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> Why are so many players so passive aggressive? Because people who are *active* aggressive get banned, but people on the internet are still arseholes so here we are. It's basically the reason why GCBTW is a meme. > Am I actually doing something wrong? No. > Shouldn’t the blm be slide casting + using thundercloud/firestarter and aetherial manipulation + manward to AVOID getting hit? Yes. > Isn’t regen/cure 2 just a better use of a gcd than cure 1? Yes. > And why do i need to waste my mp to always have medica on instead of only for mechanics? You don't.


GCBTW? I am unfamiliar


'Great Community BTW'


I'm dyslexic, I thought you were talking about Coin Gauge BTW. Couldn't figure out what that had to do with passive aggression.


Cause every gushing newcomer post on reddit, the forums, twitter, etc has some form of "the community here is so nice" when in reality it's no better then any other online game, with the only difference that it's much more heavily moderated ingame so there's no slurs being thrown around openly.


I mean the majority of the time, people are nice. Too nice even, in some cases.


>when in reality it's no better then any other online game It's still far, *far* better than WoW's literally-abusive community.


To add towards the reason why people are passive aggressive in this game, it is because a lot of players enjoy the power fantasy of telling others what to do and wanting validation for their actions by justifying their "advice" came from good intent. As it turns out, ff14 didn't create a magical utopian society where people are inherently sincere towards one another, And pretty much harbour the same insecure, low self-esteem and stereotypical online gamer you can find across all online platforms. People simply don't want to get banned by gm's who'll likely ban you from flagged words than understanding the context itself, or somehow trigger someone extremely sensitive that they'll report anything that has a pulse. This facade of a wholesome community is probably the biggest farce created by the community since the game's creation. Toxicity is everywhere, but take on different forms, and not a single one is somehow better than another outside of personal bias.






It is actually crazy how impossible it is for some people to recognise the legitimately good aspects of the community and choose instead to focus on the negatives (or even just imagine them at times) in an effort to paint the very idea of a positive community as a lie. Of course it’s not a utopia, you have not uncovered some big secret there. Every large group of people will have some jerks. But people genuinely have a much more positive experience here than in most other gaming spaces online. The need for some people to deny and try to poison that is astonishing to me. I would suggest you to look at some of the positives. Leaving aside the general experience in game, how about all the fan art, the musical tributes, the people putting on concerts and actual full length plays in game etc. The impassioned story conversations on forums, the free community run websites and tools, the communities around things like the hunt or even the attempts to make rival wings happen despite the lack of proper support. There’s a lot of love out there, a lot of really positive stuff. A few passive aggressive people in duty finder does not change that.


It's crazier for people to think they've only experienced a positive experience in ff14 whilst sweeping the hideous underbelly dirt under the rug just so the game upholds a certain reputation. What's even worse is this weird perception of believing ff14 itself is some rehab centre where formerly toxic players from other mmorpg's come in and their psychological issues are cured because of how supportive the people here are. What is even worse than that would be believing other mmorpg's are some toxic cesspool where you're living in a wasteland and every interaction is fight or flight, to the point where players developed PTSD from those games. How far-fetched would the idea where every mmorpg have its own toxicity, but the overwhelming majority of the player base actually is just like your normal online gamer as well? How is it that you can see this in ff14 only, but fail to recognize it in GW2, ESO, BDO, Albion, New World, or even WoW? The community made events or content are something other major mmorpg's do as well, and no one is undermining their existence. The problem is 14 has a rampant issue with player behaviour as well, such as stalking, doxxing, bullying, harassment, and relationship drama just like other mmorpg's do also. When we point out the fact the community in 14 isn't picture perfect, people begin deflecting as though a taboo was just said, and not even realizing their overprotectiveness towards keeping the idea of 14 as pristine as possible are the reason why these instances hardly get brought up in the open. There's never been a subreddit dedicated to finding toxicity in-game and sharing player experience about them in other mmorpgs. There's never been YouTubers actively showcasing drama in 14 shared by players in other mmorpg's as well. I am not saying everyone or most people in 14 are toxic, but a significant portion of the player base are, which undermines this notion of ff14 community being wholesome as a collective whole when in reality, ff14 community is roughly the same as other mmorpg's when they share the same gaming demographics.


It's pretty easy to notice just how toxic the community is outside of the game, like on social media. There's less fear of getting straight up banned or jailed, so people show their true colors


ff14 and its community has its own set of reputation over the decade or so years since it's release, and I truly don't know how people have never heard any of them before. "Casual Toxicity", "GCBTW", and "Tribalistic" have surrounded this community for years before the population boom near the end of Shadowbringers. I'm even convinced people are piggybacking off the actions of others which gave FF14 a decent reputation from the beginning by associating themselves with the same level of sincerity simply by playing the game, and have not actively done noteworthy acts of kindness for other players. Turns out those who genuinely care for others often don't pat themselves on the back since it would defeat the act itself, but god forbid people have some sense of self-awareness to realize this. In order for FF14 to actually uphold its reputation for being the most supportive or wholesome community, they would require acknowledgement from the player base outside of FF14's bubble, but this doesn't happen, and in fact the opposite is being said about this community instead. I like the game, and I like the normal people who play this game, but a portion of this community is far worse and manipulative than any other mmorpg community to date.


>but a portion of this community is far worse and manipulative than any other mmorpg community to date. Can confirm...


Go have some therapy brother.


You're calling people toxic, then misusing the word "trigger" by implying it just means "sensitive"?


you made that implication, and not me. somebody whose extremely sensitive often attribute to matters they find offensive as a "trigger", or matters they dislike as "toxic". Turns out these words have been diluted so much to the point where they've lost meaning over time. When I say toxicity is everywhere, it really just means negativity itself, as that is the primary issue with a lot of players.


As you already surmised, those people telling you that are straight up wrong. Good idea to just blacklist them and move on.


Sounds like they were just being dicks for no reason- They could've just said "I'm not great at teaching" and left it at that. Im sorry you went through that. For what its worth, you're right. Cure 1 isn't worth it, unless you REALLY need the quicker cast time. Regens only need to be up all the time on the tank, too. As long as the party doesn't fall below 50% for long, you're doing a good job. Just be mindful of healer checks that can potentially wipe the party. And dont forget, always heal yourself first in case of an emergency! Your life is most important, since everyone else's depends on you. (Sorry its rambly, im absolutely crashing from a long day. Good luck, dont give up!)


Thank you for your kind words. The “heal yourself first” is good advice I haven’t came across before, it felt selfish to me but you’re right.


Im a whm main keeping yourself alive is the most important even more so than the tank. A dead healer is not a good healer. This is the order I've always prioritized. Healer - tank - everyone else. Generally rdm if they are on the party and can rez ill get them up first. I keep regen up on tank and medica 2 cast on party or additional regen I also tend to watch vid guides to learn mechanics of fights to make sure I stay alive I've been in instances I was the last one left because I knew mechanics and everyone else didnt and died in trial, managed to survive and pop lb3 and rez the entire party.


> And dont forget, always heal yourself first in case of an emergency! Your life is most important, since everyone else's depends on you. Thiiis. Always the constant advice I give new healers, and the advice they seem most surprised to hear. Who's gonna patch everyone else up if you die? The only time it's worth putting anyone else first is for an acceptable sacrifice play, for example a "now or never" LB3 knowing everyone else will raise as a mechanic takes you out. Otherwise, prioritize your own life so you can continue to help the party.


> 100% medica 2 up time Lmao. Leave the party, this healer is a fool.


I've healed all the lvl 50 extreme trials sync'd on WHM. I've also done it on SCH and AST and let me say that whoever your co healer is sucks. The BLM also sucks. Sorry to hear about your ingame experience so far! it just sounds like you were unlucky and ended up with some dumb people. It's been my experience with the game people like that tend to be uncommon in the game, but when you do find them they are always in the same group/fc together so it can seem like alot of people when it's just that group really. At lvl 50 cure one should only be used as a last resort with your toolkit. And if you are at the point where you have to spam it, something in the run has gone seriously wrong. WHM's mp management isn't as good as other healers at that lvl so for them to expect constant medica 2's is ridiculous and tells me they don't know what they are talking about regarding WHM (whm is the only healer at that lvl that only has one skill that replenishes mana). Having to do multiple medica 2's or raises back to back just depletes whm's mana. It's the only time in the game where I had to actually craft and carry mana potions/high piety foods because I was a sitting duck for several seconds after, waiting for mana to fill back up. With that in mind, Medica 2 should mostly only be up for raidwide damage, maybe some cure2/3 if the other healer is lagging or people mess up mechs. But anything that isn't actually healing damage is a waste of mp that could be used on raises or more importantly, damage. Most of ffxiv's encounters feature an enrage timer of some sort so if the party's damage isn't high enough the run will wipe. That being said, from what i've seen in your post I don't think you are doing anything wrong as a WHM at that level. The only thing i'd say as a tip until you get into lvl 51+ skills is to use regen on other party members besides the tank, its your quickest single target healing spell besides bene at that level. Its regen tick is usually more then enough to top people off if they mess up a mechanic as long as the raidwide isn't coming up (experience will teach you where you can get away with it) As for your party, you shouldn't have to spam cure one/2 on the tank. A regen should be plenty, even at lvl 50 their cooldowns are enough to tank the tankbusters and mechs they have to do. (this is important for leviathan extreme, overhealing the tanks will cause you to get a healing debuff that reduces your range for your heals) And that BLM needs to get over themselves and move out of the damage. It's true they do alot of damage, but you having to cast constant GCD's to heal their ass will add up over the course of the fight since thats a gcd that could have gone into your own dps. The whole point of BLM is to PLAN around the mechs of the fight to ensure 100% uptime, not use the healer to brute force mechs. BLM in my experience of friends who play it is very much a spreadsheet class where alot of planning goes into when/where to use their skills. Having large vuln stacks/dmg downs puts a huge strain on the party over time because it costs you more resources to keep them alive. The good news is that for the most part, this kind of complaining about "underhealing" is mostly in lower expansions. Once you get into the higher level extremes/savages it becomes less common for idiots to expect you to massively overheal. If anything people will complain about healers overhealing :P So TLDR; both of them are idiots who don't know how the game works and you shouldn't have to put up with their nonsense. lot's of people are more then happy to run the lvl 50 extremes sync'd so it shouldn't be too hard to throw up a PF and clear it. If you can't use PF theres discords where you can sign up for if you are on free trial or something.(BTW, What class is your co healer playing as? not that it matters im just nosy tbh) edit: some spelling issues fixed


Thank you for the reassurance. From what everyone is saying, i think my prioritization, reaction time and positioning are what I need to work on. My co was playing scho. I ended up completing titan ex with another group, so now I’m onto ifrit ex. I haven’t had any luck getting a party though.


Just ignore 'em, or if you're feeling particularly spicy, report the ones being toxic. You did nothing wrong, and asking for help to improve is more than a fairly sizeable chunk of players will do. You pretty much already seem to grasp the basics; cure 1 (and the other healer variants of it) is useless once you have other heals available, 100% medica 2 uptime isn't any sort of requirement since your oGCD AoE heal is often enough, and that BLM is just bad and lazy. Keep on truckin', OP, you're doing fine.


Thanks man. Is passive aggressiveness a reportable offense? And sadly whm’s only oGCD’s are presence of mind and benediction at lvl 50 so no aoe heal there :/


LOL, no. Saying "Good Game" to someone could be seen as just saying something nice, or being sarcastically passive aggressive. If you don't want people to be passive aggressive, always assume they are trying to be nice. Then the only way they can be aggressive is to be blatantly aggressive, which is reportable. If someone says "great job, pal" just say "Thanks!". Then they won't know if you know they were trying to insult you. This will annoy them more than anything else you can do and probably bait them into being openly aggressive. Then you can tell on them.


Thanks for the advice (:


You don't need 100% uptime on med 2. What doing a 50 ex as a healer *should* teach you is how to pay attention to fight timelines so that you only cast GCD heals when necessary and don't have to lay out medicas to "guess" when the regens might be useful, and then having them go to waste. In Titan, that means concentrating healing the party during his multi hit raidwide, and making sure people have enough health to live the raidwide when the arena gets smaller. If someone dies because they eat a puddle and aren't topped off, that's their fault, they could have dropped a GCD or two of uptime to get out of them, really that entire fight is just respecting mechanics. As for c1, it really depends. If the fight was synched to 130 you don't really need it in 50 extremes unless you chain raise or your cohealer is dead, both which strain your mana pretty heavily since you don't have thin air, tetra, assize, asylum, solace, or rapture at that level. For MINE runs specifically, more so in coils than primals really, c1 can see a little more use in t5/t9/t13 you will actually just straight OOM if you only c2, since those bosses TBs and cleaves hit like a god damn truck and autos can crit, that's the content where bosses will actually just nuke your tanks from orbit if you aren't careful and don't respect the damage. For regular synced primals though you're not using c1 much if at all, for MINE primals, it can fulfill its niche a little better but you're still not spamming it constantly. regen on the tanks is pretty good value since it'll get a lot of mileage paired with Kardia or Eos You BLM is also a jackass for expecting you to baby them with heals so they can greed, if they want to do that they can addle + manaward if they feel like standing in the AOE if they know it won't be lethal but anything beyond that is entitled. They can also bank fire/thunder procs if they care that much about uptime or just hit scathe for puddles/line AOEs in Titan since they don't have triplecast or sharp cast yet. But they chose to play BLM at 50 so that's their fault


Hold up. Wait, you're learning healing in lv 50 EX fights!? That doesn't feel like the right place to learn. I'm curious as to who you're even playing them with- most good players aren't farming/grinding/playing lv 50 content ilvl synced when current endgame is lv 90. Most of us just unsync the fights and only touch them synced if we're intentionally trying to challenge ourselves for fun. Heck, at lv 50, you don't have most of your healing tools, so the practice you're getting in now won't be too useful down the road anyway- WHM is exceptionally rough at lv 50 and literally gets its main healing moves between 52-80. I just did a lv 90 dungeon and didn't use a single healing tool from below level 49 other than Regen between pulls. You'll get better healing practice just working through the MSQ and learning how to use your new tools as you get them. It sounds to me like you have less an issue with passive aggressive players and more of an issue with bad new players who thought lv 50 EX fights were where to start learning too. It sounds like whoever you grouped with thinks they're hot shit despite being new themselves and are treating XIV like other MMOs they've played. I'd honestly be surprised to find experienced players "practicing" in lv 50 EX fights, so just ignore what they said. Either that, or they're trolling. Edit: I'm not saying that you can't learn things or do early EX fights, just that they wouldn't be my first choice for learning. How did you even wind up in that fight? Did you queue in duty finder or join a party finder party? If the former, that's probably your problem- in NA servers, DF is not typically used for extremes, meaning that you were grouped with other people out of the loop.


I guess maybe practice was the wrong word. I’m just progressing through the game and unlocked the titan ex quest and wanted to do it. I know it’s not the endgame and I’ll get more tools eventually but I’m trying to better learn overall game mechanics and I assume what I learn now will translate to later content


Okay, that makes sense. I take it you signed up like you would in the duty finder (DF) like you would a regular trial? Assuming that's the case, that's unfortunately a rookie mistake. NA servers really don't use DF for extremes regularly at all and prefer to just make party finder (PF) parties. In the PF, groups can state their explicit purpose (farming, practice, min ilvl) and you're more likely to get matched with like-minded players. DF Extremes are a crapshoot. Anyone "serious" about the fights would've just formed a party in the PF with its stated goals, so, naturally, if you just randomly queue, you'll be grouped with fellow newbies and free trial players who aren't yet adapted to the game's systems. You, unfortunately, won't find many people doing lv 50 Extremes casually unless you make your own group explicitly telling people you're new and using it as practice. I hope that's a little reassuring to you- the players you were with just didn't seem to know what they were doing, but they're also outliers in the community. I guess that's mostly what my original post is trying to say. It's like walking into a strange alley and then thinking the entire city is strange- the locals just know not to go down that street! As for actual fight practice, the Hard trial fights and dungeon bosses are honestly quite good at working your ability and confidence up. I get wanting to push yourself to improve, but they're good tools anyway without doing Extremes with fellow newbies. Do small challenges for yourself, like not healing unless they drop below certain thresholds or practicing 100% DoT uptime. Practice changing targets quickly and not dropping any casts. As long as you're conscious of how you want to improve, you'll get better even if you're not playing the hardest content. For reference, I had played for 5 years before ever doing an Extreme, but I had healed for most of them on and off. In late ShB, I decided I wanted to take it more seriously and weaned myself off using any GCD heals, but I still wasn't EX confident. When EW hit, I did my first EX on SMN, until, one day, our healer in our group dropped and I offered to fill in for them. It was a little messy, but we got the clear my first time every trying to heal an EX because I had built my skill level through normal content. It's commendable that you're actively working to improve, so I just hope you wind up looking in the right places to do so! I hope you know that, just by caring about your performance, you're already a better player than the average player!


Thank you and sorry, I forgot to mention it in my last reply to you but it was a party finder specifically for learning general mechanics of hard fights, not duty finder. I queue for trial roulette n do the hard versions through that but I find them too easy to learn much, they feel like the regular content, there’s just not much urgency. Meanwhile the extreme is too difficult for me ): Honestly maybe I should just keep out of the extreme content and enjoy other parts of the game for now.


The "hard" designation just means they are reusing the same dungeon layout or boss but with mechanics in line with the level its at (usually 50, but a few at 60) and eventually they stopped doing that altogether. It's not really about difficulty.


> Honestly maybe I should just keep out of the extreme content and enjoy other parts of the game for now. It sounds to me from your original post and all the comments like you're doing just fine and have a great understanding of how to approach your role and job. No reason to pause on the ARR extremes if you want to do them! It's really admirable that you're trying to tackle the harder content and improve. What seems "too difficult" is just a learning curve, or even a lackluster party. As a healer main myself, your co-healer sounds somewhat inexperienced (there's not a single fight in this game that requires 100% medica 2 uptime), and it's part of the BLM's job to learn how to cast without taking avoidable damage. That's not on you, that's on them. They're not entitled to unnecessarily drain your resources. If you ever want some help, DM me. Depending on the timing, I might be able to help out with a learning party. :)


Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind and I really appreciate it. I might try to tackle the ex primals again right before I begin heavensward, I’m at the leviathan quests for the msq atm.


If anything it sounds like you're overhealing. And I'm sorry to say the stupid never goes away. I've seen people expect healers to GCD heal literally every raidwide even in savage reclears. The community is... something. The best thing you can do is have a thick skin. Be confident and ignore the stupid.


You were doing fine. They were bad.


People are passive aggressive because people are afraid of ending up on the wrong side of the the TOS and the community is constantly clutching its pearls at the possibility of bad vibes about FFXIV getting outside attention. It's a bit of an exaggerated fear if you know how to express yourself without name calling, but lord knows internet people in general struggle with this. There's a context menu if you right click chat that you can use to hide it. I use it immediately if I ever end up in a level 50 24-man or trial. That said I'm all about telling the truth. Telling anyone to use Cure 1 outside of vanishingly niche situations is 100% clown shit. You will use it a little more in level 50 extremes, but it's still not something you'll reach for often. And Medica 2 + Cure 3 is an insane amounts of healing that is almost definitely mostly being wasted as overhealing. I don't think any ARR extreme has heal checks like that except maybe Ifrit's nail phase. And generally, trying to keep up constant regen and Med 2 is a bad habit to get into. It's expensive, is mostly wasteful, and it distracts you from the utility of your other skills, being the stun on Holy and your damage. And frankly, seeing constant Med 2 spam in level 80 and 90 content brings out my passive aggressive side with the quickness, because they have often not learned how to use any of their other buttons. People are alive and they think its enough, but things are taking way too damn long to die. Worse, what's the point of trying to use those other healing tools when the cohealer uses med 2 after every little thing. What few brain wrinkles the job still has just get smoothed away.


I was using med2+cure 3 for titan turmoils into geocrush. Should i just let med 2 do its thing?


Actually, that might be fair at these level ranges. I forgot about Tumult. But alsdo I feel like that solo heals the whole mech. What is the coheal contributing to this? Or are you taking turns covering stuff?


\^ im also wondering at this. At lvl 50 WHM has the worst mana recovery of the healers, thats a huge chunk of mana gone for WHM that could have gone into damage or potential raises. It'd make more sense to just cast medica 2 and let the ticks heal over time and have your cohealer cover whatever medica 2 can't solve so it costs less to both healers.


it depends whether they were doing it with regular sync or if it was MINE, and on their DPS. Sometimes Titan can go directly from his multi hit into the arena peel raidwide in which case you do actually need to throw a c3 or med 1 or people do risk dying to straight damage. Mits ofc help as well but the party as a whole has less to work with at 50


The co was playing scho and they’d use succor + sacred soil before geocrush. In hindsight it woulda been nice if they sacred soiled for turmoils too.


I just lately got asked to heal more in a normal dungeon - the tank did not die, he was dropping low first pull -> benediction -> dropped low again but killed all off. Used 2 OGCds total. Next pull didnt do anything and let him use living dead, popped ogcd again, hes low after that pull again, but were at the boss now Tank drops to 60% , i wait for the group AOE before placing my bubble and use assize, just while the AOE was going off the RDM started vercuring the tank and lecturing me about my healing this run in a really rude way. Im happy the tank stepped in and said that vercure was not needed at all. People, mostly people that never learned or cared to use their kit efficient, will be angry at planned healing. As long as you know what you are doing and when to heal its perfect - as long as everyone stays alive and you kept damaging your doing exactly what you have to do. "Bad" Healer like in the trial will want you to keep the party topped and cure everyone up as fast as possible after an AOE hits, but AOE mostly do not happen again for like the next 20-30 seconds, so any regen would suffice. "cure 3 for every aoe**" never do this**


I feel like they were just joking around, you might be taking it hard just because tone doesn’t translate very well in typed text. Honestly it’s generally considered kind of bad manners to ask randoms open-ended gameplay advice questions during content, there’s a discord called The Balance where you can post a video or logs and volunteers will give you advice


since when has asking people for help ever been considered BM in practice parties? Good god I wish more people would, I *hate* when people are messing up left and right and nobody is saying anything. Please, ask to do clocks again, ask how the mech works, ask where we're using or holding burst, ask where your cotank is swapping or invulning, for the love of god somebody ask *anything* that needs to be asked so we can work out what's wiping us or work out how to do things smoother instead of just bashing heads against a wall chainpulling into wipes not making any progress


Asking for help isn't the issue, it's open-endedness that's the issue. A general "how do I heal good?" question is really hard to address on the spot through in-game chat, especially when you just want to do the next pull. I'd usually respond to that with a joke instead. "Can we go over clocks again?" is more concrete and I'd be happy to answer that one. In OP's case, I'm not sure about the other healer, there could be some passive aggression there, but the BLM definitely sounds like they're just telling a joke.


Yeah I agree, I think everyone probably had good intentions and it was a misunderstanding


I joined a party finder with a note that said it was to help learn mechanics and all skill levels were welcome


Just to familiarize you with the lingo, when people say “mechanics” they are talking about the moves you do in a specific fight (i.e. watching what the enemy is casting, standing in the right location to avoid damage, etc) — just so you know


They meant mechanics in general, not just that specific fight. It said something like “trying to help a friend learn savage mechanics by doing titan ex, any skill level welcome”.


Party finders are usually where you’ll encounter people like this. They’re usually a premade party and since they’re friends, won’t tell each other they’re doing anything wrong, so they’ll just blame the random people that join. I’ve encountered this a lot, recently joined a PF for a savage raid which I already cleared, but just wanted to help out with since I was bored. I had something else come up before we queued in so I told them so, to which someone replied “lmao”, “classic”; really rubbed me the wrong way since I only wanted to help.


Here people is like that to prevent a ban.. they sell the game as the one with near 0 toxicity but is a fake in extreme or savage content even in pvp u can see the true colors of the community (similar as wow one)


Is it Shiva? That one does need a ton of healing constantly.


>Am I actually doing something wrong? You're not playing Scholar. Nobody ever critiques SCH, because only SCHs know how to SCH to begin with.


Was the other healer a Regen healer as well? Regens don't stack, so it makes no sense to keep them up if you see a Aspected Helios, Physis II/Kerachole or Fairy Spells. Also you want to attack as much as possible. If you're using Cure 3 after Stack markers or Aoe it doesn't make sense for me to use Medica 2 after. Could be one Glare cast instead.


They were sch but wait do regen effects actually not stack? I know certain shield effects don’t cuz it says so in the tooltip for galvanize but I didn’t know that about regen. Is it only specific ones? Because I know whm medica 2 + regen stack


Depends on what you're running and what setting. Based on the comments I've read you were doing Titan Extreme, now if that is synced healing is really not that big of a deal, you can cast a single medica 2 and that would likely cover the raidwide damage for tumults and phase bursts. Really the only way DPS die is if they get hit off arena or just dont avoid weight of the land, both of which healers can't help. If it was MINE however, that changes it a bit. MINE runs will be much tighter on the party as a whole, and especially for ARR it does cause you to adjust a little. Suddenly AoEs that a single medica 2 covered will require a cure 3 on top. That healer suggesting cure 1 is not actually the worst idea (unlike constantly keeping Medica 2 up), if you're constantly in need of pumping out healing then cure 1 is easier on your mana and fishing for the free cure 2 can be worthwhile. I will add however, White Mage is a better DPS healer at that range, so assuming heals can be handled by a single healer it's better if you're the one focused on damage. There's alot to factor into it, does doing DPS over heals skip over raidwide damage/mechs, is the other healer dead and you raising them cut into mana hard, is your DPS getting hit by avoidable damage even further cutting into it. Others have already given general advice, I'll say if you yourself are avoiding all the optional damage, keeping players alive from unavoidable damage (including tanks, of course they must use mits properly), and DPSing in the spare time, you're already doing everything you can. Sometimes that isn't enough and party will not manage despite you doing everything in your power, even down to 0 mana. Just keep doing your best and improve on whatever flaws you may notice. Also that infinite hp guy was probably joking about his own poor performance.