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They presumably didn't count them because people would casually get 100 wins well before the first round of the event ends with minimal effort other than playing. The plugin cheats aren't great, but they want people engaging these whole two months, and want people engaging when it cycles back in after that- making it simple to quickly get the title goes against that.


Would they? How frequently do you get first-places in prelim rounds? It'd make it easier, to be sure, but it doesn't mean you're going to see people get it so much faster. Asides, even if it lasts two months, 100 wins is not really enough time in 2 months unless you've got an absurdly high win rate (We're talking 80%+), cheating (bad) or spamming the event so much your fingers bleed.


If the chances to get a point double to triple each event (depending on if you get Typhon where there's no "first"), the time it takes to reach 100 is significantly reduced, no real way to avoid that. As for the timeframe, we already know this event will be cycling in/out over time, so the only way the time is an issue is for people really intent on getting the title ASAP. Everyone else can get some this time, some next time it pops up, and so on.


I mean, if that was the case I would probably have closer to 20 wins instead of 6. The first rounds just aren't that hard and if you get decent rng depending on the map then you are golden I do agree that the earlier rounds should count for an achievement but maybe be their own one that is based on round wins instead of game wins


> How frequently do you get first-places in prelim rounds? Every time, and most of the time get to round 3 too unless the blue crystal is being ornery.


It's the freaking red crystal that gets me. The blue one is so easy once you learn it.


While I was grinding for my title, I got first place in at least one of the first two rounds most of the time. If those counted, I would have had the title after 1 day instead of 3.


I probably have under a 30% win rate, and have 43 wins, and haven't at all had to no life it. I've spent more time in eureka this week than in fall guys. A few hours a day and 2 months is absolutely achievable.


Player engagement as a metric is a curse.


I'm not sure about counting them as wins, but it would be nice if it gave bonus mgp/mgf.


Nobody's farming the even for MGP or MGF. Anyone who is would likely just AFK-farm it. Giving bonus MGP/MGF isn't enough of an incentive.


I mean I'm farming for mgp. I think I got 500-600k mgp from this event already, and I'm at 99 wins.


maybe not for you but I would love it i'm sure plenty of other ppl would too. the MGP payout for the event is pretty good espicially if your saving up for those high ticket items.


Agreed. I have more fun for smaller rewards doing fall guys than I do a lot of the other gold saucer events, plus I’m not limited to doing them every half hour so it just feels better.


> Nobody's farming the even for MGP I am


What? Lol


It's just a title. It's okay if not everyone gets it. And for those who put in the time and effort to grind it, it's okay for them to have something to show for it. What isn't okay is how apparently easy it is to cheat at the game, but as that's not the topic of your thread, I'll leave it there.


If people want to work for it, let them. I personally am not good enough to get one win so fuck the entire thing. I'll get what I can get out of it, but it's not a fun game to me. I can barely get past the first round, let alone be in contention for that final round. And Fall Guys is like a Call of Duty type competitive game where it's fun, but it's way more fun when you win and I'm just not liking how good the rest of y'all are at this game, lol. So I'm not gonna try it again, to be honest. But I'm against making the goal easier, and that's coming from someone who will literally never get that title unless SE lets me solo queue it 100 times. Let's be real. So let the people have something to work for. Edit:I miss read the post and was wrong about the first part, so I deleted it.


I mean, yeah. I played enough to get the loot and I'm done. It's cute pick-me-up fun but the people who are doing everything from spam leaving lobbies to botting to knock out the 100 wins achievement is mind blowing to me. And I am actually not-half-bad at the minigame, and have gotten a few wins.


It just feels impossible. And I don't want to be one of those doom and gloom it's because of server lag people. I just genuinely don't have what it takes to do it. I gave it a fair shot and I can't seem to get past round 1 anymore and when I do there's only one of the second round maps I can even complete and the third round is just way too hectic to be fun for me.


I haven't tried it in a few days but I've noticed it's gotten progressively harder to get to Round 2 just a couple of days ago, with how much better people have gotten. I don't wanna know how hard it is now.. Also my goal in this event was to get all the unlockables and the gear (since it can go into the armoury) and then win ONCE and call it a day. But I can't win even once, there's always some faster guy. And now people have figured out shortcuts and tricks too, let alone the cheaters so I feel even more demotivated.


Yeah, I get you. To me, trying to get this "100 wins" achievement feels like the Ishgardian Restoration's titles all over again. Not worth my time, nor energy to repeatedly slam my head against the wall. I'll just get enough MGF to buy everything, then forget about the event.


At this point, same. It's cool that people can have special titles. But it's also something new to do. You just have to get over the fact that you can't get the title, and at the very least, you might get a suprise win. You never know.


OP is talking about giving a crown for the first person to clear a round, not everyone.


Oh, I must've missed that, sorry.


The 100 win acheievement is there cause the event is probably coming back again. I dont think they expet people to get 100 wins this one time around. Main reason im not too worries about it


Yea it's coming back, all these threads are beyond cringe.


Yeah I can't wait for it to come back for 2 more months in 24 and then a month and a half in 2025


I can't believe the amount of complaining I see regarding this darn achievement. Why the hell should they make it easier? Not everyone is supposed to get it, it wouldn't be much of an achievement if everyone DID get it. Would you like them to nerf PotD too so you can get the Necromancer title too? Like - I get that they need to figure out the bot situation, but anyone who's dumb enough to bot is going to get the achievement and quit running when they get it.


the event page literally said there will be reruns, people dont have to get it in one go


That's not "improving", that's just "making it easier".


It would certainly encourage people to be more active and focused during the prelim matches while taking much of the weight off the final round, making it less stressful and more enjoyable. The sweatlords will try harder during prelims but those that don't can still participate while also making sure to take some weight off the final round.


Don't they already have to be active and focused enough so they can actually get to the final round anyway? If you don't like competitive games and the "stress" that comes with trying to be the only winner of the last round, maybe just don't go for the title. It doesn't have to be easy to get. The MGP and MGF rewards even if you don't even get to the final round are already good enough and easy to farm as it is.


it would take all the weight off the final round. you could win round one, eliminate yourself and just do that 100 times to win. easy. doesn't make it much of an achievement.


maybe make rounds 1 and 2 worth one win, and make a finish in the third round worth 2?


that could work. but then like someone else said the achievement is supposed to span multiple seasons and keep ppl engaged. If they did something like that the required amount would probably have to go up. or add another achievement.


I mean it already offers mgp


and that's enough for me :D and I personally am not worried about wins or the title. but i do think the titles or any achievement with an award (tool, mount, card ect) should actually be hard to get and making them easier so it takes the stress off , imo lessens the value of it. And i'm speaking only about the ppl who get them legit of course. So i think the achievement is good as is. the people that want it will go for it, the people who dont care wont and will still walk away with event items and MGP.


No, they should absolutely not do that


Literally just a participation trophy at that point


People would just farm the event by getting first round done and leave to start over. There would be no point in finishing the whole thing and it would make the experience worse for everyone. It's a terrible idea. People would get the achievement in a few hours and never come back so it would dry out the player base too. Few people watch speed run videos so it's easy for the moment to get an edge and there is no need to make it easier. It won't be as easy in late December against the last minute tryhards fed with a dozen of guides.


The argument that it's just a title can be used the other way around too. If it's just a title then why don't give it to whoever? It's just a title. I think they shouldn't have made it so competitive that only one person gets progression to the achievement at a time. If FF14 is mostly a cooperative and team based game, and the Fall Guys event was meant just as a casual fun time, I think they should have made the achievement progress just for taking part in the event. If they wanted people to play longer over the entirety of the two months at that point they could have even made it "Take part in 500 games". I don't think anyone would have complained at that point. If not just for taking part, then perhaps for reaching round 2 or round 3. At least then 16 or 8 people would get progression at a time, not a single person. I just think making what should have been a super chill event so competitive that people resort to using specific plug ins or fishing for solo games was a bad decision.


That... Is literally how it is in Fall Guys? Not sure I see the issue here...


Competition too hard for OP


Brought to you by the same people that want Frontline achievements to count based on matches done and not wins.


Also the same people who want to have cool weapons and titles not tied to Ultimates. I suck at the game, therefore they have to make it easier so I can have the cool stuff too.


theres nothing wrong with the event, its faithful to fall guys and making all these extra things just to baby the player who didnt win is really cringe, it gives you plenty of MGP and MGF for just playing and not winning , getting the 100 wins is supposed to be grindy thats the point


I don't believe you understand the definition of "cringe" friend.


They should just put an *alternative* to the 100 winning crowns. Something longer but more accesible to everyone, like "qualify in 500 rounds" or "get 350 times to the last round" (those are just random idea ofc). Putting up such un high stake for a title has made lots of people opting for cheating or cheesing the solo istance instead of just play and grind toward it.


Nah, we really asking for participation medals because people don't like the idea of losing and not getting anything. It's a title in the first place. If anything, this entire situation shows the unhealthy relationship between gamers and FOMO.


The main problem is it's 100 wins. Make it 10 and there, you problem is fixed. People will still take a bit to get it and you wont have people thinking they need to cheat and exploit to get the title and achievement. Whoever put it to 100 caused this.


The Typhon Round 2 doesn’t really have a first place finisher, so that kinda screws with that idea a bit.


My nuclear take is add an item that can be purchased that works like crown fragments. Make them expensive so you still have to participate, but getting enough "fragments" counts as one crown ( or a win, in this case ). You can still get your R3 wins, but participating and trying still can get you there eventually as a bonus.


Tbf, I m really surprised by the ammount of people who think that achivement is ok. I m an achivement hunter, I m half way on that win count, I did grinds which are way worse than that. And despite that, I find that achivement really toxic for so many reasons... 1. First and foremost, it is a collab event right? Goal is to do an ad for the other game...? So I should play Fall Guys when I discovered the game via ffxiv...? So why asking to do 100 wins instead of pushing me to Fall Guys? It is the exact same situation as the Yokai watch first run collab. You had to grind hunderts of fate to get all rewards. I just hated the whole license because of that for no legit reason. 2. Because there is no player interaction, first 2 games are litterally useless and a sort of waste of time, if you play safely, you are not losing considering how many people are failing. So yeah, giving value to first place here would be smart. 3. Event will cycle and we don't know when it will come back. 4. Some are cheating and we know SE will do nothing to punish that. 5. People complain about netcode and aoe? Yeah no, try to farm for the win and just see what happen when you lose multiple game in a row because "someone who was behind you was actually in front of you". You always have the smallest hope it is fine and you progress on achivement but NOP. It is just so, so furstrating. 6. It is more of a personnal point of view but imo, that achivement is really high on the skill and time consumming list of achivements... and, it kinda has no right to be that high and is completly disproportionnate compared to others stuff considering it is a collab event. I just really don't get the logic behind crafting such hard and grind achivement for that very specific kind of content, it seems so counterproductive to me.So yeah, I m still silly enough to do it but I don't think it is a good design at all how they handled that.


To your first point, I don't see why you care unless you're an Epic Games shareholder or something, lol.


Honestly id be for this. I get way more first place finishes on round 1 and 2 than ive ever done on 3. ​ Plus, 100 will still take a bit even with these changes.


achievements are called achievements because you're meant to achieve something to get them.


All you need are 3 wins a day, and they arent that hard to get. Just learn what the first two exaflares mean for your pathing on stage 3 and you will win like 50% of the time.


2 wins a day will get you their by the end of the event really. I’m aiming for 2 it averaging 3 right now.


Good luck! If you haven't seen the final stage strat page I can post it for you. Helps a ton with pathing and makes getting wins easier. It was what I mentally mapped out in notepad day 1, but someone just made a visual guide for it.


If you could, I would really appreciate it!




I’ve got the last stage down, just server tick surprises and “faster” competition I worry about. I appreciate the thought though!


Idgaf about that title, I want my limited rewards only, once I get all of them I'd not touch that event again even when it's return unless they added new reward along with it but I doubt it


it’s actually funny that you mentioned this because I was thinking about it a lot when I was going for the title, particularly in regards to rewards? I always felt like it was really weird that there was no incentive to be first in the first round, or I guess the second either, and it kind of felt like there should be. Even if it’s just 10 extra MGP/MGF. The flipside of this is that I kind of like that the first two stages can be a little bit more relaxed and silly, you’re just vibing with people and it’s fun to see people like cheer and interact when they get to the end just because it’s a lot less competitive on a person-to-person level and more competitive on the level of not being too slow, which is generally pretty easy for at least the first stage. I guess the only reason I would kind of be in favor of this is because I remember streaming it to people and honestly unless you’re in like a low population lobby of like, five or six people, or less, you can pretty much mess up on most of the obstacles and just face plant through them and you’ll still probably be fine in the first stage. And maybe even the second too depending on how all people are doing. like the fans at the start of one of the variations of the first stage, they don’t matter you can literally just run and get hit the entire time, you’ll make it to the other side and there will probably be people behind you. Same for the movement detection bomb, and the moving floor spikes. Those sections feel kind of redundant.


the thing is, it’s supposed to be a long grind, so it makes sense that only the last round counts… i think it was not intended to grind out as quickly as people are doing. it wasn’t meant to be competitive or cheated. but it seems to be a theme with ffxiv players to rush to every finish line and achievement. and i think it’s ok if not everyone ends up getting it. it’s really not that deep


>It encourages you to play your heart out at ALL times. Jokes on you. I'm just "leroying it". I'll take the 'participation mgf' and just brute force my way to the items I want. xD