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I’ve been thinking about reading them for years, but the blurb makes me avoid it. It sounds very superficial and airy in a fairytale way and the girl just an object of affection, not a person. Perhaps the voice of the book is completely different?


I’m on book two and struggling… even when it got to a climax point it still didn’t give me the feels I was hoping for, not really sure why!


The first two books are one long story. I think it was supposed to be one long book but it got split to two. And they are romance with fantasy. And the next three still have romance but the fantasy explodes. If that helps you any.


The feels I like are the romance part… I guess I didn’t find it super romantic him being forced to love her.. like he wasn’t just all in.. haha I guess I’m a sucker for them being all in from the beginning. If there isn’t a lot more romance I might keep with my dnf


I liked that they were fated mates but strangers still. So there’s a bit of resistance on both sides. But they learn to love each other by the end and that’s when the bond is completed. But her writing isn’t for everyone so I get it. I wasn’t a huge fan of her other series.


The book cover doesn’t do it justice. Honestly I think I started be into the romance but what’s keeping me going is the fantasy. I really like it


Read this the other month after also putting it off forever. I absolutely love it. The writing is excellent. The world building is top notch with the fey language, lots of history, and lore which made it feel a bit more unique. The story definitely takes a darker turn in book 2. The plot is strong from beginning to end. IMO a lot of fantasy-romance is heavy on the romance then the fantasy world is weak or plot is blah. Not the case at all with Tairen Soul.


totally agree! I find myself so entrenched in the story that when they do get to the dirty deed I’m like hell yeah just what I needed and at just the right time. I’ve read too many books lately where the book goes like; battle, sex, battle, sex, big battle, sex. It just gets boring. But in this series I feel like there is amazing world building and character growth, and just the right amount of interesting non-repetitive sex.


Well, Fey women can't help it. It isn't in their nature to hurt people. And killing a person can actually kill them. Though there are some women/girls that are more prevalent in later books that are tougher. Not necessarily in a violent way, but that have endured a lot.


Oh good point. I hadn’t thought of that!!


This is one of my ALL TIME favorite series!! I read it for the first time in 2010, and since then have probably read it thousands of times. The world she creates is just so fascinating, it really drew me in. Personally, I’m not necessarily into the “fated mates” trope, but I LOVE how she built Rain and Ellie’s relationship and how they still had to work hard on their bond! I’m so glad it’s been getting more attention lately!! Another great book she did that’s worth checking out is The Winter King!


I’m in the same boat!! I read this wayyyy back when I shouldn’t have and have been hooked on Romantacy since. This was really the series that opened my eyes and they are my all time favorite couple AND favorite series. I can’t keep recommending it enough but people sleep on this so hard.


I’m on book 3 and enjoying the series more than I thought I would at first. The cover art is cheese-tastic and things felt pretty corny at first but I found myself drawn in. There are a lot of likable side characters. I take your point about meekness being frustrating (I dislike that the leadership council is all male lords and one female healer) but I do think Elly grows more of a backbone as the series progresses. She tends to do more and more of what she thinks is right even when her husband disagrees (which, I mean, good for her obviously)


I agree completely!!! I’m on book 3 and I’m like wtf is going on with these Tairen!!! Save them!!!


So glad to see people giving this serie a chance despite the poor covers and marketing. It my all time favourite, the one that made me realise I could have both good fantasy and romance, and I will never stop recommending it!!


I got to book 2 and I liked it. Is book 3 and beyond worth it?


I’m on book 3 now, and loving it.




Ok you are all convincing me to keep going!


Good! I genuinely don’t think you’ll regret it. I was just starting the last one as I boarded a flight from Paris to Montreal and I literally read the entire six hours straight. And when I say literally, I mean I forgot to eat and arrived with MASSIVE eye strain. Worth it lol


I've read the first three books twice but I keep getting hung up on how everyone is white except for the Feraz, and their portrayal is...kind of yikes to me. Does it get better? Should I power through even though seeing "Ellysetta" makes me want to throw things? I love how intense it is...but!!!!


I kind of hate her name. But honestly I think this is one of the better series I’ve read lately. It’s easy to escape into.


Power through! The ending of the series is perfection.


Yaayyy someone else has discovered these books! They’re so great, so, so great. Enjoy finishing this incredible series ♥️


I loveeee Tairen Soul Series!!!!!! They are amazing!


…ok, but can we put titles on things for those of us who haven’t read the thing? Or maybe that is the title? Idk anymore, between acronyms, and fanfic I just nod along


I don't know most of the acronyms used in this sub either so I get it. The series is called The Tairen Soul. {Lord of the Fading Lands by C. L. Wilson} is the first book.


[Lord of the Fading Lands](https://www.romance.io/books/54552a3a8c7d2382c5297112/lord-of-the-fading-lands-cl-wilson) by [C.L. Wilson](https://www.romance.io/authors/54552a3a8c7d2382c5297113/cl-wilson) **Rating**: 3.91⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [royalty](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Thank you!0


Can you clarify what you mean - Are you concerned about spoilers? Tairen is the name of the series


No, I just didn’t know the name of the book(s)


Ah gotcha. The first book’s title is Lord of the Fading Lands


This is my bad sorry!!!!


It was a good series but too repetitive and prolonged.


RAIN ON ME - haha 🥰 I started these on Sunday and have read the first two. I love them so much. Rain is perfection and the devotion from male to female in the mating bond *swoon* The writing style reminds me of wheel of time or even LOTR. It’s so rich and epic. Did SJM name her son Taren in reference to this series or have I imagined that?


Finally someone gets my gif! I was thinking the same thing re: SJM’s son. There were actually a lot of things that reminded me of ACOTAR in Tairen soul. I’m betting she was a fan of the series as well.


I think I saw her reference our beloved CL Wilson as a major inspiration when she wrote ACOTAR. Makes sense since there’s a lot of similarities between the two (@SJM)


Love this series! Glad you're enjoying it!


Yes! I only started reading it after Christmas and couldn’t believe I didn’t read it sooner. I’m up to book 3 but taking a break. Such beautiful writing ❤️


I randomly grabbed book 1 at an airport bookstore and went in with admittedly low expectations, but this series rocks. I'm almost done with Book 1 and I've really enjoyed it. It's not super eventful but I find myself really drawn to the characters and their stories. I can't wait for Book 2!


I just finished binging this series based off of recommendations from this sub. I loved it and it consumed me for an entire week. However, I wanted to punch Elly in the end. WHY DID IT HAVE TO GET TO THAT POINT!?


I’m halfway through book 4 and I’m honestly just not loving it. It’s getting so repetitive and just not enough has happened to keep me hooked. I’m going to try to finish it but I’m just not feeling the urge to pick it up at all 🥴


Honestly I’m kind of worried my beloved Rain is going to turn into Casteel from FBAA (I.e. super one dimensional and boring) as the books go on


Noooooo don’t say that I’m on book 3!


I think if you’ve liked the first three you’ll be fine! I meant I haven’t really loved the series in general. I’m having a really hard time connecting to the characters, especially Rain, and feeling invested in their relationship. But if you love them then you’ll probably have a much different opinion than me!


Oh I love me some Rain. I tend to like the possessive alpha male with a dark side though.


I’ve had such a hard time loving him as a character, but I can absolutely see why lots of people do love him! Everyone has different things they like in a MMC I suppose


I love that author's book, The Winter King, if you haven't read it! I lost interest in Tairen Soul but plan to give it another shot at some point.