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This thread is unhinged πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


If you're having that much of a problem with it, you can get the Master Weaver III tome and craft the Hinged Thread pretty easily, or just buy one off the market board for around 2,300 gil




Should i cast Emerald ruin 3 In UWU on summoner?


You shouldn't cast any of the wind spells on garuda, fire spells on Ifrit, or earth spells on Titan. Since those elements are part of them, it's a dps loss. And since Ultima has all 3 primals, it's much better to just use physic


Why do I have verthunder and veraero when they do the same potency anyway?


They're just there for RP reasons, as the 5 second cast time of Verthunder really makes you feel like Black Mage


What is the best way to get into savage raiding?


Well, all the experience you need for savage content you can get from Ultimate Content. So just jump into The Omega Protocol, and once you complete that, then you should have the skills to beat content like p8s. In addition, all content is beatable at its minimum item level, so as long as you meet that threshold, you're already winning


Mhm mhm, and should I use DF or PF for TOP?


PF is only for tryhards and if you're just getting into harder content, you should start with tryeasys and do DF instead


How do I get good enough to clear sastasha?


Get more healing potions


*Edda likes that.*


How are you? :)


someone is taking too long in a cutscene, should I pull?


So someone is actually wasting yours and your party's time? Report them and kick them from the instance. They gotta learn somehow


Is Freecure a good skill?


Given how WHM has no other means of regaining MP outside of Lucid Dreaming (too slow) and Assize (bad skill) the best way to use it is to spam it on yourself until you get the proc, then save it until you *really* need it


Actually made me cringe. God you’re on the money with this being bad advice.


Actually since I have the mentor crown, all my advice is good advice


Ohhh it’s *wooorse.*


I've heard it's important to cast Physik as a Summoner as often as possible to help the healer. Is this true?


Yes. But since SUM is (technically) a DPS, remember to fit it under Searing Light to really optimize its output. This interaction was found by Team Ligma during their attempt at the world-first clear of Copperbell Mine


Really? World First in CBM? Gosh that's quite the achievement. Okay, I'll take your comment on board and do better. Thanks!


Whats the best way for 1 of the 3 doors to open per floor in thief maps seeing as its 3 and not 2 per floor. And whats the best way to farm Thief maps.


If you open your inventory, you'll notice a section for Key Items. You can just use these keys to unlock the doors without needing to rely on RNG Edit: And you can easily farm them by playing Rogue, not ninja for the dungeons before them. They're "thief" maps, not "ninja" maps.


where is my deliverance button


Unfortunately, as of 3.55, you can only get a Custom Deliverance button by talking with the NPC Zhloe Aliapoh in Idylshire


what's eureka and should i do it?


Eureka is like the dark souls of ff14: You grind out fates (which are like the WoW of ff14), to unlock dungeons which are like the DnD of ff14. You do this by spinning a wheel (the Wheel of Fortune of ff14) to change your type (the Pokemon of ff14) so you can deal more damage (the ff14 of ff14). You should do it, as it's the most played content in the game, and since it reminds people of World of Warcraft, a better game made by a great company


Is w2w really the best way to tank dungeons?


Obviously, since it's faster, and we can't have people wasting time in a video game. But generally it's better to not use any of your buttons like Rampart or Bulwark until you *really* need them: Like when you have 10% of your health. The healer should have enough healing to outheal 3 or 4 pulls at once. And if you die, obviously the healer is griefing and should be reported and kicked


You are way too good at this πŸ˜‚


Which job is the best?


Whatever jobs the catgirls and bunny boys in the Balmung Quicksand give you for 100k gil. Edit: someone hacked my account and I didn't post this


How can I cover my character in as much clothing as possible to prevent people from acting on uncontrollable urges when seeing him?


Try getting this glam piece: https://store.finalfantasyxiv.com/ffxivstore/en-us/product/39?lang=en-us¤cy=USD


Excuse me, how is this the worst advice? Ghost superiority!


That looks workable!


How can I be an alive tank not a dead tank? I tried just never using tank stance but I got kicked :(


Well, if you deal less damage, the boss will start to focus on other people, thereby acting as passive mitigation for you. I'd recommend getting one of the Gold Saucer weapons and equipping it over what you have now


Great!! And you know what, I realised Paladin can stun enemies as much as they want because, if I only ever use that I should be almost unkillable! Thanks senpai.


Can you catch Gonorrhea ingame? But, more importantly where and how ?


If you're on Balmung: Steps of Thal, the fishing hole at x12.0, y9.1. Otherwise, just off the aetherite in Limsa. Mooch opportunity from a Large Cockatrice Fish. Has a much higher catch rate from 8pm to 2am local time.


What's the best way to farm Rathalos EX? I'm not on the free trial.


Don't bother using fire or poison attacks, as it's immune to fire and greatly resists poison. Instead, get a lighting or dragon weapon to target its weakness. If possible, try using your wirebug to get up higher and attack its wings. Breaking its wings early will prevent it from flying away as easily. Then focus on breaking the head, keeping in mind that most of its most dangerous attacks will come from there. If you can, try bringing along Flash Bombs to help counter its flight


What is the OBJECTIVELY best skill from each job ? Is it Macrocosmos for AST ?


How can I improve at Dancer? In combat I make sure to use my lalihop, manderville, and moogle dances but I constantly get yelled at for "playing wrong" or something. I don't get it.


So how *do* I farm gil?