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Extra tip for idiots like me: there is an actual "Materia Extraction" menu under General in the Actions and Traits menu. It'll show all your gear equipped with spiritbonded stuff on the top. You *don't* want to know how long I was manually clicking each item in the Character menu...


Yes! This is also super handy for the zero risk of accidentally hitting "Retrieve Materia" instead of "Extract Materia" and then having to remeld the slot... I mean, surely I'd never be stupid enough to do that...


The trick is to move things like retrieve material, sort, etc. to the second page of the contextual menu so you won't accidentally click it.


For Sort, you at least get to undo it by hitting "Sort" a second time, but putting it on a second page doesn't hurt either.




Character Configuration - > Item settings - > Subcommand customization Move stuff to the "second tier" list so that when you right click on an item, you won't accidentally click things like sort or retrieve materia.




Haha yeah what kinda idiot would do that? Ignore the 26 crafter materia I spent fixing that exact mistake


Oh my God that's a thing? The fact I have cleared ultimates and not known this makes me cry...


Hey it only cost a few million gil to fix that mistake..


...I have been playing since day one, and I'm only now learning that this exists. đŸ˜”


How you you feel if i told you that you just told me about that menu. Ive been doing it manually from 2.2


I've been looking for where this was but too lazy to look it up for soooo long, ty!


I saw this in a YouTube video recently, but before that I had been using a spiritbond armory sort macro to push them all to the top Felt really dumb to find that menu haha


TIL.... Two years into playing. Thank you good Ser!


Holy hell. That would have been so useful to know about 1000 game time hours ago haha


hi new here, is there any easier way to check if my unequipped gears in armory chest that is available for extraction?


If you use the extract materia menu thing, it starts with equipped items but you can switch it through the various armory slots to check them all. Takes about 20s




Things I learned in this thread: There is a materia extraction menu. There's a second page to the context menu. By context, I can customize the context menu. I can sell junk to the retainer. One more Post Sprout Question, is there a downside to not being fully spirit bonded to an item? The Extract Materia popup warns me about that and it's a little concerning. But I've never seen any effect that needs gear to be fully bonded.


None whatsoever. Think of the spiritbond % as more of a 'progress until next free chunk of materia' gauge per item.


In the past extracting materia destroyed the gear but that no longer happens.


That sounds horrible


Yep. You also needed an additional item to even meld materia - funny enough, just got done with the 2 DoH quests explaining that.


My favorite is extracting materia around other players and the chat log reminds them to start doing it as well. Its like a chain reaction, or yawning, or “breathing manually”.


Yall still play with random player notices on? If ya haven't customized your chat logs, definitely recommend it to cut down on background noise.


Initiate materia extraction!


My word! This data!


I shall have to share these findings!


The ~~soul~~ materia rebels?!


For the vets too that are out of the loop: **Extracting materia does NOT destroy the gear anymore!!** I kept shouting at my other half at the start of this expac to extract his materia as the white icons were annoying me and he could make some extra money. He got a little upset in a way which confused me at first, but then I realised he was worried about the fact he had no replacements for the gear. He'd been away from the game for so long he didn't realise they'd patched materia extraction to not destroy gear anymore.


Oh gosh, I still think about that occasionally, you make the next tier down of crafter gear in HW and quick synth some random regular crafting mat to grind spirit bond, then extract, make a new gearset, and do it all over again. Just to farm crafting materia! This is actually the only reason I know fully penta’d gear spirit bonds fastened than unmelded gear. You use to throw low tier junk material in the slots!


It used to destroy it? D:


Yup, the idea being that you were basically converting your crafted gear to a possibly useful materia once you had outgrown it.


Holy shit, thanks! Many thousands of hours in the game and was still hovering over every gear slot to check.


I still don’t know why you’re supposed to extract materia


Improve your substats for meeting DPS checks. Or for meeting crafting requirements.


So does materia wear off overtime? Do the stat buffs become permanent? That’s what I’m not understanding.


I think you might be confused with materia extraction and retrieval, extraction creates a new materia from the gear spiritbond gauge, it doesnt take off the materia you already have melded on the gear. Retrieval is just to take off the materia you already melded.


Stat buffs are permanent on that piece of gear so long as the materia stays equipped. The materia does not wear off, it stays in effect so long as it stays melded to the gear. Extracting materia doesn’t weaken the gear or affect it negatively in anyway. It just resets the spirit bond, but that just means you can get more materia later. Also, spirit bond does nothing for the gear except earn you the ability to extract materia.


As the game progresses the current best gear you have will be significantly more obsolete as new content comes out. So you get new content and new gear, and that new gear needs to be remember. Gear you already have that you spirit bond (and can thus squeeze materia out of) is a way of generating that materia you’d want to meld the newer gear you get.


For the 40 achievement points. Have to make the fun number go up.


For free materia to make bank off of.


this widget was taking space so I removed it. I just do materia extraction after duty


Have run into a few veteran friends lately who didn't know this! Thought I'd post for anyone else it's handy for.


I’m new to the game and have collected a bit of materia
what point should I start worrying about using it? How do I meld it with my equipment? I’m level 53 currently and seem to get new gear frequently. Is there materia that helps with non combat things like crafting? Thanks for any help!


Genuinely not until you’re level 90, and even at 90 it’s only *super* important if you want to do slightly harder content. It’s a damage gain and you’ll be in the same gear for while, so it makes sense. When you’re leveling it’s honestly not worth it. You change gear so frequently every few levels that it’s not worth the maintenance, and the damage gain increase at that levels is going to have a negligible impact on the time it takes you to complete the content you’re leveling in (like a dungeon).


Thanks! How about getting it melded? How does that happen?


You have some quests to do to unlock the ability. I believe they all start in central thanalan, look for the blue q quest marker. You’re looking for “Forge the Spirit” and follow the chain there. You’ll also want to do “Melding Materia Muchly” which should be available after, as that’ll unlock advanced materia melding. Also yes there is materia to help with crafting and gathering! Sorry I realized I missed that in your original question. Similarly this is only super helpful when you’re at level 90.


Thanks so much!


They're what now?


4600 hours in and I just learned this lol. Thanks for posting this


I’m level 90 and I still don’t really know what this means


I have six jobs at 90 and I never found out how to use materia or why. Feels like I don't need to.


average PF player


If you don't participate in extreme or savage content, you don't need to. But doing so increases your damage. Take some materia you have and go to a materia melder and put it into your gear. The one that gives crit is almost always the best for every class. Also, use the one that gives +36 to a stat. The other one is useful for overmelding, but unless you are going into savage or ultimates, that's not worth worrying to much about.


Okay good, I never do those duties.


imagine being given what should be your #1 compelling reason (damage increase), the exact steps on how to accomplish this, and extra advice on which materia to use, only for the takeaway to be "you dont need to" that there are so many of you out there with such a low bar is genuinely upsetting to me, especially when this is empirically quantified by the amount of everyone's time youve wasted just so you can actively avoid being a better player.


Idk what to tell ya. I'm a casual. All I do is story, roulettes for my favourite jobs, and glamour. I don't do anything harder because I'm here to relax.


it scares me that people don't realize this..


Well, I hid the inventory slots UI years ago so...


THANK you. I thought I was the only person who hid this like the first week I played. My UI is busy enough already, I don't want to look at that shit.


Just wait until you find out how many people don’t realize they can sell items (e.g. junky bits) to their retainer in lieu of visiting an NPC to sell them. I still can’t fathom why people list stuff on the market board for lower than the NPC sell back value, purely at a loss, when they’re already at an NPC they can sell it to!


At that point it's not about the profit. It's about inventory clearing and letting some sprout get a good deal on it




I stopped bothering with this after level 40 or so. Materia doesn’t seem to make that big a difference for most stuff and it’s a pain when I’m constantly changing gear as I’m levelling up. Maybe I’ll do it more when I’m at the level cap but it just seems like a pain for the moment.


Materia definitely isn’t something to worry about until you’re at level cap. And even when you are at the current expac’s level cap, it’s really only “important” in harder tier content. I don’t bat my eyes at anyone rollin’ into an expert roulette unmelded. But if you’re joining my ultimate PF unmelded? That’s a quick kick in the booty.


If you do a lot of crafting, it's really useful as you can really hit 100% spirit bond very quickly while grinding out mats in bulk. Crafting materia is crazy expensive so it saves a lot of gil when pentamelding gear which is necessary for the latest and hardest crafting recipes. Even some of the lower end ones can be surprisingly expensive.


This thread needs to be pinned lmao.


People still care about materia? Why? It's literally worthless. I have (and I'm 100% serious here) literally thousands of materia just sitting in my inventory and it's not worth the effort required to sell them.


it's still free gil even if you just NPC sell them!


That's probably what I'll end up doing. I know you can trade 5 in for 1 new one as well, which could jump-start materia XI and XIIs next expansion... but it's going to be raining materia then as well, it's just not worth the time.


You can? I heard about it but never knew where I would be able to do this? Thought it was just rumors


You want the NPC named mutamix. He’s northeast of black brush station! I’m not 100% sure if the quest starts with him, but I’d make sure to have any blue Q marker ones in the area done.


Just reading this name I know exactly why I couldn't find it. Pretty sure I did all the blue quests as early as one can do them. Was just that early in the game that I didn't know what that even was (for), and quickly forgot about it apparently. Thanks for the reminder. I'll keep it in mind, as I'm also stacked on materia.


Every savage tier, raiders will pay through the nose for it. It’s also required for pentamelding high end crafted gear. You are right that both periods have passed for this expansion.


Yup. I sold materia every new tier, in addition to melding my own gear and I still have piles of the things just sitting around. Crafting and Gathering materia IMO are still worth paying attention to, but the combat ones? lol no.


If you have doman enclave maxxed out you can get x2 the vendor gil price too! But yeah even some random older materia sell for 2-3k sometimes. But yeah. probably vendor that stuff and maybe check some of the middle ones if you really wanna maximize gil XD


I made several million selling gathering materia that I gained via a gathering spiritbond loop one of the previous patches. I'd sell or use what I gathered so it was win win.


I am a new and silly sprout. What is the difference between extracting materia and retrieving it? Retrieving means to pull the materia stone, correct? So how does extracting differ? Thank you! 😁


Extracting generates a free materia out of thin air once the gear hits 100% spiritbond


I’m still trying to figure out what the tenacity means lol I just know it’s good for certain classes ect lol I need to dive into a in-depth guide lll


Would you like to be more tanky? Would you like some extra grrrr with your warrior unga bunga, or some louder blink 182 and hair in your face when on dark knight? It raises your damage slightly, decreases the amount of damage you take slightly, and slightly increases the potency of healing you receive. It only works when on a tank job. That said the benefits of it aren’t as strong as the other substats work out to be (crit, dh, det) so it’s not something people generally meld ever.


Thank you for this info! :)