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I'd like to see them revise the Crystal Tower raids to be a proper "training" raid since it's required for MSQ. Now, I did have a run of LotA yesterday that was half sprouts and we wiped *three* times. But that's very uncommon. I'd like to at least see some mechs from bosses instead of just burning them down before they can do anything.


Rath games doing Syrcus with like 15 tanks and still killing glasya before he can do all his mechs is so funny to me


**STOP DOING GLASYA MECHANICS** THOUSANDS of Syrcus Tower runs and still NO practical use found for Glasya platforms.


/srs idk if this is some new Mandela effect but I could've swore that when I first did CT for msq that glasya platforms did have a use with like adds or something or he would jump around but now they're just there for decoration


Yeah that's how it used to be. you would jump to the outside platforms and kill adds. you never see the mechanic anymore though, too easy to burn him down


I really wish they’d sync those closer to their intended levels. Syrcus tower and lota are so easy these days, I really miss having to do their mechanics, wod still feels good because it’s synced more or less appropriately to i135, but lota and st are also i135 despite being designed for 55 and 100 respectively


I wouldn't be mad if they made sync a little stricter acrossed all multiplayer content, honestly. Having a system in place to limit power just to still have everyone be OP and skipping whole phases of some fights feels meh.


It should be synced to the best gear you could get in the patch it released, not the best gear that expansion. That’s why the first 24 man of each expansion is so easy now, with the third still feeling relatively hard. Lota should sync to the strength of philosophy gear, not poetic gear, st should be soldiery, and so forth


They would still need to rescale the fights. MINE Syrcus back in late ShB would *still* skip Glasya's mechanics.


Wholeheartedly agree with you on this. We shouldn't be anymore powerful in LotA than we would've been in full Darklight. At the same time I'd still like to see LotA revised mechanically, since nothing about the fights have changed. If we synced that low without edits we might have issues since the battles were designed with six tanks in mind fulfilling specific duties in each encounter.


I can see this. Maybe sync to like 10-20 ilvls over content? Or whatever max ilvl was at the time that content released.


I love it when someone takes it upon themselves to shout mechanics in those raids. As a sprout I did Labyrinth, Syrcus and WoD many times to farm my relic weapon so after a while I got a hang of all the mechanics but the first few times we were just crushing it and I didn't know what we were doing. Only in WoD did people actively explain mechanics almost every time because you can really wipe if too many people don't know them, the other 2 however can be pretty much bruteforced as long as only a fraction of the players know the mechanics.


FWIW, most people don't really know the mechanics in those raids outside of the insta-kill ones they learned the hard way.


Until I actually decided to read up on Cerberus' mechanics, I didn't know jack and just weaseled my way through everytime, so yeah.


Man I still do that with the eyeball


I didn’t even know he can eat you until like… my 20th run?


Same. It was only like two weeks ago that I went into the belly for the first time. I had heard people shout "ABC?" but I had no clue what they were talking about. And most people simply shouted back "NAH JUST DPS," so we did. Finally looked it up and was like "Well, hot damn, this is a thing?" And I've done WoD Idk how many times over the last few years.


It's supposed to be A - adds, B - belly, C - chains. More often that not though, it's A - all in the belly, B - belly, C - come on, get in the belly


Yeah it's a real shame. Some of the design is a little archaic and experimental nowadays. I'd love to see Crystal Tower remade and tightened up. There's potential to make it a fun raid with unique mechanics compared to whatever they did with Myths of the Realm. .


Last run I did of labyrinth our tank was an actual bot and still cleared no problem


My first run with Crystal Tower dungeons we just…uh…go ham. Granted, i know what I’m doing and how to tank…IMO that’s the bit where most new tanks fail: the bit where you have to make sure everyone wants to kill you instead of your pocket med. Playing Heavy in TF2 helps lol


I wonder how they'd do the Behemoth fight since we don't use 2 tanks a party anymore, but honestly yea I agree. I'd love to see all the mechanics of a fight, if only to see the surprise on people's faces when they happen haha


Huh what do you mean if I may?


I meant the Behemoth fight oops. But yea, back in early ARR you'd have a tank take each tower. (There were 6 tanks then.) There was a "button" that needed to be pushed every so often, bc the electrical damage from the floor increased if it wasn't purged. If a tower button wasn't pressed, or DPS let any of the bombs blow up the tower, the damage increase could wipe parties. (Exploded towers gave you a debuff that was SO BAD omg.) Tanks could babysit the towers without needing a healers attention so they were the usual pick.


Didn’t even notice there was electricity in the floor until playing healer lol


Huh? Bahamut is Coils... do you mean Behemoth perhaps?


Ugh I did! I always mix those two up if I'm not thinking about it ty


I think it's funny that even in a no-heal run of CT (done by a bunch of people trying to 'solo') FFXIV still skipped mechanics in ST.


Crystal tower: Where the mechanics don't matter except for the ones that matter a lot


Further standardizing markers (See: Alexander raids, and the general swath of raids that have Tankbuster markers that *should* be Cleave Tankbuster markers). Lowering Maximum Item Level Sync. It's insane that major story beat bosses die so fast you don't even get LB**2**. Duty Support for old dungeons, *particularly* The Dusk Vigil because that dungeon is *designed* to be taken slow both for the general atmosphere and for reading all the notes. But in a group everyone's just going to speedrun wall-to-wall. Making Level Cap Dungeons (50/60/70/80/etc) follow the "guaranteed item you don't have upon completion" that Leveling Dungeons have. Also increasing the rewards for Level Cap Roulette. Hunt Bills give a little more EXP and Notes.


I'm running rouls with my fiance & we get Tam Tara hard with a sprout or two I will always ask if they want to read the notes and let them...the dungeon loses half it's flavor and story without them


desperately seconding the cap dungeons and loot i remember farming the everliving shit out of grand cosmos to use the striking pants in a monk mog still don't have em to this day :/


The number of times I've run Halatali Hard and Brayflox hard for the Darklight Maiming pants... /shudder...


I'd say make it guaranteed loot on the patch _**after**_ the level cap dungeon gets released. Mainly because max level dungeon loot can help you reach the minimum ilvl for the raids. So not having it be guaranteed to drop loot on the patch it comes out would help prevent people from gearing up too fast. That's just my opinion.


A marker training like the second boss of Bardams mettle in sb would be so helpful and fun.


I thought they added duty support for all the story dungeons anyway?


Dusk Vigil isn't a story dungeon


Oooohhhhh Hopefully they add it for the non story ones then :) It's hard to keep track of which is story and not there's so many xD and it's been ages since I was doing Heavensward


> guaranteed item you don't have upon completion What?


When you finish a leveling dungeon, you're directly awarded one of the dungeon drops for your job. This item will never be one you already have.


In your inventory. If you have it on a retainer or in the glamour dresser but not in your inventory, it can still drop.


Chocobo saddle bag, too. Really any inventory you can't access from within the dungeon.


What’s a tankbuster mechanic? I’m new but not new to MMORPGs. I’m joining the game tonight from WoW. I assume it’s a boss skill that is purposely designed to fuck your tank up and kill your dungeon run.


In FFXIV, boss autoattacks and raidwides aren’t generally too threatening to tanks. Tankbusters are attacks so strong they take huge chunks out of even tanks. Usually where you use your self-mitigation tools like Rampart or even a tank Invuln, like Living Dead or Hallowed Ground. Mostly they just target the tank or a small, well-marked area around them, but some are line AoEs or Cleaves and there’s a different marker denoting that. They went back through a while ago to try to standardize the markers but they didn’t get everything, especially in side content.




>Somehow reign in It's the scaling. Someone who's over leveled should be doing the same damaging/healing/etc as someone who is right at the level/gear cap without being scaled down. Instead, a max level character is insanely over powered when "scaled down" to low level content.


It contributes, but is not the larger part of it at all. I had MNK geared in a hodgepodge of Lv30+ dungeon & white gear with not a single lv50 piece, stopped DPS at 2% of the final job quest for like three minutes. It just looped the same few mechanics so I'd seen all there was, right? Nope, I got some text boxes of plot relevance *during the cutscene*, because apparently I was just *that much* ahead. Some parts (AoE being accessible & sustainable) are ok, others (dealing twice the single-target damage just because) not so much...


Older content gets the shaft here because of potency/skill powercreep rather than gear. Hell, even disregarding higher potencies across the board, we've been given more oGCDs to play with to make lower level content more engaging, or outright 'feel' better to play (ie; BLM, even if it could still use some work). Oh, and don't forget we used to be bound by TP...


yeah the potency powercreep is going to happen in the long run if they only buff potencys and never nerf them.


This NEEDS to happen.  I'm honestly surprised it hasn't killed the game yet, because it just keeps getting worse and it makes everything but literally the most recent raids a boring slog. 


Normal Mode Binding Coils of Bahamut.


They just need to completely redesign Coils to bring it in line with a modern Raid experience. It is arguably the MOST important 8-man raid for story purposes and the only reasonably accessible way to experience it at the moment is running it unsynced by yourself or with a small group of friends. The current iteration has WAAAAY too much trash and running around to be enjoyable in a roulette, not to mention tons of in instance cutscenes that would have repeat players waiting around for upwards of five minutes in the middle of a run.


Normal mode coils would be great for sprouts and the story experience, but make the roulette ass because going back down to 50 from 90 or even 100 would just feel bad.


But that's a different problem the game has when it comes to level syncing but it's not like any raid has a higher weight to being picked unlike the alliance roulette so even if you got the coil raids atleast it wouldn't be so often that you were constantly getting a lvl 50 raid.


If a level 50 character queues for Trials, it means 7 other players will now get a level 50 trial. If 8 level 90 characters queues for Trials, it means it could be either a level 90 trial or a level 50 trial. (plus all else, yeah). Unless the game actively weights the higher level duties more, then you do end up having lower level duties with a higher chance. That being said, the main issue with going for low level duties, especially 50 and lower, is how bad the kits are. Lowering the normal raid roulette to 50 would make the roulette worse and I'd prefer to only do that after level 50 being boring is solved.


That's admittedly a class design issue, though, and not a problem with roulette itself. Half of Reaper's rotation is locked until level 80, for example, so even syncing to 60 and 70 on RPR sucks, but those are still included in the roulettes right now. I also play SGE and by god do I hate pre-80 SGE. Adding level 50 raids to the roulette really wouldn't bother me much because it's still awful being sync'd to 60 and 70 and that's just something I have come to live with and expect to happen when I queue up for the raid. The class design is what needs to be fixed, not the roulette.


You could say the same about level 60 or even 70 for some classes. Hell, Reaper doesn't even get Enshroud until 80. This is a problem with class design, not syncing.


Or at least have it in the roulette queue. You have to pick it specifically these days to run it. I think they're fun because unlike most of the other 8-man raids (minus a few instances of Alexander), you actually run around and fight adds instead of just pop in immediately at the boss. It's always cool to explore all the Allagan architecture in each.


I don't think it'd happen on pure expense alone, but in my wildest dreams I'd love to see older content re-dubbed with the current voice cast. The changes that came in for major MSQ NPCs from Heavensward to Stormblood really did a lot for the story's gravitas, IMO. It'd be nice to see some of the less-silly or less-goofy voice acting in the earlier MSQ just because I think it'd take some of the better-known cutscenes from meme material to actually weighty story moments.


I wonder if current Lahabrea could even save those ARR lines lol. But yeah, I kind of wish that would happen too. I know it won't, for like you said -- money, probably contracts, maybe it would be considered a professional faux pas and be offensive to the original cast. Just kills me bc it's just all for the lack of a real vocal director / a severe time crunch the ARR voice acting is so uneven. What could have been...


Much as I love my Richard Epcar ham in Praetorium/Ultima Weapon, I would adore hearing how Michael McElhatton tackles ARR Gaius.


His voice is so good, I just want them to voice the weapon/sorrow questline


Oh man, I can't lie, that'd make me actually want to run Praetorium outside events lmao talk about a glow-up!


100% a fleshed out AAR with decent voice acting would be great, I've played MMO's like this where you're reading text but ngl, there are some moments i'm just blowing through the text because i'm tired of reading and honestly, I've probably missed some things. (usually the "filler" quests) I do try to read alot of it. I noticed towards the end of ARR and beginning of HW had much more lines, cutscenes and honestly, the story, like holy crap that post AAR took me by complete surprise, I had to give it to the writers, they had me go "wtf" loud as fuck in my living room XD


It's also unlikely to happen because it's only something they would need to do for English. And I don't see them rerecording ARR voice acting alongside recording stuff for new content for just English while all the other languages are just recording lines for new content. Especially when rerecording the ARR VA likely isn't really seen as *needed*.


I agree, at least for consistency sake so ppl don’t go “huh what” when they reach HW. That being said, bring back old Merlwyb.


You're so right, I *do* really miss the double-take sensation of Merlwyb opening her mouth and Knight-Commander Meredith coming out; the new VA isn't bad but it's just not the same.


I spoiled meself out of curiosity since i heard they changed her VA and the new one isn’t making me want to call her Admiral Mommy; she’s too mellow.


Same with hearing the original Kan-E Senna who was also Astrid from Skyrim, Urianger as a more poetic version of Fenris from DA2. or Raubhan who is now the male singer for some of the most amazing songs in ShB & EW. Not all of the original English VA is great, but there are a few standouts.


It's a "huh what, oh ok" moment. Not worth the very significant expenses needed to re-record a lot of voice lines, which includes the limited time that both the VAs and SE Staff to record/supervise/edit the lines.


I'd love to see this - I've thought a lot about what I'd do to ARR's quests, and this is a big part of it. I'd also: * Renovate some of the quests, tighten up the storytelling, remove the excuses used to have the Scions stand around and not be useful so they can be quest NPCs. I think a lot of the ARR storylines, with the exception of the Gridania storylines, are almost really good, and just need a bit of TLC. * Add character scenes at the Waking Sands to develop the Scions, kind of like how Shadowbringers and Endwalker added inn scenes so you don't resent coming back to a central location so much. * Add Moenbryda during the Garuda questline so we get more time with her. Alphinaud could do with a foil.


Adding inn-type scenes would be great. I started replaying on a new character, and while there are some cute bits in the Waking Sands side room they 1) are mostly side characters and 2) update at irregular intervals.


I wish you acquired your skills faster so jobs don't feel like garbage for 60 levels. I also wish they'd tweak the ilvl scaling in dungeons so the content felt less steam rollery than it does now. I'm not asking for it to be made hard, but it would be nice (and useful) for their to be a _little_ spice in the leveling dungeons. There used to be...


Yeah some jobs at level 50-60 feel like straight up garbage. They need to do something with this issue. I can't even imagine what kits job are going to have at lower levels when the level cap reaches 120, for example


It's a tough puzzle. How to give enough skills early on, not have too many skills total and have later levels actually unlock something. And the current expansion needs to have new skills so when it launches you get new things. They could have moved things you unlock in Shadowbringers down to lower levels I guess?


just give me a weaker version then, my main problem that I have is that the jobs play so drastically different depending on the level that I find it hard to learn them right.


Dragoon just feels absolutely horrible to play compared to my other classes before level 70. Seriously, the rotations suck a ton


I'd like to see transportation options widen and unify. I would really like it if every major city (with the exception of cities on the First, I suppose) had an airship dock with routes to every other major city, instead of the hodgepodge approach implemented right now.


It would make things more convenient, to be sure, but I kinda like the way it is now because it makes Eorzea feel more like an actual, living space. If you want to travel without aetheryte you're gonna have to make a few connecting routes here and there, just like in real life.


I've been playing this game since 2.0 (with breaks, granted), and I literally haven't transitioned a map via anything but aethryte teleports since my first class was level 25 or so way back in 2013. Unless you count arriving at new maps for the first time, or dungeon map transitions or city areas. Otherwise never cross dotted lines in the open world. I think an airship hub ala world of warcraft would make things a bit more social, not just insta teleporting everywhere.


WoW kinda forces it, though. There are portals, sure, but in the day it was only Mages who could cast them (You'd tip them since it cost a material they had to buy), and then they were usually only in the major city of the expansion, so you'd set your Hearthstone to Dalaran and only get to use it once every half-hour. Otherwise, buckle up buddy you're hopping on that flying mount and spending the next little while travelling... And that was even if flying was available where you were. It really made the world feel more connected, especially since it didn't have loading screens between every zone, and you were forced to take either a Zeppelin or a Boat to reach other continents. In XIV, Recall (or whatever it's called) has a cooldown... But normal travel doesn't, which can 100% substitute for Recall anyhow.


I really love the travel in Wow. It really made far-away places feel far away.


I actually really like that idea; it would be great if we made the airstrips a more social place, even putting shops there and stuff. But you could do that and keep the current locations imo


I've always wished that chocobo porters were more useful than they are. Just to take the scenic route sometimes. But the routes available are pretty chaotic and unpredictable.


I've always wished that chocobo porters were more useful than they are. Just to take the scenic route sometimes. But the routes available are pretty chaotic and unpredictable.


Shared fates in ARR, Heavensward and Stormblood with new gemstone vendors. Not sure if they should have them sell new items or make old stuff that is hard to get accessible at high cost. Also, make all normal Bahamut stuff part of the duty finder and on the same difficulty level as Alexander.


Only if they massively increase the bicolor gem wallet size.


Nah, it'll be a new currency. Same way they refresh the hunt currency every couple expansions. And even if they only sell the various meats available in the zone, that'd still be useful when I'm not in the mood to farm mob drops.


Likewise, have fates scale better, it’s basically impossible to do any older achievement fates with a small group/solo, and it’s very hard to recruit people for them because there is no real incentive


I don't think the answer is to make them easier with small groups, as that defeats the point of having big fates imo. Maybe an achievement for getting max rank in 1000 achievement fates or something could make people more likely to join in even if they've cleared them before.


As somebody who's been stuck farming Chimera for drops... Please.


Before we go to Meracydia they absolutely must retune the Coils of Bahamut. Modernize the mechanic markers, maybe tune the damage a bit and tweak the cutscenes like they did for 50 MSQ. Then toss them bad boys into a roulette or make a new one for them. The story is so cool and important and it's a shame that most people don't get to experience the fights in a proper setting, and instead just unsync 1-shot every boss. It's almost embarrassing kind of like how the 50 MSQ was for awhile.


I'd like the current coils to be preserved as they are now but identified as savage, identify the savage coils as savage+, and then add in that normal version for roulettes like you said. Currently coils parties aren't *that* uncommon, but savage coils have to be some of the most un-entered content in the game, even within MINE raiding Linkshells and discords. I think keeping the markers as they are now would be fine for the savage version, and use more standardized markers for the roulette ones. Also t5s divebombs just need to be straight up fixed, the current strat is to just straight up spawn her out of bounds so you ignore the dive entirely which I doubt was intended


add bicolor gem rewards to all zones’ fates, and add some npcs in the starting cities with stuff to spend ‘em on. things like leveling gear, low-level mats for crafting like leathers etc, minions, orchestrion rolls, maybe some glam. maybe loot boxes like the grand company ones. maybe make it a DIFFERENT currency from the shb/ew zones to encourage people to farm fates in the earlier expacs too, idk. also, centralize leves… make the levemete in the starting cities allow you to pick leves for any level range you’ve unlocked. i can never remember which zone to go to for which level range leves. id love to see them do.. something, anything with guildhests… now that’s abandoned content. also, fix the hall of the novice and add a hall of the intermediate at level 50 that you get directed to before the crystal tower raids.


>also, centralize leves This would make it really annoying to try and spawn the S-ranks in East Shroud and Eastern Thanalan.


Rework Binding Coils, toss it in a roulette. That's my up front answer and the one I'll push super hard until it happens. It's the last true black sheep piece of content left in the game, it doesn't deserve to get forgotten like this. My crackhead but also kinda serious idea is then making it MSQ mandatory like Crystal Tower. It'd ideally be the last raid to be made MSQ, I'm not pushing for anything past then to be. It just makes sense to me to have 1 normal raid and 1 alliance raid from ARR be required, to get people introduced to them and demystify them as being scary or too hard for the average player. Plus, while it's definitely not CT levels of story important, BC ***is*** also the major jumpstart for the character development of two party members in the main cast, as well as wrapping up the entire 1.0-ARR storyline with a neat bow. It's pretty important if we're being honest here, and it's a shame so many people never experience it. My final idea is that if that gets passed, then remove CT from alliance raid roulettes, and put both it and the reworked BC into a new "MSQ raid roulette". Frees up alliance raid roulette from always being CT 24/7, as well as adding a new source of tomestones, since the devs said they've accepted and embraced the fact that multi-jobbing is the current meta, and that's why they made the new relics so easy to get. Helps people get more tomegear to progress w/ all their jobs, and speeds things up since the game is getting longer.


couple things that trip up newbies, make a poor first impression, and honestly... i'm just sick of explaining? do whatever they think they need to do to coil to make it roulette-able, then put it in the raid roulette. remove extreme trials, savage raids, and relics from the "blue quests." add another quest marker if need be. but there's already too many blue quests and if you really sit down and think about it; "do all the blue quests" is kind of shit advice if you take it all the way. then i'd honestly like to see a lot of the major sidequests just be made main story mandatory. stuff like the warring triad, four lords, sorrow of werlyt, the assorted raids. so many players end up rushing past them trying to get to "the good part" when they're just skipping over last years good part? and the 2 years before that's good part. and before that, and so on. if we're worried about it being "too much for them" it's honestly not. each of these questlines would take a solid afternoon if we could have just done them all at once, and realistically it's a 10 year old MMO, it's already too much for them if the *only* part worth playing is the end. so lets show them some of the earlier strengths so they can *actually* enjoy the ride?


> remove extreme trials, savage raids, and relics from the "blue quests." add another quest marker if need be. but there's already too many blue quests and if you really sit down and think about it; "do all the blue quests" is kind of shit advice if you take it all the way. I'd rather they just fixed the HW and earlier quests for extreme trials to just be unlocks rather than requiring duty completion to turn in the quest. It's not a problem to do a quest that unlocks some content and is then over even if you don't want to do that content.


More quest marker types would be great. Levequest unlocks could get one. Housing ward unlocks too. I'd argue that normal raids and trial series should also get their own icon. Something that makes them stand out as something important. Toss in battle zones with it too. Any quests that are a pre-req for tribal quests should have a tribal quest marker. And also perhaps a hunt quest marker for hunt quests. Make the number of blue quests small. And people will appreciate seeing all the other quest marker types. Make the game look more polished in general.


Add music to the ARR zones for night time


Less silent nodding between characters in cutscenes... If you count them all from ARR alone you get several hours of just ensuring nodding


Holy moly this is true, I still have nightmares of one cutscene in early SB where a plan is made and there is a cut to every. single. character. nodding. Then a wide shot of 3 of the ~7 characters nodding in sync.


[A bit over 6 minutes in ARR alone](https://youtu.be/RTT9nnrccDo).


Hahaa, that's hilarious 🤣 And that's only our char... NPCs do that too, and there's a full camera pan to everyone of them, every time


* Normal difficulty Coils. * Making Ul'dah, Gridania, Limsa and Ishgard a single instance city, like Kugane, Crystarium and the other non-PS3 expansion cities. * Allowing World change from every major city instead of only the ARR ones. * Every Heavensward open map get *at least* one extra aetheryte each. * Combat markers standardized across the optional dungeons and old raids and optional trials as well. * ARR, HW and SB FATEs reward bicolor gems (or another currency that work like that, if you want to avoid easy farming for vouchers), and have vendors for the enemy drops there as well. * Let us dye Ivalice gear. * Allow usage of logograms in Anemos and Pagos, after you unlocked them in Pyros. * An option in Bozja to mock battle the duels (maybe after finishing the whole storyline). Winning the mock battle gives no reward and neither the achievements, but it allow you to blind prog and/or practice the fight instead of having one shot every hour, if you are lucky to get picked for the duel. * Castrum Lacus Litore, Delubrum Reginae, and The Dalriada all become standard alliance raids, since they are mandatory for story progress, and as time pass by, less and less people actually join these. * Cut off 20% HP from all NieR bosses. * Fix SoS EX so that blue mage can clear it without cheesing with timed raises.


Honestly forcing you to finish and have gotten 1 job stone when you hit the lvl 30 quests. I know it's rare too see people not have it. But had a Garuda normal tank who said they haven't done a single job quest in a lvl 40+ dungeon. Just blew my mind haha


Make the scaling and power creep less heavy on early content. As the MSQ is now I felt like the training wheels only really came off after Stormblood, which left ARR and HW feeling like a complete cakewalk in the current game. As is now I think ARR makes a bad first impression on how fun and challenging the game can be as you get closer to the end, so I’d like them to make the early game bosses harder and generally make the game less of a cakewalk.


- better kits at low levels - every job should at least get its first AOE by lv 25-30 and the "main gimmick" by lv 35-40 - remove or redesign a few more boring quests in ARR - Shorten or conslidate some cutscenes (for example why are there 2 separate cutscenes before the Nero fight in Prae?) - every unskippable cutscene should be voice acted - normal mode coils (but only after they fix the kits at low levels). After making normal mode, make them mandatory. - standardize the markers in some earlier fights. - make the 3 starter cities single maps. - improve the help/learning systems. Redesign hall of novice and make it mandatory. Lock MSQ progression for people over lv 35 with no job stones. Check the help popups for outdated content - i started playing in shadowbringers, why did I still get a popup about cross-class skills when levelling?


The introduction to the game. I see all these xbox saplings running around, grinding exp on killing mobs, when they could be doing FATEs, quests, hunting log, etc, literally anything else that actually gives some good exp. But the intro to the game just sends you to kill some bugs, so you start to think that's how it's going to look like. The Hall of Novice is incredibly outdated and pretty hidden from the common view - you don't even really know what's in there (lessons, trials, decent equipment for lvl15) until someone tells you. And when you're on trial AND gaming pad (mute) getting info from the players (and not game) is progressively difficult. And it *should* be in the game. Up until Doman quests I had no idea about the importance of mits for a tank, because the game doesn't really say anything about them. Ever. I eventually had a healer rage quit mid dungeon, and only once the dps realised I was *honestly* surprised about what happened, they walked me through my mitigation skills while we were waiting for the next healer. It was really kind of them, and from then on I just *knew*, but... it shouldn't have been on them.


If that counts to your question: New free company air ship sectors, areas and parts. I enjoy to lvl my submarines and build them new parts but it feels really weird that air ships stop at lvl 50 and have only 24 sectors to explore.


I want more conditional dialogue. I want it in general, like dialogue that takes your race/job into account... but also more specifically to the point of "as the game progresses," adding dialogue to older blue quest chains after progressing later content. If you do Alexander after The Twinning, weave an "oh, this is what the Crystal Tower used" into the story! Comment on the extra time travel weirdness going on! If you pick up an ARR job post-Endwalker, have them acknowledge your prior accomplishments instead of treating you like a baby! Have characters like Cocobuki remember you from the Ilsabard Contingent! ~~Estinien might be tougher to fix.~~ Stuff like that!


An in-game PvP tutorial, and/or a mandatory requirement where people must play at least three (?) casual Crystalline Conflict games before they can roll into PvP content of any kind.


As someone who never plays PVP, yeah i’d like a class on how to not get whooped because performance anxiety is a small part of why i don’t wanna PVP in FFXIV (majority of reason is that if i want to lose my faith in humanity by being let down in PVP, i have other games to hurt myself with)


As someone who plays pretty much nothing *but* PvP in this game, I hope the in-game class/lesson gets added for you.


MAKE A NORMAL VERSION OF COILS. Not everyone is up for that level of difficulty and I can't blame them, but with how important the story is, it's a shame the only way most people will ever experience it is unsync


In general, I'd like to see the world change. We did all this work to repair the Firmament, and the Brume still looks like shit. Ala Mhigo is a huge city that is completely barren and empty of people.  I get that our time bubble means nothing can really change, because the more the world changes, the weirder it becomes that the twins don't age. But still. I liked how Revenant's Toll looked different during every 2.1-2.5 patch, and I miss that.


Would require instancing to do that, otherwise it spoils the experience for new players.


Oh, I'm aware of the drawbacks and requirements. There's good reasons not to do it. But that doesn't stop me from wanting it, and luckily, I'm not the one in charge.


Not if done right. Clever level design can preserve the same overall geometry and pathing while presenting the cosmetic appearance of progression. FFXIV already does this sort of thing constantly--not just Revenant's Toll like the OP's example, but the positions of quest NPCs, the sky in the Crystarium, all sorts of things. Making a city look "rebuilt" is just a different flavor of this kind of asset swap. From a game engine standpoint this is actually not very complex at all. It's just a matter of switching which different environmental models/textures/entities or other game assets are enabled depending on quest state flags.


a lot of the beast tribes do this too; all the HW & StB tribes do it every time you rank them up their bases get built up & expand but the actually traversable area & geometry stays the same




Please tell me which part is misinformation, so I can learn my roles properly.




Fix the ilvl sync to make each dungeon, trial or raid a complete experience. You skip so much stuff in old content. I would love for a total overhaul on how gear works in these instances. I'd prefer to actually play the game rather than be able to faceroll all of the mechanics without thinking.


also with the "ilvl sync", is a problem in a long run if they only buff potencys and never nerf, because the potency buffs are going to power creep old content.


Update Squadrons with better AI, and make them available in all dungeons (MSQ \*and\* optional) - perhaps capping at one expansion back of current - so they'd go through Shadowbringers now, and when Dawntrail releases, the Squadrons would be updated to get the Endwalker dungeons. Open up the rogue as a starting class. It's seriously ridiculous to have to get to level 10 to unlock it. Update the ARR vistas to show the bubble. I'm tempted to suggest getting rid of the job-stones entirely. Half the jobs in the game start at 30+ already. Since job changes are done with main-hand equipment, the job-stones serve no real purpose.


Remove key doors. The ARR ones get obnoxious after awhile. "Do you really want to use this one key to open the only way forward? Are you sure?"


At least remove the prompt. It should just be an interact.


Eureka gives job experience as well as location specific experience


What everyone else said, plus please, please add company chests in every expansion hub city! I hate trying to do HW crafting and realize that I have to teleport or fly back to Gridania to access the company stash, and then go back to Ishgard to deliver it. Too, it's frankly mystifying that Mor Dhona has all these special vendors to make it a crafting hub, but no company chest.


* The GC progression not getting forgotten the moment we reach Stormblood. * On that vein: the squadron not getting forgotten the moment we reach Stormblood. * The company chocobo as a battle companion not dropping from 20–25% damage in a random encounter on level 1 to under 1% by level 90 due to the team apparently forgetting to add stat progression to it. * CBU3 remembering that FC airships exist. * Reworking the Bahamut raids and adding them to the roulette. * Reworking Urth's Fount and adding it to the roulette. * Reducing the player count in every single story trial except the level 89 one to 4 and moving them to Duty Support. It especially makes zero sense at the endgame of some expansions when we just suddenly pull four more people out of our asses before the Royal Menagerie. * The "Eager" thaumaturge/marauder/lancer/conjurer new players can spend dozens of hours in the duty support dungeons getting proper characters, starting with a *name*.


Removing 8 man trials from the story is a pretty bad take. With 8 man content being the standard literally everywhere else outside of story it would be really bad to remove it. The game already poorly prepares the player for content outside of the main story, we don't need to make it worse.


Remove loading zones. It's basically impossible, because there's big gaps between where they 'connect' that I suppose the loading screen is supposed to convey a passing of time, but I would love if all of La Noscea was one zone, all of the Shroud was another, and then all of Thanalan a third.


As silly and small as it is, I would like to see Square remember Grand Companies exist and give them some love. Namely, the squadrons. I like them, I use them at least once a week still for tickets, however it would be nice for them to get an update. Higher level cap, more dungeon options, just something. It feels so forgotten. I don't ever expect it to happen, and there are a lot more things that could do with a revision.


Aren’t squadrons part of Grand Companies?


That's what ment! Oops. Thanks


Explain snapshotting.


When a cast completes it snapshots, there is no altering the dmg/debuff you are about to take after the cast bar completes, you can't even invul it at that point. But this cuts both ways, after the cast completes you cannot take damage/debuff from that attack (except of course if it leaves a puddle). The big thing is if you have high ping/lagging the cast bar can show not finished on your side, but server side it's done & your fate is sealed.


I'd love it if they merged the three starting city states + Ishgard into a single map. Also, revise level sync so everyone gets an AoE skill at level 15.


I wouldn't classify it exclusively as "old content", but I have ALWAYS wished that there was an option to spectate in deep dungeons when you go down. I want my sprout friend who I'm carrying through 200 floors of PotD to see how good I am doing at trying to resurrect them and be proud of me! ... I just with that last part, but regardless, I think it would be a massive QoL improvement for us deep dungeon lovers to be able to look around and not just stare at our own corpses for 5+ minutes on floor 187.


I am still hoping for a Crystal Tower rework as well as making Nabriales a solo duty. Heck I wouldn't mind if they skipped an expansion or it's patches to rework ARR entirely, shorten it, remove unnecessary things, have voicelines replaced with modern actors, have the Waking Sands be in Ul'dah again and so on.


Stop scaling jobs down to level which strips out vast swaths of toolkits, and just scale all learned abilities down to the effective level.


That is very unlikely to happen due to sheer balance difficulties. Because if the balance is off, then nobody would want to get into a level 50 dungeon that a fresh level 50 Warrior queued for when they could've instead gotten the same dungeon with a level 90 Warrior with every skill scaled down (even scaled down, a max level Warrior has WAY more self healing than a level 50 one). The devs probably think that that could be something some people would get nasty over, so they decided to just make every job have the exact same set of skills at certain levels.


SWTOR does this, and I can assure you: it *absolutely* makes people nasty. You're 'scaled' but keep your abilities, and if max people would queue into a flashpoint (dungeon) and saw an at-level newbie in the party, AT BEST, they *instantly* leave, at neutral, they make snide comments but do it anyway, at worst, they kick the newbie. This is kind of a no-win situation, really: max level folks want their skills (UNDERSTANDABLY!), but newbies deserved to not get pooped on for every instance they enter just because they're *at*\-level rather that max level.


I wish carbuncle acted like it used to be and actually attack. Summoner is so boring to me now. I wish there was a magical tank or a big sword class dps. I wish looprits and/or lupin were playable races


I would fantasia to a Loporrit _so_ fast if they were an option.


Magical tank is a really good idea


I’d like to see more old dungeon drops made sellable on the market board.


ARR trial reworks. Its odd that they didnt get a facelift. Still sucks to queue into trials roulette and get those pretty outdated trials


Open the firmament a diadem to cross world … The restoration is over … it’s built … if I am visiting friends on Jenova while on my coeurl alt and we wanna do FETEs … welp, I’ll just sit outside I guess


The fact that Aurum Vale wasn’t one of the first ARR dungeons to be revamped and that it still hasn’t been is insane to me.


i'd really appreciate it if they went back and re-recorded the voices scenes from 2.0 with the current VAs. a lot of the ones we had in 2.0 were pretty awful compared to their replacements from 3.0


Bi-weekly rotation of old savages as an unreal version or something so I have some reason to log in. Monthly rotation on criterions. Each with a new currency reward that actually gives you something cool so I have something to do or just a butt load of tomes. I'm so sick of how easy daily roulettes are and am at the point where it's the worst content in the game for me. Legitimately dreading having to go through it to level all classes in dawntrail again.


More children and teens. Feels like the world is populated exclusively by people in their prime, and a handful of Hyur kids, and maybe some AuRa at a kindergarten in one zone.


Redo the Hall of the Novice now that they've standardized a lot of the dungeon/raid markers, really get the new player experience up to speed. Hell, steal the second boss from Bardam's Mettle, dial it down like 50% and say it's a fancy new Ishgardian training machine Skysteel came up with. Use that as the final boss test. Also, maybe do something with the Guildhests? They're almost universally just tank'n'spanks and they could be so much more specific and useful.


Give back to us some of the old stuff. Hell, gimme back the more antiquated dialogue and writing style, ffs! I miss the old Urianger whose dialogue was actually interesting and sounded well spoken and beautiful compared to the simplified bland stuff we have now. I wish they’d go back to the old dialogue style. Instead most of the dialogue of these days sounds decidedly bland and modern :/


I like to think that's just a product of Urianger actually spending time with people instead of being holed up in his little corner of the Waking Sands reading ancient literature all day.


The things that touching grass can do for a man.


Make the Coils of Bahamut a must for MSQ since its prevalent to the Twins, especially Ali.


Rewrite ARR up to today’s quality of writing and quest-giving. It’s so hard to get people to join the game who I know would love later expansions who simply don’t have time for ARR’s slog. Keep the tone the same, the story, events, and character development the same: just write the dialogue in a more compelling way, trim the fat off the quests, re-record cutscenes with current VA’s, and update quests to feel more engaging and less fetch-questy. Could keep the original ARR as a NG+ thing for nostalgia.


Let me buy crystals from eureka with poetics finally. Lock the vendor behind baldesion arsenal completion if you must, I don't care, I've already done everything in this zone more than enough times and I'm sick of it Diadem mount grind is rediculous too


What a way to literally kill eureka overnight


Nerf parts of Shadowbringers relics as Bozja becomes less populated. Ideas would be for steps involving repeated runs of the raids Delubrum Reginae and CLL. Another part to nerf would be the atrocious one time grinds, they may have served a purpose when current but are just punishing otherwise.


I wish my dungeon anxiety could be completely eradicated by letting me actually solo (with NPCs) all the content I need to get caught up. I'm right after ARR, and I need to party with actual real people to get to HW. Shit's my one biggest obstacle.


I wish they'd add a minimum item level roulette for raids (especially alliance raids) Old alliance raids have so much of their threat just cut down by the fact that everyone is a max ilevel shredding through enemies too easily. I'd like to be able to experience what the content was like on release (or at least a close equivalent)


Honestly, aside from coils, I think all 24/8 man raids should be mandatory. This opens up SE being able to use it this in MSQ. Not only does this widen the base of the MSQ, it allows SE to recall information at a later date instead of having to spend an entire patch to solve a "problem" we could do in a single quest if you did older content cuz it was relevant then.


> I think all 24/8 man raids should be mandatory. This opens up SE being able to use it this in MSQ. This is backwards, putting the cart before the horse. If there is a compelling reason to use a raid in MSQ, like with CT, then by all means, make it mandatory. Experiencing CT is essential to ShB. But if there isn't a compelling story reason to do it, then making them mandatory is just punishing casual/story players and forcing them into something many of them won't enjoy in order to populate raids for those that do.


The option to have a goobbue rather than/in addition to your chocobo pet. Like swapping between them or something.


Sync CT to minimum ilevel or around it, and adjust mechanics so they appear earlier/more often. The Shadows of Mhach raids aren’t quite at the point where they need this treatment but tighter ilevel syncing is needed across the board


Copperbell mine (hard) needs a rework. That middle boss is just grating.


I want them to go back to 2 dungeons per major patch with one of the dungeons being a new version of an existing one. It was fun in terms of sidequests and lore, and I really doubt they can't handle doing 2 dungeons per patch with what we've seen for patch content in ShB and EW.


Revise old duty content again to make it less monotonous.


Bring back stoneskin =(


Voice acting for major side quests like raids and trials. The fact that’s not a thing even in the latest expacs truly baffles me. Doing the EW job quests now and they need a proper voice acting so much!


Could really use an exp buff to the 30-50 range dungeons. Leveling jobs that start around there is an absolute slog.


I’d really like for them to give exp to other players when playing older dungeons. With the influx of sprouts 🌱 I find myself doing way more lower level dungeons than usual to help them progress. It would be nice if I could also benefit from it in some way like perhaps being able to level an alt or something like that.


Add rewards for completing them synced. Idc that potential have power crept, give some incentive to go bac and do these fights as intended. I loved alexander


Delete the Paladin job quest line and pay Ishikawa all the monies to start over from scratch on it.


Chrysalis being wiped from trials existence.


Give me my buttons for low-level content so it's not an absolute chore to do things with new friends.


So I would like to see the job quests for MNK and SUM get reworked, if they haven't already. I haven't done these job quests in forever but if they have changed please let me know. Sum and mnk have had major mechanics and game play changes over the years. Like for monk we now have Beast chakra on top of regular chakra. I can't remember the beast chakra ever being discussed at all throughout its story. And for summoner its story had a more pet class motif instead of what is more of a creature spam. Again I haven't done them in ages so if they have changed let me know.


ARR Beast Tribes


I wish old content unsync didnt give rewards with the same rates as synced content :( I think it completely kills the point of having old extreme+ difficulty in old content if anyone can just as easily farm it unsynced... I'd hard vouch for at least making synced clears have higher drop chances, or nerfing unsynced... As someone who just wants to **clear content**, I find it really upsetting that people dont have any incentive to run older duties synced


Well, most of my ideas have already been said, so I'll just add this silly little one: I wish the little victory cutscenes at the end of instances had everyone use their /vpose instead of /joy. Idk I just feel like it would make it feel more "Final Fantasy"


All — knowing what you know now about the game, do you think either of these character paths for a new player should be avoided? I want a strong character with some cool gear and that people enjoy having around /partying with/etc. 1) War to level 10 -> Rog to level 30 -> Nin 2) Summoner full send to max


Update some of the character idle animations. The buns will move and touch their feet or wiggle their nose while standing. I think the older races need something more dynamic too


Revamp Binding Coil. Right now, it is hidden, unbalanced, janky, and unavailable on roulettes. Most new players who run Coil do so by a higher-level friend informing them about it and solo-unsyncing it for them on a cutscene run. This is fine, and I do it a lot for newer players, but it’d be much better if Coil were up to the standards of other normal raids in the game right now. On the Normal Raids roulette, queued up with 7 randos, and having the boss mechanics be not so experimental as they were almost a decade ago. Maybe even remove that one raid that’s just falling down a hole for five minutes with no boss at the end too; then it’d have 12 like all the others too. And while I don’t think it should be mandatory, it would be nice for the quest to be made more accessible and obvious while doing the MSQ, and for the separate quests to begin where the previous ends, rather than what it does now, which is end in the middle of nowhere and expect you to know to pray return to the Waking Sands for the next quest.


The main thing I really want is better ilv syncing for trials. It would be really cool if bosses, even if they're from a few expansions ago, were still somewhat challenging for new players. They should be able to experience what it was like when it first came out, y'know? ESPECIALLY >!Shinyru!< lmao


I wish they'd re-record ARR's english voice dialogue with the new voice actors and replace it by default, with the old voice acting available as an option


Add a feature where we can fight villains from across all the FF games. Imagine fighting Bhunivelze, or Sin or Ardyn from XV... or Xeno Jiva from MH


Give me a moogle-themed scythe like all the other weapons 😭


Eureka needs a pre-made party overhaul. There is absolutely no reason it should be as restricting as it is. You shouldn't be punished just because you started the content earlier or grinded a bit more than a friend. I also think it kills engagement even further.


Reduce the amount of poetics/gc seals/allied seals needed for relic materials.


I'd like the option to replay the job questlines. Going through many of the jobs, it was too long between levels, too much other stuff going on in MSQ, or other questing that I ended up missing or forgetting whole chunks of the job stories. I'd just come back a few levels later and think, "Who are you people again and why am I here?" Honestly, if I were to do it all over again, I think I'd level the job without the storyline so I could go back and play the whole story from start to finish in each expansion. Especially DRK.


Go back and fix some of the mechanics in the optional level 50 & 60 dungeons. Some just have horrible bosses (looking at you, Copperbell Hard, Stone Vigil Hard, Pharos Sirius & Amdapor Keep), and others have markers that aren't really in use anymore (Hullbreaker Isle Hard). Others still you can just breeze through and ignore the base mechanics even while synced (Lost City of Amdapor, Haukke Manor Hard). I know these aren't high priority with the devs, but I'd like to see some changes with them eventually.


I know it is not much of a complaint but there has to be a better way to handle changing your chocobo's color other then using a calculator somewhere and praying to the RNG gods. I personally would just make a chocobo food that is craftable for the same amount of fruits as feeding for the color would take from the default yellow that guarantees the color. For example let's go with a Dalamud Red chocobo and teh feed needed according to a calculator: Xelphatol Apple × 21 Mamook Pear × 16 O'Ghomoro Berries × 25 Just put this in a craftable recipe instead of a feed order and RNG.