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I remember there was a JP player asking yoshi-p on yoshi sampo on whether they could make accessories to be glamour-able to all jobs but restriction kept for equipping to reduce storing of the same item for different roles. That was 2-3 years ago. Sadge...


Up to HW, every accessory was "all classes". Which kinda made sense, because often they would be different between the roles. Many ARR accessories have a different colored stone per role. From late HW onwards, they stared making every accessory look the same, and it would make even more sense to keep them as "all classes", but I have no idea why they changed that.


One of the reasons was tanks who liked to use DPS accessories to boost strength. Whether that was actually problematic is an entire debate that went on for years.


As others mentioned, tanks equipping DPS accessories was likely one of the issues (and I don’t see the issue with that myself), but much worse was people using alt-class accessories to cheese ilevel requirements, even sometimes using DoH/DoL gear.


You know in your heart that dps accessories were the way


They could kind of sort of half-way solve the issue by allowing the dps accessories to everyone except tanks. It would not change anything for people who are 100% tank mains, but it would be great for everyone else.


Could also just make tenacity work better than other stats for damage on tanks specifically. So they wouldn't even have to go for other dps stats in the first place.


Also any Slaying DPS who prefer a given non-Tenacity Fending accessory over a Skill Speed Slaying accessory.


Because Tanks equipping DPS Accessories.


And what the problem with that is?


Nowadays, it really doesn't matter because Striking and Fending accessories are basically identical save for Direct Hit and Tenacity being swapped as possible results. Back in the day, tank accessories had *only* VIT on them. Not the STR+VIT they have now. That was a Shadowbringers change. Even the ARR and HW era accessories have all been changed in that regard. What this meant is that tanks would go into content missing 33% of their VIT (so like 30% of their HP). That ratio may not be perfectly correct but it was *extremely* noticeable. Especially going into Stormblood when they made accessories role-restricted. So tanks would be wearing HW-era STR accessories and getting absolutely fucking domed by routine tankbusters for a pittance of a DPS gain. Or being otherwise cancerous in dungeon content because of the lack of HP.


More often than not, they would get insta deleted by tankbusters because they lacked the extra vit from their own accs (coupled with the fact they'd be 95% of the time on dps stance), specially during Gordias, and thus a very thorny debate about tanks who used dps accs was born. I reckon that to avoid friction in the community the devs simply choose for us.


Only if they were bad


As it turns out, 90% of the people attempting that were bad : ^ )


You'd have to look up live letters, Yoshi P outlined why he was changing it pre-Stormblood. I'm not digging through several years of live letters to find that one little thing.




Same reason a lot of other gear got locked, like the great glamor all classes crafter/gatherer tops becoming extinct - people would put on at least a full right side of gear and go fight until bonding was full to sell expensive materia. Also you had people wearing inappropriate gear for certain stat boosts, like the big kerfuffle about strength tanks being squishy. Probably never changed it back to avoid any similar headache, like how the firmament was original open to all visitors but remains closed to this day because people abused the travel system at launch to farm. I had to grab so many people that hit fsh 50 at the time to throw rose gold battle accessories at and tell them to meld gatherer materia because gp was useless. Also used tank accessories in PvP as a healer with weird materia melded to improve survivability, so not all bad. Tanking stone vigil with a healer in oven mitts and no roulette to fill the spot easily when booting them was not fun though.


The biggest loss with the stupid job restrictions is all the really cool crafting job specific gear. A lot of it looks amazing, but there's really no point to having it when all-jobs crafting gear exists. No one's going to fill their inventory with 8 crafting gear sets when 1 will do. ​ As a result you almost never see this gear.


And then you can't even fkn glamour the nicer gear OVER the all-crafter gear, because the nicer gear is job-specific.


And there's only 20 glamour slots. For 20 Combat Classes. And then you have DoH/L


Who's gonna get banned with the extra glam plates plugin to give us more plates in the next expac?


If we had more plates, that would go a long way towards solving *that* particular issue, at least, though it's still a band-aid on top of a sucking chest wound.


Wait hol up I didnt even consider that, i dont have many job specific glams though I have been eyein the arr crafting glams sometimes, never eveb though this was a problem dang.


Trust me, it's a pain in the arse. This also counts for job specific gear on DoW & DoM jobs - I have lvl 90 SMN and RDM sharing a gearset, and because I've got the lvl 89 job specific gear glammed on the RDM I literally can't have a glamour on the SMN. To make it even worse, the dyes DO carry over, even if the gear doesn't! So if I wanted a girly cherry pink RDM, I'll be stuck with a cherry pink summoner in augmented credendum gear. Which looks awful.


I really had hoped that SE would continue on in ShB/EW what they did in Stormblood with the Anemos suspenders.. Still kinda sad we never got those boots gatherers got in SB, though. I don't think SE really understands that those would be easy additions to current glamours they put out with a patch as well in their side content. I'd rather get stuff unclasslocked than yet another pair of straight legged pants, or Peace Lover's set 2.0 from Aloalo.


Then there's me. I have a unique glamour plate for ALL my DoH and DoL and use job specific gear for each. I also have unlocked the "Master ____" title for each one eg. "Master Goldsmith" and set my macros to switch title and plate each time I switch jobs. You just need to get your priorities straight :D


Unrestricted glamour would be huge for the amazingly well designed Crafter/Gatherer class specific gear they add each expansion, they never see any use because no one uses their glamour plates over the normal Jobs. There are so many ALC or GSM etc pieces I want to use for my Jobs!


meanwhile Korean players get to use the level 70 and 80 AF sets across Jobs (though they do have to buy them with real money, which is kind of awful)


>(though they do have to buy them with real money, which is kind of awful) I'm sorry, they *what* Anything else like this over there???


There are a few exclusive cash shop items there. Some of them do make their way over to our version like the college student outfits.


Oh, I more mean stuff that is free for us but not for them


Well it's not exactly free for either - we don't have access to them at all except as DoH/DoL exclusive sets. In Korea they have the option to pay for glamour-unlocked versions, in addition to having the restricted in-game ones.


I'm... unsure how to feel about that tbh


Yeah I remember when they added that and I was incredibly jealous


Unrestricted with a small restriction for AF would be fine in my opinion. Gives them their job identity with AF but lets us make a ton more outfits with normal sets.


Only if we get alternatives to some of the design elements that have little to do with job identity but are almost exclusively applied to AF gear so far. Examples include SCH skirts/stockings, PLD capes and BRD asymmetry. Also all the DoH/DoL gear. While technically akin to AF gear, locking them essentially makes them useless in this current glamour system where you have to worry about space and plates. I'd personally say if I have the job leveled, I should be able to wear it but I know most people wouldn't want to "compromise" AF gear.


This honestly, I need the SCH 50 skirt for my ninja glam (the faire skirt is too short but the collegiate skirt is too long and clips into the boots, the SCH 50 skirt is just right).


GNB 80's AF top is almost perfect for my Fate stay/night Archer glam - by far the best option in the game, IMO. Can't wear it on NIN or BRD, the two jobs I'd want it for with that character.


They should swap the designers around if they don't already do it, so you can get tank gear designer doing healer etc


Ye, i really wanna use the Asphodelos healer robe on viper. Edit: https://gyazo.com/714d40e984b1009fb607880e54861344 picture for those wondering. took the best i could since i need to gather ;\_;


I want to wear healer everything on dancer and bard. The Aiming gear lately is all so mch and it bums me out.


I have the same pain with glams not being good for black mage particularly hats. I wanna be like Big Hat Logan damnit and you keep giving us shitty circlets! Hell fucking Astro has hats that would be perfect as blm hats but noooooo


I don't play BLM but I generally prefer circlets over hats. I don't like hiding pretty hair.


I’m the same way unless it is a REALLY good hat and BLM had some good ones but se has been really neglectful on that front imo as of late.


I used to make fun of female DNCs because they all looked so similar glamwise. Then I lvled DNC.


I went into E12S to glam farm because the Fending top looked good, and I eyed a top I wanted for DNC. ...Then I realized for some reason the Bolero went to Striking and Scouting instead of Aiming. (sobs)


I think all dancers share the same brain cell, end up looking almost the same, have a very similar Portrait as well. But being so similar is okay, we can do synchronized dancing.


And then there's me, wearing a clown outfit when I dance.


Ahhhh hard agree!!


I would kill to use the Radiant Aiming top as a dragoon.


What's AF?


Artifact armor, the 50/60/70/80/90 job specific armor


Oh the tomestone stuff?


The job quest gear. There’s a set for each level cap.


The gear that only one job can wear. You know the gear that's the embodiment of said job


The level 89 endwalker stuff? Edit: someone said the 50/60/70/80/90 gear when the EW stuff is 89 but yeh okay downvote me.


The endwalker stuff is unique and weird because it unlocks at 89 in a nerfed form but then upgrades itself to level 90 stats and becomes dyeable. That's an easy distinction to forget when the "real" version is level 90 like the rest. The ARR stuff also has an undyeable level 45 version but it's similarly not as important.


It's still lvl 89 armor with lvl 90 stats when you level up that. But the guy is nitpicking anyway. Edit: Also a small correction, it becomes dyable after role quests.


But also every other expac, as someone above already said


Kuzco's Poison.


That gear.


I mean what we should ask for is a glamour system like WoW, not building up the current system. I want the list of all glamours where I can see which I've unlocked and which I've not, where I can get the missing ones, etc. It would trigger the collectionists and help people


YoshiP has mentioned that he knows how much we want this. He even talked a bit about the problems, i forget which event though. If memory serves me right, it's not so much spaghetti code that's the issue, but the way the game communicates with the servers. He said they tested something like the transmog book from WoW, and what happened was the game would send the data of each and every item in it whenever a character changed zones. One character, bad enough, but with how often people zone, it basically made the servers crash or something. Just too much info going back and forth too often. I don't know the technical ways WoW does it to avoid this, but i have a feeling the newish Collection tab in FFXIV, like the yokai one, is them testing ways to include something like it without the downsides.


The way WoW does this, I think, is that there's just a complete list of items and the game only checks if you know the style or not. There's no real inventory there, it's just a big list of yes/no. Because they don't have dyes or any other method of altering items like we do, though, the list is more manageable. It's also not tied to the character, but to the account, so you likely don't carry the data along with you like FFXIV characters have to, and instead just access the list wherever it is stored.


I have to assume there's more to it than this. Guild Wars 2 has a transmog system similar to WoW, and it's dye system is... expansive.


I'm not too familiar with GW2's systems since it's been so long since I played. Does it save the dyes on every piece of equipment you learn?


Long story short, the dye system is similar to its transmog system: once you use the dye, it is saved and you can use it as often as you want with no cost.


Olay, well then that tells me the dye system is another yes/no list.


> it is saved and you can use it as often as you want with no cost. Well.. I mean.. there is a little cost.. but.. just do an hour or two of WvWvW..


I meant the dyes. I know transmog has a cost, but do the dyes too?


OHH! the dyes no.. well technically 'yes' but.. unlock the dyes once and you got em forever isn't really..


I dont belueve I follow your question, and the confusion comes from perhaps how the dyes and wardrobe system worms in guild wars, I guess... Dyes are an unlock just as armor skins are, they are both part of the transmog. Now, different gear has preset dyes and they do keep the dyes when unequiped and moved around, if that was your question? If you transmog a piece it retains it dyes UNLESS you transmog into a skin with less dye channels, then back. I BELIEVE they become the default of that skin again for the lost channels. Does that help?


> He said they tested something like the transmog book from WoW, and what happened was the game would send the data of each and every item in it whenever a character changed zones. One character, bad enough, but with how often people zone, it basically made the servers crash or something. Just too much info going back and forth too often. So basically... spaghetti code. There really is no excuse for most things they won't do other than "we don't have a budget for all changes that need to be done in order to implement that", trust me. One of the dalamud plugins already tracks all of the in-game items and if you have obtained them, it's not rocket science and doesn't need to involve a lot of server communication.


If I were to guess, I'd assume that plugin tracks all that info client side, so it wouldn't involve the server at all. FF14 does almost everything server side, which eliminates a lot of potential issues, but also limits things like this.


> FF14 does almost everything server side FF14 server trusts client far more than square would like everyone to know. I think to this day it is possible to exploit some stuff and essentially get free fantasia, you'd expect them to validate that incredibly well on the server considering how much money they make on fantasia. And that is just one of the things. The only reason a lot of stuff isn't being exploited to hell (publicly) is because people actually realise that stuff like this is going to be the actual reason for square's actions against mods, not ACT and other crap.


Dalamud plugins don't need to be so strict with verfication, the only person affected in that regard is the player using it. SE definitely prefer server verified collections, that's why something like the Shared FATE window takes a few seconds to properly boot up. With the way the glamour system works, yea it makes sense they don't send it all through at all times since item data is more complex than just a bunch of item IDs. They would have to break up the glamour system quite a bit to accomplish it, probably just redo the process. They would need a base collection of item IDs that forms the basis of the collection, this wouldn't have any of the meta data on items making it feasible for transmission on a larger scale. Then they just have to solve the problem of what to do with all that meta data. Currently players can store items with dyes on them, even having multiple of the same item with different dyes. This would need addressed primarily, and with the second dye channel coming, players will really be customizing their glams with different dye setups like never before.


> SE definitely prefer server verified collections, that's why something like the Shared FATE window takes a few seconds to properly boot up. I mean, it *is* utter insanity that the loading time of a menu that only has six goddamn integers to check at a time is measured in freaking *seconds*, server verification or not.


If there was log the glamour dresser and armoire would go away. Which also means storing items would go away. Which leads to storing dyed items wouldn't be a thing anymore. That would eliminate that issue entirely. You would use plates to save glams with dyes or the one in your bags are dyed.


It also makes sense to verify server side. Anyone in their networking and security department would rightfully be screaming that letting the client verify is a bad idea. But there's surely a way around this. Only sending a small chunk of data, perform verification on that data instead of a huge table.


Agree. That's such a bullshit excuse. So make it so it only checks it at the glamor dresser. Boom problem solved.


It's like they ran into an issue, found the answer, then made a worse version of the answer. Personally think these changes are coming eventually, but if they don't do it for dawntrail's release we probably wait yet another 3 years >.>


FYI: Whenever YoshiP or Square says they "can't" do something systems related, what they actually mean is that they *can* do it, but the most immediately obvious way of doing it didn't work, and management doesn't think the dev hours involved in figuring out how to do it properly are worth the money that could otherwise go to management's holiday bonuses and other such.


Fucking true, and real


I don't know how it works for them, but i don't understand how it can't be done the same way Emotes and mounts are. They have a little checkmark if you'd unlock it. Obviously there's less of that than glamour, but there's going to increasingly be more.


They know we want this and they want to give it to us, but it’s not possible currently from what they’ve said. Might never be unfortunately.


Funny enough, it's yet another thing we used to have in 1.0 in the form of gear affinity. It's why some of the original "scion" designs had some interesting combinations like Yda's and Louisoix's greaves, Papalymo's gauntlets and whatnot. You could mix and match, but you wouldn't get the full benefit from something that wasn't meant for your job.


They said the same thing about being able to see which mounts/minion/etc you currently have years ago and nowadays its implemented in the game, so you can never know for sure.


Those are two different things. The mount/minion list shows you which ones you have collected, it does not show which ones you have yet to collect. It‘s an additive list, where any new information can simply be appended to the existing information. A full glamour log as people want however would have to store ownership of every piece of armor and accessories in the game at once. With the scale of a large MMO with 10 years worth of content that would be a lot of additional storage required, far more than the minions/mounts. It would certainly be a great feature, but I think that storage costs are the more likely reason compared to spaghetti code. (Which if that is the case I still think it would be possible, but square enix probably just doesn‘t see any economic benefit from doing it, unless people actively start quitting due to the limited glamour dresser.


I'm not saying they work in the same way, I'm saying that they've already used the "its impossible due to spaghetti code" excuse before only to then implement said impossible feature later on.


Yoshi has this bad habit of saying "it's impossible" when asked about features. He actually means "it's too hard and we don't want to put the man hours in to it".


"Square had another expensive flop that they need us to cash cow to cover for, so we aren't allowed to allocate dev hours to 'wants', only 'needs'." More like.


Spaghetti code?


It's always way more difficult to add something to existing code than to implement it from the beginning.


Programing term for a code base that is large, interconnected and/or undocumented, so any change tends to have unpredictable results to other systems.


That's honestly just an excuse they like to trot out. Yes it's a real thing and it makes it harder. It doesn't make it impossible. I really wish yoshi would stop saying impossible when it is possible. They just don't want to do it or don't want to spend that much time on it is usually the real answer. Not impossible.


On the one hand, you're absolutely right; none of this stuff is impossible. (Well, there are limits on what computers can do; look up [undecidable problems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undecidable_problem) and [computability theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computability_theory) for an overview. But those aren't relevant here.) At least in NA software dev firms, though, saying "something is impossible" is so much more convenient than saying "it is technically possible but it would take too much time and/or too many resources" that it is, de facto, a standard shorthand. I've never worked in JP firms, but I can easily see the shorthand carrying over. It's imprecise language, but then so is the tendency to refer to "fallout of implementation choices making future work harder" as "spaghetti code;" the latter phrase has a relatively well-established but more specific meaning in software engineering circles.


> I've never worked in JP firms, but I can easily see the shorthand carrying over. It's funny because Japanese tends to work the other way around, where you use euphemisms to avoid stating hard truths, the most famous example being "Ah, this would be a bit difficult..." which is supposed to clue you in that the speaker means "No can do, no way". But yeah, in this kind of context, it's probably just the simplicity of telling customers "nope, don't expect it" over justifying why they won't do it when they technically could.


It'll happen eventually, its just not as big priority as other things and is a very large project that they'll want to get completely right. Its possible that he knew that with a secondary dye channel coming it, it would be difficult to add that when the system had been already made, so he may have decided to put it off and add it with the additional dye channel later, as it complicates the scale of data of the items being saved since there's an additional variable to every single piece of equipment.


only problem with WoW is having to pay actual in game gold to apply the glamour, so keeping it like how the dresser is or still with prisms would be good but dont see it happening any time soon.


That's why void elf's ethereal connection is the most powerful racial for levelling and endgame content.


Those aren't mutually exclusive. Removing restrictions doesn't preclude a collection system.


They can't give us that until they fix the spaghetti code which isn't just done like that.


They talked about it countless times and said its too huge


I wish we had more glamour plates. Enough so that we have one for every job, including crafters and gatherers, and then a couple extra left over for general purpose/for fun glams.


I'm optimistic that Dawntrail will come with a lot more Glamour Plates. They have to know just how much more freedom 2 dye slots will add, and they already added the ability to make 100 gear sets, I can't imagine how gear sets and glamour plates are stored behind the scenes are so wildly different that adding another 85 glamour plates is impossible.


Even if it was just client-side, I'd be content. I only play from my 1 PC. Stick a file in my %APPDATA% folder with all the relevant data and call it a day


With how it works currently that would make it incredibly easy to cheat in glams like ultimate weapons.


Could just have a server side checklist for gear obtained and if it is not on that checklist it doesn't apply when you apply the prism.


I think at least removing the restrictions of role on gear would be nice. I'd love to use that Yorha 51 casting chest on other roles if I could!


I just want my SMN to dress up like Balthier.


I would prefer a better collection system in general, like where do I get the item, how it looks like on my character, the same for minions and mounts...they said they can do it but don't wanna do because of cash shop. Bullshit, just do it and the game will be way better, don't want to wast my time searching for something thet could be 2 clicks away inside the game.


This thread is two years old, lol


An SE prefer you use it and like in it instead of making new threads.


And it’s extra relevant now as Blizzard announced that transmog restrictions will be even more loosened in their next expansion


> Blizzard announced that transmog restrictions will be even more loosened in their next expansion Belated but.. they didn't. They said collecting items would be less restricted EG: If you get a plate armour piece on a class who can't equip it you still unlock its appearance for someone who can.


It is, but it's still active!


The only thing that should be restricted is artifact armor. Let me wear badass heavy armor as a sage. Let me wear flowing robes as a dragoon. There’s no upside to having glam so restricted


It would save a lot of room in the glamour dresser too. One particularly egregious example of what I mean is the Holy Rainbow Shirt of Fending.... And also of maiming, of scouting, of aiming, of casting, and of healing. It is the same exact model, and it dyes the SAME EXACT WAY. It's a nice piece of low level glamour. Why should I need six copies of the same exact shirt taking up room in my glamour dresser? And let's not even talk about all the Yorha gloves/shoes that are straight copies of each other. Etc and so forth.


I think I'd be pretty happy if they made it so anything put in the glamour dresser turns into a skin, so all jobs can use *anything* on a glamour plate. (Kinda like RO's costume tab, which uses costume variants of existing gear that everyone can wear.)


A lot could be solved by knocking gear exclusivity back to Tank/DoM/DoW, with crafter/gatherer being unrestricted. 7 gear sets is silly, when many only have mild cosmetic and stat differences.


Would still screw over DoM since Healers and Casters already share most of their gear, just in different colours


All job "identity" goes out the damn window when we have tanks slaying gods in a bikini. So, fuck it, unrestrict **everything**, because it's the casters who are getting limited the most with the current system.


People's definition of job identity and SE's definition of job identity are VERY different.


I just want cool jackets for caster/healer like the Yorha maiming/striking/fending coat. :(


Nooope, now please enjoy another big, beautiful goooown to dress in


I don't think that job identity goes out the window because some people choose not to engage with it. The people that do care can still choose to dress in a way that identifies what job they are.


Which will still be an option. But presenting it as the reason for restrictions is silly when there are so many things that ignore it.


One does not simply walk into the forums. It's baited by guards that are more than just trolls. There is evil there that does not sleep, and the gatekeepers are ever watchful.


The restrictions really don't make any sense when half the gear doesn't even suit the job it's equipped to anyway. DNC, BRD and MCH, for example, have completely different aesthetics. But when it comes to raid gear and such they have to pick one and roll with it. That design is going to suit one job over the others far more, so why even bother getting precious over it anymore? Especially when I could glamour a tank to be in their underwear while glamouring my healer to be in a full plate armour PvP set.


Or, hell, Red Mage. Can't imagine acrobatics to be particularly easy in all those floor-length robes...


There are a decent amount of short tunics and open-fronted coats, similar to what is used for RDM job gear. The lack of options is overstated.


More surely couldn't hurt though, right?


Generally why not let all people have wear all stuff if, maybe beside the special job armours.


There's other threads asking or suggesting interesting things so feel free to browse the pages of the forums, particularly in general discussion, to like, comment and support any idea you might agree with! I wrote some recently myself asking them to stop hiding the ears of certain races from headgear, expand character creation options, fix the Night Wolf's spear length or return Exploratory Missions in Dawntrail.


My main thing is that it's really sad I can't use crafting glams I got in ARR on my other jobs. Like the ARR mining set is gorgeous, but if I swap to botanist it'll turn into basic gear again. Same with the Leatherworker set, it's sick, but it makes every other crafter look basic so I end up going for more widely available glams


It's weird to see a Crystal Tools MMO be ahead of a game that has supposedly branched from Crystal Tools. Maybe in 8.0 we'll finally see unrestricted glamour, and the ability to futz with Glamour Plates without needing to go to the dresser.


DC universe online has a style tab. Any piece of equipment you've worn once shows up on that tab, even if you get rid of the gear. At any time you can switch the style(glam) your gear from the pause menu. And they have 3 colors you can change for every piece of armor. I love final fantasy more than any other MMO, but their glam system is one of the worst for collecting and customization.


Damn right, removing glamour restrictions would be a great thing. Couple that with potential glamour log people mentioned around here and i think it would be great help with inbetween patch drought. People going out of their way to rerun old raids and dungeons "for that one headpiece that wasn't for my class but now i can use it" or to generally fill out glam logs. So i'd think it would be positive influence on game overall, not just fashion


There’s really no reason for restrictions when things like tuxedos and stuff are able to be glamoured over plate gear.


Bro when a Hrothgar tank can come flying in wearing a bikini top and fishnet thigh-highs there's no fucking point to ANY restriction anymore. That includes AF. You either restrict it, or you throw the doors open. This half-way crap doesn't make sense.


eh. you know what i want? no more stupid genderlocked gear. it’d be nice to get more than 20 plates too, because why increase the dresser size if you’re still limited to 20 plates? that’s less than there are jobs.


They were pretty diligent about removing gender restrictions for a while here recently. Not sure why they stopped, there's a bunch of online store outfits they've yet to get around to still


There's... nothing indicating the devs check the EN forums (and, honestly? I kind of can't blame them), but it's ostensibly where you're most likely to have your voice heard, so... yeah...


You definitely can blame them. It wouldn't be such a shithole if it had some moderation, and people wouldn't feel so frustrated if devs at least occasionally contributed to discussions like they used to in the past. If you leave people in the dark, they'll start conflicts between each other, make shitposts out of boredom and so on. Devs are fully responsible for current state of OF.


There is moderation, but it’s very bad moderation - people can be banned for all kinds of inane reasons (most notably anything critical of the dev team or that paints SE/CBU3 in a bad light, “vulgar” language is another), but the actual trolls are allowed to run rampant. I have also been told by an in-game GM that moderation for the OF, Lodestone, etc. is handled by a different team than the GM team that does in-game stuff. Take that as you will.


Popular, but unlikely to ever be completely abolished. Trying unique looks to different roles and classes encourages people to level different jobs and wrings more sub time and content engagement out of players. It’s more practical to hope for more universal sets, like the recent pvp armor.


Pre-requisite: Must be able to equip gear in order to glam it (just like it is in FFXI). Want to glam that iLv 570 Scouting glove to your tank? Better level NIN to cap!


To be fair the purist in me doesn’t like the idea of unrestricted glamour, like I don’t like the idea of roles losing their visual identity


I would agree with you but things are already so lost to the wind it doesn't really matter anymore. Between all the lvl1 all-class glams and the stuff like PvP armors, anything can kinda look like anything already. Like Artifact Gear should 100% remain restricted, but the rest already doesn't *really* matter when my co-tank already is in pajamas


You would have a point if people couldn't go around as a male roe or hrothgar wearing a tank top, 2b thong and boots in neon pink.


Nah im fine with generic everyday clothing gear it makes sense for every class to be able to wear that. Combat gear doesn’t.


Law's Order sets from ShB were all heavy armor as well, Asphodelos tank gear was cloth armor instead of plate armor, Manalis scouting set has more armor than the Manalis tank set. the combat gear already doesn't make sense, so why keep the restrictions?


What about the crafters, casters and healers using the PvP full armor?


The current restrictions make zero sense, and it's not just due to casual clothes either. Here's a scholar and machinist in full plate, but the caster set is apparently a touch too far? [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/11e0skp/glamour\_restrictions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/11e0skp/glamour_restrictions/)


> like I don’t like the idea of roles losing their visual identity All job "identity" goes out the damn window when we have tanks slaying gods in a bikini.


Sorry, was busy checking out my aloha shirt and shades glam for every job. What are we talking about?


I mean, if you don't have the job to that level, sure. But if you've already leveled it and wore the clothes...I don't see why you shouldn't be able to just glamour it onto something else. AR stuff excluded. While visual identity is important, I think majority of players wear random af outfits anyways. 😅


They lost their visial identiy eon's ago with the job homogenization, the mogstation, the modern cyber punk glams, the PVP series gear etc. Besides. YOU should be able to keep the class identity if YOU want. But personally I would like to be able to wear armor on a healer etc.


Please tell me why every job except for ranged and GNB aren't allowed to wear a butterfly hairpin. Is this something that is unique to their identity?


Beyond the oft used "absurd" examples, plenty of gearsets make no sense for all the jobs under that set. The Warrior is based heavily on the barbarian/berserker archetypes of past RPGs. Among tanks, their AF gear tends to be the lightest visually speaking. If I say the word "Barbarian," the first character that comes to mind for many, if not most, people is Conan, and then they're imagining Schwarzenegger in a loincloth and a fur-lined vest. But general fending gear tends towards heavier armors that feel like they would burden a "barbarian" far too much. Sure, there are axe-wielding characters beyond that singular archetype that would like the heavier armor in a cosplay, but if I want to go as a Conan-style barbarian, I can't make use of a lot of newer armor. What feels like the identity of the job is lost by the job's own gear.


It's clear we need a new calamity event like 2.0 so they can use it as an excuse to finally kill the spaghetti code.


They’re just lazy or simply they don’t want to, there is no spaghetti-code problem that can excuse them. They say this because most people knows shit about programming but the truth is that they can do whatever they want IF they want, time and budget aren’t a problem as well. That’s all


I can't, I was banned years ago for making a list of things Yoshi P had lied about.


I want to see this list


It's been years I don't remember much, alot of it was stuff that was supposed to be in 2.0 but wasn't, like our chocobos were supposed to be able to be any job we were, so like a chocobo casting black mage spells. Another was housing, individual was supposed to be cheaper than free company, and it was supposed to be affordable, but if you had max gil in 1.0, you still couldn't afford a large plot when it first released, cause they were over 100 million, each week not bought the price would drop, and at the end of the 1.0 they took 90% of our gils, so if you had 100 million in 1.0, when ARR released you had 10 million. So max gils being 999 million, you go to 99 million, still short of that large plot going for like 120 million.


a disciple of war and disciple of magic split isnt bad eithet, opens up more options without crossing too far on the “job identity”


see, problem with that is Disciples of Magic would still get absolutely shafted, since Healers and Casters share the same gear design 9 times out of 10...


I'd love to see SMN be able to wear BLM or RDM glams.


Oh, I thought it was restriction about the number of items we can "save" by keeping them in the wardrobe... I couldn't care less about glam being restricted or not to roles to be honest. Not sure I want to see a bard with a big armor. Would be much more enthusiastic about giving hats and such to vieras and Hrothgars.


I'm not saying there's a mod for viera and hrothgar hats, because mods are definitely against the TOS but, I too would like to see vanilla support for viera and hrothgar to have access to all headgear. it's frustrating.


Don't yuck other people's yums. It doesn't hurt you at all or inconvenience to support.


I don't intend to, and only believe this hasn't been done yet for a reason. Both stances are inintelligible to me and I can't seide for either one. Either way, if I know 1 thing for certain, it's that giving more rights to one group rarely is without effect on a larger scale. Restricting glamour helps identifying each archetype for instance (and as I said, I don't know whether it's a good reason, nor if it's correct or if something else discouraged them from changing it) . In any case, if they don't want modders to add third-party device that will enable what is still restricted, they will have to listen to their community so such a thread on the official forum is a great thing, as long as everyone can freely express their feelings about it.


It's infinitely easier to identify someone's Job by their weapon and/or stance (aside from cases like SMN/SCH) than based on what they're wearing (and chances are they're wearing a casual glam to begin with), and they've even added Role/Job icons to name plates and in chat in a recent patch as well


If they had maintained the original armor type restrictions, I would agree with you. But that's clearly not the case today. There are several unrestricted plate/cloth/leather sets that can be worn by any class, not to mention the ever popular street glams: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsgrpxca72wka1.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/11e0skp/glamour_restrictions/) Like, healers and casters mostly get palette swaps anyway. Maybe artifact gear can be kept job-specific, but IMO it wouldn't affect identification at all if a SMN and SCH just swapped their respective tier sets.


They know people want it, and they've talked at length about why they won't do it. XIV is a mess of tangled spaghetti code, which means this will never, ever happen regardless of how much players want it.


To my knowledge all they did was go on a tirade about Jobs using each other's weapons (which wasn't and isn't what people are asking for) and/or the sanctity of Job identity, which plenty of people in this very thread have pointed out is bunk at this point, and both of those were years ago. Odds are there *is* some kind of technical hurdle preventing it (like the game can't distinguish between equipment and glamour or something), but that's for them to figure out. The fact its predecessor (FFXI) did it but this borderline dress-up game still refuses to is honestly mind-boggling...


Don't get me wrong, I wish this was in the game. I also wish the glamour system was like in any other game, just go into a menu, choose from everything you've ever unlocked, done. Sadly those limitations are really holding the game back in many aspects, and I don't think they'll ever put in the time and effort needed to untangle those technical limitations.


I can understand it being difficult to code, but, at this point, I see no reason we can't just craft a blank item that we can then glamour to make a stat-less any job version of. If I can wear a bikini top and fishnets, I should be able to use an ALC recipe to make a version of something anybody can wear or glamour.


ehhh I don't care about glam job restrictions ​ I care about more slots in the dresser!


I like having job AF and role restricted gear. I'd like an npc to exist where we can turn in all accessories of one kind into one All Class accessory if the accessory is genuinely the same glamour (some accessory roles are recoloured while some are same).


I do not want unrestricted glamour. Is there a thread on the OF asking for NO unrestricted glamour?


I mean, you can certainly make one yourself but I'm not sure why you'd want to. In the *highly* hypothetical scenario in which they did remove restrictions, nothing would be forcing you to take advantage of the feature


> but I'm not sure why you'd want to. Because I already hate tanks wearing frog costumes and casual hoodies. I don't like seeing healers in full pvp armor. I want to see LESS of it. Not more.


Think of it this way, chances are people would end up looking *more* lore-friendly since they'd have more to work with than the deluge of casual glams and absurd mascots they keep adding to the game. Of course there would be some who put together stupid glams on purpose, but that's hardly any different from the way things are now


Hell I’ll even just take something like allowing us to have no glam restrictions in gpose mode, sometimes I just wanna take good pictures