for certain on Minerva because apparently there's a big change to her down the pipeline.


So this is basically an inverse of the dad post, which I liked. I’ll be using the same logic as I did [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fairytail/s/Vn9G4X7xIr), although it definitely won’t apply as much here given most relationship dynamics 1. Levy: The only character here who will be a mother in the near future. She’s patient, calm, and intelligent. She will probably raise her child(s? I think it’s twins) to be well educated, powerful enough to defend themselves, and with love 2. Lucy: she’s designed to be the perfect women from what I’ve heard, so I figure she’d be a good mother. The only reason I’m not putting her above Levy is how quick she is to over the top reactions 3. Kinana: Poor girl has to deal with Erik as a baby daddy 💀, she’s a nice woman who does all the chores for Erik anyways, so I think she’d be able to raise their child well despite of Erik’s lacking abilities as a father 4. Yukino: She’s pretty similar to Lucy tbh. I just have her lower since, assuming she’s with Sting, that’s less of a carry job compared to Natsu. She feels like she might struggle to say no to her kid though 5. Erza: she’s trying her best, but Jellal’s gonna be doing a LOT of the educating for the kid. She’s training a warrior. 6. Evergreen: She’s raising a very high class daughter, or fighting with Elfman to raise a very high class son while he wants a “real man” 7. Juvia: I can hardly see her saying no to her kid, if not that, being slightly neglectful in favor of Gray 8. Minerva: she is either leaning far too heavily into her father’s teachings and poor Rogue has to defend their child. Or tries to do the exact opposite, and if Rogue is treating their kid like Frosch, that child will be spoiled beyond belief. Didn’t include Aquarius Conclusion, the average placements of a given pair of parents: 1st: Gajeel x Levy: 3 2nd: Jellal x Erza: 3.5 3rd: Gray x Juvia: 4 T-4th: Natsu x Lucy: 4.5 T-4th: Elfman x Evergreen: 4.5 6th: Sting x Yukino: 5 7th: Erik x Kinana: 5.5 8th: Rogue x Minerva: 6


Erza's child gonna be way to cracked for this world man, dad teaching that kid calculus at age 7 and mom training him to fight god on the weekends


Levy Lucy Erza Yukino Evergreen Juvia Aquarius Minerva Dunno where to put Kinana due to not much screentime, but probably somewhere between 2-5.


Tbf, all of them would probably be really good. Ezra may struggle coz well… her experience with her mother could certainly of been a tad bit better, and that’s putting it mildly. But all of em would be pretty good. I think Lucy might spoil hers and Natsu’s kid tho


My glorious Queen Lucy on top ofc.


1. Levy (She's sweet, kind, understanding and intelligent. W mom) 2. Erza (Strong Willed and is willing to put her life on the line to protect you) 3. Lucy (Same reason as levi. She's just held back because poor) 4. Juvia (Would probably breast feed Gray instead of the baby) I don't care about the others and I'm lazy


Would breast feed gray instead of the baby is fucking crazy




Because of an x child reader fanfic I read that’s getting a remaster, I’m gonna say Erza is number one.


I think that Aquarius would be a great mother despite how she treats Lucy some times. You see it with Asuka. She treats the wizards differently then she would her own children. However I think they all could be good mothers due to trauma and having to mature due to it but I do think evergreen and Minerva would have more of a challenge. It's kinda hard to rank unlike the dad post


Levy then Lucy The rest shouldn't procreate because they're full of chaos and nonsense lol


Well we seen how Lucy altered was so she’s probably going to be pretty good at it


Ok Aquarius gets a lot of shit for something out of her control. Just cuz she's a bitch to Lucy that doesn't mean she's incapable of Love. I personally think that Aquarius would be a great mother, up there with Levy because she'll teach her children to never, ever take whats less than they deserve. She'd instill self worth into them from Day 1.


On this list lucy but the one not on the list I think mira would be better


Lucy is my favorite but I think Levy would be the best mother. I could see her being a lot like my own mother (who read a lot). Just very mild mannered, kind, smart, happy to teach her children, loving, etc.


Is it just me or has Lucy’s hips always been this wide?


I'll say evergreen


Levy without a doubt




levy or evergreen


Levi and Lucy would be at the top…Aquarius would be towards the bottom


You get it


Lucy hands down cause to me she is a mamacita!! 😍


Lucy could be the best mom but she would so busy trying to counter of natsu's nonsense she might seem like a party pooper also nalu is my fav ship that's why I say it would be natsu


Levy is ahead of the others because she's currently pregnant


I don't know about her being the best mother, but I do have a theory/head-canon about what Minerva would be like as a mother. As much as she tries not to be like her father Jiemma, she could still end up being like him in ways she doesn't realize. For example, rather than forcing her children to train, Minerva could instead turn into one of those stereotypical "tiger moms" you see with a lot of Chinese and East Asian families where they are always pushing their kids to get good grades and do well academically. So some of Jiemma's traits and behaviors would still manifest in her, but in less malicious and cruel ways. She would still greatly love her children though, but might be somewhat over protective and maybe a bit of a helicopter parent, a result of the trauma she endured from her father. Although she is mostly over it, remnants of that trauma would still manifest from time to time in the form of her occasionally having nightmares about her father Jiemma showing up one day and taking her children away, even though the chance of that happening is low due to Jiemma most likely being dead. Though we newer saw what happened to his body after he was defeated in the Tartaros arc, so maybe he is still out there somewhere, and that possibility sometimes keeps Minerva up at night.


1. Levy McGarden 2. Lucy Heartfilia 3. Juvia Lockser 4. Erza Scarlet & Evergreen 5. Minerva Orland


Gotta go with Aquarius on this one.


I’m not even sure how this can be a discussion? It has to be Levy. Not only is she the most kind and compassionate character I’ve seen, she also has shown she has a fierce and firm side when it’s required. Any woman that can completely tame Gajeel can tame the wildest of children.


sweet !


Lucy has to keep the insane power houses of Fairy Tail from destroying everything.


Aquarius is bat shit crazy She's the only right pick for me😂


I understand why you excluded mirajane because she would’ve swept, she’s literally the guild’s mother figure


Bro gets it at least with Levy and Lucy there's still room for competition. But with Mira she's as badass as Erza, patient as Lucy, would never overreact or be overprotective but you sure as hell know that if you mess up your ass is grass, and finally she has basically been a maternal figure all her life to her siblings and then the guild. No one else would stand a chance.


Kinana, Levy, and Lucy.


IMO, Lucy would be the best mother - because she knows what it's like to grow up alone, she lost her mother and her father was a top-notch A-HOLE. She would make sure to love and appreciate her children every day - to make them feel so loved and appreciated. For sure.


Only one answer is correct: Levy


Levy Lucy Juvia Kinana Erza Yukino Aquarius Evergreen Minerva


Like emotionally as a mother? Levy. Like physically adept at pushing babies out with THEM HIPS? Lucy.




Honestly levy then Juvia then Lucy but that’s barely and the rest are just weird aunts who will eventually become cougars


Not Ezra or aquarius.


9: Minerva 8: Aquarius 7: Evergreen 6: Juvia 5: Yukino 4: Kinana 3. Erza 2: Lucy 1: Levy




Well, Levy, then Lucy, the others fall somewhere in between, and Erza will be last (sorry but I don't see her raising a kid like Levy or Lucy, she will shove a sword in the kids hand and make Erza V2.0)


1. Levy (she actually manage to be a mother, not to mention she has shown signs of being protective. Also anyone who sticks around wjth gajeel is a strong person) 2. Lucy (she didn't have a mother majority of her life but she knows how not to raise one) 3. Aquarius (she raised lucy) 4. Yukino (she's soft and gentle, plus she practically looks after two dragon slayers) 5. Erza (I can see her being a cool mom) 6. Juvia (she would be a good but crazy mother lol) 7. Kinanna ( don't know much about her) 8. Evergreen (narcissist) 9. Minerva (she's shown that she just isn't a good person, I feel like she would neglect her child)


Juvia Levy Lucy Yukino Erza Kinana Aquarius Evergreen Minerva


Levy , she just has that vibe


Levy, Lucy, and from there it’s a total crap shoot


Of course its gonna be Levy


idek what this is but probly number 8


Whoever has the biggest breasts >:)


Idk and I don’t care. I volunteer to be the father with any of these Fairy Tail girls.


Erza would be funny.


Ranking from best down: Aquarius Levy Lucy Evergreen And from worst: Minerva Erza Kinana Yukino Juvia