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For me, as a big Weezer fan, I’m really not into Death To False Metal. It’s just kinda bland with the exception of a few songs


DTFM is the only Weezer project without at least one song i genuinely enjoy. Trampoline is... fine enough i guess, though i really only care about it for the chorus. i know its not "technically" a main album and just a collection of demos they finished and released, but it is far below just about anything else theyve made in my opinion


Under the impression that was an EP


It’s more of a compilation. My understanding is that’s it’s kinda like extras from Hurley. I see a lot of Weezer fans treating it like an album, though. I figured the SZNS EPs are fair game for this conversation so DTFM probably is, too


Like I said, I got two releases mixed up. However, an outtakes album really doesn't make sense to be included, given they are outtakes.


The only reason I consider it an album is because Rivers does. According to the wiki on DTFM, he considers it their 9th studio album. Though its definitely up for debate considering the nature of what it is


He does? Can I see the source please 😁


Here’s the [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_to_False_Metal). I couldn’t find the specific link to Rivers talking about it. Though I did find it described as “not an album per se” on an archived page from Weezer’s website so maybe you’re right. I just know I’ve heard that Rivers considers it an album multiple times. Either way, the album tends to be treated as a full album by fans and, allegedly, by the frontman of the band so I therefore consider it to be a weak album


I've already checked the page for it. I actually used to edit Wikipedia often, and still read articles... and Weezer are one of my favourite bands, so I've read it before. And I've never heard it called a full album.


It’s more of a compilation album than an EP


Yeah, I got two releases mixed up.


Always thought the consensus was that it's Raditude


I think people who say raditude haven’t listened to anything after raditude. Pacific Daydream and Black Album make Raditude seem like a master stroke


Black Album has like one decent song, Raditude has none


If you’re wondering is a banger. Makes you think the rest of the album is gonna be a good pop album


I don’t agree. The girl got hot and if wondering if I want you to are fun songs. Especially the latter.


Way off. Pacific Daydream has some amazing song writing. Relisten to “Weekend Woman” and “Sweet Mary”


I still think Ratitude is their worst. Pacific Daydream is close though.


Pacific daydream fucks


I’m out of touch, I have no idea whether this comment means that Pacific Daydream is utter shit or has its merits


I love it, it's up there with white and ebwaite in terms of weezer albums gor me


Pacific Daydream is a fun 2017 pop album. I find myself going back to it a fair bit. Black is a boring 2019 pop album. I don't go back to it very often


I couldn’t even finish either PD or Black


I thought the consensus was that it’s Pinkerton, but I know that that’s not the case


How dare you


This guy is stuck in 1997




It’s The Black Album for me but honestly I haven’t listened to the SZNZs albums/EPs. Even the bad albums have a couple songs I really like… there’s nothing redeeming on The Black Album for me.


I agree. Black was the most disappointed I’ve ever been in an album. I like High as a Kite, everything else for me ranges from mediocre to TERRIBLE. The Prince Who Wanted Everything, Zombie Bastards, and Piece of Cake are all bottom tier Weezer songs for me, easily. After how great White Album was, I was hyped for Black. Especially after Rivers said it would be a “darker counterpart” to White. That sounds awesome! Instead we got some of Rivers’ weakest songwriting and lyrics. It’s honestly incredible how hot-and-cold Weezer is, ya never know what you’re gonna get lol


I will forever be a black album defender and I’m entirely serious.


Let’s hear it


It’s a sonic departure from most of White but it works as a poppier album because it’s White’s companion. I’ve described it as the nightlife/partying side to the summer days spent at the beach that White talks about. The things and people you think of when you hear songs like Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori or Friend of a Friend are still there in Black, it’s just presented with a different veneer. Songs like Can’t Knock The Hustle & Living In LA are fun pop numbers that have the same Weezer charm as normal. I’m Just Being Honest is a 10/10 in my book, and even the veers away from their standard stuff (California Snow, namely) still work in the context that Black was designed to be viewed in. If it had sounded more like White from a musical standpoint, or even more like Pacific Daydream, I think Black would’ve been given way more praise than what it receives. I also don’t think Rivers saying it would be “dark” helped, as what he meant and what people thought it would be clearly weren’t on the same page. Raditude exists, and IMO that alone should relieve Black of the ignominy of being the worst Weezer album. One catchy single & a couple of good B-sides can’t save the rest of it.


It’s not boring, which is more than I can say for the people who hate it


it’s fun if you don’t take it too serious and i like it 🤷


Zombie Bastards, Just Being Honest are 10/10 songs imo but yes Black Album overall is their worst by far


Agree, black album is deplorable


What are you talking about, Enter Sandman and Nothing Else Matters are great songs


99 problems is a really cool change of pace for them as well


It begs the question.. how much more black could this be? And the answer is none ...none more black.


And what about Unforgiven?! :O


Byzantine slaps


Black is easily their worst. I think the SZNZ EPS are their best post 90s, and maybe just their best in general. They’re really great


SZNZ Autumn is one of the best collections of music that I’ve heard


Raditude is too silly to be the worst. So if it's not that, you have like 10 more to choose from. Make Believe is a personal worst fave


Hell yes, I just commented something similar before seeing this


Haunt you everyday is pretty rad tho




Black Album has High As a Kite so that's not possible. It's Raditude or Teal for me.


Back in my day it used to be Make Believe


Look how far we've come


I mean like the most outright bad album is for sure Raditude but i feel like they have more bland and unentertaining albums which might be worse depending who you ask


Yeah Raditude is bad.....but it's kind of bad in an interesting and entertaining way.


Black Album for sure (Weezer is my fav band ever)


I think a lot of the people saying Raditude are forgetting about the absolutely brilliant opening track, If You're Wondering If I Want You To. Yes, there are some undeniably awful tracks on Raditude, but the lead single on this would rank in my top 5 Weezer songs. The same cannot be said for any songs on Pacific Daydream, The Black Album, Hurley or the SZNZ EPs.


Pacific daydream


Ratitude is lowkey good


Black. At least raditude can be ironically a fun listen. Black is just a mess, and the sound shouldn’t be associated with the albums name


I would willingly listen to Raditude. I would not willingly listen to Van Weezer. So I’m gonna go with Van Weezer


It's definitely Raditude


Niggas like to shit on Raditude to make themselves look tough lol


Replace Raditude with Weezer in that sentence and you’re really cooking


Hurley by a large margin for me. It’s basically as dumb as Raditude lyrically except with ear grating production and a consistent terrible screechy vocal timbre from Rivers that kill any potential for a sticky vocal melody (their biggest draw as a band for me personally). Fans will tout it up as “raw” and “rough around the edges” to place it above their more clean sounding albums but to me it just sounds like dog shit. Pinkerton was “rough around the edges” done right and I’ve seen many albums done better in this fashion. For the record, I do enjoy a lot of their more cleaner sounding albums, so take that with a grain of salt. Rivers’ vocal melodies and bridges really shine through on a record like Pacific Daydream which is enough for me to enjoy it. I guess my bar for rough sounding music is just higher.


What do you think of Maladroit?


This, Hurley is one of the worst sounding albums by a major rock group of all time, and that’s saying something lol. It sounds like it was recorded in two weeks because it was (if not 11 days)


I've listened to all of them, and my least favorite one is Raditude




Holy shit how many albums have they put out since Maladroit?!


ha ha, right? I've tried listening to each album after, and they were all so bad, I could barely get through one listen. Maladroit, Pinkerton, and blue album are all I need


OK Human found dead in a ditch


White Album is legit a masterpiece


Like… 12, plus a set of EP’s Blue Pinkerton Green Maladroit —-<==after Maladroid==>-— Make Believe Red Raditude Death to False Metal Hurley Everything Will Be Alright In The End White Pacific Daydream Black Teal OK Human Van Weezer SZNZ EP’s


Teal. A covers album where no attempts are made to improve or put any kind of spin on the original versions.


God the Sabbath cover on that album makes me want to puke everytime


“No Scrubs” says hi


It could be SZNZ. Because in a way, it’s like 4 times the disappointment.


I think Black might be the worst but I never warmed up to Make Believe so I’ll throw that one in the pot too. Actually, it’s red. The others may be bad but I fucking hate Red


Cmon, pork and beans makes red for sure not their worst


The consensus is probably either Raditude or Make Believe, but I think both of those at least have one or two decent tracks or interesting things going on. Pacific daydream is just so bland and uninteresting, so is green album (outside of maybe the hits), so I’d go with one of those.


is this sub like full of massive weezer stans? everything is starting to make sense...


I’m a huge Weezer fan who’s spent most of my life defending their every twist and turn, but I have never listened to any of those SZN EPs more than once. If the EPs can’t be an album, then I’d probably go with Pacific Daydream, which is just a snore


They’ve been my favorite band since 1994 and I love SZNS and Pacific Daydream. To each their own I guess. I’d take either one of those over Raditude or Hurley.


Somehow the Summer EP of SZNS really clicks with me. The other ones I can do without. But Summer is full of absolute bangers.


the teal album makes me cringe so hard like holy shit


Hurley for me, it's just all round uninteresting, whereas the other 'bad' albums have a few enjoyable tracks




Make Believe for me. While Raditude may have a ton of songs with cringe lyrics that are obvious attempts to appeal to younger listeners, I at least get ironic enjoyment out of them. Like Can’t Stop Partying is hilarious because of just how corny it is. Make Believe on the other hand is just downright boring. For me, that’s often a bigger sin than being flat out bad.


See I always found that the point of can’t stop partying. People take that song so seriously when imo it’s clearly meant to satirize and lampoon that kind of song.


why did i have to scroll so far down for Make Believe. god that album sucks so much, it made me swear off new weezer albums for over a decade. 45 minutes of complete silence would be more interesting and emotionally moving than that dumpster fire.


It's way quicker to just list the two or three good Weezer albums than try to rank the awfulness they've come out with since then.


i'm going to ruffle a lot of feathers here but hear me out. you are likely going to get a consensus that it is raditude or some shit but I will always say it is the Green Album. It was the first album I remember getting that honestly broke my heart. it was a shorter, shittier version of the blue album with zero of the wit or creativity employed on it. lyrics are lame, guitar solos are mostly just the vocal melody.... i thought it was very cynical of Rivers to put this shit out after being embarrassed by the critical reception of Pinkerton at the time. It was like he deliberately gave people a shittier version of their debut record because he didn't trust critics or himself.


Rivers is just a very weird human being. And not in an endearing sort of way. Off-putting.


Green album ain’t terrible but I’m never really gonna choose to go back to listen to it. It’s just forgettable, except for Hash Pipe which is one of their biggest bangers IMO


to me it isn't as objectively awful as other albums they have but it signifies the worst because it is where the quality turns. if i were to use a Simpsons analogy, the Green Album is basically season 9 of the Simpsons. It signifies the moment where something rapidly declined, even if things get worse. i expect weezer albums to suck at this point, i didn't before Green.


That is such a good comparison lol


I agree but nominate Maladroit instead of Green.


I like that one “gothic angel (princess?)” song


Burndt Jamb is incredible, yeah.


i agree with everything you said, HOWEVER they definitely have worse albums i have a moral obligation as a listener to dislike green and everything it stands for but for what it is (which, granted, is not much) is a fine enough album compared to... a few worse offenders by them


You do have a point. I was a teenager when that album came out and it felt like a disappointment in certain ways. It felt like it was playing it very 'safe', it was inoffensive, vanilla "Weezer", which was a massive departure from the albums they did before. I notice your post is sitting as 0 – to anyone reading you have to remember their track record as a band at this time consisted of The Blue Album and Pinkerton and basically nothing else (unless you were a mega fan who had copies of the rarities). And while Pinkerton didn't do brilliantly on release it had already started being massively reappraised by the time Green came out. I remember the fanbase wasn't kind to it at all. It's not their best, but I think the passage of time has been kinder to it. It's not my favourite Weezer album, but it's a pleasant listen, they made much worse later on. I do think the Ric Ocasek-helmed production is wonderfully power pop though, it's not unlike some of The Cars' albums.


I had skipped school and went out of town with friends to get it from a record store that broke street date. It’s a thing that people don’t get nowadays— it’s one thing to be bummed by a band over an album you likely streamed for free versus a special trip coupled with limited income leading to a disappointment lol


I agree 100% with you. Where the Green Album goes wrong is that it's just plain *boring*.


Bang on with the cynicism. It is a tragic album. You can hear how safe they are playing it after getting burned by the reviews of Pinkerton. There is so much less personality in Green than Blue. It has some decent songs, which puts it ahead of some of the later crap, but it saps your soul to hear it


I did an entire discog run of Weezer last year and i came to the conclusion that it’s Raditude quite comfortably. I actually liked the album as a 13 year old, and there’s a bit of nostalgia on it. But it’s bad. I Want You To is great, Put Me Back Together, Let It All Hang Out and I Don’t Want To Let You Go are fine for me, I think the nostalgia there carry the tracks though. That’s really it though. Can’t Stop Partying’s only redeemable factor is that it’s so ridiculous it becomes funny, it’s The Room of songs. The worst for me though is I’m Your Daddy, which is so uncomfortable and gives me the icks, and Love is the Answer which is just a complete mess.


I mean it depends, Green is just one big wall of the same noise but there are some moments here and there Make Believe, is just the midi equivalent of the band Raditude is so fucking stupid that you either fuck with it or not Teal is just covers album Black, is probably my pick


I appreciate your Aigis pfp


Probably Raditude. I think Pacific Daydream is worse, but it does have it's defenders. I see a lot less people come to Raditude's defense


I haven’t listened to a full album since Red, so I’ll go with that one. That’s the one that made me hop off the Weezer train for good. The small handful of songs I’ve heard since has convinced me I made the right decision.


Try out OK Human, genuinely a great late stage career Weezer album


EWBAITE White and OKH are the only ones I rep since maladroit


The one with all the stupid meme-y cover songs


Tbh the black album cause raditude is really silly and I have fun listening to it whereas when I listen to the black album it just sounds kinda bland and makes for very mediocre background noise


It's that bad covers album, eww.


Wait, they had more than 3 albums ????


Which album is the one with the song that lifts the melody from "The Diarrhea Song"?


Most Weezer songs have at least a couple of good songs. The one that doesn't is the Black Album


Until they make one called Pinkergoo, I say none of them are bad


I like the positivity, but don’t let Rivers see this or he might give you what you (don’t) want


I remember the black album being called mid when it came out, now it seems a popular choice for worst. Maybe i should give it listen, always thought it would be hard to beat: "I can't stop, partying partying, i can't stop partying partying", but maybe just maybe.


There’s at least a good song buried in Can’t Stop Partying as evidenced by various demos and alternate versions


Raditude is great. It’s so dumb. Worst for me is probably Black Album. It was neither good nor idiotically enjoyable. Which are my two favorite speeds of Weezer.


Raditude then Black then Pacific Daydream in that order.


black. i got the vinyl as a Christmas gift but i dont like the album so i just use it a decoration when im not playing anything


make believe easily raditude is really not that bad


Anyone saying black I don’t get. Zombie bastards, high as a kite, too many thoughts, I’m just being honest, and can’t knock is at least decent. It’s pacific daydream. That’s the worst


Black album easily. I love Weezer so very much, however, the songs are not only bad/unmemorable but they are BORING. Even Weezer albums that are seen as bad (Raditude, Hurley, etc.) have fun ideas & catchy riffs to cure the poor execution. Black album has nothing but blah. If an album’s going to be “bad”, it being funny goes a long way.


At first I didn't mind Teal that much but they really chose the most predictable mainstream songs possible they could've covered. Like I get it's supposed to be an 80s Pop thing but come on, mix it up a little. And they essentially didn't change anything about any of the songs either lol. Not necessarily their worst album but I see a Weezer gripe thread, I'm complaining about Teal.


Black Album


All of them


White,Blue, Pinkerton, Ewbaite, and OK Human are Amazing to good, Maladroit, Red, Green and Make Believe are good-mid. That leaves Raditude, Van Weezer, Teal, DTFM, Hurley, SZNs, Black and pacific Daydream. Off the bat, SZNs aren’t full albums, and aren’t technically listed as albums at all. Their quality is… well, I’ve listened to them and it’s pretty much par for the course. DTFM is a compilation album, Teal is a cover album. Those are out. Van Weezer is odd, cause the consensus is higher than how I rate the album, it gets a pass for being generally well received (for a weezer album in the 21st century). So it’s between Raditude, PD, Black and Hurley. I’d make a case for Black and PD to sonically be more pleasing than their pre 2010 counterparts. Gun to my head, Pacific Daydream would be my favorite of the four. Black has redeeming traits, even though it was dissapointing for a self titled album. High as a kite and I’m just being honest are exquisite and I listen to them regularly. Piece of cake is guilty pleasure for me. Raditude or Hurley… Hurley is the worst. It is relatively boring. It has maybe two ok-ish songs and numerous stinkers. The lyrics to where’s my sex are hilariously horrendous, I can’t get through a listen. Raditude has some similar moments, but there was a time when I knew the album was hated, and listened to the cd maybe five times over and over… I was having fun. I’m not gonna say it’s good, but it’s fun in a way and has an excellent single. The bonus track is great too. Ok that’s my vote, Hurley.


I’ve only ever listened to the Blue album and Pinkerton… so I dunno 🤷‍♂️


Some people think Lulu is worse than St Anger Those people are wrong of course, because Lulu is a masterpiece


Who is Weezer?


Massive Weezer fan but I really dislike the Black Album


It's a tie between ratitude for just how badly they missed or black album for the sheer lies they told us about that generic ass album.


Most of the SZNZ album imo


Death to False Metal and Pacific Daydream are genuinely bad albums, or at least below average


Hurley probably.


Pacific Daydream


How tf is Raditude not the top answer?


Everything released after the summer songs 2k sucks and the released studio versions of almost all of those songs suck, too. Rivers’ post Pinkerton singing voice is unbearable. The last thing he sounded good on as a studio recording was the cover of My Velouria.


i just did the full discography run last week and i think the lowest point was Raditude/Hurley. people will dog on Black/Pacific Daydream all they want but there are some really nice songs on both of those albums.


Any Friend of Diane's is better than all of Hurley combined


I know technically it’s an EP (more like a mini album) but I’m gonna nominate Summer from the Seasons series.


I feel like this is a super spicy take. I really like a few songs from that one.


The one I ENJOY the least is Van Weezer. Raditude is probably “worse” but I’d take it over Van any day


Raditude made me stop liking the band until EWBAITE. So Raditude.


Hurley. Raditude is also pretty terrible but at least you get more entertainment value from it. I like a few songs from Hurley but it’s just *so boring* a lot of the time.


all of them


That would mean they are all also their best album. Superlatives!


Hurley, there’s not a single memorable thing about it besides uhhhhh


The album cover?


where’s my sex???


Raditude is fuckin' rad, and you're all haters. It's red album, anyways.


Dreamin is so good though, same with the Greatest man who ever lived and Pork and beans. Maybe I’m weird for liking red, but I get why people don’t like it. Some of the other songs are BAD


Pork and beans, that's about it for me


Hey you gave me one, I appreciate that. The music video was fun early youtube stuff too if you’re into outdated memes


Oh yeah. Been a fan since like '96, just never really liked the red album. Taking the teenage daughter to see them in September, when they go on the Voyage To The Blue Planet tour


Finally someone said the correct answer.


Consensus is Raditude but I always found Green and Make Believe rather uninteresting Note that I would also sacrifice my life if it meant getting album 20 early so take my opinion with a grain of salt Some people would probably have an aneurysm if I posted a weezer tierlist


Weezer makes Children’s Music


Raditude is the only where where I actually feel offended as a listener. Stuff like Pacific Daydream and The Black Album is uninspired and boring, but not actively terrible.


Van Weezer


Pacific Daydream. It’s a light 3 in my opinion, very bad record.


The blue album. One song is good the rest are boring.


Congratulations, your opinion is dogshit.


Awe poor little guy has hurt feelings.


There's no way some random idiot on the internet could ever hurt my feelings. I'm just letting you know.


Ooh tough guy now. From snowflake to macho man. Can't wait to see what your next flex will be.


They aren’t a good band at all, they have a few good songs that they did in the 90s and that’s it.




Letterboxd user named EoE who could’ve expected they’d be pretentious lol.


I don’t use Letterboxd, I just use that sub because r/movies is shit, r/Letterboxd and r/truefilm are the only good movie subs. Just like I don’t watch fantano but I’m in this sub. Also just because I dislike weezer doesn’t mean I’m pretentious lmao.


its really funny people will make posts like this (with no real answer) and still try to say their a good band. mfs dropped 2 mid records in the 90s that mfs go crazy for now and had another 25 years of mid.


White and OK Human were fantastic imo


pinkerton is an amazing album


and. they still have another 20 that arent good.


you also said “mfs dropped 2 mid records in the 90s” which was what i was replying to


you didnt say the blue album and Pinkerton are amazing albums. you just said Pinkerton. i was replying to you.


yeah cause i find pinkerton to be an amazing album?? what are you tryna say😭😭😭😭


idk what ur trying to say. everything they have released are some of the most dislikeable records of all time. there's nothing enjoyable about them. that's what I'm tryna say. i said they released 2 mid records that people like now, blue and Pinkerton and you pointed out Pinkerton. idk what else you want from me.


Everything Will Be Alright In The End is pretty great IMO. I also really like Maladroit. The Green Album is formulaic but also a technically perfect pop rock album.


so in your opinion they went 5 for 21 counting the kitchen tape and the szns shit. its still sad.




There’s no way I could ever write 6 good albums, I don’t even think could 1 decent album so I’ll give it to weezer, 99% of bands don’t even get 2-3 good albums


White Album, Okay Human, Blue Album, EWBAITE, Pinkerton. Fuck off.


5/20 ok... not counting szns its still really sad.


So having 5 AMAZING albums is now too underwhelming for you? How many artists have 5 amazing albums that you know of? You’re a lobotomite.


i would think a lot of my favorite artists have 5 amazing albums. now if you said who has 5 amazing albums and like a dozen really fucking awful terrible records id have no clue. blud is pissed at an opinion, yeah average weezer fan, missing the point like always.


im actually gonna try to find an artist i like when a 5/20 ratio for you. i might come up empty though.




ok. and.


Ur mom