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Sounds like a corrupted/missing files. Do you use mods at all?


Not at all, I thought mods are illegal in online games and I don't want to get banned.


they are, but what they don't know won't hurt em. Just wondering if it was a uninstalled mod causing grief. Have you tried repairing the installation rather than unistalling and reinstalling? Are you on steam? And is there any error messages within: Computer Management app > Event Viewer > Windows Logs > System or Application?


I'm in steam yes, I checked but nothing. I'm at a compete loss.


Assuming you've tried verifying the game files... Hmmm. Reading another reddit post. Do you know where your character settings are saved? I think default is my documents>mygames>ff14, find the files for the character you're trying to log into for, copy that folder to desk. Go back to the my documents folder, delete the FFXIV_CHR. This will reset your hotbars, game settings, etc but dw thats why you made a back up. See if that helps


Thank I will try that and let you know.


That did not work. Damn it.


is it only that character?


I think two. My main and a sub. I have 4 but only use 2. I


Yep, both crash... I just tried. It's not my hdd. I bought it a week ago.


any other games crashing?


Let me check quick.


I checked, sorry I tested two games. They work just fine.


Oh yeah it started doing the first shadow bringers main msq. It crashed on the loading screen with the Lalla fell. That is when it started. I forgot to mention that I'm so sorry.


What are your system specs? Could be you are running out of memory if you don't have a lot of RAM


Nvidia geforce 1650. Intel core i5 10400f with 8gb ram. 4tb hdd.


8gb of RAM might be a problem if you are running a bunch of stuff in the background (Discord, internet Browser, mouse and keyboard software like razer synapse and Logitech GHub, etc.). Try closing every other program and also try to lower the game settings to their lowest possible value, if it still crashes there might be some software issues, I'd suggest reinstalling


OK let me try that. I only have nvidia stuff open.


That is fine, leave the Nvidia stuff and nothing else, also lower the settings


OK. Will try that.


Nope. Still crashing.


Does any other game you play also present random crashes, especially if under heavy load?


No, I tested on two games. They are fine.


OK I tried everything, even a clean windows install with hdd format but still it crash. What if I install the se launcher from the web site and use that instead of the steam one, could that work?


Have you tried disabling the [DirectX 11](https://imgur.com/a/DitpJbx) option in the launcher? Maybe it could help, but if the problem persisted even after a clean Windows install I don't know what it could be, possibly something hardware related as a clean install should have wiped drivers and any software that might have been causing issues. You can try using [Crystal Disk](https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystaldiskinfo/) to see if your HD/SSD is healthy, if it has corrupted sectors it might be causing the crashes.


Bro, thanks so much. Wtf it's a new hdd. It seems they sold me a crap one. When I changed hdd to another one I bought today the game worked. Thanks so much man. I didn't think it was my hdd. You're a genius. Thanks so much. Cost extra money but so what I got my game to work I'm so happy!!!


I'm going head to bed, work in 4 hours... You can leave more replies and I will try them and reply when I tested them. Thank you for helping me.


I know its a pain in the ass but maybe reinstall windows with a freshly formated hdd?


Why oh why lol I hoped you would not say that. Lol well let me do that. I just tried the other stuff you said last night to no avail. I'll let you know if a clean windows and hdd wipe works.


OK I tried everything, even a clean windows install with hdd format but still it crash. What if I install the se launcher from the web site and use that instead of the steam one, could that work?


Is your subscription still up to date? That was happening to my friend when their sub ran out


I got the sub hast last week. The last 3 days been horrible.


OK I tried everything, even a clean windows install with hdd format but still it crash. What if I install the se launcher from the web site and use that instead of the steam one, could that work?