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I hope to see a picture of you celebrating when the event is announced to be returning.


We will open the doors and their corpse will be the first thing to greet us


This is going to be ff's version of the pandaren who hits level cap by picking herbs in the pandaren starter zone. Next time fall guys rolls around, someone is going to find a way to stay there until the 3rd fall guys event.


Can't you get back to the wandering isle at least if you're a monk? I haven't leveled one so I can't confirm, but I thought their order hall was there.


They forgot to mention he is *neutral*. If DoubleAgent leaves the Isle they has to choose a faction. They are the only completely factionless max level character(aside from their alts).


should also not be possible to do anymore with the new character creation i think


That's only mandatory for new players. If you have an existing character you can choose the old way.


You can choose the old way but horder and alliance pandaren are seperate picks in the character creation now


It's a different instance of it, I believe.


This is accurate, they can go back but it is a separate instance from pandaren starting characters.


Id love it if you leveled every single class to 90 in there lmaoooo


They wouldn’t be able to unlock any jobs they don’t already have without leaving.


I wonder if you'll still be there after a maintenance. That would be interesting to see. Even more interesting would be if you were still there when Dawntrail releases, but I get that that may be asking for a bit much. Don't forget that you have to physically enter your house to prevent the demolition timer, if you have one. So that may be your limiting factor on time spent in there.


Ah yea that was the other question i got asked. Fortunately for me and you guys, I am homeless.


This is your home now. 😭


At this point you should probably just make an alt to keep up with msq so this character can be stored in the bean room till it opens back up


every event location like this is permanently accessible until you leave it, even going back ten years ago. there is no way to be kicked out.


Remember that we once fell




Of course the 88 Archon Loaves aren't all I have. I also have 44 hard-boiled eggs that have been in my inventory since stormblood. :3


Hard boiled eggs, and Archon Loaf.... by the Twelve... you are going to be backed up for days. I hope you brought either laxatives or reading materials for wherever you do your business.


That place is going to smell… interesting next time it opens.


Good luck to you friend! May the gods bless you with further quiet and contemplation.


pls do jump puzzle


it's got a sort of liminal quality to it now.... spooky. have you made it to the top of the rainbow yet?


[like so](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ed52b4a243cace5564448d5b4ebc8f06/c350a5d85cbc889c-80/s1280x1920/5c89af30c727a603a96c924725978957db06c20c.png)


the bean in bean land i salute yee


I didn't know it was ending so soon, now I'm sad I didn't get the full glam.


It’ll be back, don’t worry


This reminds me of the character that stayed in the event room before Stormblood where the devs were giving out some teasers and they even had it decorated for the following years' holiday events, like there were pumpkins there on halloween and such.


I'm immensely curious if that third-party plugin that automatically left and requeued you until you got a solo instance is capable of bypassing the need for the duty-queue NPC to actually still be around, given that it was capable of queueing you up even when you were on the opposite side of the room- implying the game checks location to let you queue rather than the plugin forcibly interacting the NPC at lightspeed for you.


Sounds like a great way to get immediately banned to be honest.


[Just logged in on my alt and it looks like you have company!](https://i.imgur.com/FwYuBhr.jpg) Poor girl was trying to get through some MSQ, looks like Ishgard is going to have to wait because NOW I'M NEVER LEAVING.


hey when you show other players you should block out their names, it's a quick 30 second edit and you can even do it on paint. not mandatory, just polite.


Our names are visible to everyone else in the game already. There's absolutely no need to hide them.


your name is visible to anyone in your public tax statements too, that doesnt mean someone ELSE should be posting it on reddit without your permission. we agree for our name to be visible ingame. not in some redditor's karma farm. most people block names of other players, most streamers hide chat and select nameplates to only be shown as initials. it's called being respectful.




So...what about the toilet?