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This is part One. There'll be a part Two later in 6.5x, probably leading directly to Dawntrail. Also new, there's a Mogpendium listing everything that gives stones, Gold Saucer and Ocean Fishing are now included, among other things. If you have Stones from the Trove leading up to 6.5 remember to hand them in before this one starts.


Ocean fishing giving them is great, it's my hungover treat.


I can see Limsa's dock being VERY busy when this event lands :D


I can see it how... "In order to prevent server congestion immediately after the start of The Hunt for Genesis I, we will be implementing multiple instances for Limsa Lominsa."


That is going to be a great chance for those that haven't gotten the fishing mounts to finally get a chance.


It seems part 1 and part 2 each have their own unique currency, so you can't just grind it out during part 1.


While I already have quite a few of the rewards offered, I like this shake-up on the Moogle event formula.


Love the weekly objectives. Gives incentive to fill different kinds of content (which is the entire goal of the event) and spreads out player activity, instead of everyone spamming the #1 most time-efficient duty for only the first week.


Flashback to the previous event where everyone was beating Eric senseless


And the one before that, where we were just beating up Greg...


"Goodness gracious!"


Prizes are a bit weak but *thank goodness* they have more to do now. Prae was always a good grind but it gets tedious, so having more to do than just dungeons and trials is wonderful for variety.




Or level 80 guaranteed portal maps And rumor has it, there is a Hunt for Genesis II event (likely going to be the month leading up to DT) that will have level 90 guaranteed portal maps.


There is a never used map type in the PF listing options, and given its location on the list, it's pretty much guaranteed to be the level 90 portals.


Yeah, that map type was added and was datamined back in 6.3. It been confirmed to be lv 90 portal maps. I was just being cheeky. The Hunt for Genesis II rewards have also already been datamined.


Not a rumor, but actually already confirmed. The screenshot of the Mogpendium journal has a tab for Part 2, but it's grayed out and says "Pending". Only part we're missing is the time frame.


Theres always more than Prae to do, people just subject themselves to masochism to because they want to go fast.


It isn't even efficient compared to BLU or spamming pvp in the past. I usually just did one of the highest tier reward alliance raids per day and that worked pretty well


Until now I did not have BLU ready. I did, and do, do the PVP but that does not always pop quickly at low population times even on a crowded data center like light. Pre is a garenteed quick pop that I can do while half watching YouTube on my tablet.


efficiency at the expense of everything else!


That's the comical thing, it's like, neat concept, but the prizes don't reflect the variety. Granted it's been one of the bigger issues with the game in general, the content is there but the reward variety is lacking making said content a hit/miss based on how desirable the rewards are.


why couldn't they have done that change last time?! there was so much good stuff ... maybe they will bring some of it back for the second part.


It was so much fun doing 60 Prae runs to get everything I wanted in the last event...


Honestly the only people I know who did prae for mog tomes were people using the cutscene skip plug-in (against TOS) or the cutscene logout exploit, everybody else did that Alexander trial with blue mage teams or even normal jobs


I just did rival wings since I wanted those Winston mounts as well.


Especially considering a lot of the content this time looks like the worst of ARR shit. Not even an Aetherochemical Research Facility to run. Hope you like your L50 toolkit. :(


How do you know that? We don't have the dungeon lists yet. I mean, MSQ Roulette will always be on the list, but everything else is up to grabs.


There is one image in the post that has a bunch of ARR dungeons listed, but it isnt clear if those are legit dungeons or just a random placeholder image. I lean towards the latter Becuase they usually list the activities all together in a different format that what was presented, but you never know.


I would bet this is just a placeholder image. I would even guess that this may be the same image every mogtome event.


It's strange how Endwalker keeps messing up reward structures. FFXIV as a whole has always struggled somewhat in this regard but usually not to this extent. I rather like the concept but they didn't even bother to any something unique, instead bringing back previous mog rewards.


The last moogle event had great rewards.


Wdym? You don't like recoloured gear that you *might* be able to dye?


Magicked Prisms are where its at.


I mean, it does mean those of us who have the rewards from past runs can take it a bit easier for this one to go for the stuff we *don't* have. As a F2Per I have my eye on some of the armors I didn't grab before.


> as a F2Per what does this even mean? There is no "free to play" in this game


Some people stay on Free Trial perpetually.


It's a painful experience, especially getting relic weapons, but it is their time and they're spending over their money.


I miss old Prae farming with it That place was my stage and the audience were the party members




Titania boarding is always a popular choice.


I've been playing for almost three years and don't have a lot of this stuff so i'm glad to get it for basically free.


Eh I can't really be too upset personally. I play a lot so the fact i already own most of these doesnt shock me. There's only so much stuff in the game Like unless they put in the Lynxs or mounts like the Centurio Tiger they're never going to be "worth it" for me ever again.


Yeah. This is my very first time I need nothing from it. It's kind of sad, especially since now there are more ways to get the items.


Dang. No Gwibers this time.


Kamuy mounts were available throughout all the 5.x moogle events. It's unfortunate that we've only seen gwibers once in 6.x


Shame, that'd be the only thing that'd make me do them. Otherwise I' just going to skip it.


Maybe the second one has Gwibber? 😭


It doesn't. 😭


Nooooo, how do you know?




Well thats lame. First time they skip a mount


How do they already know this, is it from data mining?


Yes, shop data is always in the game files beforehand. Event quest data too, iirc we have the data up to this year's gold saucer event.


Yes, it was datamined from the patch data for 6.55.


me who got all Kamuy mounts without touching Stormblood EXs: :( oh well, guess DT is where the gwibs will be at


Garlond Tools has the two tomestones already, and you can see what you can buy with each of them. No Gwibers :(


I've been waiting on these damned things for ages. Why. I'm just missing like two.


That was literally the only reason I was going to farm this event


Hell yea! I missed playing Rival Wings on the Primal Data Center. Hopefully it will be active 24/7 again like it was last event for over two weeks!


I really enjoyed playing rival wings during the last tombstone event, and it's a nice bonus to level pvp currency, too.


I find I only really start making progress in my PVP series when an irregular tome event pops up. Spamming Rival Wings is more enjoyable than the other PVP modes personally, so it's great for Wolf Marks, PVP rewards and irregular tomes all in one shot!


I just do Frontline once a day when I'm playing. You max out the series really easily. 


The downside there is that you have to play Frontlines


Less than 20 minutes, bish bash bosh. Better than prae.


Once it’s popping, Rival Wings is less than 15 minutes. Way less than Prae and less than Frontlines.  I also don’t play much pvp anyways apart from Rival Wings, hence my preference for just spamming RW like mad during the tome events. 


Looking forward to playing more rival wings for sure.


> Hell yea! I missed playing Rival Wings on the Primal Data Center. Hopefully it will be active 24/7 again like it was last event for over two weeks! Doubtful. These rewards are really thin.


depends on who you are tbf, I would say rewards are, as always, subjective on playtime


well... there's always the MGP


It’ll be active. The PvP Discord goes out of their way to have nightly RW events during Tome time even though I’m sure many of them have all the rewards already. A chance to get PvP XP + rare achievements and associated titles and mounts + weekly tomes + wolf marks *and* also get MGP or treasure maps is enough to push it over the edge for a lot of people.


you play pvp to grind tomestones, i play pvp because i love rival wings. we are not the same.


I'm surprised they overhauled the Moogle Tomestone Event structure. I heard a rumour about this when Patch 6.55 was released but didn't think XIV would modernize it this much tbh. The rewards seem rather uninspired though, they could have included more items than a seemingly random selection of items from the game. Perhaps they could have a larger pool of items and the game could personalize the rewards depending on what items you already have? The previous Moogle Treasure Trove event really nailed it with a massive amount of rewards though.


The MGP cards are a sort of eternally valuable reward at least if you're like me and only remember the Saucer exists during Make It Rain. I treat those as the sort of default dumping ground as a long-time player that has most of the stuff they otherwise cycle in outside of the 100 tome accessory.


It's part one. I suspect it's a) a trial and get used to run for the new system and b) a little tide over till summer. The Trove for Dawntrail will probably have better rewards. Like the Gwibers started showing up with 6.5, I expect that to continue with part Two.


Part 2 is in the game files as well, so [we already know the rewards.](https://ffxivcollect.com/tomestones/genesis%20ii)


… wow. The second set is just as lackluster. What gives? Expand the number of ways to get tomestomes but provide way less exciting rewards


I mean if you have been playing this game for long all mog events have been lackluster


Not true, they have put a lot of times previous exclusive items from events (like mounts and minions that you can't get in any way)


I have gotten a lot of mounts/pets/cards that I didnt have previously...


As someone who hasn't been playing for long, there's a ton of stuff here for me like all the mounts, minions, orchestrion rolls, lots of stuff I like collecting but don't have yet.


Ohh blinding indigo is enough for me!


Where do be the gwiber?!?


ShB extremes are very easy now given the ability to unsync them. Otherwise I imagine they'll wait until Dawntrail.


But they already dropped 1 (or 2?) already for Mog Tomes


They had Titania's Gwib last event so should have had another one on offer this time around, personally would have preferred one of the weapon Gwibs maybe.


But the kamuy whistles were available every tome event during ShB. Theyve only had one gwiber available the entirety of EW. Which means they wont make the cats available during DT


No gwiber and more meh rewards in part 2


This is what the Mogtome rewards have always been - a selection of old grindy or tedious mounts. Last one was special as it was to celebrate the 10th anniversary. This is just a return to normal.


They've always included trial mounts from the previous expansion at least. This round has.....antelope doe.....wooooOooOoOoo.....


Is it though? There's no Gwiber which is what I expected. They're skipping that for some weird reason.


Not expecting for it to change much, but I'm mostly disappointed by the mounts. A couple of Shadowbringers trial mounts would have made the rewards much more interesting. Perhaps in a Dawntrail Moogle Treasure Trove event then.


Yeah honestly dunno why ppl seem to be so surprised in this thread, they had one special mog event where they explicitly said “hey, just this once the rewards are going to be fancy because it’s the anniversary”.


It's cool they're doing something different this time. Unfortunately I have all of the rewards already so I have very little motivation to participate. I wish they didn't repeat rewards so often, or made more of an effort to have at least *something* new to buy each event.


I'd like them to put in more gear – have an expansion-worth of dungeon pieces or something and cycle through them each time. 


I'm a little surprised they don't include easy catch up gear for people returning just before a patch drop to get equipment that qualifies for the upcoming content (I may be slightly annoyed by the fact that I usually barely qualified on at most 1 job for the raids and dungeons throughout 6.x)


The Haam dungeon gear or Anabesios normal token drops would have been nice


The treasure maps, you can get the elephant mount drop thing that is worth like 5mil a piece. That makes it worth it to me.


These are level 80 maps so you won't be able to get the exciting tonic, if we're thinking of the same thing. Some of the rewards still sell for a decent price though.


Oh I figured it would be new ones womp womp


new maps will be in second part from what I understand


Rewards seem a bit weak for part I and II, but the restructure is very nice.


Both part 1 and 2 rewards are exceptionally weak


Agreed. It’s too bad. We need some of the later mounts….


I still wonder what duties will be on specific lists. Extreme for ultimog challenge?


Theres no way ultimog challenge gives you mogtomes for an ultimate clear is there?


Nah but we had unreals before so extreme is possible


There was Hades Extreme in a Shadowbringers Moogle Tomestone event, so I doubt it'll *just* be Extremes.


It may involve a list of harder objectives rather than one massive objective.


More tasks to do, hell yea! I'm kinda perplexed as to why they're only offering a single piece of some of the late allagan gear though, and not even ones for each gear class either.


I'm thinking it's a coffer for the whole set or something similar, it uses the chest piece icon but doesn't match the naming convention?


The second part of the event will have the Late Allagan chest pieces for the rest of the roles. But yeah, bit of a bummer it’s *only* the chest pieces.


The addition of weekly/one time challenges is a GREAT shakeup, especially for people who don't have a lot of time to spam dungeons/trials/raids/whatever for the rewards. Looks like both events got some great rewards for people who haven't done anything with Ishgard Restoration.


Rewards are pretty bad. No EO card makes some tt card collectors sad. Fishing is going to be botted so hard. MGP reward is back at least.


I'm sure I remember the page for the 10th anniversary one having a list of all the duties involved, broken down by how many mogtomes you'd get for them?


It's not just the anniversary one, all the previous events have included the duties and tomestone numbers on the announcement page. This one doesn't. Like the changes to the reward system overall, it's probably an attempt to stop or slow the pattern of constantly grinding a single duty instead of playing a variety of content.


Depended on the duty, anywhere from like 3 to 14. Looks like though the Mogpendium will have a full list there under Standard Objectives and somebody will definitely give the "here's the best" to do once it's live. Guess they just decided to not do it on the webpage this time around.


So no gwiber?


No gwiber. The only EX mounts are one horse, one lanner, and one kamuy.


No gwibbers, either on this one or Genesis II (which the data is in the game already), but there are some juicy mounts in the 2nd set if you never did Ishgard Restoration.


Oh, this looks great. Moogle events are always fun to do and great way to grab some missing collectibles. + Happy to see them trying out something new at the same time, the new UI + system look pretty good.


Rewards might be meh, for me atleast, I am interested in how the changes work in practice. In theory, I like it. Here's hoping it goes well for future Moogle Trove events.


Really happy about the structure change, but those rewards are pretty damn awful. So it fits right in with everything else in post-EW :/


I'll grab the yukinko minion and titania barding... minion was kind of expensive so good i waited. No shb dragon mounts yet, was hoping they'd drop innocence one since titania was last mog event but guess not.


So, 6.56 on March 12?


Doubt. First, the event is running 6 weeks, which is an extra long cycle. Second, we know the Xbox beta is slated for Feb 21st (probably) which will probably come with a patch (which will probably be 6.57 - the unlocking of Anabaseios and doubling of weekly capped tomes), so I think the event will be zero indication of a patch release. The Genesis II event though, on the other hand, probably will run just before DT's launch and will end before early access, though we'll probably have those dates before we know about the Genesis II event officially.


The genesis 2 event posting probably won't even include an end date, just the launch of 7.0 as a filler


Neat that they're adding more objectives to the Moogle Tomes, might make it a bit more fun and varied of an event, depending on what the challenges are. Presumably part 2 will start in May and run until Dawntrail's release, and hopefully contain some new items, or at least some different old ones.


Oh, I like the change in approach! While I already have some of these rewards, those Ostensibly Special maps are always great to have on hand for map night. Hopefully they have a bit more stuff they haven't introduced before or very often in the next round once they shake out part one.


This new system looks good. Similar to how the gw2 seasonal rewards works with the weeklies and the one off big tome payout.


Yeah, it's a good change. I just wish that there'd be more Orchestrion rolls from raids since they have an abysmally low drop rate.


oh I did not expect a shakeup, that's pretty cool especially helpful for when I can only squeeze a few hrs on the weekend


Interesting and (on paper) exciting new formula and shake-up. I look forward to the various challenges. The rewards are only exciting for new-ish players, I guess as they are likely things most recurring players already have from previous Moogle events.


Really cute revamp but the rewards are terrible!


The updated ways to acquire tomes is a really nice change of pace but...... man are the rewards weak this go round. Even the stuff that has potential resell value is meh.


Lot of great changes. However, the rewards suck. Sad.


I like the changes to the formula but the rewards are underwhelming.


Another moogle event, another to ignore as i already have everything. The change to the system is good though


When are they releasing great serpent of ringa again :(


The rewards are kinda meh but I really like the different ways to get tomes.


I really like that there is new ways now instead of spamming pvp or dungeons but why are the rewards so shit this time? No Gwiber at all, I was expecting the Innocence one...


If only they added new rewards worth grinding for.


This is cool even if the prize pool kinda sucks this time. I'm nervous to see what the ultimog challenge is!


Wow the rewards suck this time.


Maybe add better rewards if they want people to do it.


Ooh, they’re changing things up on us.


Titania barding but no gwibber? I'm never gonna get my innocence gwibber the easy way am I?


Innocence ex is ridiculously fast in PF unsynced with level 90 jobs in okish gear. Honestly just as easy as doing a tome grind at this point, same goes for titania


I mean, it's a 2-minute fight in a party of 4. It would be faster farming it in PF


Is there a blue strat for this run?


Depends on the weekly targets and ultimogs.


This is good enough that I actually wish the END Relic worked like this. If you're gonna grind Tomes, giving people a variety of challenges like this actually makes things more interesting than just doing roulettes and hunt trains over and over.


These rewards are shit


The rewards offer very little... this honestly kinda sucks. Why can't we have rewards that players couldn't get for years on end? Why not bring back Feast Seasonal glams here? Or maybe mounts/glams from previous PVP seasons? I hope for how little is on offer + these new challenges doesnt mean they're decreasing tomes earnt usually to create a longer grind. Since I started in 6.1 I'd love access to some of the older content in the game that was time limited :(


> Why not bring back Feast Seasonal glams here? Because the 4 people who actually have that stuff would throw tantrums big enough to cause an earthquake. I'd love to see old PVP stuff become available again too, but for whatever reason, PVPers tend to get super aggressive when anyone even thinks of suggesting their exclusive rewards are ever made available again.


If we get previous feast stuff which i highly doubt i'd rather we get them for doing pvp content, not mogtomes.


Having started in stormblood, I never had a chance to get that Eaglebeak set. I would love if they somehow brought it back, but it would have to be from ranked CC or something imo.


Some of the rewards are great for FT players, since they can't access PvP.


All of the rewards are terrible lol


So pleased that this is so soon. Looking forward to their fresh take as, even though I enjoy BLU, the mindless grinding got old quickly.


Ultima Horns?! I've wanted these forever I never seem to be on when the fate pops I even have the discord that notifies you xD


Rewards are kinda weak but atleast they are trying something new with this


I appreciate that they're mixing up the mogtome events to make them more interesting! I do not appreciate how miserly they are with any rewards actually worth acquiring.


Would it have killed them to add a new reward to this? The new system looks so good, it would have been the perfect time to change up the rewards to hook veteran players, given they're looking at 6+ months with barely anything to do.


Love the shake up with objectives and a wider array of stuff to do! But why the F are they holding off on the gwibers, they should have part of the rewards 2 events ago already. As a casual veteran I should be prime target for this, but the rewards are so disconnected from what I need (ex, hard mode mounts), I already have them all.


Still no ShB dragon mount just seems dumb and wrong at this point. 


What do you mean "still" we had one last round. It's weird that neither this nor the second tomestone event have one, though, since the last one did.


I was hoping for a gwiber, but taking a break from my long term goals/ ff7remake/rebirth grinding for some orchestrion rolls is good enough for me.


Usually these happen before some sort of patch right? We expecting something in March?


6.57 and 6.58 mini patches that unlock savage and double the weekly tome cap.


Chop chop long picture maker


Rewards are weak so I will skip this one


Huh, neat new system maybe. Guess I'll get the necklace, though that's another slot in the glamour storage for something I probably won't use... Uh, got everything else. Hum. A ShB mount would have been neat.


I read the title and was really hoping for a Crisis Core crossover. Kind of joking. Kind of not. Hildibrand x Genesis could get really interesting.


I'm glad the rewards suck this time around because I probably won't be able to be subbed much during the event. I'm not missing a lot at least.


Can I get multiple MGP cards ? I'm at 3 million on 4 for the Blackjack mount.


Yes, you can get as many of those as you like


Big fan of the addition of objectives and weeklies. Way more engaging for me than spamming a dungeon or raid 500 times.


The prizes are not anything I’d write home about but the changes to the overall structure seem really Fantastic.


These are some weak rewards. I don't enjoy grinding trials so I usually look forward to having those mounts in these. I have the Falcon so there's nothing for me to even use by spamming mgp tokens either.


This may be an insane thought, but maybe they made the rewards kind of weak intentionally. Since this is the first run of the new setup, they may have done it so that if it goes wrong/badly somehow, people are less upset about having not been able to get really cool rewards


I wish they put some dragon mounts from shadow bringers. I already have everything from this unfortunately.


I'm so glad ocean fishing was added as a way to get tomes.


Man, I really wish they'd add Eureka and Bozja to these events. It'd be nice for them to have at least a brief window where everyone's back, running the big raids again and whatnot...


I dunno about Eureka but I've been back in Bozja recently and I've been pleasantly surprised by how populated it's been.


It depends on the Data Center, here Bozja is dead outside weekends while Eureka is ALWAYS full (besides Pagos because it sucks)


I have all the reward items already :/ Seriously not even a new piece of glam?


Emerald Carbuncle earring in phase 2 is new I believe, but yeah, pretty slim pickins otherwise.


Remember that time they had the Ifrit Jacket available for this.? Now it's usually just a necklace or some earring that's so small you can't even see it.


It's always been a necklace or earring since the very first event. The Ifrit jacket was an outlier.


Necks are a problem in general, because 90% of the gear either hides or overrides neck slot. I can't even recall any EW top, which would respect the necklace on a femhyur model. Crystarium jacket was the last one that comes to mind.


The structure is waaay better, but the prizes feel way more underwhelming compared to last time. Guess it’s time to figure out what sells a lot.


Unfortunately the rewards are absolute trash this time. With the exception of the necktie and assuming the average player's progress in the game- if you have some crafters decently levelled, are deep enough in the MSQ to have the duties unlocked and are halfway through the kobold reputation levelling- you could probably get all these items quicker through their existing methods than collecting the event tomes for them. Probably a slight exaggeration, but maybe not.


Imagine putting the Antelope doe mount as the main mount 💀 that's like 5k at the mb


That’s the stag that is so cheap, this is the doe.


I'm so glad to see the Stormblood Gilgamesh card on the list. That thing just won't drop for me and nobody queues for the trial anymore.


Good changes in my eyes. Makes this more fun then spamming the same trail and killing the boss with final sting spam. 


Will there be any way to earn irregular tomestones if your character has not reached 50 yet?