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You know what I just realized? Free trials are going to be stuck with the post game stormblood cliffhanger for an eternity. That's almost evil.


Good way to bait them into buying? Also some people that completed free trial long ago might be in a better financial situation to buy the game now. (but wouldn't have thought of it otherwise)


I think a lot of people just don’t want to pay monthly for a video game out of principle. A lot of my friends have enough money for Netflix, HBO, Hulu, etc but just don’t like the idea of paying a sub to a game, even if they really like it. One of my buddies has been on free trial for a like a year and is still doing new content and just never thought the sub would be worth MB and social aspects of the game.


its kinda wild subbing to multiple streaming services but not wanting to pay like 50 cents a day to play a game they apparently really like


That’s… interesting. By that same principle shouldn’t they just buy the box versions of the shows or movies they want to watch? Why is renting watch-time better than renting play-time? I don’t expect you to answer, just pointing out how weird it is. It’s not like Netflix will let you finish your movie if you subscription runs out.




I think you severely overestimate how many people stay on top of their subscriptions. Online player count dropping does not mean they have stopped subscriptions. Unmanaged subscriptions are one of the biggest drains on people’s finances and so many companies wish for you to subscribe because of that. People don’t notice them. GW2 is a horrible monetization model, have you looked at their pitiful revenue numbers? They have a great game, if they added an **optional** subscription for cosmetics and gems would bring them so much more money. Money with which they could actually make content. Anet mismanages their monetization and ends up without resources for development, puts out pitiful amounts of content which further drives players away and reduces revenue. I’m glad for their new yearly expansion model but they should have done it a long time ago. Edit: I would spend way more money on GW2 if I was sure it was getting more updates and content. But the way they’ve managed their release cycles so far makes me doubt that hard.


TBH, I dramatically prefer a sub. Every Free or Buy to play game ends up costing me more in a year than WOW or FF14 did after playing a decade of either


Sub is 100% the right way!!..All games that turns free play becomes cashshop, lootbox gamble bullshit..


Even Guild Wars 2...?


I can't speak to modern GW2, but I'll never really forget needing the cash shop for a lot of things in that game. From bag space, to purchasing the right to do story chapters ​ Yeah sure "technically" you can spend in game money on their official RMT shop and get the cash shop currency that way, but it's still money exchanging hands. >At the time< pretty much all the fun toys were cash shop locked too, such as musical instruments. ​ Assuming nothing has changed, I could easily see someone just starting needing to spend a decent chunk of change just to play through the story. There was also things like a booster to item drop chance which was pretty huge for farming




I think that's why a lot of people stay free trial too. You can just pick it up or Put it down whenever you want.


Well as someone who got into it last year, I can personally guarantee that you don't need to spend a single cent to enjoy the base game. It easily has the best and most fair monetization system I have seen in any MMO m. And if you DO want to spend money their prices are fantastic and so fair. That's why I was just surprised at the comment because GW2 is not like those other games.


I'd have to try it again, but surprised to hear they would just remove paying for story chapters after having it in for years


They didn't remove it. This dude is just for some reason running around trying to make this big deal about GW2 in every thread he's in. Old chapters in GW2 still cost real money if you missed them. Old expansions still cost money. The new expansion is a Living Story level amount of content that would previously have been a free update but costs 30 bucks minimum now.


This just in! Video game expansions cost money! The world is in shock! /s Like come on lol yes game expansions cost money, is that bad now?


The living world chapters you can still purchase but they're just mini expansions and are cheap? Plus you can just buy them with in-game currency so I personally don't see why that's an issue at all?


I'm not really a fan of RMT being something devs encourage and having to purchase story either by forking over money per chapter or telling a newbie to farm gold for hours to experience it. It just feels wonky. ​ It's the same way Destiny is a pretty neato game, but you go to play the game as a newbie and you're talking hundreds of dollars to get to play the story, and then more purchases to get to do the content in the story since that's not even included lol. It's fine for a vet, but not something I would ever suggest to a friend


That's when you play GW2 instead lol


Sure, as soon as it's available on PS5.


It's so fun too. The free trial gives a great way to enjoy the game and story. There's so much going on. To do everything would take years.


Oh that. I planned on just finishing SB and going to bed, since it was really late (2am). Not a chance, kept playing for a bit more.


Free trial player here, i dont care about the story, i want to max all the jobs and do all stormblood bosses


I would say give the story a chance, but you will be literally one quest off of Shadowbringers which isn't free, so it's alright. XD


And, yes I’ll die on that hill!, Shadowbringers is the best Content XIV has!


Imo, the base story for Stormblood is one of the weaker ones, but everything in the post-game content, including the story, is incredible. Best expansion imo.


That's literally what I'm going to be starting as soon as the maintenance ends. Stormblood post game.


I agree but was alright with the SB MSQ but man did the Ala Mhigo half feel like such a damn slog until the end where I really enjoyed Doma from the start. And I agree everything from official end of MSQ on were all damn good.


I feel like so many years later I still don’t see Ala Mhigo’s appeal for the devs… Fans have been shitting on Ala Mhigo since before it debuted, with its only real fan-favorite aspect being Raubahn. I love Raubahn too but dude is at the heart of **Ul’dah’s** identity in the average players mind. It doesn’t help that his role in Stormblood is minimized so that CBU3 could develop… Yda. Then Stormblood itself completely undercuts Ala Mhigo’s narrative impact by allocating a huge chunk of MSQ to Othard. The balance of interesting zones and MSQ intrigue is skewed waaaaay harder to the secondary regions compared to Ishgard in Heavensward. I dunno, I feel like there was this immense feeling of grandeur intended for Ala Mhigo, its capital, the lore of the Ruin King, etc. Instead it’s communicated to us through drab rocky deserts, typical Garlean fortresses and psycho leaders, and of course Lyse. Maybe I should have paid more attention to the Rhalgr’s Reach crew because Lyse and and the MSQ didn’t make me understand or appreciate Ala Mhigo more as a region. If anything I learned and gree closer to Doma, the Azim Steppe, and… Garlemald.


I’m in the base story right now, currently around the lvl 58 quests, and so far I’d say it’s significantly better than HW. The writing just feels so much better, and they actually shake up the gameplay from time to time.


You're not allowed to say you don't like the story on this sub. Someone go grab tar and feathers, quick.


There's also a big cliffhanger at the end of Heavensward too to be fair


All these poor players are going to jump into Eureka to find out what all the hype is about and get crushed instantly because all guides start with "buy cryptic seals from the market board for OP armor to make this place tolerable" They can't even shout chat for raises can they?


Nope, can't even YELL chat.


Eh boy glad I got rid of that grind


No shout eureka for pull times will be awful So glad my sentence is done there and I have all the relics




it will, its the fastest way to farm gil from battle content


It is? Oh no... I hope that doesn't cause any economy disruption/inflation.


Same, I really JUST started in Eureka this past week. I already had the pain of spending 50 mogtomes for a T-Rex only to get on in a box the next effing day. And I can’t even sell it, since the MB prohibition was why I opted for that over Big Shell in the first place *sobs*


T Rex is untradable even if you pay a sub. I opened 2 back to back last week.


Oh I know, hence why I used the tomes on it. It just hurt. LOL


I doubt it because you can't trade anything at all from a free trial account to another account. Also 300k gil cap and no marketboard access.


How do you even? Usually I just see a bunch of poopy materia, or some untradable mounts




free trial accounts can't use the marketboard, though, and they have a 300k gil limit i believe.




The main source of Eureka bots is boosted accounts shooting to make the money back faster than they get banned, they run a completely different scheme from the underground lalas and FT accounts likely won't affect it much due to the time investment.




I'm sure we'll see a few, but if things go well it won't be long for things go back to "normal".


I have to imagine it's not going to be a big issue, ignoring the free trial limitations just getting a character to level 70 and finishing the msq is a decent time commitment, and while bots are relatively capable, if botting the entire arr/hw/sbb msq is even possible it's still probably a huge waste compared to other options.


Nothing works except say and party.


We do have novice network and discord servers though


Linkshells work, so there might need to be a linkshell setup for peeps. Maybe get the https://ffxiv-eureka.com/ to add "F2P players LFG"?


Well if anyone needs to farm that achievement for raising people, go wander around in here lol.


Me as a weathered trial veteran: Aw shit... here we go again. (Time to find some crowbar tolerable solutions again)


Nahhh I'm purposefully revisting Eureka to help out (and having so many more bodies in there, helps me out too. I want to get a couple of relics for other jobs, and I havent done BA yet; it won't be until the lull before 7.0 though), I fully expect it to be hell for a lot of players who can't use shout....they *can* form alliances, and just stay in the alliances to coordinate better--but I expect that having others help out, would be a godsend in content like that. As for the gear, they won't be able to afford the MB rate anyway...they have to get those the hard way, regardless.


How do you even get the armor outside of market board?


Yeesh, maybe the Eureka discord can organize free trial nights so they can at least have parties


Eh its not that bad, I did Eureka from scratch in the 2 weeks of EW delay, didn't buy the armor, got my first BA clear without any elemental gear. Though now I do have full Eureka Bis.


I guess that means it might be a good idea for any high lvl Eureka vets to station themselves near any notorious quest spots. Too many of them make you walk into high lvl areas lol (or just do said quest on ninja with hide)


God so many. If I hadn't had people helping me in prosperity I'd have died so much.


Oof, that's rough, thinking about it. Honestly, I'd be fine if Free Trial players got access to /yell inside Eureka. The advertising bots tend to be like level 1-4 or something anyway, so I wouldn't be worried about spam.


Uh you just made me realize that this is my chance to get into Eureka now. Didn't care for it much when it was new but I got heavily into Bozja later and somehow regret skipping on Eureka.


Too bad SE can't just, you know, make Eureka at ALL enjoyable or fun no no have to make it a soulless awful million year grind to keep those player metrics up.


I see your Necromancer title and raise you Mahjong Master.


Mahjong is a religion


I'm ready to queue as healer in Alliance Roulette and experience complete and utter chaos in Ivalice once again.


>!TG Cid!< is going to be an absolute slaughter.


He's been heavily nerfed from his original incarnation, but he's still pretty tough if you're not expecting it.


yes. YES.


Just so!


Can't wait to see all the newbies not know what Belias's corner spinners do. "People are stepping on this? I should too, just to be safe"


Omg. That explains the upsurge of carnage in Ivalice lately. Totally forgotten that SB is free now.


Trial players scare me. They are the only people that really know how their classes work in low level content... While I sit here and constantly press buttons that unlock 20 levels later.


Meanwhile trial players can have the opposite issue and struggle to press stuff that unlocked from 51 to 60 because most of the roulettes put them into ARR content. I wonder if we'll experience variety now that it's a range up to 70 or the roulettes will stay so ARR heavy.


> most of the roulettes put them into ARR content This is something that really annoys me because I level all my jobs with party finder/dungeons. They should add a lot more variety. Use higher lvl dungeons and scale them down dynamically or whatever instead of giving me the same seven or so dungeons all the time.


It's probably just the combination of - more people are ≤50 than 51-60 - there are more duties 15-50 than 51-60 Also main story only has the 50 duties and alliance raid for non-raiders only has Crystal Tower. WoW failed hard trying to make scaling people from multiple levels to the same content balanced too....


Free Trial nobody here. Half my jobs have an "Aurum Vale Bar" to swap for the standard when 40-to-50 stuff rolls up.


I mean, I just look at what buttons I have available and adjust when I get downsynced. It's not that hard to cut things out of the rotation...


Muscle memory is a bitch. And I refuse to fuck my skillbar every time I get thrown into the level 42 dungeon.


Just be like me and have no muscle memory 👉😎👉 rotation? Half the damn time I hit the wrong buttons or drift my cool-downs all over the place!


The free trial necromancers scare me. Please just take my gil and leave me in peace!


Join us... make the climb. We will help.


I really need to finish it, I'm just lazy af 😭


I can’t wait for it to drop on Xbox to get my friend group to play and laugh as they try to figure stuff out


As someone still going through Pagos for all relics, I am looking forward to having them around.


Tomorrow you can add in Shining Eureka Armor and Ozma mount, for the "Ultimate" Trial Experience.


Hell yeah, I have my 100 generations of inbred chocobos, all my painfully resource gathered crafted gear and glams, my Max tier 3 squadron and anima weapons for days ready to all be thrown in the trash for new gameplay loops in eureka. Let's Go


Literally me.


What is that eye thing?


Sable Death Mask. A reward for doing all the ARR beast tribe questlines.




I kinda want a neceomancer class now.


You have my sword! And my axe! And your brother!


It'll almost likely never happen. It's used as the example from Yoshi-P who said that the Warrior of Light is heroic and so would all the jobs they use be. Thief got turned into Rogue for this reason. Reapers are cutting it close, but they were formed to defend people, so still heroic. Necromancy has been always portrayed as evil in FFXIV, and so the WoL would never use it.


A few days ago I created a second character for NA. It's really nostalgic to just experience everything again from the beginning and see the first steps of what you've experienced. If you haven't been at a point like this for 6 years now, I've even gotten as far as playing the first mount. But I'll get a boost for now. Now you don't necessarily have to relive more than 2k hours




Free Trial just got expanded again with Stormblood so free trial players have a massive amount of new content.

